Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series)

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Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series) Page 18

by Candace Blevins

  When she awoke the next morning she was still in Tyler’s arms, but had somehow managed to get under the covers. She was sure Tyler must’ve rearranged them, though she didn’t remember. He was still sound asleep, and she took a few minutes to admire his carved cheeks, sexy jawline, perfectly straight Greek nose, and those lips… wow, what those lips could do to her.

  His eyes were closed now, but they were the true window to the man inside. She never knew what he saw when he looked at her, but it seemed as if he could see into her very soul. Sometimes his observations were downright scary; she’d never been so transparent to anyone before. She’d built a fairly substantial wall around herself, and only allowed a few inside. Tyler had pretty much blasted his way in as Master James, but last night he’d breached even more of her emotions — most of which she’d have been happy to keep hidden away. She’d survived his walking away before by throwing herself into her work, school, and research projects. But she’d only known him three days, and had only met the Master part of him, not the everyday parts, too. Walking away from him this time just might tear her apart. She could only hope she found a job she could immerse herself into, so she could stay so busy she wouldn’t have time to miss him. Miss this.

  They’d had so much fun last night, and he hadn’t been the overbearing master she was so afraid of losing herself to, but was it just an act to draw her in? Would he go back to the lovingly dictatorial man she’d first fallen for, once she let her guard down? He’d been the perfect Master for her in a scene… but in real life? It was too much of a risk. Broken heart or not, walking away was the safest choice. She’d spent a decade getting the credentials she’d need for her dream job – one where she can make a difference, possibly even figure out what needs to be done to keep mankind from destroying the planet. Goodness knew the current scientific thinking was only making things worse, not better.

  If she wanted to make a difference, wanted to do the research needed to affect change, she couldn’t let a man dictate her life. Controlling her in the bedroom was one thing, but she couldn’t let it leak into the other parts of her life.

  She carefully extracted herself from his embrace, used the restroom, donned a robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door, and made her way to the balcony to watch the sunrise.

  She wasn’t outside long when the door slid open and Tyler stepped through with a cup of coffee he set on the table beside her, and a chilled bottle of water he opened for himself as he sat in the other chair.

  “I’d hoped you’d come back to bed.”

  “I didn’t realize you were awake.” She lifted the coffee, took a tentative sip. He’d fixed it just right — lots of cream with no sweetener. “Mmmm. You’re too good to me. Thanks.”

  They sat in silence for several minutes and Tyler finally said, “At times, it’s been necessary for me to literally sleep with the enemy. It doesn’t take much to wake me.”

  Viv took her eyes from the view long enough to glance at Tyler, and her heart nearly broke at his expression. “It’s taken a toll on you, hasn’t it?”

  He shrugged, as if it were nothing. “Given the chance, I’d choose the same career path. I stopped a lot of…” He trailed off and looked at the view long enough Viv thought he’d said all he intended. She settled her gaze back on the slowly brightening sky, and saw him lean forward on his knees in her peripheral vision.

  “I thought I’d either die young or retire an old man. Three and a half years ago I’d have laughed at anyone who told me I’d start looking to retire soon.”

  Viv was sure she didn’t want to hear what he said next, but stayed silent as he continued.

  “I never realized how lonely I was, until…” He took a breath, ran his hands through his hair, and continued. “Until you showed me what I was missing.”

  “I didn’t mean to.”

  He looked up and her heart turned over again as their eyes met. “Don’t apologize, Viv. If anyone should apologize, it’s me — for walking away.”

  Viv wanted to tell him she was about to do the same, but couldn’t bring herself to hurt him. She knew it would be better to tell him sooner rather than later, but she also worried he’d begin a campaign to change her mind, if she told him.

  She hadn’t considered how much she might hurt him, and she suddenly wanted to be somewhere else. Facing him right now hurt too much. The seascape gave her a good excuse to look away as she sipped her coffee with no idea what to say.

  “I’ve made you sad,” he said.

  She shook her head, but didn’t look at him. “It isn’t you that’s made me sad, but the circumstances. You’re leaving in a few hours, and I have a lot going on while you’re gone. Who knows where we’ll stand with each other when we get back.” She finally looked at him. “I didn’t let myself think about it last night, but this morning…” She took a breath, determined to keep her eyes dry and her voice strong. “I guess I’m just hoping last night wasn’t our last.”

  Tyler’s chair made an abrasive noise on the concrete as he turned it to face her, instead of the view. “There’s more. Something you aren’t saying.”

