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Judgment (The Alternate Earth Series, Book 3)

Page 7

by S. J. West

  Michael raises his hand in an “ok” gesture and points to Mason and then to himself. He does that a couple of times before I ask, “You want me to describe what you do next to Mason?”

  Michael nods his head.

  “Ok,” I say cautiously, hoping Michael doesn’t expect me to gyrate my hips at Mason.

  I watch Michael closely and explain to Mason exactly what I see.

  “He looks like he’s opening a small box with his hands,” I tell Mason. “He pulls something out and holds it between his index finger and thumb. Now he’s making a hitting motion…no striking motion with it. He’s holding his fingers up like whatever he has in his hand is still there, and now he’s blowing on it. Did you just light a match?” I ask Michael.

  Michael nods his head, pleased with my deduction.

  I turn to look at Mason and notice a pink hue dotting his cheeks in a blush, which I didn’t think was possible.

  “What does a match have to do with anything?” I ask Mason.

  Mason looks over at me with a somewhat shy smile before saying, “Matches. It’s our code word for sex.”

  “Ohhh,” I say, realizing why Mason is blushing now. Michael did, indeed, find a way to pass his message along to Mason without causing me even more embarrassment.

  “Michael,” Mason says, facing where he knows Michael is but, of course, not being able to see him. “Why do you believe my making love to Jess will help her regain her memories?”

  Michael considers Mason thoughtfully while nodding his head.

  “He seems to think you asked a very good question,” I tell Mason.

  “Well, I hope so,” Mason replies, obviously thinking his question was an appropriate one to ask, given the situation.

  “Ok, he’s pointing to you,” I tell Mason, “and to me again. And now he’s… kissing his hand.”

  “The kiss did something?” Mason asks.

  “He’s nodding his head,” I report.

  “How do you know it did something to help Jess, Michael?”

  Michael points to me, and then to himself. He then bumps his two fists together and splays his fingers out.

  “He says it opened up something between him and me,” I tell Mason. “That must be why he tried to make me fly. He thought I would be able to access that part of myself after I kissed you.”

  Michael nods his head, letting me know that I am correct.

  “Well, you were able to allow him to take control of your body,” Mason says, considering this new information as proof of improvement of my condition.

  “Yeah,” I agree, as an uneasy tension begins to build between Mason and me.

  I see Michael waving his arms in the air to gain my attention. I look over at him as he points to me, crosses his chest with his arms, and then points to Mason.

  “I know I love him,” I say. “But it’s still a little awkward, Michael.”

  “Only for you,” Mason tells me, taking my hand. “I would love nothing more than to take you right here and now, but I know you’re not ready for it yet.”

  “I’m almost there,” I tell him. “The feelings are there. I just wish the memories were, too. I know you, but, then again, I don’t. I realize that doesn’t make a lick of sense, but it’s the way I feel.”

  “No, Jess, I understand. I get it. We’ll find a way to make this right for you.”


  “I’ll figure something out,” Mason promises. “Trust me.”

  “I do trust you,” I tell him, stepping into his arms for a hug.

  I just can’t remember you, I think to myself.

  After my near-death experience, the magic of Eden is broken for me. We dress quickly, and I ask Mason to take us back to the castle.

  He phases us directly back into Josh’s computer room, where all hell seems to be breaking loose.

  Well, maybe not hell, but certainly mayhem.

  There are over thirty people packed into the small room. Some of them I recognize and some of them I don’t. There is a beautiful Asian woman standing with Brand, off to the side. They’re talking in hushed tones, and I see her lean in and touch his arm intimately.

  “Is that Brand’s wife?” I ask Mason, nodding toward the pair.

  “No,” Mason replies, “she’s the Empress of China. I think all the commotion means her video is about to air.”

  “What video?”

  “She’s trying to start a worldwide uprising against Ravan. Josh has been working on a video of her speech. We were just waiting for you to bring back some footage of the real Ravan, so everyone can see who she truly is.”

  “You mean a complete bitch.”

  “See?” Mason says, winking at me. “Blunt.”

  “I’m just saying what she is. So this video, do you think anyone will be watching it, considering what’s going on in the world right now? Are there even still functioning satellites in the sky? Seems like all those meteorites I saw after I woke up on the dock would have destroyed them.”

  “Josh is connected to the Dragon Network. It’s Lucian’s way of controlling the media and anything else that’s transmitted over the airways. That line of communication is still functional, for now at least, and can transmit a message to every TV, radio, and computer that’s on in the world. We may not be able to connect with a lot of people, but we really don’t have any other choice. It’s pretty much now or never. I don’t think conditions will get any better here, only worse.”

  “I see you were successful,” Malcolm says, looking pointedly at the sword in Mason’s hand as he and Gabe approach us. “I’m glad to see that Jophiel left the sword here, too.”

  “JoJo was confident that Jophiel did,” Gabe tells me with a smile. His look turns to one of concern for me. “How are you feeling, Jess? Have you recovered any of your memories yet?”

  I shake my head, consumed by an odd sort of guilt because I still can’t remember any of my closest friends.

  “Not yet,” I reluctantly admit, feeling like a complete failure as a human being.

