Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series)

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Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series) Page 12

by Candace Blevins

He looked sad, but spoke without anger or frustration. “My ideal relationship has always centered around total ownership, total power exchange. Someone who gave me complete control of her body — to feed, to fuck, to hurt, to pleasure, to clean.” He smiled as he added, “Or not.”

  Viv wasn’t sure how to respond, but he continued, giving her a reprieve. “Someone I could keep on a pedestal and treat like a princess, or knock off the pedestal and treat like a whore, with a handful of rules designed to be a constant reminder of her status. Her daily routine structured to never lever her forget who owned her, with punishments and consequences when rules weren’t followed.” He took a breath, leaned forward, and caressed his way down her arm before sliding his fingers under her palm to loosely hold her hand. Viv realized he hadn’t covered her hand, but held it so she could easily pull away — a subtle way of letting her know he wasn’t trying to play Dom; a non-verbal recognition of her status as his equal. They weren’t Dom and sub, but two people having a conversation.

  His eyes rose from their clasped hands to meet her gaze, allowing her to see the raw emotions in his face as he said, “I care about you a great deal, Viv. Surely we can find some middle ground? Something we can both live with?”

  Still reeling from his words, all she could do was shake her head and say, “Nothing immediately comes to mind.”

  He closed his eyes a second and opened them. “Not for me, either.” He gave her a sad smile. “Let’s spend the day as tourists and not stress over it. Okay? Give ourselves some time, and talk about it again this evening?”

  Chapter Nine

  The two had an enjoyable day. They went to the art museum, and to rookery bay, which Viv of course loved, and Tyler thrilled at seeing how enthused she was with the program. Anyone who saw them would’ve assumed they were dating, as they held hands and touched with the familiarity of an established couple. They joked, laughed, and spoke as lovers do. They were incredibly comfortable with each other, and the thoughts of losing Viv threated to rip Tyler’s heart from his chest.

  He couldn’t just throw this away, but what she’d offered wasn’t enough. However, there was no way he could say goodbye to her — doing so hadn’t worked three years ago, and he couldn’t bring himself to do it again.

  As they walked through what appeared to be the restaurant area of town, Viv looked at him out of the blue and said “Sir?”

  Tyler wasn’t sure what to say until he remembered their conversation during breakfast — when one person questioned as if in scene, the other could start the scene with the right response.

  He stopped, pulled her to the side, looked around to be sure no one would overhear, and stroked her cheek as he said, “You want permission to speak?”

  “No, Sir. Just permission to belong to you for a little while this evening.”

  “How will I know when the scene’s over?”

  “Sir, it’’s usually over about the time I come down from floating, sometime during aftercare.”

  He could live with that tonight, but not long term. If this was to work though, they had to start somewhere. “All right. To be sure we’re clear on the parameters — your body will belong to me for the rest of the day, until I get you back and we have a scene tonight, and it will end at some point during aftercare. And this will extend to more than just sexual situations, correct?”

  She looked down a second, and back up. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Very well, the bra you’re wearing, which notch is it in — the tightest, loosest, or middle?”

  “The middle, Sir.”

  “Step over here. I’m going to put it in the tightest notch.” At her anxious look around he added, “Don’t worry, no one’ll realize what I’m doing. You have to trust me, Viv.”

  He pulled her into a public courtyard, positioned them so no one would see below their shoulders, reached under her shirt from below, and wrapped his arms around her to tighten the strap.

  “I want you uncomfortable, not in pain. If it starts hurting you’re to tell me, okay?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “We’ll go into the little Greek restaurant across the street. Once we’re seated I want you to go to the restroom, remove your panties, put them in your pocket, and discreetly give them to me when you return to the table. Do not play with yourself, and don’t urinate. You must ask to urinate, and I haven’t given permission.”

  “Y-yes, Sir.”

