
Home > Other > Breakthrough > Page 6
Breakthrough Page 6

by Sarah Stevens

  “Yeah, game on. I’m screwed.”



  We settle in for the night, everything ready to be loaded into the trailer in the morning. I lay on the couch listening to Cam snore his way through the night on the other couch, while I lay awake. Thoughts of my kiss with Mandy are ripe in my head. Eventually sleep takes me and dreams fill my night starring Mandy and her sexy little body.

  Morning comes too soon. I’m awoken by the soft cries of the littlest lady in the house. I get up and go to Callie, who greets me with a smile. I don’t normally do kids, but this one has pulled at one of my few heartstrings. I pick her up and snuggle her against my chest, stroking her little back to sooth her until I figure out what to do with her. Everyone else is sleeping. I go to put her down on the floor so we can play for a few minutes when she starts to scream bloody murder.

  “What’s wrong little lady?” I ask her not expecting an answer obviously since she can’t talk.

  Mandy comes storming into her room wearing a simple t-shirt and panties and snatches her out of my arms.

  “What are you doing to her?” she snarls at me.

  “Nothing.” I throw my hands up and back away, mama bear is in the house. “She woke up, so I came to check on her, I went to set her on the floor to play with her and she started to scream.”

  She looks over at me apologetic. “I’m sorry Parker, I’m not used to other people being here in the morning. Her nanny didn’t arrive until after breakfast. I’m used to doing everything on my own.”

  “Mandy, I get it. I was trying to help so you could get a little more sleep.”

  She takes Callie over to the blanket laying on the floor and changes her diaper. “This is probably what she was wanting. It can’t be fun waking up with a wet diaper, is it Callie?” she coos at her daughter.

  Standing back, I watch them interact, two peas in a pod. Callie looks so much like her mother, thankfully.

  “I guess I should go wake the beast in the living room so we can get this day started and get on the road before lunchtime.” I walk out the door before she has time to say anything and wake Cam.

  “Get up sleepy head.” I shake his leg.

  “Ugh is it morning already? Damn this couch isn’t meant for sleeping.” He gets up and stretches out his body while I grab jeans and a T-shirt and go change in the bathroom.

  “I’m going to go get us some coffee. What does everyone want?” I ask as I slap a hat on my head and sunglasses on my face.

  “A very large coffee, sweet and light,” Cam grumbles still trying to wake up.

  From the kitchen I hear Mandy holler out her order, “I’ll take the same, but normal cream and sugar,” then she goes back to getting Callie some breakfast.

  Once I return with coffee and we all are ready for the day Mandy reluctantly leaves Cam with Callie and we go to get the trailer. I’m not sure her little SUV will be able to haul this twelve-foot trailer and I suggest getting a small fifteen-foot truck to make sure she has enough room for her things. The three of us can take turns driving her SUV and the truck, mainly Cam and I will switch between the vehicles, allowing Mandy to relax and be the passenger. She agrees so we get the truck and go back to her condo, pulling to the back of the building where they have a service elevator.

  When we walk through the door, she runs to Callie like it has been forever since she saw her, “Sorry Cam,” she says as she snuggles her daughter. “I’m on edge with all this crap with Connor going on.”

  “All good. Let’s get moving this stuff down to the truck. The quicker we get out of here the quicker you’ll be away from him and his lawyer.”

  An hour later there are only a few boxes left. I’m glad we got the larger truck; I don’t think her stuff would have fit in the small trailer. As it is the truck is almost full. Cam and I leave Mandy and Callie and get the last load on the truck. Mandy is going through making sure she has everything, leaving only furniture and a few decorations she didn’t want anything to do with.

  When Cam and I return, Connor is in her condo, yelling at her. Cam and I both step closer in unison up behind him, a united front.

  “Can we help you?” Cam interjects.

  Slowly, Connor turns around and then angles his head up. Damn this guy is a short fuck. But then again, Cam and I both top out at six foot three.

