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Love Unfortunate

Page 5

by Claudia D. Christian

  "It doesn’t take skill to chop wood. It only takes an arm and a blade."

  Liana noted his tremendous sadness. "You’re more than that, Laurent."

  "No, I’m not." He attempted to smile. "I am what I am and I cannot change it."

  "So you choose to wallow in misery?" Anger darkened her verdant gaze. "You prefer to let these pissant villeins satisfy their malice at your expense?" Liana slammed her fist on the small table. "I heard their insults, Laurent. You don’t deserve it! I would’ve severed their heads with yon axe if you hadn’t stopped me."

  A glimmer of humor brightened his solemn expression. It was obvious Laurent didn’t believe her last passionate declaration. However, his mood quickly turned somber.

  "Leaving this place won’t erase my bastardy. Even if I’m an outcast, I can bear it because this forest is my home."

  "That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard." Rage swelled within her. "How can you be so gutless?"

  "I’m not gutless."

  "Yes, you are! You prefer to rot here and accept this miserable existence." She waved her hand in emphasis. "Living in this hovel, chopping wood for people who see you as shit on their feet—it’s disgusting! It’s as if you think suffering brings you closer to nobility. It doesn’t! It just makes you a fool."

  Laurent hunched his shoulders. Several moments passed in tense silence. "If y-you don’t like it then l-leave."

  "What?" Liana narrowed her gaze in speculation. The low rumble of anger building in his throat surprised her.

  Laurent looked up and met her gaze. This time his tone demanded respect. "If my home is so beneath you, then you are free to go, Liana."

  "I see you do have some pride."

  Fierceness melted away, leaving Laurent obviously surprised at his actions. "I’ve never spoken to you…or anybody…like that. I’m sorry."

  "You don’t have anything to apologize for. It is I who should be asking your forgiveness." She pushed the half-eaten stew away. "I’m sorry for taking my anger on you. It’s not just this place that makes me so angry."

  "Then what is it?"

  Liana’s finger began tracing patterns on the table. "I know what it’s like to have people look down on you for something that’s not your fault. When I see it happen to you, it just reminds me of what happened to me. When I see you accept it, it reminds me of how I accepted it once."

  "Is that why you ran away?"

  She smiled bleakly and shrugged her shoulders.

  "You won’t tell me, will you?" Interest gave way to acceptance. "Don’t worry, Liana. Everyone wants to flee their cage at least once. You’re the only person I’ve ever met who’s actually done it. You’re a little bird who’s free."

  "Everyone wants to flee their cage, huh? Even you?"

  He let out a long, slow breath. "Even me."

  "That’s what I don’t understand. How can a place that brings so much humiliation be home?"

  Laurent thought about his answer for several moments before replying, "Because my good memories outweigh the bad ones. Because I love these woods enough to accept any pain."

  * * * *

  Liana’s hands stroked Laurent’s back feverishly. Little nails turned into passionate claws, raking through skin like perfect thorns. Liana gave herself over to lust, holding onto this memory, keeping it as dear to her heart as all the others.

  Laurent moaned in dizzying pleasure as he ground his hips against hers. Keeping hold of Liana’s jaw, he opened her mouth wider. Laurent’s fangs sliced the tender flesh, but despite Liana’s small cry of pain, he continued his carnal assault.

  Laurent found himself wanting to consume her, to take her into his very body. Everything about her delighted his senses and Laurent knew he couldn’t wait any longer.

  "I need to be inside you."

  Liana’s nimble fingers quickly freed him. When she felt his cock in her hand, she moaned against his open mouth. Spreading her legs, Liana guided him to her slick entrance. She trembled in eagerness, waiting to tumble headlong into an addictive dream.

  Laurent’s fingers skimmed her jaw as they laid claim to her neck. "So beautiful…so fucking beautiful." Mindless passion retreated and disturbed adoration sharpened his gaze. "Remember what I said. I’ll always love you more. More than this."

  Laurent closed his eyes and thrust into Liana’s warmth. Seating himself to the hilt, Laurent released her neck in favor of clasping both thighs. When she cried out her pleasure, he reared back before slamming forward.

