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Breakthrough Page 7

by Sarah Stevens

  He hugs me tight to him as he calls Cam over.

  “Hey, can you do me a favor and take a walk around and see if you see that asshole anywhere. She thinks he’s been following us from Boston, and she just saw him inside.”

  “I’m on it.” Immediately he puts Callie back in the car and goes searching. I’m sure he’s taken off by now, but I appreciate it anyway. As expected, when he returns, he has nothing to report. Now I’ve calmed down, we get back on the road and finally hit the central time zone, barely on the other side of Knoxville. I’m almost home, we have another couple hours left.

  I call Grandma to give her an update on our arrival time forgoing the incident at the last stop.

  When we arrive, I run to Grandma and hug her like the little girl I have living deep within me. I finally feel like I’m home.

  “Oh gosh, you were just here not that long ago” she says with a bit of a chuckle. “What’s going on with you girl?” she then asks.

  “I’m really glad to be home. It’s been a rough couple of days.”

  “I’m sure sweet girl, now grab my great granddaughter and get yourselves in here. I have food ready.”

  I turn back towards the guys and Parker is holding Callie. A vision of Callie actually having a dad that gave a damn about her pops into my mind. It throws me for a loop for a second, I shake the thought away, clearing my head, and take Callie from his arms, ushering the guys into the house for a feast.



  After a long forty-eight hours we arrive at Mrs. Hutton’s house. Mandy leaps out of the car right into her grandmother’s waiting arms. I take it upon myself to grab Callie out of the car and wait for them to complete their moment. When Mandy turns around, she looks at me with a small smile before it turns to a frown, almost like she had a thought that makes her sad, before shaking her head and taking Callie from my arms. Mrs. Hutton has a huge homecooked feast waiting for us. Typical grandmother, I think to myself. I know Cam and I aren’t complaining, we don’t normally get a good homecooked meal, unless one of our mothers comes in town, which isn’t often.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Hutton, this looks amazing,” I say while taking a seat.

  “Nonsense boy, call me Maggie,” she says as she hands me a plate.

  With a smile I answer, “Well then thank you, Maggie.”

  “You’re welcome. Now fill your belly. I have the guest room set up for you boys for the night. It might be a little crowded in there but it’s a place to sleep.”

  Cam finally talks, “Thank you for everything Maggie, we really appreciate it.”

  We finish eating in comfortable silence. The three of us are completely exhausted. Cam and I clear the table and do the dishes so that Mandy can get Maggie caught up on the past couple of days.

  With a whisper to Cam I ask, “Do you think that asshole is going to show up here and give Mandy a hard time?”

  “Man, I wish I could say no, but I think it’s highly likely. He doesn’t know when to back off. I’m sure he’s been following us since we left Boston. Mandy was terrified.”

  “I know, I don’t like this, and definitely didn’t like seeing her freaked out like that.”

  “Me either. We have to make sure they are okay, that Connor doesn’t bother them and also keep focused on the game. This should be a fun second half of the season,” Cam says full of sarcasm.

  Once the kitchen is cleaned up, Cam and I find everyone in the living room. There is a hint of tension in the air between Maggie and Mandy.

  “Kitchen’s cleaned up. Cam and I are going to go get everyone’s overnight bags out of the car. Mandy, did you grab Callie’s diaper bag earlier or do I need to grab it too?” I ask, looking at Mandy’s wide shocked eyes. I’m wondering what I keep doing other than being a gentleman and being helpful that keeps making her look at me in bewilderment. I may be a beast that can stop a puck going ninety miles an hour towards me in the net, but I can be a decent guy too. I’m trying to prove to her I can be more than what she thinks of me before I try and seduce her into my bed.

  “Yeah, I grabbed it earlier when you were doing the dishes. My little lady needed her diaper changed, thank you though,” she answers with a small smile that doesn’t quite meet her eyes. I haven’t seen a real smile from her since this little journey to move her here began. I’m sure it has to do with the stress of Connor bothering her, but I miss the genuine Mandy smile.

  Cam and I go grab our stuff, when we return, Maggie leads us to where we’ll be staying. She’s right, it will be tight with two twin size beds for two over six-foot guys trying to sleep in them.

  “Thank you, Maggie. This will be fine,” I say as I try not to wince at the thought of trying to fit in the bed.

  “Yes, thank you.” Cam follows suit with a tinge of apprehension on his face.

  It’s still a little early for adult standards but past bedtime for Callie. I leave Cam to go in search of Callie and Mandy so I can say goodnight to the little lady. I’m in the hallway when I hear little coo’s coming from the room down the hall and start walking in that direction. The door is cracked slightly, enough for me to glance through and watch them. Mandy has Callie in her pajamas and is rocking gently back and forth while singing to her softly.

  I try and open the door a little bit wider to get a better view when the door creaks enough to gain Mandy’s attention.

  “Hey, I wanted to come say goodnight to Callie,” I whisper noticing the little lady’s eyes are almost closed. I step up next to Mandy and lightly brush my lips against the top of Callie’s head and with a whispered “goodnight”. I catch Mandy’s eyes before I brush my lips across her temple, “and a good night to you too.” Then I silently walk out of the room and to the kitchen for a glass of water. I notice the night is cool as I take a seat on the front porch swing. I’m decompressing from the past few days and thinking about how I’m going to be able to do my job on the ice and worry about those two girls upstairs.