  When Viv returned from the restroom he accepted the panties, deposited them in his pants pocket, and said, “You drank sweet tea earlier so I ordered more for you. If it isn’t what you want, let me know and I’ll tell the waiter when he returns. Look over the menu and pick two items you like, and I’ll decide which of the two to order. You are not to speak to the waiter. I’ll handle all communication. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Tyler hoped he wasn’t doing too much, too soon, but he needed to know if this did it for her. Even if they weren’t going to be twenty-four/seven, he’d need at least this much during their agreed-upon periods of power exchange.

  When she looked up from the menu he asked, “You’ve decided, Precious?”

  “If I have to choose two, I’d prefer either the Moussaka or the Spanakopita.”

  He immediately decided on the Spanakopita, but didn’t let her know. He asked for special instructions for both, but only memorized what she said about the latter.

  When the waiter returned he gave both orders, with detailed instructions. When their food arrived she looked at him with her hands in her lap, awaiting permission. He picked his fork up and took a bite, chewed slowly, swallowed, and said, “I’m pleased you waited for permission, Viv. You may use your fork to eat. If you have need of your knife, please ask.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  * * * *

  Viv couldn’t believe how incredibly horny this was making her. She doubted there was another man on the planet she’d submit to at this level, but she couldn’t deny it was doing it for her in a big way. No way would she agree to it as a twenty-four/seven arrangement, but if they could work out some kind of compromise, then for the first time since things blew up before breakfast, she dared hope they might figure out a way to make it work.

  “Sir, I need to use the restroom.”

  “Does it hurt? Or are you just uncomfortable?”

  “I just need to go Sir, so I guess it’s uncomfortable.”

  “I’ll set my watch to vibrate in five minutes. When it goes off you may go relieve yourself.”

  She’d thought it was just a matter of asking, and hadn’t considered he might make her wait. She could wait, of course, but the idea he delayed permission just to exercise his power hit her the wrong way.

  He must have seen the look on her face, because he said, “Unless you see rainbows, Viv. Do you see rainbows?”

  She thought about it — really thought about it — and started to say yes, but considered how horny she was, and recognized how much his words, and the power behind them, turned her on. She shook her head and answered, “No, Sir.”

  Viv’s blood heated at the timbre of his no-nonsense-Dom-voice. “You give me that look again when I deny something and you’ll be punished. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Well, she thought she’d been horny before. Now she had to concentrate to keep from squirming.

  “Okay then, let’s talk. Respectfully tell me why you gave me that look.”

  “Because, Sir, going to the bathroom — it’s such a basic need. I got used to the idea of asking permission when you tied me to the bed last night, but I didn’t consider it might be denied. It was a bit of a shock. Sir.”

  “You told me your body belonged to me tonight, and I get to make decisions about it, right?”

  Her eyes dropped to her plate. “Yes, Sir. I just...I guess I hadn’t considered how far this might go.”

  “Look at me and tell me the truth. Does the idea turn you on?”

  She lifted her gaze to his and electrici
ty shot between them as she thought of the best way to answer. “No, the idea doesn’t turn me on. Not at all. And yet, here I sit, so horny I can’t stand myself. I’m a pretty big contradiction right now, Sir.”

  He smiled at her. “I appreciate your honesty, both with yourself and with me. That can’t have been easy to admit. Thank you.”

  When he fiddled with his watch a little later she looked at him for permission, he nodded his head, and she stood as gracefully as possible on her shaky legs and went to the restroom. When she returned to her seat he leaned forward and softly said, “And now you say, ‘Thank you Sir, for allowing me to empty my bladder’.”

  Damn this was hard. “Thank you, Sir, for allowing me to empty my bladder.”

  “Did that turn you on? Was it hard to say?”

  “Yes, Sir. To both questions.”

  “It’s time to give you some of my rules, Precious. As you already know, I’ll control when you empty your bladder. The proper terminology to let me know of your need is, “Sir, I need to empty my bladder.” You aren’t asking to empty it; you’re merely notifying me of the need.”