  Soon beautiful repetition begat broken moans and murmurs of gratification.

  Liana tilted her hips to meet his, greedy for every possible sensation. Keeping pace with his deliberate rhythm, she flung her arms above her head and gripped the sheets.

  Unable to resist Liana’s delectable pose, Laurent swooped down to capture a beaded nipple. Painting it with his tongue, he began to brand his wife’s silken flesh. However, nature quickly took over and patience fell to the wayside. Love bites reddened both of Liana’s breasts. Her cries made a devil out of him. Needing more, Laurent pushed her legs up higher.

  "Scream for me. I need to hear you."

  With knees against shoulders, Liana felt her primal side emerge. She abandoned the twisted sheet and raked her nails down his chest. The delicious friction between them made Liana hungry and crazed.

  "Ah! It feels so good!" she trilled. "So very good!" Her stomach began to clench in time to his thrusts. Needing Laurent’s kiss, Liana pushed his face away from her throat.

  "Not yet—"

  She cut off his protesting growl with her mouth. Locking her arms around his straining back, Liana started to mewl his name against his parted lips.

  Laurent, knowing her body as well as his own, maintained his frantic pace. Liana’s hot sheath possessed him, forcing him to forget about the world outside of their tower. "You’re so beautiful when you come," he muttered against her open mouth. "Come for me, little bird. Come…"

  Her lover’s prose seduced Liana into flying apart. "Laurent!" Her fingers entangled themselves in his silken hair. Exquisite spasms radiated throughout her body, turning it inside out.

  Charred by his wife’s orgasm, Laurent’s strokes grew fiercer. He kissed her neck and shoulders, panting his need for her. "I don’t want to ever leave you. I don’t want us to leave this tower. Ever."

  "We destroy the sons of God. We shred them apart—make them do our will."

  Liana slipped out from beneath Laurent. She pushed him on his back, exposing surprising strength. Straddling his waist, she forced Laurent’s cock back inside. Her rhythm violent, concentration intent, Liana quickly had her husband hissing in carnal torment.


  Laurent’s features crumpled in ecstasy. His hands gripped her churning hips while he brought his thighs up, demanding she lean against them. Laurent’s fangs glinted in the waning candlelight.

  "It feels so good! Don’t stop!"

  Masochistic gratification kept Liana’s stare focused on his desire.

  Too intent on reaching his own orgasm, Laurent didn’t protest when she took hold of his arm. Without further warning, she sank blunt teeth into his wrist.

  Choked sighs ruptured in his throat. Unable to stave off the maddening pleasure, Laurent arched his hips off the bed and groaned his release.

  His abandoned cries made Liana’s stomach twist with ravenous will. "Did I please you, my lord?"

  Laurent nodded his head languorously, still sunk deep within his carnal senses.

  Liana tongued his wrist before letting it drop. Laying her body next to his, she listened to the rustle of his normalcy. Flushed skin, glistening eyes, and harsh breathing were all a cruel throwback to his humanity.

  Any moment now.

  Laurent reached for her. His hand skimmed Liana’s hip and gave it a squeeze. Turning his head, he nuzzled her shoulder before kissing it. "Did I please you as well, little bird?"

  "You always do."

  "Good." Several min
utes passed in stilted silence when Laurent declared abruptly, "It’s time."

  Liana bit her lip and called forth a seemingly inexhaustible well of strength. "I know."

  He raised himself up on one elbow. Laurent pulled Liana’s locks away from her neck. Several strands stuck to the damp skin. His fingers plucked them off before slipping an awkward hand beneath her head.

  "Are you ready?"

  Liana presented her neck with perfect docility. "Please get it over with."

  If he was less than pleased with her response, Laurent’s mannerisms didn’t betray that fact. He kissed her mouth once. "I don’t want to hurt you more than I need to, but you’re right. I don’t really know how to do this."

  "But you’re still determined anyway."

  He flinched from the quiet condemnation in Liana’s voice. "I need your help. When I’ve taken enough, tap my side. I promise I’ll stop." Without waiting for an answer, Laurent settled his fangs over her pulse.

