Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series)

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Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series) Page 17

by Candace Blevins

  “Is it what you’d planned?”

  She closed her eyes as he smoothed her hair away from her face, but opened them when he answered. “No, but I’m pretty good at changing in midstream to go with the flow.”

  Viv slid her dress off one shoulder and slowly pushed it down her arm. She glanced up at Tyler, and when their eyes met her insides ignited and her pulse quickened as heat raced through her veins.

  Tyler laid his hands on her shoulders, slid them down her arms, and back up. He paused long enough to grasp her dress, and proceeded to push the clingy fabric down her body, warm hands trailing down her sides. Suppressing a shiver of anticipation, she stepped out of her dress when he held it at her knees. He draped it over a chair and turned to look at her, his gaze that of a panther eyeing his prey.

  Viv made a slow turn to reveal her thong undies. She normally detested them, but had wanted to be sexy when she undressed.

  “God, Viv. What you do to me.” He stepped to her and ran his hand up her thigh, trailing over the welts with a gentle touch. “And you wear my marks beautifully.”

  “I was looking forward to undressing you,” he said as he led her to the bed, “but I think I’ll leave those on for now.” He leaned her backwards and kissed her until she couldn’t breathe again, and when he finally let her up, he continued. “It’s a good look.”

  “You’re overdressed.” Viv eyed him from shoes to face and added, “This is a good look for you, too, but I want to touch skin.”

  His smile was a blend of cocky and happy as he stepped back and raised his hands to his throat. He made short work of the buttons, slid the shirt off his shoulders and down his arms, and tossed it on the chair with her dress. When he reached for his belt, Viv stepped forward and pushed his hands away. He’d said she could touch him however she wanted, and she wanted to finish stripping him. He moved his hands out of the way in slow motion, obviously surprised at being stopped, but kept quiet and allowed her to take control.

  Viv pulled his belt free and stood to drape it around his shoulders. She didn’t know if he’d use it on her, but wanted to be clear she wasn’t opposed to the idea. She bent again to work the button and zipper, and lowered his slacks to just below his knees before looking up. He caught her intention and stepped out of them, and she tossed them onto the chair with the rest of their clothes before turning back and palming his rock hard cock over his boxer briefs. She moved her hands to either side, pulling the fabric taught around it, and smiled when he groaned.

  She leaned in to breathe across it, to add heat and moisture, but he lifted her to her feet. “That’s enough for now, but you’ve given me a great idea for how to torment you.” He kissed her on the forehead and stepped towards his bag. “I’m not ruling out the belt, since it seems you were asking for it, but we may stay away from impact play tonight.”

  “I wasn’t necessarily asking for it, just letting you know I’m not opposed.”

  He pulled a small black case from his overnight bag, and added a few things from what appeared to be a toiletry kit, purposefully hiding the items and arousing her curiosity.

  “Lose the bra, lie on the bed, and play with your breasts.”

  Viv looked at him a few seconds before reaching to unhook her bra. He’d said no threat of punishment, and she only had to submit as much as she wanted — but she discovered she wanted to do as he said. She crawled onto the bed and gave him a good view of her ass before he flipped her over and she landed on her back. Their gazes met and she reached to fondle her already pebbled nipples.

  Tyler kneeled on the edge of the bed and palmed his cock through the fabric as his eyes remained glued to her chest.

  “Mutual masturbation isn’t really my thing.” She wouldn’t have said anything if they’d been in a normal scene, but it felt right to say it tonight.

  “Mine either, usually, but I love watching you play with yourself.” He crawled forward until he towered over her on all fours, and leaned down to take a nipple and part of her breast into his mouth. Electricity shot from nipple to clit, and she groaned and ground her hips up into empty air.

  When he began working his way down her stomach, Viv touched his head to stop him. “I should take a shower first, if you’re going there with your mouth.” She’d probably danced the equivalent of a five mile run tonight.

  Tyler’s smiling face peered up at her, “Not necessary, but if you’re worried, I have the perfect way to put you at ease.”

