Book Read Free


Page 19

by Sarah Stevens

  Grandma comes to my side, wrapping her arm around me and leads me past the asshole to the door. “Do you have a room key?” she asks.


  “Then let’s go get some coffee.”

  I’m done crying and wallowing in the pain I feel, I’m angry now. I want answers and I want my daughter back and I want Connor to rot in hell for what he’s done.

  As we walk down the hallway to the elevator Grandma asks me, “Did you know that Connor had a sister?”

  “What, no.” I’m shocked.

  “Henry discovered he had a sister this morning on the flight. His sister is married, and you’ll never guess who her husband is.”

  “I have no idea, who is her husband?” I ask.

  “Chris is her husband. Chris was also found guilty in college for drugging another student. Mandy, all that has been going on is a finely tuned web of lies and deceit.”

  “Oh, my god, I can’t believe this.” I stand still in the front of the elevator in shock. Meyers was the innocent one, Chris must have put something in his drink. I wonder if his wife, Connor’s sister, was the red head. She has to be. “How did I not know he had a sister and why the hell would they all scheme this plan up to take Callie?” I ask no one in particular.

  “I have my theory, but we will have to wait and see what happens in the end.” Grandma walks into the elevator holding the door open for me to come back to reality after the shock of what she just told me.

  When we get to the lobby, I notice there is now a police presence, four cops, and they have someone on the ground that they are putting hand cuffs on. I glance over and notice Chris is lying flat on his face. The reality of the entire situation is becoming clear. He looks in my direction and glares at me like this is all my fault. The glare doesn’t faze me, but I do wonder what the extent of his involvement is. He screwed up his life though, and I need to concentrate on getting Callie and Angie back. “Let’s get that coffee Grandma, I’m thinking we’re going to need an extra shot of espresso today.”

  We place our order and then my phone rings. Officer Jansen is calling.

  “Hi Officer Jansen. Do you have an update yet? You got off the phone unexpectedly earlier.”

  “I’m sorry about that Ms. Hutton. I had to let you go because we had gotten some information about your trainer Chris,” he says.

  “Yeah I just saw him getting some bracelets put on in the lobby of the hotel.”

  “Ah, yes. Well I also wanted to let you know after viewing the security footage at the airport we were able to identify Callie and the two people she was with. Ms. Hutton, Connor was identified along with a woman Tamera Hayes. Tamera is married to Chris Hayes and is also Connor Davis’ sister. The three of them were able to board a plane back to Boston before we could catch up to them.”

  “What about Angie?” I ask the concern bubbling up inside me.

  “We still haven’t been able to locate Ms. Goodwin. Her disappearance will continue to be handled here by this police force, however, now that Connor has taken Callie by plane out of the area it has become a federal case. The FBI agent will be in touch with you shortly, they are in the process of setting up what they need to so they can intercept Callie in Boston when they land.” He gives me the information of the agent in charge of the case. Then I thank him a thousand times.

  “I have to go to Boston now. Thank you for everything you have done to help me. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have been able to trace the car to the airport. Thank you.”

  Then we hang up and as I turn to tell Grandma the who and the where then I see a girl stumbling into the lobby. Battered and bruised. I notice Cam was walking across the lobby at the same time and then he is rushing his step to be able to catch her as she is starting to fall to the floor no more than five feet inside the doors. Cam is down on the ground with this girl laying in his lap when I hear him yell, “I need an officer and an ambulance! This is Angie Goodwin.”

  I go rushing over to Cam, I need to confirm it really is Angie. Grandma catches up to me and we both suck in a breath in shock. Angie is laying across Cam’s lap and in his arms. I kneel down next to them and take her hand as Cam brushes her hair away from her face whispering, “You’re safe, I got you.” Over and over.

  Apparently, the police officers that were still standing in the lobby didn’t hear him or notice what was going on, so I yell at them again, “Hey officers, get over here and call for an ambulance, now!” This time I caught their attention and they start moving and making the call.