  Spite controlled her.

  What a childish way to plan a conversion.

  Liana felt him pierce her flesh. Blood rushed out before settling down to a sluggish trickle. It became harder to breathe and the cold burned. Dimly, she wondered if her mother had foreseen this miserable fate with glee.

  It’s time.

  Liana tapped his side once. True to his word, he released her immediately. However, when Laurent made move to slash his wrist, she stopped him.

  "How else will you receive my blood?"

  Liana sat up, swaying from the effort. When he reflected her position, she snatched his arm.

  "What are you doing?" Laurent demanded while attempting to pull his wrist away.

  It didn’t move.

  Once Laurent had asked Liana if she was an angel.

  "You’re biting me." His voice cracked as omnipotence gave way to victimization.

  She had told him, "I’m just like you."

  "Let go!"

  Liana had lied.

  "I said let go of me!"

  Laurent wanted to make Liana a vampire but he couldn’t.

  "Stop now!"

  She already was one.

  Liana saw the terror in his face and looked away. "I’m sorry but I can’t. This time it’s too late for us, Laurent." Before he could scream again, she sank her elongated fangs deep.

  "Oh, my god!" Laurent pitiful moaned recalled their first meeting.

  Shame flickered before falling into dirty bliss. His fair flesh parted like a bloody flower. Liana’s tongue ran along the red petals, deepening the gash.

  "The pain makes me remember everything. How could I have forgotten? How? WHY?!"

  Because I make you.

  "How many years, Liana? How fucking long…"

  She kept draining him, not receiving any spiritual comfort from the end of her starvation. Laurent’s dead whisper reached her easily.

  "If this is all there is—end it. I don’t want to suffer like this anymore. "

  Liana flung her head back. Eyes green as the most beguiling poison hardened with implacable will.

  "I will never give you up."

  "Why? So you can continue to rape my mind?"

  Liana swallowed once, shaking off his justifiable venom. "I’m willing to spend the rest of my life begging for your forgiveness."

  "Forgiveness? There is no forgiveness for what you’ve done, Liana. Not for now. Not for then. You put your hand in my chest and sent me into oblivion for…"

  "A hundred years." His features froze in scattered chaos before shattering with her denouement. "The first time."

  His jaw clenched in sick rage. "The first time? How many times since?" Her silence birthed his scream. "HOW MANY?!"

  "Nine-hundred and seventy-two."

  Laurent’s face paled to the color of bone. "And years?"


  "It can’t be." His entire expression collapsed into dust. "I’ve been stuck here for so long…falling deeper in madness…"

  "I didn’t mean to do it, Laurent. You were obsessed with turning me. I couldn’t make you stop! You just kept coming and so I panicked. I…I…didn’t know you were going to get sealed! I swear it!"

  "Sealed. That’s what this is?" He turned accusing eyes in Liana’s direction. "Evil and perverse. Even after Cristophe turned me, you kept quiet. You let me think you were just a human. But in reality, you’re a bigger monster than I could ever be."

  "Please don’t say that."

  Silver flame flashed in disgust when Liana reached out in supplication. "Don’t you put your hands on me!"

  Liana drew back and pleaded in a voice hoarse with pain. "Please try to understand. Even if you can’t forgive, please just try to understand. You’re right. I should’ve told you why I ran. I replay it in my mind, over and over again, seeing all the times I could’ve taken courage and told you."

  "So why didn’t you?"

  Liana flinched. "You were just a human. How could you’ve understood, much less believed?"

  "Tell me who you really are."

  "I’ve told you before."

  "Yes, many, many times. I want to hear it again. It’s the least you can do, don’t you think?"

  Laurent’s unforgiving stare unnerved her. No matter how many times she said the words, they never came any easier. Laurent knew that and wanted to wound her. He succeeded beautifully.

  "Have you ever heard of Hel? Legend records her as being the half-dead daughter of Loki and ruler of the Underworld."

