Book Read Free


Page 13

by Sarah Stevens

“You are most welcome Maggie. I saw it and thought of you.”

  “Mandy are you going to open your gifts?” Maggie asks.

  “Oh, um yeah.” She stammers taking the larger gift in her hands to open. “Oh my, this is beautiful and perfect. I’ve wanted a Coach backpack and the color almost matches the team. The maroon is perfect. Thank you, Parker.”

  “You’re welcome, now the other one.” I say with a little chuckle.

  “Parker! You didn’t have to get me something so expensive. It’s beautiful but too much.”

  “It’s fine, I wanted to. I saw it and thought of both you and Callie. Do you like it?”

  “I love it, thank you.” And she gives me a hug, the first real contact we’ve had all day.

  “Parker, it’s a beautiful necklace,” Maggie says as she gets up, “The turkey should be about ready. I’m going to go and check.” Then walks away leaving me with Callie and Mandy sitting on the floor looking like a happy little family. I realize in that moment, I want this, I want to be a part of a family.

  As we sit there watching Callie play with her flamingo the air gets a little tense. I feel the elephant in the room.

  “Mandy, can we talk? I need to explain a few things that are going on. I need to clear the air with you. I don’t like the tension between us. If friends are all we can be so be it, but I still want to be in your life, in Callie’s life. You both have become important to me and I don’t want to lose you, both of you.”

  “You are important to me too Parker, I just can’t allow us to be more than friends. Not now, maybe not ever. I hope you understand.”

  “I get it, I really do. You have been burned too many times to give me a chance. The photo taken the other night didn’t help me any either. I’m sure the video I’m being blackmailed with will throw you over the edge too. But I need to explain a few things and I need you to believe me,” I plead with her.

  “I’m listening Parker, what do you have to tell me and what video?

  “The other night I went out for the first time since I met you after a game. I was in a piss poor mood, well to be honest, because I wanted you and felt like you didn’t want me, which is no excuse. Cam convinced me to go out and the bunnies were all there per the usual, and I stupidly let that girl get under my skin for a moment and regretted it the second my lips touched hers. It was too late, one bad choice and it gets photographed, then put on social media. I admit I messed up and I’m truly sorry I hurt you. We aren’t even together, and the guilt knocked me on my ass. I left and went to my condo for the night immediately after that photo was taken.”

  “Parker, honestly there was no reason for me to be hurt because as you said we aren’t together. I was more upset at the fact I did want more with you, but my insecurities and my past wouldn’t allow it. The picture hurt because it proved the point I’ve been trying to make all along.”

  “I really am sorry. I didn’t want to prove your point. Which is why this next tidbit is going to upset you. I need to tell you because if this video gets out, I need you to know it isn’t the truth.” I take a breath and then another getting the courage to tell her about the rest of the night.

  “Go on,” she urges.

  “Okay, when I got back to my condo someone had broken in. A naked red head was sitting in my living room waiting for me. I immediately grabbed a blanket and threw it at her told her to get dressed and leave. It didn’t go the way I wanted, and she threw the blanket and then jumped on me. I blocked her she stumbled backwards tripped over her feet and fell to the floor. What I didn’t know was there was a camera set up to catch the incident. I never intentionally or forcefully pushed her away but since the video has been edited it makes it look that way. The other night when you were going through your stuff with Connor I was being texted and blackmailed by this red head calling herself ‘Little Red’. She said if I were to see you or Callie again that she would release the video. I’ve been staying at the other house outside the city and when I went to meet with Henry and the police at the condo it had been trashed and she had been back in my place. Coach, Henry, and the police have been dealing with this situation since it began. I wanted you to hear the truth from my lips so if the video gets leaked, you already knew what was true. I hope you believe me.”

  She sits there with her mouth hung open shocked at what I just said. She slowly closes her mouth to stare at me in silence for a few beats.