  He reached for her hand, his voice more serious. “You’re never to allow me to take you to the point of severe pain, as we don’t want any bladder infections. Think of it as if you were on the interstate in your car and ten minutes from home: If it hurts bad enough you’d pull off to go to the restroom then I expect you to safeword. If you’d wait the ten minutes until you arrived home, I expect you to wait.”

  A server stopped to refill their drinks and Tyler paused his speech, but held her gaze as he thanked the waiter. Viv might have given a habitual “Thank you” as well, if Tyler’s gaze hadn’t held her in thrall, reminding her he was in charge tonight. As the server stepped away Tyler continued, “If we’re around people, use your best judgment — if you can wait then find an opportunity to draw me away and quietly let me know of your need. If you’re in pain then relieve yourself, but let me know as soon as you discreetly can. I’ll never deny your bowel functions, though you’ll need to let me know when you’re going. The proper terminology is “Sir, I’m going to the restroom now.” Again, if people are around, wait, but let me know as soon as you can. Are these rules clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “And you’ll always thank me for allowing you to empty your bladder when you return. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You already know not to eat until given permission, and I assume you understand I may deny you the right, if I wish. You also know I may deny the ability to feed yourself. Correct?”

  “Yes, Sir.” If he kept this up, she might come from just the sound of his voice.

  “When we’re alone you’ll be naked at all times when we’re in power exchange. If it’s cold you should respectfully let me know. I may allow a robe, but it‘ll provide easy access. You’re precious, I won’t allow you to be cold, but I may have another solution, so let me know you’re cold, don’t ask for the robe.”

  “I understand, Sir.”

  * * * *

  As they walked back to the hotel room after dinner, Tyler thought about how he wanted the evening to go. He needed to be hard on her, but wanted to give her a series of mind-blowing orgasms without focusing the evening too much on pain. Her ass would still be sore from last night’s belting, but her back and shoulders would be a nice, blank slate.

  The ownership thing seemed to turn her on, and he wanted to push the parts of it most important to him, as he didn’t want to hide anything. This was either going to work, or it wasn’t — delaying the inevitable would only hurt worse.

  As they walked into the suite he made a point of eyeing her and then his watch. Her gaze followed his, but she didn’t get his point and after about ten seconds she cautiously said, “Sir, is there something you want me to do?”

  “Are we alone?”

  “Yes, Sir?”

  “Is there a rule that involves us being alone?”

  She thought a moment and her eyes grew large. “Yes, Sir, I should remove my clothes.”

  “Yes, you should. Please leave your sandals on though, I kind of like them.”

  “Um, Sir? I’m going to use the restroom.” Her face was bright red and his cock jumped at her discomfort.

  “Very well. When you’re done I’d like you to remove your sandals, get in the shower, clean your ass with soap and water, dry off, replace the sandals, and bring me some gloves and lube. Oh, and the large plug, the remote for it, and a clean hand towel from the bathroom. You’ll find the toys in the bag beside the bed.”

  Tyler flipped the TV on and didn’t look up or respond when she said, “Yes, Sir,” and left the room. She returned about ten minutes later with the requested articles. Her anxiety was obvious to him, though she did a good job of standing still and presenting the items gracefully.

  He’d planted himself in the middle of the sofa, fully clothed, and motioned to his right. “Come have a seat, and put a glove on my right hand, please.”

  Watching her put the glove on his hand was beyond sexy, and goose bumps threatened as she worked it around each finger and finally smoothed it around his palm. She had to know what came next, but she followed instructions with no argument or hesitation. God, he hoped they could find a way to stay together.

  “Very good. Now lube my fingers please, all four.”

  His cock grew hard as granite at her expression as his words sank in, and harder yet when she reached for the lube with no hesitation. The idea of preparing him to violate her was obviously turning her on at the same time she hated it, and the combination of want and dread he saw in her expression was his ultimate aphrodisiac.

