Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series)

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Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series) Page 9

by Candace Blevins

  Tyler watched him a few seconds to be sure he was okay, and answered, “Yes Sir, we did. Do you need me to get you anything before I start breakfast?”

  * * * *

  Tyler was ready for he and Viv to leave within about ten minutes of arriving back at the house, but Viv wanted to pack again, as she said she needed different things for this trip than she’d needed for the other.

  Meanwhile, Tyler accessed Mac’s printer and printed a blank BDSM checklist, along with the one he kept filled out with his own answers. He already knew much of what she liked, of course, but if they were going forward they’d need to do the whole thing at some point, and no time like the present.

  He borrowed a clipboard and a few pens from Mac’s desk and stuck them in the bag he’d keep up front. He also mapped out an adult store he hoped would carry some supplies he’d need; he didn’t have his toy bag with him so he’d need to buy a few things.

  Mac came in as he was situating the checklist and map into his bag, and while he didn’t intend to hide anything from his friend, he figured it was better to not flaunt things, either. “I borrowed a clipboard and some pens.” Mac nodded and Tyler asked, “Do you need me to stick around and help with anything else?” It’d only taken a few minutes to screw the plywood into the window opening, and it looked as if everything else had already been cleaned, including any blood spilled.

  “If you break her heart I’ll kick your ass.”

  “Understood.” He hesitated before adding, “To be honest, I’m kind of surprised you aren’t kicking it now.” Mac was his best friend, and he wanted to make sure they talked about this, so there were no misunderstandings.

  “If you’d known she was my sister before you…did those things to her, I would’ve. And if you’d told me face to face the woman you…” He held his hands up in a stop motion, and finished his sentence with, “was my sister, I probably would’ve.” He shook his head. “But I know you had genuine feelings for your Kitten. I saw it in your eyes, and heard it in your voice.” He closed his eyes briefly and shook his head again. “Don’t ask for my blessing, because I’m not there yet, but I won’t stand in the way of the two of you taking off for a few days to see if the spark’s still there.”

  He turned to walk out of the room, stopped at the door, and kept his back to Tyler as he spoke in a deceptively quiet, calm voice. “Just don’t let me see any marks or bruises on her. Knowing they’re consensual won’t help; I won’t be able to handle seeing my sister bruised and knowing it’s from your hand.”

  Chapter Seven

  When they were finally ready to go, Viv walked to the driver’s side of the Altima and got in, catching Tyler off guard. He’d expected her to let him drive.

  However, they hadn’t started any formal power exchange yet, so he slid into the passenger seat without comment, rationalizing that she was exerting her own power while she still could, before she was under his control — his little sex slave.

  She’d been drowsy last night when he ordered her to be quiet and go back to sleep, but he’d still hoped it meant she was ready to let him lead. Ah well, they’d negotiate and begin soon enough.

  “We need to make a few stops in Miami,” he said as he showed her the maps to the adult stores. Her eyebrows rose and he said, “I had no reason to bring a toy bag, it’s with the items I shipped, so I need to pick up a few things.”

  “So this isn’t just a ‘get to know you’ trip, it’s a ‘really get to know you’ trip?”

  “That was my assumption. If you want to keep things platonic we can, but to be honest, I can’t wait until you’re bound and at my mercy. It’s been too long, and...” He trailed off, not sure if she needed to hear how hard it was to keep his hands off of her while he was protecting her.

  “You’re right.” She smiled and pushed the button to start the car. “Even with the best of intentions I doubt we’ll manage to keep our hands off each other for long. I know a better place, kind of a kinky superstore, and if you can’t find what you want we’ll try your place.”

  “You grew up here. Take us to the best place.”

  Viv pulled from the driveway, but something sounded off and felt different. He looked over the dash and realized why. “I had no idea Nissan was making the Altima in a hybrid.”

  “Yes, but they’re only available in a few states. Lucky for me I could buy one while I was in New England.”

  “You’re really serious about the whole ecology thing.”

