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Virgin Seeks Bad-Ass Boy

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by Ruth D. Kerce

  An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

  Virgin Seeks Bad-Ass Boy

  ISBN # 1-4199-0593-7


  Virgin Seeks Bad-Ass Boy Copyright© 2006 Ruth D. Kerce

  Edited by Pamela Campbell.

  Cover art by Syneca.

  Electronic book Publication: April 2006

  This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.


  The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. This story has been rated E–rotic by a minimum of three independent reviewers.

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (E-rotic), and X (X-treme).

  S-ensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

  E-rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall word count. In addition, some E-rated titles might contain fantasy material that some readers find objectionable, such as bondage, submission, same sex encounters, forced seductions, and so forth. E-rated titles are the most graphic titles we carry; it is common, for instance, for an author to use words such as “fucking”, “cock”, “pussy”, and such within their work of literature.

  X-treme titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline execution. Unlike E-rated titles, stories designated with the letter X tend to contain controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.

  Virgin Seeks Bad-Ass Boy

  Ruth D. Kerce

  Chapter One

  Alice Sutherland spotted Caleb Sawyer crouched down, working on his motorcycle in the driveway, like he did most Saturday afternoons. Fascinated, she stood on her porch, watching him from across the street.

  He’d moved into the neighborhood a little over a year ago, and he’d caught her eye immediately. Hell, more than that. She practically drooled whenever she saw him. Tall, built, confident—a woman’s dream.

  She wasn’t the only one taken by his assets either. More than one beautiful woman had spent the night with him since he’d moved in. Not that she made a habit of spying, but she couldn’t help noticing when a woman came from his house early in the morning, particularly if she was out watering her shrubs.

  He glanced up briefly, and her heart thudded. No. She hadn’t caught his attention. Just a barking dog from down the street. She thought for a moment that maybe he’d felt her watching him.

  The truth about the man was undeniable. Caleb Sawyer exuded sex—wild, rough, nasty sex. Enough to fulfill any woman’s darkest desires. And that assessment wasn’t just in her fantasies.

  One day, she’d taken a short cut through an alley, just off their street, on her way back from a nearby park. Normally, the alley was empty, but that day she saw Caleb there with his motorcycle, and a woman.

  He had her pinned over the bike, her skirt flipped up over her butt, and was fucking her hard from behind. One hand tangled in her hair while the other curled around her hip, and he kept asking her if she liked it rough.

  Alice wasn’t sure what the woman had said. She’d been too turned on by the sight of Caleb and his actions to care about anything else. His leather jacket had covered his upper torso, but his jeans hung low, and his tight, firm ass had been bared to her view. So sexy!

  When he’d stopped fucking and started spanking the woman, Alice had almost moaned aloud, picturing herself pinned over the motorcycle, his hand slapping her ass instead. When he continued fucking the blonde, she imagined him thrusting his cock into her own pussy, until she screamed and came, preferably more than once.

  Not wanting to completely invade his privacy—though she would have loved to see him come—she’d turned around and gone the other way, barely able to walk, her legs trembled so badly. She hadn’t been able to get that image of Caleb out of her mind since.

  That’s when she’d known for certain that she wanted him. No man had ever affected her so strongly or made her pussy throb so hard. Caleb was just the type of man she’d been searching for…for her first time.

  No more waiting.

  After that day, she’d tried to attract his attention whenever they met at the mailbox or during block parties. He was always nice to her, and they even shared an interest in classic films, but he didn’t seem to catch on to the sexual hints she kept sending him. She’d finally decided to be more direct.

  Even though it was cool out today, he wore only a deep blue, short-sleeved T-shirt tucked into well-worn jeans. His black boots gleamed as if he’d just polished them. The way his muscles bunched and relaxed as he moved, like some predator, made her tingle all over. She’d had many a fantasy of running her fingers through his thick brown hair, over his bare chest and down to his cock. Oh, yes.

  If she was going to do this, she needed to do it now, while the opportunity existed. “Time to turn fantasy into reality,” she murmured.

  Taking a deep breath, she walked down the two concrete steps, along the path, over the sidewalk, paused, then crossed the street and continued up his drive. So far, so good. She gathered all her strength and forced her voice to work, hoping she sounded less nervous than she actually felt.

  “Hi, Caleb.”

  He glanced up, then returned to fiddling with the bike. “Hey, Ali. You’re home early from the library today.”

  She loved the way he called her Ali. No one else did, and she thought it sounded sexy. “I’m not working this weekend.”

  Continuing with his repairs, he grunted in response.

  She knew on weekends he didn’t go into the motorcycle shop he partially owned. So, she’d coordinated her schedule with his to have the time available to put her plan into motion. “Can I tell you something?”

  He glanced up but only for a moment. “What?”

  Her heart pounded against her ribs. Here we go. “I’m…I’m still a virgin.”

  At twenty-four years old, she was sick of waiting for “Mr. Right” and determined to sleep with a man who could make her toes curl and all her sexual fantasies come true. Caleb was that man.