  “Very good, Viv. Now, lay over my lap. That’s a good girl. Stick your ass up in the air. That’s right.”

  * * * *

  Viv was humiliated, having to put the glove on his hand and then get it slick; though, admittedly, it was a huge turn-on. As she draped herself over his lap, she realized it wouldn’t take much to make her come, and she really didn’t want to break any of Tyler’s rules. She’d taunted some of the Doms in her past into punishing her, but was terrified of an actual punishment from Tyler. It hadn’t taken long to realize three years ago, the man didn’t mess around with discipline — his punishments weren’t meant to titillate, but were designed to keep her from repeating the same transgression again. Ever.

  Two fingers pressed into her ass, sinking ever-so-slowly until they were all the way in. Even with it being the hated first invasion, she was close to orgasm, and he wasn’t even moving much.

  “Sir? Permission to speak?”

  “Of course, Precious. Unless I’ve specifically revoked your speaking privileges, you’re free to talk without asking permission. Just use respect, and be sure you aren’t trying to give me orders.”

  “No, Sir, I just need to let you know what I’m feeling, Sir.”

  “Then speak.”

  “Sir, some of this’s new. Not the physical, but the mental. And, well, it won’t take much to get me to orgasm. I don’t want to come without permission, but my control isn’t very good right now, and, well…it felt like information you needed to have. Sir.”

  “Yes Viv, it is. There’s often a fine line between giving this kind of information, and attempting to control the scene. You’ve done well in letting me know — thank you for telling me.” He paused a few seconds and continued. “As long as you warn me before you orgasm, you don’t have to ask. Just tell me before it hits, okay?”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  His limited permission allowed Viv to relax, and enjoy the feel of strong, demanding fingers in her ass. When he added another finger she was ready, and found herself pushing back, wanting more. Her orgasm snuck up on her, and she yelled, ‘I’m going to come,” just as it hit, but he didn’t slow as her body jerked and twisted through her climax. As the fireworks faded and she gasped for air, she realized he’d added another finger. He moved slower, and it hurt, but she didn’t w
ant him to stop.

  Her arousal built slowly this time, and she was nearing another climax when he slowed again, knuckles pressing against her outer sphincter as he tried to add another finger. “Relax, Precious.”

  She sent the signals for those muscles to relax, and visualized the tension in her ass flowing out with her breath, but it hurt too bad and she couldn’t take it. “Rainbow!”

  He pulled back — it felt as if he removed two fingers and froze. “Do you want me to stop completely or just back off?”

  “Sir, I think maybe that’s all my ass can take for the night?”

  “Okay, Precious, but you don’t want to end the scene?”

  “No Sir.”

  He took the glove off and gently cleaned the lube from her bottom with the hand towel.

  “My intention was to make love to you with the plug vibrating in your ass tonight. When it comes time, I’ll ask if your ass is up to it. It’ll be your decision, but for now…” He threw a sofa cushion on the floor near the coffee table. “I want you on your knees facing the table.” She dropped into position and he said, “Good. Now fold your arms on the table and rest your head on your arms. Perfect.”

  He stood and walked into the bedroom, but wasn’t gone long before reclaiming his seat behind her. She was a few feet in front of him, and couldn’t fathom what he might have planned for her in this position.

  A flogger brushed her right shoulder, then her left. She couldn’t see, but recognized the tempo of a nice, relaxed, figure eight. It felt like the medium sized flogger he’d chosen on their shopping spree, but he wasn’t using it with an intention to hurt her.

  She relaxed as he continued, and felt the endorphins begin to surface even though it didn’t really hurt. Something about multiple strikes to one’s upper back sent the signals to create endorphins, even without the pain.

  The caress of the strands felt almost like a massage — a gentle, loving touch. She let go and trusted, much as she’d relax at the hands of a massage therapist.


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