Page 9
Heptosh's escorts asked him to sit down in one of the soft seats that formed a circle in the middle of the room. Now, he was alone. He made use of his time by looking over his notes.
Heptosh had been to this planet several times before, first, meeting with a few of the regional rebel leaders accompanied by Amanhep, and then he had gone himself to meet with Lord Staktekus. After a few trips he had finally prevailed on the latter to open a dialogue with Amanhep. That would take place today, in this room.
The coggle horn sounded, indicating the entrance of somebody important. Heptosh turned around, and then arose to greet Lord Staktekus. His retinue remained near the entrance of the lift while His Lordship entered the circle of soft chairs.
Heptosh made the appropriate greeting and took a pose that indicated respect.
'Welcome to Imtep. I trust you find the amenities to your liking. Mr. Amanhep hasn't arrived yet, has he?'
'Apparently not,' Heptosh observed.
'What a pity. I had hoped that he would appreciate what we have to gain.' He went on to sound as though it were he who had envisioned the peace process, rather than the one who had to be convinced.
Heptosh played along, making polite comments, until Lord Staktekus put his head close to his and said, almost in a whisper, 'It's a pity, regarding Mr. Amanhep...'
'I'm sorry. Come again?'
'I understand he is a very ambitious man, that he is consolidating immense power among his Federation of Indigenous Nephteshi Planets.'
'On, no, Sir. I'm sure you have been misinformed.'
'I hope so. I truly hope so. I only wish for peace on this planet, even if we must coexist as separate states, but it's what I've heard so far about Amanhep that causes me to hesitate.'
'Have you ever met him yourself?'
'I'm sure that once you get to know him yourself, you find him open and transparent. He, like yourself, only wants peace for his fellow Nephteshis.'
'I hope you're right.'
Again, the coggle horn sounded. Amanhep had arrived.
The two greeted one another, but took seats on opposite sides of the circle, too far apart for normal conversation. It was up to Heptosh to go to one, sit, and talk for a while, and then relay the gist of the understanding to the other. Sometimes they would be pacing back and forth, sometimes standing outside the circle looking out the crystal dome. Heptosh had to keep this up until he finally edged them closer together, within conversing distance.
That was the way of shuttle diplomacy.
* * *
the visiting pupil's eyes widen
as yet a new sight offers its strangeness and beauty
the guide utters statistics and historical trivia
but the pupil's eyes tell him more than his ears
I'm glad to see open air again. The underground parts are nicer here than in Kalodzuland, but I'd still rather be outside. The bits above ground look much more built up too, even more than on Tok.
The man is telling me a lot, but I can hardly understand a word he says. I just nod and act agreeable.
We're in a place that has lots of food. There's some sort of meat hanging here, like some sort of sausage or something. I don't like the smell.
The man's talking to the seller and -- Oh no! Now he's handing me a piece!
I'm not sure about this, but I'd better try it.
It's okay, I guess. I wouldn't want to eat much more of it, though.
Now he's asking me something. Maybe he's asking how I liked it. I nod my head and smile.
Oh, the gods! Now he's getting me another piece! But I'm sure I'd offend him if I don't take it.
I eat it quickly.
Well, there's that over with. He's asking me something again. I'd better act like I'm full. I put my hand on my tummy and smile. He understands.
I burp. I'm sure I'll be sick in my stomach.
Now he's getting me a drink from another stall, something bluish. I hope... -- Okay, it looks better than the meat -- smells better.
I try it. It's sort of nice, a bit alcoholic. At least it's settling my stomach.
We're getting back on the carrier again. I hope this will be over soon.
* * *
Heptosh finally took his leave.
The meeting went as one would expect a preliminary session to go. Once he had them speaking directly to one another, Lord Staktekus appeared to respond favourably to Amanhep's candid nature, though he did have pointed questions. They agreed to have more talks. That's all he could do for now.
Heptosh found Eetoo waiting for him at the space port along with the attendant who had shown him around. They walked to the spaceship.