  “Yeah no, I got this. Who the hell are you anyway?”

  “Well, I’m Parker and this is Cam. We’re friends of Mandy and Callie. We’re here to help her move. Who are you?” I say as nicely as possible with a bite behind my words.

  “Connor, I’m here for my daughter. Mandy can go but Callie is coming with me.”

  “I don’t think so, Mandy make the call.”

  With tears in her eyes she takes Callie to the other room and calls Henry.

  “Now, from my understanding, you signed all your rights away. Making it impossible for you to prevent this move today. Do you have any paperwork saying you can take her into your custody, or did you just show up to be an asshole?” I stand legs apart, arms crossed mimicking Cam’s stance, talking with a calm I don’t feel. I’m not looking for a fight, but I will if I need to.

  “She’s mine and I’ll take her if I want to,” he says with a hint of a quiver in his voice, like he knows he has no foot to stand on.

  Mandy returns a few minutes later. “Henry is calling the police and his lawyer friend here in Boston that has all the pertinent paperwork.”

  “Connor, do you see this going your way today. I think it might be in your best interest to leave and let Mandy move without any problems,” I say.

  Mandy, who has Callie wrapped tight to her chest, is holding herself together by only a string. I take the few steps over to her and let her lean on me for support. I wrap my arm around her and let her lean into my side. Cam still stands blocking the entrance like the defensive player he is. This puck isn’t getting past him.

  Mandy’s phone rings and it’s her door man letting her know the cops are on the way up.

  Cam relaxes a little bit, letting the police in.

  “Ms. Hutton, what seems to be the problem here?” an officer asks.

  “Mr. Davis is trying to take custody of my daughter. He has no legal rights to her. Valid paternity test or not, he signed his rights away. My lawyer should be here momentarily.”

  “Mr. Davis, do you have any paperwork that would allow you to take this baby?”

  Stuttering he answers, “Uh, no.”

  “Officer, I’m moving out of state today. He is here trying to stop me.”

  Mandy’s lawyer shows up just then. Swooping in, not acknowledging anyone but the officers.

  “Hello, I’m representing Ms. Hutton and her daughter, I’m Mr. Cannon.” He shakes the officers’ hands.

  “Now, I have all the paperwork here stating that Mr. Davis signed his rights away, though there is a pending custody case, Mr. Davis can’t take Caroline Hutton, or prevent Ms. Hutton from leaving today. His case has no ground to stand on. I would like it if you would remove him from her condo and allow her to leave on schedule.” He turns to Mandy and me, “Hello Ms. Hutton, nice to meet you. I’ll have this cleared up shortly.” Then turns back to the officers.

  “Mr. Davis, you need to leave,” the one officer says.

  “Fine, this isn’t the end Mandy.” He huffs off toward the door.

  “Is that a threat Mr. Davis?” Mr. Cannon asks before he’s out the door. Connor stiffened for a moment before he was out of sight.

  “Officers, thank you for your assistance today.” Mr. Cannon thanks them before they leave.

  “Now, Ms. Hutton, I’ll stick around until you’re on your way, to make sure Mr. Davis doesn’t come back.”

  “Thank you.” I shake his hand. I really didn’t feel like getting into a fight today and I’m sure Cam didn’t either.

  I notice Cam is still standing looking menacing, unable to relax. I get it. Until we are on the road, there’s no way I’ll be rela
xing. I tried for Mandy, but I was still vibrating with anger and possessiveness.

  “We have a few things left to put in the car other than that we are about ready. Let me go change Callie, then we can be on our way.”

  As Mandy takes Callie back to her old room to change her, Cam and I grab the last few things sitting by the door then wait. Mandy emerges with Callie in her car seat and her diaper bag slung over her shoulder.

  “Ready?” I ask.

  “More than ready,” she answers and the five of us make our way to the waiting car and truck.

  With Callie snug as a bug in her car seat, Connor and I choose to drive first. He in the truck and me driving the SUV.