  Grandma approaches the one officer who isn’t calling on the radio for an ambulance. “This is the missing nanny in the kidnapping case. You need to call Officer Jansen.”

  The three of us sit around Angie waiting for the ambulance to arrive. She looks exhausted and in need of some water, so I get up and go grab her some from the coffee shop twenty feet away. I hand the cup to Cam and he holds the straw to her lips so she can take sips while we wait. I hear the sirens getting closer. As the EMT’s walk through the door, Grandma and I back away. When they try and get her onto the stretcher she won’t let go of Cam. He ends up going with her and Grandma and I go in search of Coach, Henry, Parker and unfortunately, her husband John.

  When the elevator dings and we step out, I see Henry in the hallway near Parker’s door.

  I rush over to him, stop right in front of him, “We found Angie. She stumbled into the lobby door a little while ago. Cam went with her to the hospital. Where is Parker? I have more information to share.”

  He tells whoever is on the other end of the phone he will call them back and then knocks on the door behind him. “In here.”

  Grandma decides John should know what is going on and goes to my room to get him before she joins us in here. I see Parker and rush into his arms. This time with happy tears in my eyes.

  “Officer Jansen called me a little bit ago, I’ll get to that in a minute, then Angie came stumbling into the lobby. She’s okay for the most part but is on her way to the hospital with Cam.”

  “Who the hell is Cam?” I hear from behind me.

  I turn quickly to answer him, “Cam is one of the players on this team and also a friend. Cam, for your information, was in the right spot at the right time and caught your wife as she fell into the lobby. She didn’t want to go to the hospital alone and guess what, Cam was a friendly familiar face, so he went with her. Do you have a problem with that?” I ask.

  “Whatever, where did they take her?”

  “I’ll grab a car for you,” Coach interjects trying to defuse the situation because he sees I’m about to blow up in this idiot’s face.

  “Thanks, I’d appreciate it,” he says all nice and friendly.

  Coach makes the call for a car and tells John to go down to the lobby and it will be there momentarily. After he leaves, he turns to me, “What’s going on Mandy?” he questions.

  “It has been the craziest forty-five minutes Coach. Grandma and I went to grab a coffee in the lobby and saw Chris being handcuffed. Then after we got our coffee, Officer Jansen called me. Connor and his sister I did not know about have boarded a plane back to Boston, with Callie. They were identified at the airport. I’m now waiting for a call from an FBI agent who is getting a team together to intercept them in Boston. When I got off the phone with Jansen, Grandma and I noticed a girl stumble into the lobby and Cam was close enough to be able to catch her. It was Angie. The police officers that were still there called for an ambulance and now Cam is on his way to the hospital with Angie.”

  “Wow, that is a lot to go on. So, what’s the plan now?” he asks as Parker comes over to wrap his arms around me.

  “I need to get back to Boston as soon as possible. However, I feel bad leaving Angie here. I get her husband is here, but I also get the feeling he is a complete asshole.”

  “Why don’t you and Marsh, along with Maggie and Henry, go to Boston and the team and I will wait and leave tomorrow as planned. I have a feeling I’ll have to play referee wi
th Cam and that John guy anyway. Meyers is due to be released either late tonight or first thing in the morning. You need to go and get your girl.”

  “Thanks Coach.” I leave Parker’s arms to give Coach a hug showing how much I appreciate all he has done for me.

  “I’ll get my stuff packed, you do the same and I will meet you in your room. It will take a bit to get the plane ready and cleared for takeoff so we can stop by and see Angie first.” Parker hugs me and kisses me in front of everybody and when he pulls back continues, “I’m so damn happy Callie was found. Now let’s go get our girl back where she belongs.”

  Grandma didn’t unpack her bag, so she helps me gather all of mine and Callie’s belongings in record time. I pick out a clean outfit for Angie along with some personal care items, then grab her book sticking it all in a small Notes tote bag. We have everything about ready to go when Parker comes knocking.