  “I’ve seen firsthand how we’re quite literally killing entire species of animals. Once they’re gone, that’s it.” She shrugged, keeping her eyes on the road. “I don’t know what the answers are, or how to go about fixing it on a grand scale. Not yet, anyway.”

  * * * *

  Viv’s insides were all aflutter as she parked at the adult store. She was both horrified and titillated at the prospect of walking in as a couple to buy things meant for her pain and torture. He touched her cheek and said, “It’s okay, Viv. Sit tight and I’ll come around and open your door.”

  How did he always seem to know what she was feeling? Was she so easy to read?

  Tyler opened the door, ushered her in, and placed a shopping basket in Viv’s hand before taking one for himself and leading her down the first aisle. He put a medium and large butt plug in her basket, and her insides flip-flopped when she realized the large one vibrated.

  As they made their way through the aisles, her basket also accumulated a bag of plastic clothespins and some clover clamps, wrist and ankle cuffs, thigh bands, a ball gag, a butterfly gag, lube, a box of nylon medical gloves, two large packages of condoms, trauma shears, and about a dozen quick-release connectors.

  By the time they reached the cashier, his basket held three floggers, a slapper, and a half dozen bundles of various types of rope. He carried a Lexan cane and a spreader bar, and Viv marveled how he somehow managed to keep her at ease at the same time he scared her senseless.

  Once they were on the interstate he pulled the BDSM checklist out and began asking her questions and filling out the form as she answered.

  She’d filled these out before, of course, and knew her own likes and dislikes, so the questions weren’t difficult to answer. As he listed the multitude of kinks and perverted activities she easily gave the appropriate number for the things she’d experienced: One if she hated it, five if she could take it or leave it, and ten if she loved it and couldn’t survive a relationship without it. Or, one of the numbers between.

  Once it’d been difficult to admit to liking some of her kinks, but she’d learned to embrace them. Also, for safety reasons, Tyler needed an accurate picture of her hard and soft limits, as well as the things she didn’t have experience with, and he’d only know these things if she were honest.

  They covered the entire checklist before reaching Naples, and he pulled his pre-answered list from the bag. They discussed the differences and similarities — it seemed he was bigger on humiliation, so they talked it through and realized they weren’t so far off. She viewed humiliation as degradation, but his definition was more about reinforcing the idea she was at his mercy, and she agreed if they used his definition, it was one of her big turn-ons, too.

  Their hard limits almost all matched up — asphyxiation, water sports, scat, blood, public display of power exchange in front of non-lifestyle people. The only point that didn’t match was enemas, which were a hard limit for her and not him. However, once she explained she’d once had surgery on her bowels, and enemas just triggered memories of being sick, he dropped it.

  Her safeword was still Rainbow, but he expected to punish her without it.

  “Ummm. No. I’m keeping my safeword.”

  “For scenes, sure, but punishment is supposed to hurt. If you can stop it because it hurts, what’s the point? The difference between role play and true power exchange lies in how discipline and punishment is handled.”

  “The answer is still no.”

  “Okay. You want to step into this a
little slower than me. I respect that. We’ll renegotiate at the end of our three days.”

  “Tyler, I’m not going to agree to no safeword after three days. Let’s please just move on and not get caught up in this.”

  “I’m merely saying we’ll address the subject again in three days. Hopefully by then you’ll remember I’m fair, and true to my word. I understand you need to know I can be trusted with power before you give too much of yours away, and I hope to remind you I’m trustworthy.”

  She didn’t respond, so he added, “I care about you and don’t want to lose you; I won’t abuse the privilege. Plus, I won’t do anything to jeopardize my friendship with Mac, either.”

  Viv glanced at him and returned her eyes to the road. “Why is this important to you? Is it about the power exchange? Or is it about proving my trust?”

  She saw him squeeze his forehead in her peripheral vision before he looked towards her to say, “A little of both. If we’re to have a true power exchange relationship, we need to have trust, and I need to be able to enforce the rules.”