The fact of Eetoo's presence reminded Heptosh he needed to pay a visit to Shan and talk to him further about the possibility of repopulating the former Kalodzu jurisdiction. While they were there, he could give Eetoo practice navigating the ship close to familiar territory.
They lifted off from the space port using linear propulsion, switched to linear simulation and then Heptosh entered the coordinates for Kalodzu-Famta's solar system.
He made sure Eetoo was aware of each step in the process. It would be a long time before he would do it himself, but he needed to familiarise himself.
As they made their descent to the Kalodzu space port, he sent a signal and received one in return.
They descended the rest of the way, and Heptosh aimed the ship for the door in the side of the brick mountain.
He wondered if Shan would recognise his own ship. The Heknosh clan still hadn't completed repairs on his own ship. Complications, they said.
Heptosh and Eetoo stepped out. Shan met them at the ship.
Before they said anything, Shan said in a low tone, 'Mr. Heptosh, I must inform you that, shortly after your previous visit, the bionic control circuit that I told you of, was -- ' he stopped in mid sentence and started again in a louder tone: 'Welcome to Kalodzu-Famta. Please step into the reception area.'
Heptosh had to think fast. 'There's not time for that, I'm afraid. I've only come to deliver a quick message. I've informed the powers-that-be of the situation of Kalodzu-Famta, and discussions are underway. We will inform you of any developments. Thank you. We must be going.'
'I'm sorry, I cannot authorise such a hasty departure. Please step this way.'
'Eetoo, get in, quick!'
Heptosh spun around and got in himself, but the bionic had grabbed Eetoo's arm.
In a move that surprised even Heptosh, Eetoo caught hold of the bionic's other arm and twisted it so that it was forced to release its grip on Eetoo. He then gave a push that sent Shan sprawling on the floor.
Heptosh could just hear Shan saying, 'Good move, Eetoo. Now you must hurry and -- STOP! YOU ARE FORBIDDEN TO...'
Eetoo jumped into the ship. Heptosh shut the door, and quickly entered the coordinates for somewhere outside the solar system. They were gone in a flash.
'How did you do that?' Heptosh queried.
'I learn from Mo Paw. He teach -- er -- fight.'
'I don't know.'
Whatever it was, it looked like an automatic response.
Heptosh entered the coordinates for Tok. This was definitely something the Sector Council needed to be informed about. Whatever it was, was now actively controlling Shan through his most fundamental command level.
But apparently, it hadn't succeeded in reversing the bio-media upload.
the tops of the crystal peaks, sending their brilliant rainbow colours
announce that sunrise lies but beyond the planet's curve
the humans in the valley prepare for their journey
Today is market day again. I get to go with the b'n Shammah family to the town to sell coourzt.
Learning to pilot the ship the other day was fun. It gave me an idea. I'll say something to Tsaphar and see what she thinks.
They're in front of the house, piling the things into their carrier. There are about fo
ur big tanks of coourzt. I think each one is made a little bit different so people choose which one they want to buy. There's also a dispensing machine, and a big box of cups.
Rav is there. I hope I can get a chance to talk to Tsaphar without him about.
I help Shav carry the last tank onto the carrier. We get on. Mrs. b'n Shammah, Tsaphar and Nakham sit in the front. Mrs. b'n Shammah drives. We big boys sit in the back on the gate that holds all the stuff inside.
Nakham looks handsome in a tunic. This is the first time I've ever seen him wearing anything.
We're off. It's barely light now.
This is the same way we took to get on the spaceship. We turn a different way when we get into town. Today, there are a lot of carriers and scooters also going into town as well. A lot of them look as though they're going in to sell things, like us.
We arrive. Shav says they have this space reserved for them every week. It's by the green area, where people can sit and drink it after they buy it.
We're taking the things off the carrier at their spot. Other people are setting up their stalls for selling. The sun is just coming up. Rav is going to drive the carrier to keep it somewhere else.