  “We have about an hour or so before the plane will be ready. Let’s get out of here.” Parker grabs Callie’s things and Grandma and I pull our suitcases behind us as we leave the room. A car is waiting for us when we walk out the doors of the hotel. Of course, the paparazzi is waiting for any juicy details, cameras are flashing and “Marsh is it true?” “Marsh who’s the girl?” we ignore them all and get into the car.

  A five-minute drive later we are pulling up in front of the emergency room. I’m the only one to go in, leaving Parker and Grandma in the car with Henry. Cam is sitting in the waiting room with a pissed off look on his face and John on the other side. When I glance in John’s direction, he glares at me. Cam is wearing a ball cap and per the usual, greets me with a bear hug.

  “How is she doing?” I ask.

  “They mentioned she’s dehydrated and a little bruised up. Does not look like anything major, thank God. Angie mentioned they tossed her out of a car down the strip past all the hotels early this morning. She did all she could to get back to the hotel.”

  “I’m going to kill that bastard when I get my hands on him,” I say.

  “You and me both. Are there any updates?” Cam asks, completely out of the loop.

  “Grandma, Parker, and I are on our way to Boston. Connor has Callie and flew back this morning. The FBI will be waiting on their arrival if they don’t have him and his sister already.”

  “Whoa, what?” he asks.

  “Connor and his sister are the master minds apparently. I don’t have all the details, but Little Red was Tamera Hayes, as in Chris Hayes’ wife. Anyway, when we get to Boston and know more, I’ll have Parker give you a call. Okay?”

  “I’m so confused right now,” he laughs.

  “It’s a lot. I’m going to go see if they will let me see her for a minute before I have to go.” I walk to the nurse’s desk to ask them. I let them know who I am to Angie and I have to fly back to Boston to get my daughter, that I just wanted to check on her myself before I had to go and bring her a few items. I can feel the eyes burning through the back of my head and I really don’t care. The nurse comes back after checking with the doctor and grants me five minutes. I mouth to Cam that I’ll be back and follow the nurse through the double doors.

  Angie looks exhausted, a little worse for the wear but is alive and well. Bruises heal. When she sees me standing by the curtain she starts to cry.

  “I’m so sorry,” she repeats over and over again.

  “Shh Angie, this isn’t your fault. Do you know who took you?”

  “From the way they were talking I’m assuming Callie’s dad and possibly his sister. I overheard them saying something about not needing to adopt now. What were they talking about?”

  “I’m not sure Angie. I’m about to fly with Grandma, Henry, the lawyer and Parker to Boston. They flew there with Callie this morning. I don’t want you to worry about anything. I’m not mad at you. I’m glad you’re okay for the most part. Please make sure you tell the police everything you know. John is here in the waiting room and he isn’t happy. Cam is out there too. Good luck with that!” I laugh.

  “Ow, don’t make me laugh. I’m shocked John would come out here. He’s recently been a bigger asshole than normal. He wasn’t happy I was taking this job, being on the road with you and the team. I told him to shove it before I left. Cam was mad when we got here, and they told him to go to the waiting room. Let him know he doesn’t have to stay, and I’ll be okay.”

  “I’ll tell him, but I don’t think he will listen. He is a stubborn teddy bear. I brought you a few items I thought you might need. But I have a plane to catch and have to go. Give me a call later, even if you have to take Cam’s phone. The team will leave tomorrow, and you and John are welcome to hitch a ride if you are released. Parker and I will hopefully be meeting up with the team in Minneapolis.”

  “Thank you, go get your baby girl back.” I give her a hug, and as I am walking away from her curtained area two police officers are at the nurse’s station asking to talk to her. I give Cam her message and tell him to make sure she calls me if I do not call first with an update. I wave to John, still getting a death glare, then walk back out to the car where Parker pulls me into his side. We’re going to get my Callie Girl back.