  Viv wasn’t sure how often he’d want to invoke their power exchange, but didn’t feel it was the time to bring up that part of the negotiation. However, she understood his reasoning, and said, “At some point we might negotiate specific punishments with no safeword, but not carte blanche in just three days.”

  Traffic grew heavy as they neared the beach and he said, “It’s a start; thanks for agreeing to at least talk about it. You may want to make your way to the left hand lane, we have about two blocks until we need to turn.”

  They made it to the hotel and parked with no trouble. Tyler settled the strap of his bag over his shoulder, and insisted on rolling Viv’s bag after he looped the generic toy store bags over the handle.

  She had mixed feelings about walking with only her purse as he carried everything else, but understood he wanted to take care of her. It wasn’t worth a discussion at the moment, but she made a mental note to point out — at a later date — how she enjoyed being taken care of in the bedroom but was used to being self-sufficient otherwise. She smiled inwardly as she imagined him telling her to get used to being taken care of.

  Tyler checked them into the hotel under the name he’d made reservations — James Miller. How ironic to be here with Master James, kind of in truth. She’d been calling him Tyler as much as possible, trying to get used to thinking of him with a different name, and thought he’d called her Viv more than necessary too, probably for the same reason.

  They’d been James and Katrina for so long in their respective heads, could they make it work as Tyler and Viv? And was she ready for the intensity of a relationship with someone like Tyler? She’d never had these kinds of feelings for any man before, and worried she might get lost in him, or perhaps slowly molded into someone else. The question of who rolled her suitcase may seem trivial, but it could be the first step toward losing the self-sufficiency and resourcefulness she took such pride in.

  Tyler sweet-talked the clerk into changing their room to a suite with a king sized bed instead of two doubles, and she smiled at the way he complimented and thanked the woman behind the desk. This was a man used to getting his way, and Viv needed to be sure she didn’t let him manipulate her in directions she wasn’t prepared to travel. The very things that made him so attractive to her also made him a little dangerous.

  They had the elevator car to themselves, and Tyler pulled her to him in a hug and asked, “Are you hungry?”

  “A little, but…” She took a fortifying breath. “If we have to wait much longer I might go crazy. We can eat later — maybe order room service or something — can’t we?”

  The warmth of his body soaked through her shirt and into her skin as he pulled her closer, and a million nerve endings between her legs shot to life when he shifted to his gentle but no-nonsense Dom voice. “Yes my little minx, we can order room service later. When we get to the room I want you to go into the bedroom, remove your clothes, put your hair in a high ponytail, and present yourself on the bed, at the edge. I need to organize a few things before joining you.”

  “Yes, Master Ja...” she stopped, embarrassed.

  “Sshh, it’s okay. We’ll figure it out. And let’s not use the word Master yet, not until I’ve earned it.” He caressed her back and added, “Again, I guess. How about a simple ‘yes Sir’, for now?”

  “Yes, Sir. But, can I use the restroom before I undress?”

  Tender lips brushed her forehead, “Of course. And you did good to ask, since those weren’t part of the instructions. I’m pleased.”

  * * * *

  Tyler heard her in the bathroom with the water running, probably doing one last clean up. He pulled the items he’d purchased from their packaging, made sure all the boxes and wrappers went into a bag from the store, and knotted it closed before tossing them in the trash, as he didn’t want to throw them away in plain sight.

  The small items went into another bag, and then he pulled his shirt, shoes, and socks off so he wore only his jeans. He grabbed the floggers, slapper, and spreader bar, then stepped into the bedroom.

  And there she was. She’d remembered how he’d instructed her to present herself — on spread knees with her chest on the bed, ass in the air, back arched, and arms stretched over her head with wrists crossed. She’d even remembered to position herself to give him a view of her pussy and ass as he walked into the room. Perfect.

  “Such a beautiful ass. And it’ll soon be a beautiful red ass.”

  He rubbed one cheek, then the other, and skimmed his hand across her pussy.