  He stopped working. He didn’t look at her, but she saw his hand tighten on the wrench he held. After a moment, he continued tightening whatever he was tightening. “And?”

  “And?” she repeated in confusion. That wasn’t quite the response she’d expected.

  “I’m assuming after a statement like that, there’s an ‘and’ attached.”

  The man was too smart for his own good. “Well, yes.” Her stomach fluttered, and she felt a little lightheaded at the thought of his large hands stroking her breasts, her pussy, the soft skin between her thighs, her ass. She could hardly wait.

  “I want you to de-virgin me.”

  No response. He simply continued working. Hmm. Okay, this didn’t bode well.

  “Did you hear me?”

  “I heard.”

  “Well?” She felt a bead of perspiration slide between her breasts.

  “Forget it, Ali.”

  What? Forget it? Just like that. His quick answer and casual attitude not only surprised but irked her. Weren’t men always on automatic or something when it came to sex? He could at least have the decency to look up and appear shocked.

  Because of the different women she saw over here, she’d been so certain… No. She shook her head.
She refused to get upset or rattled in front of him. He wasn’t worth it. Not on an emotional level. She didn’t even know him really. His body was the only thing she wanted. Well, maybe not only his body, but that’s as much as she’d allowed herself to expect or hope for from him.

  Okay, fine. He had turned her down. If the sex alone wasn’t enough of a temptation, she was prepared to offer him an additional incentive. She raised her chin and made sure her voice came out sounding strong and confident. “I’ll pay you.”

  The wrench fell from his hand, and he surged to his feet. “Excuse me?” He towered over her.

  His green eyes practically burned her skin in their intensity. She backed up a step and clutched her hands together but didn’t run, not about to let him intimidate her into changing her mind. “I’ll pay you for one weekend of your time.”

  “You want to pay me to fuck—”

  “Stop!” She put her hands up as if to ward off his words. As soon as the protest left her mouth, she regretted it. Great. Now she sounded like a prude as well as a virgin. She wasn’t a prude. He’d just caught her off guard.

  “Believe me, princess, you don’t want a guy like me pumping away at your pussy, especially your first time. Go find yourself a nice, safe, respectable librarian.”

  He’d put that crudely on purpose. “I’m not a princess, and I don’t want someone safe. I want wild and passionate!”

  “Wild and passionate, huh?” He hesitated and then a gleam entered his eyes. “All right, lower your pants, lean over the bike and I’ll fuck you right here. We’ll put on a show for the neighbors.” His hand brushed across his crotch.

  Her gaze lowered a moment, following the movement, then snapped back to his eyes. “That’s not funny.”

  “It wasn’t meant to be. I’m into kink, baby. On the edge, hard, rough, down and dirty fucking.”

  She couldn’t help but recall the image of him in the alley. Her pussy clenched in need. Wouldn’t he be surprised if she said okay? On-the-edge sex was just what she wanted from him, after all. She almost laughed at the thought of saying so, just to see the look on his face. Instead, she shrugged. “Obviously, I want something private and tender too.”

  His eyes held almost a humorous look now, and one side of his mouth hitched into a half-smile. “You think I can give you all that—wild, passionate and tender?”

  She nodded.

  “Well, I’m flattered. But I’m not your guy.”

  “I want to have sex with you, Caleb.”

  His eyebrows shot up, as if not expecting her to push the issue once he refused.

  Appearing from the opposite side of a line of bushes, two elderly ladies strolled by. Oh, goodness! They nodded at her and Caleb as they passed. She hoped the women hadn’t heard anything. She didn’t want the entire neighborhood to know her business.

  Caleb curled his fingers around her arm. “Let’s take this conversation inside.” He dragged her through his garage and into the house, slamming the back door closed behind them. He released her arm and plowed his fingers through his hair. “You can’t just go around asking men to…to have sex with you, Ali.”

  “I haven’t been. Yet. Only you.”

  His lips thinned, and a muscle in his jaw ticced. He paced, grumbled something under his breath she didn’t understand then stopped directly in front of her. But he remained in profile, staring at the wall, as if unwilling to look into her eyes.

  He seemed totally uninterested in her proposal, darn it. So much for her plans. Now would be a good time to walk out on him, except he blocked her path to the back door.

  His nostrils flared as he took in a deep breath then released it. Finally, he spoke. “Why come to me? I’m sure you work with plenty of men you could ask.”

  Not really, and she saw no reason to prolong this torture with a question and answer session. She supposed she’d have to resort to “Plan B” now. Despair filled her more than she’d expected. She really wanted Caleb.

  “Forget it.” She used his words. They were, after all, to the point. “Forget I said anything about sex at all.” She turned to leave through the front.

  His hand on her arm stopped her. “Wait. Look at me, Ali.” His voice came out soft but firm. “Look at me,” he repeated in a stronger tone when she didn’t immediately meet his eyes.