  Mandy comes walking out of the hospital door and the second she takes a seat I pull her into my side, wrapping an arm around her. I’m so pissed off and angry, Mandy grounds me back to earth. The driver gets us to the private airport where the plane sits waiting for us, in record time. I tell Mandy and Maggie to go ahead and get settled on the plane and I’ll grab the bags, I need to do something to feel helpful.

  I’ve been on long trips before but this one takes the cake, we haven’t heard from the FBI agent yet, so we have no idea what we’ll walk into once we land in Boston. We are all exhausted and I try and get some rest before we land five hours later. It isn’t in the cards. I am strung so tight I can’t relax. We have a meal served and thankfully I’m able to get a drink.

  Mandy and Maggie, both exhausted, manage to rest for a little while. I take this time to talk to Henry.

  “Henry, please tell me that this prick is going to go to jail today.”

  “I hope all of them go to jail, however they will all make bail since Connor is loaded. I haven’t heard any updates yet, so I hope that is good news and they are doing what they need to be doing. We have enough evidence to be able to press charges on them both for blackmail. Connor is going to be one pissed off guy and I hope we don’t have to put Mandy through seeing him.”

  “You and me both. I’m not usually one to throw a punch unless needed but I want to beat the shit out of him,” I say.

  “As your lawyer I advise against it.” Henry half kidding half serious chuckles.

  “Don’t you worry, I’m a bigger person than that. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to beat his face in.”

  “I think there is a hockey team that would be in line behind you. I know Mandy hasn’t been with the team long, but we’re all family and family backs each other up.”

  “Callie and Mandy are special people, Maggie too,” I say leaning back in my seat to take a drink of scotch the flight attendant just handed me.

  “It’s going to be a long day Marsh, why don’t you try and get some rest. We still have a few hours,” Henry suggests.

  “Yeah, not happening, I’ll relax when Callie is back in Mandy’s arms. Do you have a status on that police press statement yet?”

  “Not yet, I called before we took off and told them to hold off. I want to be able to add in the arrest of the person responsible for the blackmail. It will look better to the public to have all the information to give,” he explains.

  “I get that. Hopefully tomorrow we can wake up and have all this misery behind us. What I don’t get is why this all happened. Why did Connor create this elaborate scheme instead of letting the case go through the correct channels in court?”

  “I’m wondering the same thing Marsh. Hopefully, we will get some answers soon. I’ve already had a long day
so I’m going to get some rest for the duration of the flight. I want to be clear headed once we land.” He gets up and goes to another seat to get some quiet time.

  I’m left sitting staring out the window for I don’t know how long, when I feel someone take the seat next to me. “Hey,” Mandy says.

  “Hey yourself. Did you get some rest?” I ask as I turn to look at her.

  “A little, but it’s hard to relax when I still don’t have Callie here in my arms.”

  “I get that.”

  “Parker, I wanted to talk to you. I need to apologize. I have been so wrapped up in protecting my heart from you, from what I’ve been taught from experience, that I didn’t give you a chance when you deserved it. You have done so much for us; you’ve proven yourself over and over again. I’m sorry I fought this thing we’ve had stirring between us from the beginning. I’m also sorry you were dragged into this mess with Connor. I’m glad your career didn’t get ruined because of me.” I can see in the way that she’s looking at me that she means every word. I place my hand in hers and look directly into her eyes, so she knows I mean what I’m about to say.

  “Mandy, I really do get why you were fighting our attraction. I was not known as the playboy goalie for no reason. When I saw you that night, I wanted to change, and I wanted to be a better person, the kind of man you deserve. I honestly dreaded you coming to work for the team only because of what you had gone through with Connor. I figured I’d never have a chance with you. I hope you realize now that I’m nothing like him and I honestly am here with my whole heart for you and Callie. She stole a piece of my heart from the beginning too. Christmas hasn’t been a real holiday to me for many years, until this year, when I felt like a part of your family. We’ve only known each other for a few months but I feel like it has been a lifetime. I want you and Callie in my world, and I want us to be a family someday. Mandy, I love you.” I confess everything that has been on my mind.


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