Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series)

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Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series) Page 13

by Candace Blevins

  When he switched to the larger, heavier, flogger, she merely felt as if the massage had grown a little more intense. He maintained the same predictable rhythm, and she floated in time to it. He must have flogged her at least twenty minutes, and it was wonderful, but after a while she wanted more — wanted it to hurt, but didn’t want to spoil the beauty of her bliss, either.

  Not long after, the flogger landed with more weight, more power, and she groaned in ecstasy at the sting, the thud, and the awareness he could easily knock the wind from her if he used just a little more muscle.

  She moaned in frustration when he stopped, until she recognized the fiery sting of the smallest flogger. Within moments a thousand bees were attacking her back, one side at a time, and her orgasm was suddenly on top of her once again.

  “Oh, Sir, I’m going to come!”

  This climax rolled over her like a steamroller, and though she moved her hips to try to accommodate it, she couldn’t find completion in her current position. Her voice was louder than she intended as she begged, “Help me, please! I’m coming but I can’t… I can’t…it’s only half way here!”

  The flogger slammed down harder and she gasped at the sensations. With each strike, her orgasm grew in intensity until it ramped up to a full-blown summit and she screamed in pleasure and ecstasy. Every muscle in her body tensed as the violent contractions jerked her every which way in a frenzy, and she only collapsed back onto the table in front of her when the orgasm finally released her.

  Tyler stopped as soon as the tremors and jerking subsided, and rubbed her back with firm, soothing strokes until she managed to catch her breath.

  “Beautiful. You’re beautiful. Hold my hand, let me help you up.”

  He helped her stand, but then placed an arm at the back of her legs and scooped her up to carry her like a baby. It would take too much energy to protest, and wouldn’t do any good anyway, so Viv rested her head on his chest and gave him her full trust. He stepped sideways through the door to the bedroom, careful not to hit her head, and tenderly settled her on the bed.

  A gentle hand at her cheek brought her from subspace enough to open her eyes to Tyler’s brilliant green eyes.

  “I want to fuck you with the plug vibrating in your ass. Do you think you can take the plug?”

  “Yes Sir. Please.”

  “Then present yourself, Precious,” he said as he walked towards the living room. “Middle of the bed.”

  He returned a few seconds later, climbed behind her, fingered more lube into her ass, and pushed the plug in without ceremony. Viv breathed through the violation and did her best to relax. Just as she was about to say it was too much, it sank all the way in, and she could handle it. When he turned it on she practically purred as the wonderful sensations spread through her lower torso, carrying warmth and kinetic resonance to millions of nerve endings.

  A condom wrapper tore behind her, and seconds later his cock pushed its way in.

  “Oh yes, vibrating pussy. You have permission to come as many times as you want. You don’t even have to tell me ahead of time.”

  Viv lost herself as her body rode the waves of pleasure and bliss. She didn’t remember him turning her over, and only comprehended she was on her back when she opened her eyes to see him looking down at her as they made love missionary style, with the monster plug in her ass vibrating away. Her legs curled around his waist as he pounded into her until they both came, and she’d have sworn she saw actual fireworks — not the kind she usually saw in her mind when Tyler worked her over.

  He removed the plug, discarded the condom, cleaned them both, and had her in his arms within moments. His arms felt like home, and she snuggled into his warmth as he gently stroked her back until she sank into the depths of slumber.

  * * * *

  When Viv awoke the next morning, Tyler was leaning against the headboard with his laptop resting on his thighs. His eyes met hers and he placed the laptop on the nightstand and scooted down to wrap her in his arms. “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

  “Good morning.”

  She barely caught herself before she told him she needed to empty her bladder. She didn’t want to be in a scene this morning, so she got up and headed to the bathroom, did her business, came back, and crawled back into his arms, saying, “Last night was incredible.” She hesitated and added, “Most of yesterday was incredible, actually.”