  Caleb’s heart raced. His jeans felt uncomfortably tight. He’d grown hard the moment “de-virgin me” had spilled from Ali’s lips—the last thing he’d expected from her. And the most erotic thing he’d heard in a long time, especially coming from such a full, pouty mouth.

  Her confession more than surprised him. He couldn’t remember ever seeing her with a steady guy but never gave it much thought. Though not classically beautiful, she possessed a gorgeous mouth meant for kissing and sucking a man’s dick, sparkling green eyes that drew people in, and a suppressed sexiness that he wouldn’t mind seeing unleashed. She hadn’t run when he’d tried to scare her away either. Impressive.

  This time she met his eyes full on. “What?”

  “Why do you want to do this?” he asked, intrigued.

  “Why do I want to have sex?”

  He smiled indulgently. “Why do you want to have sex with me?” Somehow, the answer mattered to him, and more than he thought it should.

  “I told you. Besides, you’re really hot and have always been nice to me.” She raised her chin a notch. “Until today. See, I thought you were probably good at sex. I notice women over here all the time.”

  All the time was a bit of an exaggeration, he thought, but he would like to think he was good at sex. A smile tugged at his lips. He’d never heard any complaints, nor had any problems getting a woman into bed. The fact that she thought him hot, and actually said so, was a huge turn-on to him. He couldn’t imagine the courage it had taken her to approach him about taking her virginity.

  He studied her a moment, suddenly wondering if she might be playing him for some reason. She was a little old to still be a virgin. No. The anxious look in her eyes told him that this situation was indeed very real for her.

  “I know you wouldn’t want anything more from me, Caleb. So things would stay uncomplicated.”

  He felt the frown that claimed his features. Why would she assume that? Did he come across as that cold and self-centered? Just come and go, so to speak. Okay, yeah. Maybe he had done that, and more than once. But her thinking that was just the way he acted with women bothered him.

  “Also…” she started, but then let the sentence hang.

  “Yeah?” He prompted when she hesitated to continue. She suddenly looked quite nervous. “What, Ali?”

  “Well, truthfully, I want a man who can introduce me to some darker fantasies.”

  His cock responded to that. Oh, yes. “Like what?” he asked, his voice low and deep.

  “Like, um, what I saw in the alley, with you and that blonde.”

  It took him a moment to figure out what she was talking about. Ah, right. The alley. “You saw that? You watched?” The idea set his heart pounding. He remembered that day, that encounter.

  “Just for a minute.”

  The thought of her watching intrigued him. “You should have come up and joined us.” A smile crossed his face. “That would have been a dark fantasy come true.” He waited for her to be appalled or offended, but she just stood there, looking him straight in the eye. Damn, she was sexy as hell. Ready and willing to test out her body and apparently any type of sex he might want to involve her in. The erotic possibilities played through his mind until a disturbing thought struck him. “If I say no to you, do you have a second candidate in mind for your de-virgin…ing?”

  A moment passed before she answered as if deciding whether to tell him or not. “Well, actually, yes. And you did say no.”

  She was right. He’d already told her to find another man. Still, his chest tightened at her answer. No telling what kind of jerk she’d picked out. Why he cared, he didn’t know. But he did care. “Who?”

d Morton from down the street.”

  “Ed Morton!” Caleb grabbed her arm. “He’s married and twice your age, Ali!” No way was he letting Morton at her first.

  She pulled out of his grasp. “He’s divorced, and he’s not that old. He just doesn’t take care of himself.”

  “He’s divorced? Since when?”

  “Two months ago. He kinda came on to me at the mailbox the other day and told me everything had been finalized. He wants me to come over for dinner and videos next week. And just so you know, all the men I work with are married. So, you and Ed became my top choices. Though you’ve always been my number one.”

  Her last sentence came out as a whisper, and he saw the vulnerability in her eyes. Touched by her words about him, and mortified by her words about Ed, Caleb had a hard time thinking straight.

  The disturbing image of Ed Morton came to mind. That jerk jumped any woman with air in her lungs. His wife must have finally caught on. He just imagined the type of videos Ed planned for their date, if he got Ali alone. Not film classics, for sure, unless classic porn counted. She deserved better than Ed. Of course, she deserved better than him too, but… “Don’t ask him, Ali,” he heard himself saying almost before he realized it.

  “Oh?” A hopeful gleam entered her eyes. “Does that mean you’ll do it?”

  Caleb shook his head. A virgin. How had he gotten himself into this? What the hell was he thinking? Stupid question. He knew what he was thinking…and not your normal schoolboy fantasies. He might live to regret this, but the offer to fuck her was too good to pass up. “Okay, yeah, I’ll do it.” At least she’d be safe with him. Morton probably wouldn’t even want to use a rubber.


  She was an eager little thing. He liked that, and so did his dick, which twitched in anticipation. “Yes, today.” He raised his hand to stroke her cheek then realized he was still dirty and smelly from working on the bike. He let his hand drop. “Will you stay while I put the bike away and get cleaned up?”


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