  Mr. Cannon stands at the back entrance watching us leave, probably for his own piece of mind and then his hard-shell cracks as he waves us off.

  As we round the corner from the alley, I notice Connor standing there watching us leave with a glare. I look forward to not letting Mandy know I saw him.

  I begin to relax as we hit 95 South.



  We made it out of there, I was freaking out there for a little bit when Con showed up and Parker and Cam weren’t there. I had a horrible feeling when he started yelling and calling me all these nasty names things were going to get physical. I’m glad my goliath hockey players showed up when they did.

  I’m finally able to breath once Parker has us on the interstate heading out of state. I take the first leg to decompress the morning events. Eventually falling asleep until Callie starts to make some noises in the back seat. Releasing my seatbelt, I turn to attend to my little lady.

  “Hey Parker, I think we need to make a stop. Callie needs a diaper change. Probably a snack too.”

  “Okay, Call Cam and let him know we’ll stop at the next rest area.”

  I call Cam and let him know what we’re doing.

  I had packed a lunch for us the night before, since it’s a nice sunny day when we stop and I pull out my cooler.

  With my head back where it needs to be and the morning behind us, I thank the guys, starting with a hug.

  “I’m sorry you had to deal with Con this morning, thank you for being there when I needed you. I’ve never seen him so angry, if you hadn’t come back when you did, I don’t know what he would’ve done.”

  “We got your back Mandy, no thanks necessary,” Cam says as he gives her a hug.

  “I would do it all over again to make sure you two are together and where you need to be,” Parker says as he drops his head and takes a seat at the picnic table.

  Cam takes Callie out of her car seat as I pull out all the food I packed.

  “You guys eat, I’m taking Callie to change her diaper. We’ll be right back.”

  The guys dig in as I take Callie to the bathroom for her diaper change. I have a weird feeling as I walk away, like someone is watching me, but brush it off. When we return, Cam takes Callie from me, so I can grab something to eat and have both my hands available.

  It surprises me how these two gigantic guys become mush around my daughter. It’s almost comical.

  We finish eating and get back on the road until we need gas. I try to offer to drive but neither of them gives up driving responsibilities. I feel bad Cam is all by himself in the large truck, but he says he’s good.

  I take control of the music selection and hear a few groans from Parker when a couple of my favorite songs come on the radio. Now I’m playing around with him, trying to get him to say something about the music, a complaint or any reaction would make me happy. I get nothing. I eventually give up trying to make him give me a reaction and turn the music down so we can actually talk. The tension is strong between us. I’m not sure if it’s the morning we had or what happened last night or a bit of both, I’m going with both.

  “Parker, are we okay?”

  “Yeah, why would you ask?” he quickly responds back.

  “It’s just… Nevermind.”

  “Mandy, you have made it perfectly clear we are strictly friends. I however, made it clear that I can’t get you out of my head. I’ll be your friend. I’ll protect you from Conner and I’ll be here until you change your mind about us. Mark my words, you will change your mind.”

  “I can’t give you anything besides friendship, I can’t work with the team and date you. I made that mistake before. It doesn’t matter how attracted I am to you.” Shit, I quickly cover my mouth and look away out the window. Why the hell did I just confess I’m attracted to him. I take a small glance in his direction and of course he’s sporting a huge smile. Great now I’ve gone and done it, if he wasn’t going to try before he sure as hell will now.

  I hear a little chuckle from him. “So, you’re attracted to me. Knew it.”

  I continue to ignore the egomaniac driving my car, focusing on the life I have waiting for me in Nashville.

  I can’t wait to have Grandma’s arms wrapped around me and let out all my frustrations to her listening ear. I’m sure there will be a bunch of tears involved too. I miss life when it was simple, doing a job I love with a sport I adore, had a boyfriend and was perfectly happy. Not that I’d change having Callie for anything, I just wish it was with someone who gave a damn about us. I’m still trying to figure out what the real reason is Connor is doing all this. He couldn’t get away from me fast enough when I mentioned I was pregnant.