  “Everything will be all right,” Gabe says, making me want to believe him.

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I can see into the future, remember?” Gabe gently reminds me. “I’ve seen you back home, with the newest addition to the Collier family in your arms, and I know that’s a future that will definitely come true.”

  Gabe’s smile looks so self-assured that I can’t help but believe in his vision.

  “And we’re a go, people!” I hear Josh call out to everyone.

  Mason takes my hand, and we turn to watch the holographic monitor above Josh’s workstation.

  Josh turns in his chair to look at Brand. “Should I upload it now?”

  Brand looks down at the Empress of China.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this, Jai Lin?” Brand’s worry for the empress is obvious by the strained expression on his face.

  Jai Lin holds her head up a little higher and nods. “It’s time we stood up to them,” she declares to everyone in the room. “Please, play it now, Josh.”

  Josh turns back around and hits a single button on his keyboard.

  With a single stroke, a true revolution is born.

  The screen turns black. The sweet notes of a flute invade the airwaves, and I know without having to be told that Chandler is the one who composed the music. I begin to feel a sense of loss until a single pinpoint of light ignites in the middle of the screen. The music slowly begins to change to a tune of hope. The light grows brighter as the camera zooms in on a solitary figure, Jai Lin. She’s wearing a simple, white, clean-cut dress and standing slightly off-center to the camera.

  As she looks directly into the lens, she says, “People of the Earth. It’s time for you to stop pretending the world is not coming to an end. Open your eyes and look at what has happened to us since Ravan Draeke became President of the United States. I know many of you viewed her as our savior when the world was thrown into chaos by the Great Quake. I am here t
o tell you that Ravan was part of the cause of that quake, and took advantage of you when you were at your most vulnerable.

  “She is not who she pretends to be, and neither are those closest to her. Deep down in your hearts, you know what I say is true. If you still doubt my words, please watch this video and see how little Ravan cares about humanity. She may be human, but she is in league with the devil himself. I implore you to keep an open mind, and consider everything that has happened since she came into power. Please, do not turn off your televisions or radios. What you are about to witness was taken by one of our operatives. I believe after you view this footage, you will see Ravan Draeke the same way I do, as an opportunist with an evil, world-ending agenda.”

  The video changes to the one I took of Ravan and Lucian. I can only imagine how angry Lucian is right now. I’m sure he’s viewing this message, just like the rest of the world is. His true nature is about to be uncovered for the entire world to see. He will be identified as the villain of the story, just as he should be.

  Once my part of the video ends, Jai Lin reappears on the screen.

  “What you just witnessed was not staged or fabricated. All of it is true.” Jai Lin turns fully to the camera and stares deeply into its lens, connecting with her audience. The music Chandler plays in the background of the video takes on a faster beat, like a drum of war, making my heart race with anticipation. “You and I must stand together and fight against Ravan and those who help her rule this world. If we don’t do something now, it’s quite possible we won’t have a world left to live in. Think about your children and loved ones. Don’t you want to leave them a world where a tyrant isn’t telling you how you should live, where you should work, what you can buy? I refused to allow my people to be marked by President Draeke’s red dragon tattoo. It is a symbol of evil, and I have not allowed it to be flown from any building in China. Tear down these symbols of hate, and show her that humanity is stronger than she thinks. Rise up and defend the world you live in. Stand by my side and fight alongside me and my people, to retake what rightfully belongs to us. Join our cause and save our world!”

  The screen goes black again. Everyone in the room begins to clap and whistle. They all turn to Jai Lin and bow in her direction. She, in turn, bows to them, showing her respect f or them as well.

  “How many people do you think just saw that?” I ask Mason.

  “Enough, I hope,” he replies, not sounding as confident as everyone else in the room seems.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s always dangerous to stir up a hornets’ nest,” he tells me. “And we’ve just rattled the largest one of all. If Lucian wasn’t out for our blood before, he certainly will be now. I’m not sure he’ll let any of us live if he ever catches us.”

  “Then we just don’t let him catch us,” I say, thinking it’s the perfect solution to the problem.

  “That might be easier said than done,” Mason counters. “First, we embarrassed him at the party for Xavier, and now this. I’m just glad he doesn’t know where we are right now.”

  “Well, maybe we shouldn’t dwell on things that we can’t exactly prepare for beforehand,” I tell Mason.

  He looks down at me and nods. “You’re right. We probably shouldn’t. We seem to have our own problems to work out at the moment.”

  “I wouldn’t exactly call it a problem. It’s just an awkward situation that we need to find the solution to.”

  “Solution?” Malcolm says to us, obviously overhearing our conversation. “What do you need help with?”

  “It’s really not something you can help with, Malcolm,” Mason replies, looking uncomfortable talking about my possible cure.

  “Try me,” Malcolm challenges. “I’ve never met a problem I couldn’t find a solution to. What do you need?”

  “Matches,” I say with a sigh, confident Malcolm won’t understand what I’m talking about.

  Malcolm looks at me in shock, causing me to laugh out loud.

  Apparently, our super-secret code word isn’t entirely secret; at least not to our friends. For that, I’m silently grateful because I really didn’t want to have to spell it out for him.