This'll be my chance to talk to Tsaphar.
Rav drives off. I have to help Shav move things about. The tanks all go behind the dispenser. The box of cups lies on its side and serves as a counter where people can give us money and we give them the cup of coourzt. There's also a bucket to wash the cups in. Tsaphar and Nakham are going to fetch some water.
I'll go with them.
'Hi Eetoo.'
We don't say much until we reach the reservoir on the other side of the green area.
'Did Rav and Tsim talk to you?' she asks.
'Yes. But I know a way.'
'No. Tsim is too big for you. He's a fighter.'
'No. I have different way. Heptosh, he teach me to pilot ship. I take you to Kalodzu-Famta. We live there.'
'But you don't have a ship.'
'But we go. I take Heptosh's ship. Heptosh come and get ship after we go. We live in Kalodzu-Famta. Not need ship.'
'But what about the golden tablets?'
The tablets? I haven't thought about those for a long time. I guess I've sort of given up on that.
'I don't know,' I say. 'I can't find golden tablets. I think I just ...'
'No. I won't let you do it. You have a mission to complete.'
'But -- how?'
'The gods will show you -- the god Elkhem, Yah. You never left your planet, nor even saw a spaceship before, but your teacher had a dream, and suddenly, Mr. Heptosh showed up in his spaceship. It'll happen again. Just wait till the time is right.'
'But -- Tsim. I not let you marry Tsim!'
'I'll never marry Tsim. Even if he forces me, I'll make his life so miserable he'll wish he never saw me.'
'But you not be happy.'
'I know. I'll never be happy. I love you, Eetoo. I do. But you must complete your mission.'
She leans over and kisses me! Then she turns quickly the other way. I think she's crying.
I fill the bucket.
Tsaphar turns around again. 'Hurry, let's get back before Rav gets here -- with Tsim!'
We're back at the coourzt stand, doing our different jobs, pretending each other don't exist. Sure enough, here comes Rav and Tsim.
Tsaphar is staying very close to her mother. Her mother is glaring at Tsim.
'Shalem, Ima b'n Shammah,' says Tsim with a silly smile.
She doesn't answer.
We've got everything set up. People are starting to arrive. Hardly anyone comes to our stand yet. They say we'll get more of our business in middle of the morning when people have done their shopping and need to rest, and then again at noon. Some people will just buy something to drink in the green area, and some will bring along big flasks to fill up and take home.
Some of them are the other creatures that live here. Most of them are bigger than human people.
There's one that looks taller than any man I've ever seen. He's a lot thinner too. He's eyes take up his whole forehead, so there's no room for any hair. The top of his head looks like a crab shell. He's also got shell covering his shoulders and the upper parts of his arms, as though he were a shellfish or something. Each section of shell has a row of spines. The rest of him is covered with a long skirt fastened with a wide leather girdle with lots of pockets.
Shav sees me looking. 'That's Fra. He the president of Tok. And over there,' he points the other way, 'That's your neighbour. He name Neuryzh.'
I see something big that walks like a chicken, but doesn't really look like one apart from its legs, and maybe its mouth. It's wearing a robe of some sort. All I see above that is a dome with eyes half way up it, and something that could be a nose -- or a beak if it were longer. The skin looks a bit scaly, except for top of the dome, which is white, and looks as though you could see through it if there were light on the other side. He's buying something from someone. I see a claw-like hands coming out of the robe, almost like a bird's. The top of the dome looks almost as though it's glowing -- probably reflecting the sun.
There are other creatures too. Some look like Fra, and others look a bit like frogs or lizards. Mostly, they're taller than humans, but some are smaller.
Shav shows me the tanks. 'This tank have guruñdz.'
'Guruñdz. Some non-human people drink, we sell. Human people, they buy only coourzt. This tank here, plain coourzt; this one, coourzt with manx herb; that one, mint and cocoa-bean; that over there, with raspberry. These here, bottles of wine and whiskey. Some like to mix.'