  “Who do you think it could be?” she asks, never questioning the truth in the story, just believing me right off the bat.

  “I wish I knew. The girl was wearing a wig from what I can tell. They are going through video from the building, but Mandy, we think Connor has something to do with it. It could be a pissed off fan because of the photos of me with you and Callie, but in all honesty, I have a feeling it is Connor.”

  “I wouldn’t put it past him, honestly. I believe you Parker, I believe you wouldn’t purposely hurt a woman. I have to ask though, why risk the video getting released by coming here today?”

  “Because today is important, and so are the three of you. I haven’t felt like any part of a family until I spent time with you and yours. Today I wanted it to feel like Christmas and not sit alone in a big house without an ounce of Christmas spirit. All the important people know what is going on, if it gets released, I can only pray they don’t try and end my career because of a domestic incident. But the police know, and the NHL has also been notified of the situation.”

  “Oh, Parker. I’m so sorry and if I find out Connor had anything to do with this, I’ll kill him myself. So, what happens now? You wait to see what they find and what about at work? I can’t avoid you I’m going to be one of your trainers.”

  “I don’t know Mandy, but I won’t bend to their threats. I have to live my life just as you do. We will beat this shit and move on. Here’s hoping for a hattrick, custody yours, Connor gone for good, and this redhead out of the picture. But for now, let’s get back to the holiday and enjoy the rest of Christmas, that turkey sure does smell good.” I stand up and take Mandy’s hand to help her up before picking up my number one fan with her new flamingo and going to see if Maggie needs any help in the kitchen.



  I stand there in a daze for a few moments, not sure what to think of everything Parker told me. Definitely not what I was expecting, and to think that Connor might have had something to do with everything he has going on. I snap out of the daze I’m in and go join everyone in the kitchen still with all these thoughts going through my head. When I walk in Parker is carrying the turkey over to the dining room to a beautifully set Christmas dinner table. Callie, in her highchair next to Grandma has a huge smile on her face. Not a care in the world and I wish for just a moment life could be that easy. Parker takes the seat next to Callie, leaving me between Grandma and him. Hands are held and the prayer is said, giving thanks to the food and company then we dig into this beautiful meal. I toss aside all the jumbled-up thoughts in my head and enjoy the rest of the night with my family and Parker.

  It’s been a long exciting day watching Callie open presents and laugh her way through the day, always so full of joy. Once the table is cleaned off, I offer to clean the kitchen. Grandma doesn’t even object.

  “I’ll go get a bath running for Callie.” Then she takes Callie away leaving me standing there with Parker in the kitchen.

  I throw him a towel, “I’ll wash, you dry.”

  We work side by side cleaning up in silence. I don’t know what to say to him anymore.

  “Mandy, are you okay? You’re not usually this quiet,” he snickers.

  “How can you be so calm, like nothing is going on?” I ask.

  “Because I’m happy to be here with you and your family. I enjoy my time when I’m with you and I know you have said a million times we can only be friends but, I’ll take it. Callie is a special little lady and so is her mom. I want to forget about the world outside this house for a while and enjoy the holiday.”

/>   “Aren’t you worried about the blackmail and threats?”

  “I am. It could be a career killer for me if that video gets out. But I have a good team behind me. If it happens then I’ll deal with it. It is my problem. I’m more concerned what your thoughts are about it all.”

  “My thoughts, like what? Are you asking if I believe you when you say it isn’t what it looks like? Because if you are, I do. I still don’t like the idea that you kissed a puck bunny but what can I honestly do. I overreacted, we aren’t together, and you have the right to kiss anyone you want. I’m sorry. I want us to be okay, be friends.”

  Parker dries his hands off on the towel he has and comes to my side, wrapping his arms around me he holds me for a moment before pulling away and looking into my eyes.