  “Incredible is a good word. I’m glad you got us started, as I wasn’t sure how to proceed. It gives me hope we can find a way to make this work.”

  “Knowing the training my brother’s had, I’d be willing to bet you have a scuba license.”

  “Yeah, but neither of us brought our gear.” He studied her a few seconds and added, “You want to rent some equipment and go diving?”

  “I’d love to.”

  Chapter Ten

  As they returned the dive gear later in the afternoon, Tyler realized he was in love, though they still hadn’t figured out how to make a relationship work.

  As they settled into the car Viv said, “I’d really like to go back to the room and take a nap. Do you mind?”

  He reached for her hand before she pushed the ignition button. “I don’t mind at all, and I have a proposition. How about we agree when you awaken from your nap we’ll be back in our power exchange roles, and we’ll stay in them until we return to the room tomorrow morning after breakfast.”

  Her face showed a flash of uncertainty as she looked away, and then he couldn’t see her face as she stared out the driver’s side window. Tyler caught himself holding his breath as he waited for her answer.

  At length, she turned to him with the poise and posture of someone who feels comfortable with their decision and said, “If I nap too long I’ll have trouble sleeping tonight, so set the clock for two hours after I fall asleep. If I wake up at an hour to use the bathroom, it doesn’t count. At two hours wake me and give me ten minutes to get ungrumpy — it’ll probably mean using the bathroom, washing my face, and getting some coke, or something with caffeine. And then I’m all yours.”

  “You’ll be all mine until ten minutes after we return to the hotel room after breakfast tomorrow morning.”


  “Even if I don’t let you brush your teeth?”

  “You’re going to do it just to make a point, aren’t you?”


  She pulled the ponytail holder out of her hair, finger-combed it back into a ponytail, and looped the elastic around it again. “I don’t know, Tyler. I really don’t know how I’ll feel about things by tomorrow morning, but I’m willing to give it a try.”

  “An honest answer. I can live with that.”

  He released her hand and she drove them back to the hotel.

  * * * *

  Vivian felt Tyler’s hands on her arms and his lips on her cheek as she surfaced back to reality. Once her eyes were open and focused, Tyler said, “Ten minutes, then you’re mine.”

  She used the bathroom and then brushed her teeth and washed her face. As she replaced the towel after drying her face, she saw his reflection in the mirror, standing behind her with a glass of Coke. She took a few sips, and removed her clothes to be sure they were off when the time was up. Unsure what to do with herself, she moved to the window to view the ocean as she drank her Coke, making sure to stay far enough back to not be seen by anyone looking up from the beach.

  She heard his watch vibrate, and turned to see him fiddling with it. His gaze pierced hers as he lifted wrist and ankle cuffs, letting them dangle from his fingers. Viv’s heart began to race as she set her drink down and offered her wrists.

  When her cuffs were on she followed him to the eating area and sat in the kitchen chair he motioned towards.

  “Sit on the edge please, and watch your posture — shoulders down and back, chest up, back arched.” He scrutinized her as she followed instructions, and finally gave his approval as she settled into the correct position.

  He lifted blue
rope with the center already tied in a loop, and slipped it over her head. Confident fingers deftly twisted, tucked, circled, and knotted the rope around her torso until her breasts were bound above and below, with the ropes pulled together in the center and on either side, compressing and squeezing. It wasn’t painful, exactly, but a constant, nerve-wracking pressure.

  When he finished with her torso he had her stand so he could continue with the never-ending loops and knots on the lower part of her body. He even ran the rope between her legs, with knots placed sadistically at clit, pussy opening, and asshole.

  Viv had to work to stand still and keep from swaying as he manipulated the rope around her body. When he at last stepped back to view his handiwork, she was encased in rope. She could move freely, but each movement shifted the rope around her breasts, ribs, hips, legs, and especially her crotch.

