Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series)

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Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series) Page 10

by Candace Blevins

  He cinched the rope together around her left breast, and reveled in her gasps and moans as he pulled the upper and lower ropes closer and closer together.

  * * * *

  Oh. God. The pressure around the base of her left breast was too intense. She wasn’t sure she could take it.

  Her gaze rose to his as she opened her mouth to tell him it was too much, but the look in his eyes reminded her of the sadistic pleasure he took from her pain. She closed her mouth; she could take this, and much more.

  He moved to her right breast, cinched the upper and lower ropes together, and pulled. She gritted her teeth and felt her eyes water, but couldn’t keep her hips from grinding her bottom into the chair. Her pussy craved attention.

  “That’s right Precious. I know it hurts. Take it for me.” He pulled the rope again, compressing her breast impossibly tight. “You have no idea how much this turns me on.”

  When both breasts were painfully bound, he looped the rope into itself to keep tension, and returned to the bag on the bed. He retrieved something, but kept the item, or items, hidden as he walked to the door to get the other kitchen chair.

  Viv focused on his face as he settled the chair in front of her, and sat as if it were a throne. The items in his hands no longer hidden, her heart beat double-time as fear and excitement shot through her body at the site of the clover clamps and bag of plastic clothespins.

  What was it about the combination of fright and anticipation that turned her on so much? She’d stopped fighting it and just accepted it long ago, but it was still a mystery.

  He balanced the clover clamps over his thigh by their connecting chain, and settled the open clothespin bag on Viv’s chair between her legs, coming up with a pink one as he did. He pulled at the top of the areola of her left breast, deftly snapped the clothespin over the bunched skin, and sat back to watch her reaction.

  The pain was beyond intense, and she drew in a sharp breath and froze, suddenly self-conscious with no way to hide from his penetrating gaze. However, a few rapid heartbeats later she forgot everything but the pain as he attached another clothespin just under her nipple. In mere seconds she also sported clothespins to the right and left of her nipple.

  A single tear spilled from her right eye and ran down her cheek as Tyler moved to her other breast to do the same. The pain moved closer to the pleasure portion of her brain, but still really hurt.

  Once all eight clothespins were positioned, he reached for the hated clover clamps and she stifled a shriek as he attached the first to her left nipple, and the second to her right. A short scream escaped as he randomly flicked the clothespins — not enough to dislodge them, just enough to make already tortured nerve endings scream with the added movement. Her torso was immobile and her breasts so vulnerable, and as she struggled against her bindings she saw raw lust in his eyes.

  “This is one of my favorite things — clips on your breasts. I can make such pretty designs and then just watch. Your face is beautiful — so expressive as the pain escalates and each individual tear forms in your eyes and slides down your cheek. I love watching you fight to take the pain… to take my pain.”

  She wasn’t openly crying, but tears were occasionally finding their way out of her eyes and she hadn’t realized it until he brought it up. The pain was excruciating and she wished he’d pay attention to her pussy; he was driving her crazy. Her bound breasts felt so swollen and tight, the pressure was awful, and with the clips and clamps providing layers upon layers of agonizing pain, she was frantic with need.

  Viv desperately needed him to fuck her, but knew he’d take his time getting there — especially since he’d already gotten off.

  “Do you see rainbows, Precious? Do you want to tell me about them?”

  She shook her head, but he said, “Say it out loud. Tell me yes or no.”

  “No, Sir. I don’t see rainbows.” Her voice was shaky, and she didn’t sound like herself.

  His gentle smile helped soothe her nerves, in spite of the pain. “I love how you’re trying so hard to take what I give you.”

  Tyler’s hand circled her right breast behind the clothespins as he sadistically flicked the plastic torture devices with the fingers of his other hand. When she couldn’t take it anymore and was seconds away from safewording, he shifted to her left breast.