  “Mandy, we are and always will be friends. I don’t want to be out there kissing bunnies. I’d honestly rather be with you and Callie, but I get why it is the way it is. You haven’t had the best example of a man in your life except for Hutton. I’m willing to be here, present, and prove myself to you. Right now though, I need to get my head back in the game and hopefully win the cup and deal with this bullshit I have going on. You have a fight of your own with Connor. So, I agree to be your friend but expect me to prove myself to you whenever I can.” He kisses me on the cheek then walks away to find Grandma and tell her and Callie goodnight before walking out the front door.

  The next week flies by after Christmas, I don’t see or hear from Parker the entire time. He doesn’t even send me a text until New Year’s Eve and even that was just a Happy New Year’s message.

  The day has come to start my new job with the Nashville Notes and I’m terrified. I know the team is full of good guys but there are the ones that don’t want a girl near the locker room, the ones that will give me a hard time, and then there is always the newbie hazing. It happens even if it is toned down some since I’m a female.

  I’m up early, showered and ready to go with enough time to get a somewhat decent breakfast in me. Coffee and some toast. As I’m putting my plate in the sink, Grandma comes in.

  “Morning sweetheart. Are you ready for today?” she asks

  “As ready as I’m going to be. I think today I have the paperwork to do and then meet everyone on the training staff. I don’t know if I’m actually going to be doing any real work. We’ll see, but I’m nervous, I don’t want to be caught up in any drama and there is always drama when athletes are involved. Here’s hoping this job comes with a little more respect than the last job.”

  “I think you will be fine. These boys know who you are, you’re a Hutton and that name comes with respect after all the years your Grandpa coached the team. Be strong and go and do what you do. You got this and I have your little lady taken care of until Angie arrives. Speaking of the little lady, I think I hear her waking up. Why don’t we go get her up so you can say bye and then get on the road, traffic going into the city will be a bear.”

  Callie is all smiles as we walk in and holding on to that damn pink flamingo Parker gave her. A constant reminder I haven’t heard from Parker. I pick her up along with the flamingo, giving her a big hug and kiss before I hand her off to Grandma.

  “I’ve got to go, you two have a great day. Angie should be here in about an hour. Love you” then I rush out the door realizing it is later than I thought.

  The drive into the team offices isn’t as bad as I thought it would be and I make it in plenty of time to run through the Starbucks drive thru before entering the team garage where I’m stopped at the gate.

  “Good morning ma’am can I help you?” The attendant asks.

  “Yes, I’m Amanda Hutton, I’m supposed to meet with Mr. Talbot this morning.”

  He checks his clipboard and nods his head, “Yes Ms. Hutton I see your name listed. Here is a day pass, put it in your window so it can be seen then pull through and find a spot on the second or third floor. After that take, the elevator down to the first floor and it will take you directly into the offices. You have a great day.”

  “Thank you.” I take the parking pass from him and make my way to a spot on the second floor. Grabbing my backpack with all of my trainer supplies and my coffee I find my way inside where I’m greeted by the pretty blonde girl sitting behind the reception desk.

  “Good morning, how may I help you?” she asks.

  “Morning, I’m here to see Jason Talbot. He should be expecting me, I’m Amanda Hutton.”

  She picks up the phone giving me the just a second gesture with her pointer finger as she rings his secretary Stephanie. I then hear her say, “Of course, I’ll send her right down.” She hangs up and then directs me to his office. Stephanie stands up and hugs me, I’ve known her a long time, ever since I was a little girl coming to the rink with Grandpa. “Mandy, it is so good to see you. I hope you had a nice holiday. I’ll let Mr. Talbot know you’re here.”

  “Thank you, Stephanie, I had a really good holiday, it’s nice being home again.”

  “We sure are happy to have you around here again. I missed you and look at you all grown up now, and with a little one of your own.” She picks up the phone and lets Mr. Talbot know I’m here. “He said go right in.”

  “Thank you.” I open the door and he stands at my arrival coming around the desk to give me a hug.