  Thank God, I didn’t have to mime it.


  “So you and Jess need to have sex,” Malcolm says matter-of-factly without lowering the timbre of his voice. Of course, his choice of words draws the attention of those around us. “What’s the problem? It’s not like the two of you don’t go at it like rabbits every chance you get.”

  “Malcolm,” Mason says, like a warning of imminent bodily harm, “Jess doesn’t exactly remember who she is, much less who I am. Not within context of our…habits, anyway.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking,” Gabe pipes in, making my humiliation complete, “how exactly is sex supposed to help Jess recover her memories?”

  “I’m not entirely sure,” Mason admits.

  “Hey, Rafe!” Malcolm yells across the room to our resident doctor, who is standing quietly in a corner of the room speaking with Nina. When Rafe lifts his head to look in our direction, Malcolm says, “We need a doctor’s opinion about something!”

  Rafe nods his head, letting Malcolm know he heard him and is on his way.

  I notice Rafe take Nina’s hand into his as they walk through the crowd towards us. It was such a natural gesture, that I immediately assume the two of them must be a couple. I’m sure that piece of knowledge is locked up inside my brain somewhere. It’s obvious neither of them is trying to hide the way they feel about one another.

  “What do you need my opinion about?” Rafe asks Malcolm, after he and Nina join us.

  “Michael thinks Jess needs to have sex with Mason in order to get her memories back,” Malcolm tells Rafe. “I’m assuming there has to be some sort of physiological reason behind it. What do you think?”

  Rafe doesn’t laugh at the theory like I thought he would. He considers it seriously before answering.

  “Well,” Rafe begins, “it could be that when Ravan tried to phase Jess into Heaven, her brain completely shut down during that time to protect her. Since our brains are a bit like computers, it could be that Jess needs something similar to a reboot.”

  “But how will having sex do that for me?” I ask, curious to know the answer.

  “When people have sex,” Rafe begins to explain to me, “the lateral orbitofrontal cortex in the brain shuts down. It’s the part of the brain that controls self-evaluation, reason, and control. With all of that disabled, you also shut down all of your fear and anxiety. If you’re able to have an orgasm while having sex with Mason, the activity in your amygdala and hippocampus will slow down to a point that you will enter into a trance-like state. A large amount of dopamine and a chemical called oxytocin will also be released into your system, which is believed to stimulate the love felt between lovers. There are a lot of other chemical reactions which occur during an orgasm, of course, but I think those two chemicals are the ones that might help reboot your brain and recover your memories. The closeness you share with Mason has always had the ability to open up your mind, Jess.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Gabe says, “I remember Chandler telling me he helped Jess when you were still trying to find all us vessels. He said the closer you got to Mason, the easier it became to connect with us.”

  Malcolm slaps Mason on the back. “Think you’re up for the challenge?”

  Mason lifts one eyebrow as he looks over at Malcolm. “What do you think?”

  Malcolm shrugs. “Considering the way you two go on and on about matches and marshmallows, I have to assume Jess has always liked your style.”

  Marshmallows? I’m scared to even ask what that’s a code word for.

  I begin to bite the inside of my bottom lip, and quietly scan the room to see if there’s a table I can go hide underneath for the rest of my life.

  Mason casually grabs my hand. “If you would all excuse us for a moment, I think Jess and I should have a talk in private.”

>   Mason doesn’t wait for any responses from our friends. He simply phases us up to our room.

  “You looked like you needed a minute away from all of that,” he tells me, standing still and letting me come to terms with the conversation we just had with the others.

  “It’s just weird,” I start to confess, “to think sex might be able to bring my memories back.”

  Mason rubs the tips of his fingers against the back of my hand. It brings me a sense of comfort, but doesn’t completely take away my anxiety.

  “Well, this is never going to work if you’re uncomfortable,” Mason sighs. I know he doesn’t blame me for the situation we find ourselves in, but I can’t deny the guilt I feel either.

  “I’m sorry,” I tell him.

  “Don’t be, Jess. None of this is your fault. I promise I’ll find a way to help you.” He sounds so confident in his pledge to me, that all I can do is believe in him.

  “In fact,” he says, lowering his head as he considers something, “after hearing what Rafe just said, I think I might have an idea that will help.”

  “Which is,” I say as I let out an unintentional yawn. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I’m just feeling a little tired.”

  “Why don’t you lie down and try to take a nap?” Mason suggests. “It’ll give me some time to set things up.”

  “So are you going to tell me what you’re up to, or is it supposed to be a surprise?”

  Mason smiles. “Why don’t we let it be a surprise for now?”

  “Do I like surprises?”

  Mason shrugs. “Depends. I think you’ll like this one, though. Just put a little faith in me, Jess.”

  “I trust you,” I tell him earnestly. “I may not remember a lot about our life together, but trusting you comes naturally, just like loving you.”

  Mason brings me into his arms and holds me close. It’s a hug that expects nothing, but conveys everything. I feel loved and protected. A welling of love for Mason bubbles to the surface again, making me tear up with emotions. When I sniff, Mason tries to pull away, but I fiercely grab his shirt with both hands and keep him close as I rest my head on his chest.


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