  Viv became lost in the pain, and began fighting her restraints, though she knew they’d hold firm. The more she fought the ropes, the more he seemed to take pleasure in tormenting her, and before long the pressure from the ropes and bite of the clothespins merged into one, big, all-encompassing pain. Her breasts were on fire, with every nerve ending screaming, and she was so horny her hips were in a constant twist and grind as she fruitlessly tried to find relief.

  Finally, deft fingers pulled the end of the rope loose and freed her breasts. The relief in pressure should’ve felt better, but only made the clothespins and clamps hurt more as they shifted over already raw nerves, and the blood flow came screaming back into oxygen deprived cells.

  He wound the excess rope around her torso and the chair back before tying it off again and flipping the clothespins a few more times. He pulled the chain between the clover clamps up until her breasts stretched out like cones, and Viv was horrified to hear herself beg, “Oh god! No! Please don’t!”

  Tyler froze, his eyes harsh and disbelieving as the chain obscenely stretched her breasts towards him. Viv’s blood rushed through her veins as she went into panic mode. “I’m sorry, Sir! It just, popped out. My breasts and nipples hurt so bad. I’m sorry; they’re yours, to do with as you please. I should never ask you not to do something. I remember your rule, I just... it’s a rule I’m not used to anymore. Please forgive me.”

  Tyler released the chain and sat back with his arms crossed as his eyes peered into hers. Several long moments passed as he reached his decision, but he finally dropped his hands and leaned towards her again. “Okay Precious, I’ll take it easy on you for this first offense, but it won’t do you any favors to skip punishment altogether when you break the rules.” He pulled the chain until it once again stretched her nipples far from her body. “You’re my property. This is my body, my choice of what happens to it. The safeword takes us out of the power exchange when things are too much, but when I have control, you don’t try to take it within the confines of the scene.”

  Viv couldn’t bring it up now, but she was sure he hadn’t used the word property in reference to her three years ago, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it. However, it was a conversation for another time.

  His free hand reached for the smallest flogger, with dozens of super-thin rubber strands about eight inches long. It would sting like hell, and she immediately knew he intended to flog her breasts. She hoped to hell he took the clips off first.

  “Since it’s a rule you aren’t used to, and since you apologized so well, I’ll only give you five on each breast. I’ll keep count so you can stay quiet. No screaming. If you’re loud enough to be heard through the walls I’ll gag you and give ten more on each side.”

  He removed all four clothespins and the clover clamps from her left breast in rapid succession, and immediately delivered five vicious strikes with the flogger. Viv was forced to deal with the removal of the clothespins and clamps just as the flogger scourged her already aching skin and raw nerves; and it was all she could do to keep from screaming. Her tears stopped coming one at a time, and the floodgates opened as her sobs shook her body.

  Without hesitating, Tyler removed the clothespins and clamps from her right breast and swiftly delivered another five savage strikes. Viv opened her mouth in a voiceless scream, and held her breath as she fought to remain quiet.

  Both clover clamps were replaced in short order, and strong fingers pulled the chain once more. Viv closed her eyes and heard, “No, Precious. Look at me. Let me see how bad this hurts.”

  She opened her eyes, gazed into his, and an orgasm came out of nowhere, bearing down like a runaway freight train.
“Permission to come, Sir!”


  A sharp tug ripped the clamps from her nipples and she barely suppressed the blood-curdling scream that rose to the base of her throat.

  Tyler sat back in his chair, no longer touching her, but his probing eyes made her feel like some sort of lab experiment as she fought to process the sensations assaulting her body, and her orgasm slipped from her grasp.

  Her nipples felt as if they’d been dipped in the fires of hell, but her hips thrust and twisted continuously as her clit begged for attention. Her orgasm retreated to just out of her reach though, and she badly wanted to say “damn you,” but wisely kept her mouth shut, though she was sure Tyler saw the sentiment in her eyes.

  He reached out and gently fondled her abused breasts. “I think I’ve taken ownership of these. It’s time to move on to other areas.”