  I’m not sure how long I’ve been out here but Cam joins me. “Hey man, what’s up?”

  “Oh, you know, contemplating life and how I’m going to make it through the rest of this season doing my job, keeping my head in the game when some asshole out to make the girl I like and her daughter miserable. All this along with the girl I like not wanting to admit she likes me in any way shape or form, even though I feel the spark between us every time we’re in the same room or there is any slight physical contact.”

  “Well, that was a lot. You don’t have to hold all the worry on your shoulders, Marsh. I have just as much invested in that little lady as you do. Granted, her mom is in your hands.” He laughs, then continues, “Callie belongs with her mom, Connor will have to go through us and an entire hockey team once we let the guys in on what’s going on. I do, however, hate they are out here in the middle of nowhere, but I don’t think we’ll be able to convince them to stay in Nashville, where we can keep closer tabs on them, and have building security. The three of them are sitting ducks out here.” Now he has a bite of anger in his voice.

  “I feel the same way. Mandy wants to be home with her grandmother living out here in the country where she grew up, letting Callie grow up like she did. But it makes it difficult to make sure Conner doesn’t bother them.” I get up and start pacing with all the frustration I have running through my body. Descending the stairs to the front yard, something catches my eye. A small wrapped package, with a card attached.

  “What are you looking at?’ Cam asks.

  “Go get Mandy.” I bark at him as my body tenses.

  “Damn, don’t bite my head off. What’s going on?”

  “There’s a package here next to the bottom step. It wasn’t here when we got here.”

  “Fuck, I’ll go get her.”

  I take a picture of it in case we need it later. I don’t touch it, I’m not sure what we should do with it.

  Cam, Mandy and Maggie come busting out the front door, anger on Cam’s face and concern on the ladies face
s. “What’s going on, what did you find?”

  The questions coming from all of them.

  “There’s a wrapped present here with a card and Callie’s name on it. I haven’t touched it yet. I’m sure it’s from Conner.” I look to Mandy, “I know you saw him, I’m sure he was following us all the way down.”

  “I think your right, god damn it. Why is he doing this to me. I wish I knew what his motive was for all of a sudden after all these months he wants back in. But no, it isn’t just back in, he wants to take my daughter from me permanently.” Mandy starts to cry and yell and break down. I go over to her as she’s dropping herself to the ground and catch her. Sitting on the bottom step with her on my lap Maggie comes to sit next to us, stroking her granddaughter’s cheek trying to sooth her.

  “What do you want to do, Marsh?” Cam asks me.

  “Either we open the package and see what the note says, or we call the cops and let them do it,” I answer. “I think we need to call the police that way they know what’s been going on with Connor following us here. Maybe if we get the police involved, he’ll back off after a few days and go back home. Let this be dealt with in court.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” Cam walks a few feet away and makes the call as the three of us sit staring at the package sitting there, taunting us.

  Being a small town, the cops arrive within ten minutes. Mandy fills them in on all that’s happened, including seeing Connor at the truck stop on the way down to Nashville. Photos are taken of the package for their own record and then we open the card and box.

  The card reads:

  To Callie

  I love you, we’ll be together soon.



  Inside the box is a silver rattle with an inscription on the handle.

  Caroline Davis

  The cops write out the report and take the package for evidence. After they leave Mandy breaks down, her grandmother at her side on the steps up to the porch.

  “Why is this happening?” she questions to nobody in particular. After a short time, they go inside so Maggie can make Mandy a cup of tea and get her into bed.

  Cam and I stand outside, completely taken over with anger and no outlet for it.

  “This is bullshit,” Cam says pacing back and forth in the front yard.

  “Man, I agree. What can we do though? I’m pissed too. Callie doesn’t deserve a piece of shit like that. He’s got to have an ulterior motive to be doing this. With how he dealt with Mandy’s pregnancy immediately tossing her and the baby away the first chance he could? The police are aware and will be keeping an eye on her. Unfortunately, we can’t stay here forever and keep an eye out, and Mandy isn’t coming into Nashville with either one of us. She wants to be here, home with her grandmother.”

  Realizing there is nothing we can do and feeling defeated, we head inside and go to bed for the night. It’s been an exhausting couple of days.



  Waking up frustrated and pissed off, I go check on Callie, who is unaware of the hurricane surrounding her. I try and keep myself in check and not let Callie feel the storm I have inside me. I stand watching her slowly waking herself up with little cooing sounds. Taking in every moment with my little lady. He won’t get his hands on her. Callie notices me standing next to her crib and gives me the biggest smile. I just want to cry out all my anger and in the same breath grab her in my arms and never let go. After a few moments of the tickle monster and her little laughs filling the room, I pick her up and get her diaper changed before going down to the kitchen for my coffee and to get her a bottle.

  I should have known Grandma would already be in there making a feast for breakfast. The biscuits smell amazing as she pulls them out of the oven and will taste amazing with the gravy she has simmering on the stove.