  "Pagan beliefs. Unholy to God. Demons—that’s what she was, wasn’t she? I don’t have to wonder what that makes you." He took perverse pleasure in Liana’s broken posture. "Finish your tale, my love."

  She nodded, clinging to the pitiful hopes attached to a scornful endearment. "What they don’t say is how she had the power to help bring this world to an end. Before she could use it…the Elders…my guardians…found a way to seal her. But even locked away in slumber, Hel still had the strength to summon a man to her forsaken tower."

  Liana stared at her hands, feeling the helplessness of her origins.

  "She quickly drove him mad, but not before accomplishing her first goal—giving birth. Hel needed me to break her seals. I almost did…because I loved her so much. But she didn’t love me back. I was just a tool to her."

  "Not just you."

  The bitter words held a wealth of meaning for Liana. "No, not just me." She met his gaze squarely. "I’m a vampire, Laurent, but I’m not like the rest. The blood of gods and kings runs through my veins. I influence wars and bring about unspeakable death. I don’t love it, but this is who I am. I can’t be controlled. I can’t be stopped and it takes very little for me to follow my nature."

  Unabashed love shined brightly amidst tears.

  "But I changed when I met you. I became more than just a divine hammer. When you looked at me, you saw what I could be. Who I was didn’t matter. It doesn’t have to now."

  "It does matter because you haven’t changed."

  "I have!"

  "No. You are your mother’s daughter, Liana."

  "I am not! Hel loved nothing but death. I love nothing but you, Laurent."

  "Me? Hmph. Don’t forget Cristophe. Don’t forget how much you love that monster too." Laurent studied the effect of his cruelty. He smiled with bitter glee. "So know this—I couldn’t hate you more than I do now."

  Liana’s fine features twisted in a tortured grimace. "If I let you stay awake, will you try with me?"

  Laurent trembled with loathing. "I’ll kill you. I’ll rend your limbs apart, burn you alive, and wait until your ashes regenerate. Then I’ll do it again. I’ll keep doing it over and over until you’ve paid for what you’ve done to me."

  Liana choked back her tears, knowing she deserved his venom. Not for what happened the first time, but what happened each time afterwards.

  For what was going to happen tonight.

  "When I wake again, I’ll think it’s our first night in the tower."

  "I kn


  "I don’t know."

  Her wounded sigh enraged him. "Why wouldn’t you? You’ve kept everything the same. The fortress, the people, even yourself. You manipulate it so I’ll never suspect the truth. Because you don’t want me to know."

  "Everything I’ve ever done has been to protect you! I’ve whored my will to keep you! I’ve done profane things for this dream, Laurent. I won’t apologize because I’d do it all over again if it meant keeping you."

  "I’ll never get to go to Heaven because of what I am, will I?"

  Liana picked her words with precision. She feared to make things worse. "No. Not your Christian one."

  "There is no other." Lifelessness overcame him. "Let me sleep."

  "Not yet. Not like this."

  Harsh laughter dirtied the air. "THIS isn’t any different than any of the other times—and you never had a conscience to bother you before. Now do it."

  Obsessive attachment dictated her next move. She laid her small hand over his heart. "I do love you. Maybe one day you’ll see."

  Laurent lifted a trembling hand and pulled her head down. "And maybe one day you’ll let us both fly from this cage, little bird."

  Helpless once more, Liana claimed Laurent’s mouth in a wretched kiss. Power pooled from her fingertips into his chest, seizing his heart. When Liana pulled back, Laurent’s eyes stayed closed.

  Agonizing pressure threatened to send her crashing. Liana stumbled from the bed and rushed towards the door. Yanking it open, she slammed it shut. Her fingers slid the bolt into place, locking her lover in perpetual slumber.

  "And maybe one day you’ll let us both fly from this cage, little bird."

  Bitter sobs rent the silence as she gave into her anguish. Liana may have made this ending different, but it meant nothing. Once more she stood naked, broken, and bleeding on this side of the door—without Laurent.

  Footsteps scraped against worn stone, interrupting her mourning instantly.

  You’re here!

  Liana needed him desperately. Only he could understand her sins—for they were also his. "I lost Laurent again."


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