  He let her set the pace as he walked her to the mirror in the bedroom, and he seemed to enjoy the minute gasps and indrawn breaths as each step brought new senses to different parts of her body. As they neared the full-length mirror, Viv was shocked at the complexity, and the beauty, of Tyler’s ropework. She barely recognized herself, even though the stranger in the mirror reflected her turns and twists as she observed how the rope moved with her for some motions, and constricted and chafed during others. She was aware she was in a light form of subspace as she found herself mesmerized watching the knots and straight lengths either work with her or against her as she moved. The way the rope rubbed, pressed, and shifted against her skin was an incredible turn on.

  Warm hands touched her shoulders and she stilled, her focus once more on her Master. Their eyes met in the mirror and he asked, “Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, Mas-“ She corrected quickly. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Let’s look over the room service menu, shall we?”

  He told her to pick three things she wanted this time, which gave her even less choice in the final decision. While they waited for their food he had her crawl around the bedroom, coaching her to arch her back more, and to exaggerate the sway of her bottom as she moved away from him. He’d occasionally call her to him and order her to kneel up, so he could play with her bound breasts. The ropes rubbed, squeezed, pressed, and constrained with every movement, until she thought she’d go mad.

  When the delivery guy came he closed the bedroom door so she wouldn’t be seen, ordering her to stand in a corner with her fingers clasped at the back of her head while she waited.

  Before her arms had a chance to begin aching, Tyler was behind her, bringing one arm down at a time before connecting her wrist cuffs behind her back.

  “Your breasts look great with your arms tied back.” He tweaked both nipples and Viv gasped as her arms futilely tried to pull to her front. “I can’t wait for the bulk of my things to arrive. You’re going to look even better in armbinders.”

  Tyler took brisk steps this time, and Viv had to walk quickly to keep up. His grip was firm on her upper arm, and while she knew it was a safety thing since her arms were bound, it still felt as if she were being walked. She was under his control, compelled to keep pace with him, no matter how the ropes moved, rubbed, pushed, and crushed.

  He tossed a sofa cushion on the floor beside a kitchen chair and said, “Kneel.”

  The knot over her clit pressed painfully into her as she relaxed her bottom onto her feet. She’d crawled, and kneeled up, but hadn’t been allowed to sit back on her heels, and she gasped and rose up a few inches, panicking at the pain. But Tyler instantly went from drill sergeant to caretaker as he pulled her up, made a few adjustments, and had her kneel slower this time. The knot still pushed on her clit, but it was uncomfortable, not painful, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  A single finger touched under her chin and lifted her face until her eyes met his. He raised an eyebrow. “Better?”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

  “I don’t want you in pain right now. If something hurts, let me know.”

  He fed her, bite by bite, as she kneeled at his feet. With few exceptions, he alternated giving himself a bite, then her. When he took a drink, he offered her one.

  It was all very dehumanizing, and yet — once she got over her resistance — she didn’t hate it. She wasn’t really turned on sexually, but she enjoyed the feeling of belonging to him. The security of the ropes, combined with not having to think about when to eat and when to drink, it was comfortable, comforting, almost freeing, if she were honest. But she was having a hard time being honest, even with herself.

  When dinner was over she told him she needed to empty her bladder. However, he merely thanked her for letting him know, but didn’t give permission.

  She remained on her knees, silent, as he moved the dishes to the counter, cleaned the table, and finally began to methodically take her out of the rope harness.

  When he at last gave permission to use the restroom twenty-five minutes later, she really needed to go.

  One would think she’d have remembered to thank him upon returning, but she forgot. He gave her a few minutes before telling her she’d be punished, and why.

  Viv tried to explain she’d forgotten; she hadn’t deliberately disobeyed, but he only said he understood, and it was his job to make sure she remembered in the future.

  * * * *

  Tyler knew he’d need to give her a serious punishment at some point, but hadn’t wanted to rush it. However, she’d blown off a rule, so it was time.

  “Get the spreader bar, the butterfly gag, the cane, the clover clamps, and a tissue, please. Line them neatly on the edge of the bed and kneel on the floor with them in your direct line of vision.”