The creature he called 'Fra' is coming by. He stops at our table.
'What will you have today, sir?' says Shav.
'Nothing right now,' he says. He doesn't sound human at all, but I understand him clearly. 'I thought you would like to know that a transport ship is on its way down with about nine passengers -- new arrivals to Tok. It would be good if you met them with a couple of trays of your coourzt beverage. The planet administration will pay you for what you give them.'
'Yes sir,' Shav says. Fra walks away.
'Ima!' Shav shouts.
Mrs. b'n Shammah comes. Shav starts talking to her in Akkadi, too fast for me to hear.
She calls Rav, and starts telling him things in Akkadi. It looks as though he doesn't want to do whatever it is she's telling him to do. They argue for a while. Shav says something else. I hear him say my name.
They look at me.
'Eetoo,' says Mrs. b'n Shammah. 'Would you like to go to the spaceport with Shav? You will be giving each of the new arrivals a cup of our best coourzt -- special request of the planet administration.'
I'm off with Shav. We're each carrying a tray full of big cups. We take a shortcut. It's really quite close.
I've been to the spaceport twice before this, once when I first came here, and again, just yesterday. It's a giant round building with a big gate. The roof opens up so ships can land on it, and the people get off and go down steps to a big room below. Then, they come out a door through the front room, and that's where we are standing with the coourzt, waiting for them. Some of the other creatures are waiting too. One is carrying a big tray of little bags of something. Fra is also hanging about. Shav and I are standing where we'll be the first ones they meet.
There's someone coming out now.
Shave tells me, 'That's a Sozk.'
It looks a bit like a lizard. Shav holds out his tray. It takes a cup and says something I can't understand. It doesn't even sound like a language.
Another thing comes along. It takes a cup and says, 'Thank you,' in Nephteshi.
Here comes another one that walks like a chicken. It looks like the one I saw today, but smaller -- more the size of a human.
'Look out,' says Shav. 'That's a Groki.'
He holds out his tray as it passes.
It looks at us, and says, 'Humans!' and walks right on withou
t taking a cup.
It takes one of the bags from the other creature though. Now it's talking to Fra.
The others come out. There's another Groki that sort of looks at us funny first, then takes a cup.
Most of them take a cup. They're all out of the landing area now. Some of them are still hanging about, talking to the other creatures.
Shav says we should go around to them all and maybe they'll take seconds.
I see the Groki thing that didn't take a cup when he passed. Maybe he'll take one now.
I go to him, but he looks as though he's ignoring me. He's talking to another creature, making sounds that don't sound like a language at all -- something like: 'Ftttvurreughn ñnrododadedidfrup.'
He's finished talking to that creature, and now he's heading for the big door.
I follow him with the tray.
Just before he goes out the door, he looks at me, and -- there's a flash of light -- from his head!
I'm dizzy! Ooo -- that light's the most horrible thing -- oh, my head! The pain! All sorts of unimaginably evil things flying through my mind -- like I'm dying -- descending into hell! I'm going to vomit!
I fall over. The cups tumble all over the floor.
'Next time, I'll simply zap you dead like a fly!' he says.
Some other creatures come running. One of them says, 'If you please, Mr. Blazz, we do have rules on this planet against molesting the local humans without just cause.'
'Oh, do you really now? "Just cause", you say? I'm sure one will find "just cause" if one looks hard enough; but as you wish --' His voice is fading out. I think he's going out the door.
The creature that spoke to it is bending over me now. I can see it's Fra.
'How are you son? Can you stand up?'
I try to stand up. There are still ugly pictures going through my head that make me want to vomit, or die.
'I'm sorry this happened. You're the new human aren't you? Friend Neuryzh, won't you help this boy?'
There's the other creature I saw, also with the dome head, but much bigger.
I'm terrified of dome heads now.
Fra is saying to Shav, 'The planet will reimburse you for the lost coourzt beverage, and the broken cups...'