  The rest of the nine-hour drive goes about the same, stop for gas, offer to drive, they refuse, stop for food, offer to drive, they refuse. I eventually give up. When we get to Virginia the halfway point, I get us a couple of hotel rooms. One for Callie and I and one for them. It’s a little late but I notice the guys walking out of the building and going for a run. I, on the other hand, give Callie a bath and get her ready for bed. She slept most of the day, so I sit down on the floor and play with her for a little bit to get her energy out. It’s almost midnight before I settle in for the night and get some sleep. My alarm is set for eight in the morning hoping and praying Callie lets me sleep until then.

  The next morning, I meet the boys in the lobby for breakfast. Cam takes Callie from me again. I’m beginning to think he either has a way with kids or he has a secret desire to have his own. I really like Cam and his easy-going personality with a protective undertone that comes barreling to the front when it’s needed like yesterday. Cam and Parker interact exactly like brothers, more than a simple friendship. Watching them makes me a little jealous I don’t have someone like that in my life.

  After breakfast, we gather our belongings from the rooms and start loading ourselves into the vehicles. Parker decides to drive the truck today allowing Cam to drive the SUV.

  “Guys you know I can drive, right?”

  “Well yeah, however we prefer to be the driver and not the passenger,” Cam answers back.

  “I’m giving Cam a chance to spend some time with his new girlfriend, though I don’t think she’s the talkative type. Huh, Callie?” he laughs.

  “Whatever man, she’s cute. Never met a baby as chill as her,” Cam snaps back.

  This is too adorable. Big mean hockey players, add in a baby, become sweet mushy guys. Once we’re all settled in our assigned seats, we hit the road, again.

  Today was a lot more fun, Cam is a blast and it almost felt like a car karaoke episode most of the day.

  For this leg of the trip I don’t have much besides snacks left over from yesterday. We stop at a truck stop off the highway, a multi-purpose stop. Food, gas, and bathrooms. I’m grateful that Callie hasn’t had any accidents, knock on wood. I’m headed back out from the bathroom when I swear, I spot Conner in my peripheral vision. I must be going crazy. Unfortunately, every time we stop, I get the feeling I’m being watched.

  I increase my speed back out to the car and almost jump in and slam the door shut, trying to get away from the monster chasing me, at least that’s how it feels in my head. Cam looks over at me with a what the fuck look and then Parker is at the door trying to get in, but I locked it the second
I could. He starts knocking on the window, trying to get me to open up. Callie was already buckled into her seat in the back, Cam taking good care of her for me while I have my little freak out. Cam unlocks the door and Parker opens it up, crouching down beside me.

  “Mandy, what’s wrong?” he asks as he pushes a lock of my hair behind my ear so he can try and see my face.

  I start crying, out of frustration, fear and anger. I breakdown in the front passenger seat of my car. Cam goes to the back and pulls Callie out of her seat and takes her for a walk around the car, not going too far out of my sight. I trust him, and he’s protective of my little lady. Parker on the other hand, scoops me up out of the seat, turns around and sits pulling me into his chest while I sit across his lap. I’m feeling so tiny in his grasp.

  He lets me cry, smoothing my hair back and talking sweet nothings to try and calm me. After a little while I’ve calmed down.

  “Now you’re breathing a bit more normal, tell me what this was all about,” Parker demands as he lifts my chin so I’m looking him in the eyes,

  I take a deep breath before I start, feeling a bit like a fool. “Do you ever have the feeling your being watched?” I ask

  “Unfortunately, all the time, but I’ve learned to ignore it. Otherwise I’d go crazy, I wouldn’t have a life if I let it get to me. But talk to me Mandy, what happened?”

  “Every time we stop, I keep getting the feeling that someone is watching me. In there I was almost positive I saw Connor hiding in the shadows, behind a rack as I came out of the bathroom. Then he was gone. It freaked me out and I needed to escape as fast as I could. What if I feel like this all the time, what if he doesn’t go away?”


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