  He gathered the rope he’d need, and gave her five minutes to kneel and stare at the items. She looked so small when he finally entered the room, and he felt a little sorry for what she was about to endure. However, he’d recognized Viv’s type immediately — she wanted to submit, but needed a strong hand to make it easier. She’d likely roll right over a Dom who wasn’t willing to dole out meaningful punishments, and he wanted her respect, which meant standing firm and delivering no-nonsense consequences for breaking the rules.

  He stepped behind her, out of her vision so she’d continue to look at the implements on the bed as he spoke.

  “The rules for punishment are different than those for a scene. Eventually, you won’t have a safeword for punishment, but since you still do, we need to talk about its purpose. While being disciplined you don’t safeword because it hurts — punishment is supposed to hurt. You will only safeword if you feel I’m doing actual damage, and I’m talking about more than welts and bruises, because unless there’s a reason you can’t be marked in the near future, you can count on having an assortment of marks.”

  He let his words sink in a moment before giving instructions. “Stand, and bend at the waist until your forehead rests on the edge of the bed. You’ll need to figure out the correct distance for your feet, I’ll give you a moment.”

  When she was in position, he had her stand so he could insert the gag, talking as he worked. “Your screams last night were obvious pleasure, and most people try to ignore those in a hotel. But the noises you’re about to make will never be mistaken for sounds of ecstasy.”

  He inflated the gag with brisk, quick squeezes this time, instead of insisting she do it. As much as he enjoyed dispensing the fear and discomfort of the butterfly gag, he looked forward to a time when he could hear her screams.

  Tyler worked quickly, and gave no reassuring touches as he linked her wrist cuffs behind her back again, and stooped to connect the spreader bar between her legs.

  She attempted to yelp in pain as he perfunctorily attached the clover clamps to her still ultra-sensitive nipples, and a muffled scream made its way out her nose when he pulled the chain of the clamps, brutally tightening them.

  Keeping her off balance as to what would happen next; he wrapped his left hand around her hip, and used his right to push her shoulders down until her forehead re
sted on the bed again. Finally, he looped the rope between the clover clamp chain and the bedrail. Her instincts would have her trying to stand when the cane hit, which would yank her already hurting nipples.

  Her eyes were watery when he’d pushed her down. He knew she was terrified, but it was part of the consequences so he did nothing to ease her fear.

  He reached for the cane as he said, “Eight strokes, Vivian. You can take eight strokes. Tomorrow you’ll have eight lines of colorful bruises with raised welts running through them. It’ll hurt. It’s meant to hurt.”

  “There’s your safe word.” He put the tissue in her hand. “Throw it on the floor if you want to shirk your punishment. But I have to tell you I expect you to take all eight.”

  Tyler laid the first strike across her ass without mercy, and his cock jumped when she tried to raise and yanked her nipples. He watched as the secondary pain hit, and gave her enough time to deal with it before he placed the second cut less than an inch below the first. He gave her time to breathe through it and placed the third and fourth cuts just above the first. The fifth went on at an angle and crossed the bottom two, the sixth went a bit lower. The seventh hit just under the first, and he put a lot more weight behind it. He landed the eighth strike on the backs of her legs in her most tender spot, and made it the hardest hit of all.

  She’d tried to rise on the first three strikes, and then again on the last, and he knew her breasts would be on fire along with her ass. He was pleased she hadn’t dropped the tissue.

  Stepping back to remove his clothes, he watched her fight the pain as she stood bent over, still as a statue in an attempt to spare her breasts further agony.

  With her arms bound behind her back, and the spreader bar between her ankles, she was at his mercy. He knew full well how bad her ass would be hurting, but her stance told him her nipples hurt worse.

  “Blow,” he said, as he held a tissue under her nose. They repeated the process two more times, until the tissue came away clean, and only then did he finally release the clamps from her nipples.


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