  He extracted a small tube from his bag. She assumed it was lube at first, but then recognized the trial size tube of toothpaste. She looked at him in question, but he merely smiled and said, “Time to shed your last scrap of clothing.”

  Viv quickly discarded the thong and allowed Tyler to spread her legs so he could sit between them. He ran his fingers around her clit a few times, but as she began to move her hips and moan in frustration, his hands left her to open the toothpaste and squirt some on his finger.

  Viv leaned up to watch as he used the fingers of his other hand to spread her lips, and headed towards her clit with the toothpaste.

  Nothing much happened when he swiped it over the top of her clit hood, down the right side, and finally down the left side. He leaned forward and breathed hot air over it, followed by cool air, and her clit exploded in sensations. It was cold and hot at the same time, and Tyler smiled at her gasp.

  “The sensations will build, but I think you need a little more. Spread your legs and let me in.”

  His voice was a command, though not totally his Dom voice. Still, Viv met his eyes and spread her legs farther — not sure she wanted whatever he was about to do, but positive she didn’t want him to stop.

  Tyler made a production of squeezing the toothpaste onto his finger this time, but his hands returned to her clit the instant the lid was back on and her moan turned into a half scream as he pushed her clit hood up and smeared the toothpaste directly onto her clit. The burn was intense, but so was the cold, and she could only gasp for air as she tried to comprehend and process the conflicting sensations.

  He swiped his toothpaste-covered finger down a few inches, trailing the burning cold sensation to her opening, circled it a few times, and finally stuck his finger in his mouth with a happy smile.

  Viv fell back on the bed and closed her eyes. “I don’t know how long I can handle this.” She opened her eyes and added, “Especially if you’re right about it building.”

  He pulled his finger from his mouth as if savoring it, and flashed a playful smile as he said, “Of course I’m right,” and pushed his body back until he was situated on his stomach between her legs.

  Moist heat whispered across her toothpasted clit, and Viv sucked air into her lungs and let it out in a soulful moan. She still wished he’d let her take a bath or shower, but the way he’d relished her taste on his finger made her chill out and stop worrying so much. He teased around her opening with his tongue, and her hips and bottom rose in response. She desperately wanted something inside of her, wanted to be spread wide and forced to take whatever he gave. Her clit still burned with an icy intensity, and part of her wanted to run grab the handheld shower nozzle in the fancy bathroom and get rid of the toothpaste, but a bigger part wanted to submit, and see where he could take her if she let him.

  She wasn’t sure she liked having the option to stop him, and wished he’d tied her up and forced her to take what he gave her, with the threat of punishment if she didn’t do as he said. However, as he forced another moan from her, and her hips moved of their own accord, she had to admit this was working, too.

  He tilted his head sideways and finally stuck his tongue inside for a second, only to remove it and lick around the edges again. Viv begged, “Please Tyler. You’re driving me crazy. I want you inside of me. Please.”

  He moved his mouth just above her clit again, hovering over it without touching so his breath stroked the hypersensitive tissues as he talked. “How’s your clit doing?”

  “It’s too much, and I’m goin
g to go crazy. Soon. I need to come so bad I might explode, but I’m not even close!”

  “Let’s take your mind off your clit for a little while then, shall we?”

  Viv’s eyes nervously followed his hand as he reached for the toothpaste, inverted it over her left nipple, and squeezed a dollop directly onto it before moving to her right nipple and doing the same. He wet his finger on his tongue and gently pushed the toothpaste until the sides pushed out, and molded it around her nipple. He did the same with the other, and gave her an inquiring look.

  “It’s not as intense as my clit, but I certainly know it’s there. My clit is… it’s like a burning cold? But my nipples are just cold.”

  He ran a finger between her breasts and down her stomach. “You seem to be holding up pretty good — your eyes aren’t watering, and you aren’t begging to run to the shower. Next time perhaps we’ll try it with the super-intense cinnamon.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, but he wasn’t finished. “But I’m not quite done lighting you up.” He nodded towards a large decorative pillow above her head. “Can you hand me a pillow, please?”