  “Mandy, how are you? Have you settled in alright? I know you’ve had a few issues with the guy from Boston but other than that how is being back in Tennessee?”

  “Better than I thought it would be. Thank you for this opportunity. I appreciate it more than you know. Hockey has always been the sport that held my heart.”

  “We are happy to have you. You grew up around this team it’s only fitting that you work with us.” He smiles at me, as he takes his seat at his desk offering me a seat opposite him. “Now, we have to get your contract signed and get you outfitted with the team gear you will need. It’s a straightforward contract. I know you’ve seen one before for your other job. This one however has a few extra things in it. I’ve made sure to add in availability of the team lawyer and security when needed. I know you have a lot on your plate with the custody and harassment, and I also know Henry has already been working with you. I also want you to feel safe when you travel with the team, and bringing along Callie. You have always been team family and you always will be, and we protect our own.”

  “Thank you, you really didn’t have to do all that for me. I had planned on paying my own way with Henry. Security shouldn’t be needed with all these big goliaths around, but it is appreciated.”

  “I want you to also know, you have a great benefit package to include full medical for you and Callie, four shares of team stock and all the normal stuff. We will start your salary fifty thousand dollars for the rest of this season and once we have you as the assistant trainer, we will increase your salary to seventy five thousand dollars at the start of next season. How does that sound?”

  “That sounds like more than enough. I can’t thank you enough for all of this.”

  “No thanks necessary, now let’s get this signed after you read through it and then we’ll go down to the equipment managers so we can get you some team gear. After that, I’ll bring you over to the trainer’s office so you can get to know him and the rest of the training team. The boys have a late start today so it will be a good opportunity to get you settled in before they come in for practice this afternoon.”

  “Sounds great.” He hands me the contract and other paperwork I need to fill out for HR. I trust him and this team and I only skim the contract. It looks just like any other contract I’ve signed. Then I get to the back page where the extras have been added. I notice not only do I have lawyer privileges and security, but I’ve been given an allowance for childcare and travel privileges for Callie and her nanny. I’m shocked and feel like everything is too much between the pay increase for a full season and the additional things noted. I sign the contract while feeling a little guilty of the special treatment I’m getting, then f
ollow on to fill out all the Human Resources paperwork. After handing it all to Mr. Talbot, he stands claps his hands together and says, “Welcome back to the Notes, let’s go.”

  The rest of the morning goes by in a blur. I have a box of new clothes, from workout gear to staff coats and hoodies and sneakers. A new bag for my equipment, holds all I would ever need as an athletic trainer. Finally, I’m taken to the office where my new boss sits behind a desk in a room covered in degrees and awards. He stands the second he sees the owner walk in, “Hi Mr. Talbot. How are you today?” he asks immediately.

  “Hey Chris, I’m bringing your new staff member down to meet you. Chris Hayes, meet Mandy Hutton. I’m planning on her being your assistant next season. She comes from Boston’s MLB team and has a good work ethic. Mandy, meet Chris.”

  I shake his hand and say “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise. Welcome to the team.

  “Thank you.” I say trying to gage his real thoughts of a female coming into his territory. Mr. Talbot leaves me with Chris and goes back to his office.

  “So, Mandy. What were you doing in Boston?” He starts his own little interview with me and honestly, I don’t care. He wants to know what my story is, I’ll tell him.

  “As you can imagine being a female in this industry, I have my roadblocks. I was stuck in a room behind the scenes rubbing down arrogant baseball players that thought they were the shit and could do no wrong on and off the field. I was a glorified masseuse when I have a degree and the ability to actually do the job I went to school for. I know you probably don’t want a girl by your side, but I promise you I got this, and I honestly hope to be able to learn more from you as we work together.”

  “Well, shit. I figured I was getting some timid little spoiled girl who thought she deserved this job because of her name and would run for the hills after one day around these guys. Glad you just proved me wrong. It will be a pleasure to work with you and I look forward to teaching you as we work side by side.”


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