  “Good morning sweet girl, how did you sleep?” she asks when she notices us walking in.

  “I could have had a better night’s sleep, but I got some. Coffee is definitely needed this morning though.”

  “You know where it is. Now let me get this little lady her bottle. If the boys don’t wake up soon though, I’m digging in without them.” She laughs trying to make this a new day and a better day.

  We sit with bacon, eggs and biscuits and gravy on our plates and talk like any other morning until the guys come walking in looking a little rough.

  “Mornin’ how’d ya sleep?” I ask, feeling a little better and more myself. They however grumble a greeting before beelining it to the coffee. They plop down at the table take a drink of coffee before either one acknowledges us sitting there. I have to chuckle to myself, this is a funny sight.

  “So, is this how you both are every morning?” I question with laughter behind my words.

  “Pretty much. Neither of us have ever been morning people and in our sport that can be a problem.”

  “Yeah I can see that with all the morning skate sessions and training. Did you guys at least sleep okay?”

  “Pretty good,” Cam answers as he tries to stretch out a kink in his shoulder.

  “I know the beds are a bit small for you guys. Tonight, you can have your own beds back. Until then though, let’s get you boys fed. Grandma made a small feast for breakfast.”

  They both fill up their plates and come back to the table not saying a word until they have cleared their plates. Either they were extremely hungry, or it was just that good. Probably both.

  After breakfast we all get dressed for the day and start unloading the truck. Most of what we bring in is for Callie’s room and then a few boxes for my room. Most of the truck is going into a small storage locker I’ve already set up. There is no need for me to have all my household items at Grandma’s and eventually I’ll get my own place so I may as well store it for the time being.

  The morning goes by smoothly, the truck is unloaded and returned. When we get back to Grandma’s house around lunchtime, she has a stack of sandwiches ready for us and homemade potato salad. I don’t think I can keep in shape if she continues to feed me like this.

  After lunch, the guys gather their things and say their thanks to Grandma and then give Callie a few belly tickles and raspberries before I take them back into the city and they can get back to their own lives again. Games start in a couple days again and they have practice in the morning.

  They told me to drop them off at Cam’s condo and he’d make sure to get Parker to his place later. I pull up front, turn on my hazard lights and wait for them to get out of the car, trying to not be sad life has to go back to reality. I did however make two amazing new friends, even if one wants more from me. As the guys step out of my car, I get out too. I walk over to Cam and give him a hug and in return he bear hugs me to the point I can hardly breathe.

  “Cam, she can’t breathe, loosen up man.” Parker laughs behind me. He loosens his grip, kisses me on the cheek and whispers, “Call if you need anything, and be gentle with the beast, he is crazy about you.” Then he pulls away with a smile and walks to the door to the building, giving Parker and I a moment.

  He hugs me, then when he backs up, he takes my face in his hands and kisses me softly, a complete contrast to what our last kiss was like. Ending the kiss, he looks at me, almost like he’s trying to tell me so much in his one look and then speaks, “Mandy, I’m worried about you and Callie. I wish I could do more, and I know you’re scared. Call me anytime if you need me. I’ll be here if I can, if I can’t because we’re on the road, I’ll make sure someone is. I know you don’t believe me, but you are important to me. So is Callie, you having a baby changes nothing. I have you stuck in my head. When you change your mind, I’ll still be here.” He brushes his lips against mine once more and then walks into the building, not giving me a chance to say a damn thing. He steps into the elevator Cam is holding for him, winks at me and then he’s gone.

  I get into my car and drive back to Grandma’s house in a bit of a daze. This damn fucker is going to break me down I just know it.r />
  Over the next few weeks, I don’t hear much from anyone, Connor or Parker. I know Parker has been on the road since returning after the short break. Christmas is right around the corner, and then my new life as a part of the Notes organization will start, to include seeing Parker every day at that point.

  I’m grateful for the silence from Connor, however it doesn’t stop me from constantly being on edge, never knowing when he might sneak up on me. Callie and I are having a blast getting ready for Christmas though. It has been way too long since I’ve had a Tennessee Christmas, and this is Callie’s first Christmas. This will be the best Christmas in an exceptionally long time. I put the fear behind me and concentrate on the holiday, a week away. This little lady is going to be so spoiled.



  Life has gone back to normal and hockey’s in full swing. When we arrived at the arena for practice after the short break, we dove right into a road trip that seemed to go on forever. Both Cam and I were worried about Mandy, however the anger and worry put an edge in our game. We were both on point and playing the best we’ve played all season. We won every game in the away series.

  Back in the locker room, our teammates knew something was going on with us, but they weren’t complaining, we were winning and making the points to get us to the playoffs. When we got back to Nashville, Cam and I walked into coach’s office. “We need to talk,” I said point blank. I wasn’t one to barge in on coach, so he knew something was up.

  “What’s up?” he questioned.

  Cam, being the captain took over, “Mandy Hutton has a huge problem. Did you know she has a baby? Did you know that her baby daddy is on her ass full force and trying to take Callie away, a full custody battle?”


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