  Tyler situated the firm pillow under her bottom, tilting her pelvis up. She had a bad feeling about where the toothpaste was going next as she watched him squirt it on his fingers and work it as he would lube. She moaned in dissent as he spread a blob outside her asshole, and she made small begging noises as he pushed two fingers in. She wouldn’t get in trouble for asking him not to do something, but found she still couldn’t bring herself to say the words.

  It wasn’t just the violation she felt this time, but the icy burn of the toothpaste as well. She was still barely accepting two fingers when he added another, and the forbidden phrase spilled out with no hesitation. “Oh god, no, please.”

  “Take it for me, Viv.” His eyes sparked with enjoyment, and Viv realized he was enjoying the challenge of seeing how far he could convince her to go when not in a scene. He slowed his fingers and used his other hand to caress her abdomen and massage just above her clit. “Show me how much you want to take what I give you. Ask me to stop again and I will, but do you really want this to end?”

  Her eyes were watering now and she shook her head in frustration. “I don’t know what I want.” Her hands reached towards her clit again and she yanked them back and stretched her arms out in a tee shape, grasping the fabric in an attempt to keep still. “Dammit, I wish my hands were tied so I couldn’t try to make you stop.”

  His fingers went in and stopped. “Shhhhh. Look at me. Open your eyes, Viv. That’s it. Stretch your arms over your head and move the covers and pillows so you can grab the headboard.”

  Viv had to break eye contact to look above her and move everything out of the way, but the instant her hands curled under the wood of the headboard he said, “Very good. Now look back at me. Let me see inside you as I violate your asshole.”

  Their gazes met and Viv felt her legs spread wider as his will seemed to take over her body. “That’s it. Nipples, clit, and asshole are so alive, while your cunt’s completely neglected.”

  Gentle fingers moved her clit hood back and forth, further stimulating her clit as the toothpaste seemed to dig deeper into frayed nerve endings, and Viv gasped and squeezed her eyes shut.

  “Open your eyes. Look at me.”

  She wanted to take cover in the blessed darkness. The connection between them almost hurt when she opened her eyes and allowed him in.

  He held eye contact as his fingers slid out a few inches, back in, all the way out, and all the way in, without breaking the electric hold of their gaze.

  “I love you.” He broke eye contact long enough to kiss the inside of her thigh, but then continued with his intensity as he added, “It’s more than that. I adore you, and I treasure how you give yourself to me.”

  Viv squeezed the headboard tighter and pushed up with her thighs until her bottom rose off the pillow. “I want you. Please.”

  His fingers slowed as he considered her request, and he gently removed his fingers. “Since you asked so nicely,” he said rummaging through his bag with his left hand. He concealed whatever he found, and moved to the edge of the bed, saying, “Stay put, I’ll be right back,” as he headed to the bathroom.

  She heard the sounds of him washing his hands, the crinkle and rip of a condom wrapper tearing, followed by more hand washing. When he reappeared he sported a purple condom with a milky design, and a giggle escaped Viv’s throat.

  Tyler raised his brows at her impertinence, which only made her laugh full out. He grinned and held up the tube of toothpaste, and Viv’s fingers itched to turn loose of the headboard and take it from him.

  “Perhaps you need some more on your clit?” His smile said he was enjoying the exchange, but his face said he’d like to make her even more uncomfortable.

  Viv shook her head and answered, “I was doing okay until you left and my arousal level dropped. It’s….” She took a breath as she tried to come up with the right word, and settled on, “intense.”

  He leaned over her, spread her lips with one hand, and used the other to rub her clit hood up and down again with tender, smooth strokes. Viv gasped and tried to push her bottom into the pillow, hopelessly trying to evade his fingers, but he grasped the back of her knees and pushed them towards her shoulders as a corner of his mouth rose in a half-smile.