  “Mmmmm, nice and wet. You’ve probably been like this since our little shopping trip, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Tyler needed a release now if he had any hope of doing this right. He’d make her get him off first, and then take his time tormenting her. Otherwise, this would be a fifteen-minute scene and he’d be fucking her into the mattress before it was time.

  He placed the soft leather cuffs on her ankles before pulling her arms back to buckle and fasten the wrist cuffs. A simple quick-release went on one cuff and then the other, effectively restraining her arms behind her back.

  “I’m going to take possession of all three of your holes today. First, your mouth.” He helped her stand beside the bed, and made sure she had her balance before releasing her. He took three steps back and tossed a throw pillow at his feet. “On your knees.”

  Viv’s face transformed into his Kitten’s face as she stepped forward and gracefully dropped to her knees. It took skill to do so with one’s arms bound, and she made it look effortless.

  Viv’s eyes focused on his zipper, or perhaps the shape of his hard-as-granite cock under his jeans. He unfastened and unzipped, but only spread the fly and pulled himself out through the slit in his boxer briefs. The impact of one person fully clothed while the other is stripped naked can be powerful, and he wanted to do everything possible to put her in the right headspace.

  “Open, Precious, and wrap those lips around your teeth; you know how I like it. I’m not interested in your tongue right now though, just the back of your throat.”

  Tyler pushed into her mouth, placed his hands on the back of her head, and quickly pressed past the tightness of the opening to her throat. Her gag reflex kicked in, but he didn’t back off. He loved the sensation of her spasming around his cock, but he didn’t stay too long since she couldn’t breathe around him. He thrust shallow three times and deep once to give her a chance to breathe, and it didn’t take her long to adjust to the rhythm and relax her throat every fourth stroke.

  When he was sure she was ready, he picked up the pace and said, “That’s good Precious. My mouth, my throat, and when I come I’ll make it my stomach, too.”

  This was him using her, plain and simple. It was bad form to start this way, but he needed a release if he had any hope of doing this right. Besides, it wouldn’t hurt to begin with a reminder that her body was going to belong to him, for h
is pleasure as well as hers. She’d get her pleasure soon enough.

  He groaned as he felt movement in his balls. “Get a deep breath,” he warned, and went shallow until he saw her chest expand, and then shoved all the way in and held as his balls emptied down her throat. His hands still held her head, but she didn’t struggle and his heart soared to have his Kitten back. He’d seen her discomfort when he grabbed her luggage, and he’d been afraid she wouldn’t submit as deep as she once had. Those fears were unfounded, because this was his Kitten.

  She swallowed when ordered, and then settled into a kneeling pose with perfect posture as she awaited further instructions. Tyler gave her a few moments to get into the headspace of kneeling while not busy, and he walked around her and made a point of observing after he’d calmly tucked and zipped himself in. He recognized her need, and reveled in it. They’d been a perfect match three years ago, and he felt just as in-synch with her now as he had then. “I’m starting at the top and working my way down. Next, I’ll claim your breasts. Stay put, I’ll be right back.”

  He retrieved both chairs from the kitchenette, left one just inside the bedroom door, and settled the other beside her before helping her into it.

  Without speaking, he disengaged the quick-release between her wrist cuffs, placed both of her hands near the top of the back chair legs, and wrapped her fingers around the metal. He knew she’d want to pull her arms forward to relieve her shoulders, and his cock pulsed to life when she kept them in place with no verbal orders. Eventually, he’d train her to remain still with no restraints, even while undergoing excruciating pain — but wouldn’t ask it of her today.

  Taking his time to build anticipation, he used the purple rope to attach her wrist cuffs to the top of the rear chair legs, and her ankles to the bottom of the front chair legs. Her breathing sped as he wound the rope around her torso and the back of the chair, alternating above and below her breasts, occasionally crossing over her cleavage. The purple against her skin was divine, and he palmed his cock through his pants, willing it to be patient as he bound her body and rendered her motionless.


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