  * * * *

  Tyler tried to ignore his rock-hard cock as he took his time removing the rope, neatly coiling it for the next time. Viv needed time to catch her breath before he started on her ass.

  When the ropes were off, he helped her stand, wrapped his arms around her, and gave her a kiss he hoped would demonstrate how the scene was affecting him. He’d figured out three years ago how important it was to let her see his emotions, his desire, his lust. When she was close to safewording, simply allowing her to see how the scene affected him gave her what she needed to delve farther into subspace so she didn’t merely accept the pain, but welcomed it and even craved more. It forced him to open up to her, when he’d so often hidden behind an emotionless face.

  Was this part of the reason he’d fallen so hard for her? The mutual give and take in their scenes, the way they played off each other’s emotions? He wasn’t sure, but his throbbing cock was demanding attention.

  Hotels weren’t the best place to scene, as a scream could quickly bring a knock at the door, so he gently released her and stepped to the bed to retrieve the butterfly gag. He raised it into her view and her eyes grew large as her head rotated almost imperceptibly left, right, and back to center — an involuntary movement he doubted she was aware of.

  “You’ll have a way to safeword, but I saw how you fought to keep from screaming earlier. We’re in a hotel, so I need to help you stay quiet.” He kissed her forehead, her nose, her lips. “I’d love to hear your screams; it’s a pity I have to silence you.”

  He recognized the uncertainty reflected in her eyes and stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers as he asked, “Do you want to tell me about any rainbows?”

  She gave a startled blink and all signs of doubt and insecurity left her face. “No Sir.”

  Tyler hoped his smile was more affectionate and less jubilant as he said, “Very well then, open wide, Precious.”

  He wasn’t sure where that had come from. Precious. It’d just come out, and he liked it. He’d never called anyone Precious before, but then he guessed no one had ever actually been precious to him, either. Three years ago he’d called her Kitten, but had a feeling others had used the same moniker.

  Tyler wanted to take them forward into the future, not backward into the past. He wanted this to work, and he instinctively understood he couldn’t merely fall back on what they’d been at the club in New Hampshire. They had to find a firm foundation to build on. It was important he set this relationship apart, to try to convey its significance in as many ways as possible.

  A sharp pang shot through his chest and stole his breath as tucked the black plastic around her teeth, and remembered the last time he inserted a deflated butterfly gag in her mouth. The look in her eyes told him she was remembering, too, so he kissed the tip of her nose and said, “New beginnings. We’re just getting started, Viv.” She gave a single nod as he situated the last of it and reached for the bulb.

  His hand tensed to squeeze, but the sadist in him thought of another way to make this different than the last time, and he reached for her hand, settled the pump against her palm, and wrapped her fingers around it.

  “Silence yourself for me.”

  Her eyes grew wide and she hesitated. “Now, Viv. I want you to take your own speech.”

  Their gazes locked as her hand tentatively squeezed the bulb and her cheeks puffed out a tiny bit. Instead of reprimanding her for going slow, he decided to use praise to speed her up. “That’s my girl. Show me you want to belong to me. Show me how much you want to submit.”

  His hand grazed her left hip and skated to the outer edge of her breast before circling in to ever so lightly stroke her nipple. He didn’t want to hurt her again just yet, but to remind her of how much she’d enjoyed belonging to him — of the sensations he could give when she submitted her will to his.

  Her next squeeze was with more confidence, and when he nodded, she squeezed again.

  She continued until her cheeks were puffy, but Tyler thought she probably needed one more pump. He was asking a lot of her, so he wrapped his hand around hers and helped with the final bit, to be sure her mouth was fully sealed.

  “Try to scream for me, Precious.”

  Her chest expanded as she inhaled through her nose, and deflated as she pushed the air out in a scream. A little sound escaped through her sinuses, but not enough to be heard outside their rooms.

  He removed the pump and tubing from the gag, brushed his lips over her forehead, and said, “I need you on all fours on the bed, with your knees near the bottom left edge, please.”