  Viv gasped again as he settled his cock at her asshole and pushed. He let go of one knee long enough to breach the outer ring of muscles, then replaced his hand and slowly sank into her, their eyes once again locked in each other’s gaze.

  “The milky color… you used toothpaste as lube.” The icy burn was terrible, and wonderful. She couldn’t bear it, but wanted more.

  Tyler didn’t respond, his eyes focused on hers as he penetrated deeper. He took his time, but when his hips finally hit her bottom he took a breath and pushed the back of her legs towards her shoulders another few inches.

  “I love you, Viv. I know making your body mine won’t make you belong to me, but…” He shook his head, closed his eyes a brief second, and leaned down to give her a tender kiss. “If it’s too much, let me know. I’d like you to keep from coming while I take your ass. No punishment if you do though.”

  He looped her knees around his arms and settled his hands on the mattress above her head. Viv wanted to close her eyes to shut him out, but kept them open because he was letting her see inside of him. She could see his vulnerability, as well as the conflict between his sadistic need to hurt her, and his desire to be tender.

  She didn’t exactly need tender right now. “It’s okay, you don’t have to hold back. Make me yours. I love you, too.”

  He scanned her face, studied her a few seconds, and apparently decided she meant it because he jerked out and plowed into her hard enough to force the air from her lungs.

  Tyler was like a wild man, plundering her depths with a savagery that barely allowed her to draw a breath, as each time he slammed into her he managed to eject whatever small amount of air she’d just managed to pull in.

  Viv had been sure he couldn’t keep up this pace for long, but it felt as if ten or more minutes passed, and her arousal began to grow with every slam of his hips. Her opening felt bruised and raw, though she wasn’t sure whether it was from the icy burn of the toothpaste, or the friction, or both.

  She was doing a good job of keeping her orgasm at bay until he altered his angle and bumped her clit with every plunge. She closed her eyes to try to hold onto it, but he snarled, “Look. At. Me.”

  Her eyelids flew open and she said, “I’m trying not to come. I want to show you how much I want to be yours, but it’s so close, Tyler. I don’t know how much longer I can…”

  He pulled out as he sat up and released one of her legs. She heard him pull the condom off, don another in what must have been record time, and before she knew it he resumed the same position and entered her pussy, all at once with no warning.

  Viv let loose a little scream at the s
urprise invasion. Her body tried to go into flight mode, to escape, but firm hands he held her in place, and within seconds her hips moved toward him. Welcoming him.

  “Come for me, Viv. Now.”

  Her body heard him before her brain comprehended, and by the time she realized what he’d said her muscles were contracting around his hard length and she was helpless to do anything but writhe and jerk beneath him, lost in an all-consuming bliss.

  Tyler seemed to be talking to himself, his eyes half closed as he murmured, “That’s it. Show me you’re mine. Take what I give you and want more.”

  His expression seemed to awaken, his eyes opened, and he said, “Damn. I love you so much it scares me, but I’m yours. As long as you’ll have me.” His hips jerked back, slammed in, and the wild man seemed to take over once more as he held her ankles to the mattress, spread wide around her head, and pounded her with almost jackhammer speed.

  Their eye contact was intermittent now, as Tyler seemed to have to force himself to keep it. Viv’s orgasm waned, but hadn’t disappeared, and she marveled at the emotions flying across Tyler’s face as he appeared to near his own release.

  When he looked up for an extended time and seemed to focus on a spot high on the wall, Viv reached up to caress his cheek. His head swiveled down and electricity surged through Viv as their eyes met, making her heart stutter, her stomach roll, and her orgasm kick into high gear. Her reaction seemed to be what he needed to tip over the edge, and she could see the effort it took for him to hold eye contact as his release swept over him and he emptied himself into the condom.

  They lay in each other’s arms a few minutes before Tyler stirred long enough to remove the condom and drop it on the floor beside the bed. Both were breathing too hard for conversation, but it was nice to just lie with their bodies touching. It had been a magical evening, topped off by a magical night of sex. Not exactly vanilla, but closer than she’d managed in nearly a decade.


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