  Well, yeah, but she’d come as close as she intended. Viv made a mental note to ask her brother if they’d learned a special trick to tell when someone was only telling part of the truth. Tyler’s ability to practically read her mind was damned inconvenient sometimes.

  When she didn’t respond, Tyler added, “You’re the one who came up with the rule about not talking about our potential cities ahead of time. If we compare notes now, perhaps we can find a way to be close to each other without compromising our careers.”

  Viv shook her head. “I’ve worked hard to establish myself in my chosen field, and finally have a chance to find my dream job. As much as I love you, I can’t let any man dictate my career choices.” He started to interrupt and she shook her head and spoke before he had a chance. “And I won’t let you hurt yours for me.”

  She saw by his face he didn’t understand, and she twisted to face him with her body as she tried to find a better way to explain. “I’ve always looked down my nose at the women who shot their career in the foot just so they could be with a man. I don’t need anyone to take care of me. I’d love to share my life with you, but I’ve spent so many years working towards–”

  “Okay,” he interrupted. “I get it. You’ve set these ideals, and feel like I’m trying to make you change your long terms plans. I wish you could understand I’m willing to be the one who follows you.” He grinned. “You know, as long as you’re in an actual city, and not the middle of nowhere.”

  His face went serious again. “I’m in the unique position of pretty much deciding which job offer I want to accept. The people who own the companies I’ve applied to have a high enough security clearance they’ll have a good idea of my former job title, and have likely talked to some of my chain of command. They’re basically competing for who will get me.”

  His face turned stubborn as he added, “I’ll follow your rules and will give you my top choices, but if you accept a job in a different city — and there’s a viable opportunity for me there — you can’t stop me from following. I won’t hold you responsible for my choices, so don’t even bring it up again.”

  Viv wasn’t sure if she was relieved or terrified, but she dipped her head and settled her face in her hands, as she wasn’t sure what Tyler would see in her expression. Her heart soared with the realization last night might not be the end, but her brain started making plans for how to thwart him. Escape him.

  When she was sure her emotions were in check, she sat up and reached for her coffee, only to discover the mug empty. She looked into it and up to his face. “How about we get ready and go find breakfast?”

  * * * *

  Tyler had insisted she drop him off at the front entrance of the airport, and she’d been grateful to say their goodbyes in the car. She held her emotions in check until he was out of the car and she’d driven about a hundred yards away, and the floodgates ope
ned. She drove another mile or two and pulled over at a gas station to cry her heart out.

  The tears took over, and after losing the battle to get them under control; she relented and gave herself permission to grieve for a few days, but determined she’d get her life back on track once she had it out of her system.

  Movement flashed at the corner of her eye, and Viv remembered she was in a very bad section of town, and could have kicked herself for not being more aware of her surroundings.

  Blinking to clear the tears, she looked around and saw two men swaggering towards her as if they intended to intimidate her. Well, of course they were! They saw a crying white bitch in a car by herself in a bad part of town — she looked the perfect victim, didn’t she? The engine was still running, so she put it in gear and pulled away from them. Sure, her gun was in the glove compartment, but she’d only pull it as a last resort. The guys weren’t a problem yet, and she had an easy escape route.

  She didn’t cry any more on the drive home, but wasn’t far from it. It was important she keep her mind occupied, so she made a mental list of the things she wanted to be sure she mentioned or asked in her interviews. She’d gotten over him once before by throwing herself into her work, and she’d do it again.

  When she arrived home she retrieved her gun from the glove compartment, her overnight bag from the backseat, and quietly entered through the side door. She’d intended to lock herself in her room and throw herself into interview preparation, but David was in the kitchen. As soon as he saw her, his face turned from welcome to rage, and she realized he’d assumed the worst from her tear stained face.

  “I’m fine, David. Just emotional. Please, leave it. I’m going to my room to do some prep work for my interviews.”

  “Like hell I’ll drop it. What did he do to you?”

  She closed her eyes, took a breath, and opened them to give him a level stare. And hoped her dad wasn’t in hearing range. “Not a damned thing you’d disapprove of. We had the perfect date last night — an elegant dinner followed by a sunset cruise, and then he took me dancing until the early morning hours. We even had something closer to vanilla sex than I’ve managed in…a long time. Not that it’s any of your business.”

  “Then why’ve you been crying? Did he break it off?”

  She shook her head and fought to keep the tears from returning. “No, but I’m going to have to.”