  So graceful she practically exuded sex, she settled a knee on the bed and effortlessly morphed into an almost feline stance. Tyler had no idea how her students managed to learn from her — he could get a hard-on merely watching her walk while fully clothed.

  Drawing out the anticipation, he observed her a few seconds before running a hand across her cheek, down the side of her neck, over her shoulder, and to her side. He used firm pressure as he smoothed his way down her ribs, to her waist, and rounded his hand up to cover part of her bottom and the side of her leg as well as some of the back of her thigh. This was how one handled a horse, and though he wasn’t into pony play, he’d discovered some aspects could help a submissive move into the right headspace.

  He settled one of the hotel’s fluffy pillows under her chest. “Drop your shoulders and stretch your hands towards your feet, please.”

  When the pillow was situated so her neck and head were at a good angle, he bent to insert the spreader bar between her ankles. Quick disconnects attached ankle and wrist cuffs, and he stepped back to admire her predicament. The view from behind was beautiful, displaying her pussy and ass without allowing her to hide. He slowly made his way to the head of the bed as he rubbed his cock through his jeans.

  “Open your eyes, Precious.”

  She looked towards his voice, but her eyes immediately dropped to his moving hand. She was so easy to read — it was clear she was wishing he’d fuck her sooner rather than later.

  Tyler had to suppress a grin at the look of wanting on her face as he lined up the lube, some gloves, and a few condoms on the nightstand for later use. He couldn’t wait to watch her as he took off his belt.

  * * * *

  Viv watched as Tyler unbuckled his belt, and desperately hoped it meant he’d fuck her, but soon realized she wasn’t positioned for sex. The bed was tall, and with her on her knees on the edge she was too high.

  Her heart dropped to her stomach when he pulled his belt through the loops. He hadn’t given her a way to safeword!

  Steady arms palmed the buckle and wrapped the belt around his hand a few times before making a fist around it. Their eyes met, but instead of the gentle look he’d last given, this one showed how much he looked forward to using the belt. He turned quickly, almost as if it made him uncomfortable to let her see.

  “With your hands over the edge of the bed,” he said, plucking a tissue from the box on the nightstand. “If you drop this, it’ll fall to the floor and I’ll stop.” His warm hand pressed it into her palm and she closed her fingers around it.

  “Drop it now, to show me you understand.”

  She turned her hand sideways, opened her fingers, and felt it drift out of her grasp.

  “Very good.” He retrieved it and put it back. “I won’t tell you how many times my belt is going to hit your ass, because I don’t know. Whatever it takes for me to lay claim to it; I’ll know when we get there.”

  The first five strikes weren’t so bad. They hurt, but he was warming her up a little before he tore into her. The next five were more intense, but she enjoyed them, even wanted more.

  And then, on the eleventh stroke, he meant business and she could almost feel the welt forming across the fiery line of impact. She was only allowed a few seconds to cope before the next slice landed across the backs of her thighs and she unsuccessfully tried to scream into the gag, and fruitlessly fought her restraints. He gave her about a five-second pause before delivering the next hit a few inches above the last, where her ass and thighs joined, and she felt herself go lightheaded and slip deeper into subspace. The next strike brought her upper body off the bed, and her scream vibrated her sinus cavities.

  Three years ago, Master James had told her he could easily tell the difference between her screams of pain, and screams of pleasure. She wasn’t sure which this had been, and wondered if he knew.

  She lost track of how many times the belt slashed across her ass and thighs, but each strike felt like both a piece of liquid fire tearing at her soul and a loving caress, and a part of her wished it could go on forever. Each lash was both pain and pleasure, or perhaps neither pain nor pleasure, but merely sensation. Either way, she was just there to absorb it.

  He stopped a few times to have her blow into a tissue. She was openly crying, but never reached the point of being unable to breathe through her snot. In the hazy fog of subspace, she saw him as protector — he knew she needed to blow her nose before she realized it, and the knowledge served to make her trust him even more.


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