  He tilted his head, glanced at the microwave, and walked to her to give her a hug. “You aren’t making any sense.”

  Viv didn’t fight his embrace, though they hadn’t been touchy-feely siblings in a long time. “I’m sure you probably threatened him against hurting me…what will you do to me when I hurt him?”

  He was quiet several long moments and finally said, “Well, shit. I hadn’t considered that possibility.” He leaned back to look down at her. “I thought you loved him? What happened?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing happened.” She explained the rules she’d set up, and how she could never allow any man to hurt her career, no matter how special he might be.

  The microwave dinged as she finished her explanation and she pushed him away. “Get your food.”

  He eyed her a second before turning. “I’m glad to see you had your gun. I’d wondered if you’d depend on him to protect you, or would take it even with a skilled bodyguard by your side.”

  She glanced down to be sure it didn’t show, and it didn’t. It was in a pocket holster in her khaki shorts. She looked up in question and he smiled. “I felt it when I hugged you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I didn’t carry it on our date, but had it handy this morning because I knew I’d be alone once I dropped him off. The airport’s not in the best part of town.”

  He held his sausage biscuit as if ready to take a bite, but said, “Wanna go to the range with me? I have a few new toys I can take, if you want to shoot them.”

  Suddenly, the prospect of a few hours shooting guns with her brother sounded much more appealing than prep work, and she nodded and smiled. “Can we go to the outdoor range, though? I know it’s hot, but…”

  “Right there with ya. Meet me in the safe in about ten minutes to decide what we’re taking?”

  She nodded again. “I assume Dad’s had breakfast?”

  “He’s fine, Viv. Go check on him and see for yourself.” He finally took a bite and mumbled around it as he walked down the hall. “See you downstairs, and bring your LC9, I wanna shoot it.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tyler walked through the Chattanooga Airport several days later, unimpressed with its size and configuration. How could a renowned security agency survive in such a small city?

  Drake Security had arranged for a rental car when they requested a two-day interview instead of the half-day plus dinner originally planned. He wasn’t sure what had changed, but assumed it was a good thing. The destination was preprogrammed into the onboard GPS, which he thought a nice touch.

  However, when he arrived at the Drake Security offices, he was once again less than impressed. They’d taken over what appeared to be an old school, and it paled in comparison to the big new shiny office buildings he’d been visiting.

  Nevertheless, as soon as he stepped through the door, he liked the atmosphere. The receptionist greeted him with genuine warmth and knew his name without asking. One of the top people in the company appeared before Tyler had a chance to sit, and introduced himself as simply Nathan. No pretenses.

  Nathan was a few inches above six feet, with sandy blond hair and the unpretentious body language of someone who can handle just about anything.

  “I’ll take you back to Aaron’s office where we’ll talk a little, and then we’ll walk around and let you meet some of our other people. We’ll spend a little time in the shooting range, and I believe Aaron would like to see you spar later. We understand you’ve interviewed with some impressive firms already?”

  Tyler kept his voice steady. “Yes, but I haven’t accepted any offers yet.” He smiled. “I’m still wide open and taking everything in.”

  * * * *

  Later in the afternoon he found himself in what had been the old gymnasium. The basketball court was still open, but boxing rings and sparring mats had been installed where bleachers once stood.

  His sparring session with Nathan was beyond maddening — he had the distinct feeling Nathan could easily take him on with one hand tied behind his back, and was only fighting hard enough to test general fighting skills. Tyler was used to being able to handle just about anyone in a fight, and wasn’t sure what to think. Nathan’s reflexes seemed impossibly fast.

  The next sparring partner was a better match, and Tyler breathed a sigh of relief. A bell rang and Tyler backed off and shook the man’s hand.

  An attractive woman stood, grabbed two padded half-staffs from the equipment wall, and tossed one to Tyler as she stepped onto the mat. Grinning, she said, “My turn.”

  Tyler didn’t argue, and assumed Drake management wanted to be sure he didn’t have a problem fighting women. He didn’t. A few women had come close to killing him and he’d learned the hard way how dangerous a petite and beautiful female could be.

  However, he hadn’t expected this little thing to be able to hold her own. Sure, he was stronger, but she was fast, and good. Also, he was unfamiliar with whatever flavor of martial arts she’d studied. A few elements were recognizable, but she put them together like a dance, albeit a potentially lethal one. Tyler fell into a defensive pattern until he could get a handle on her style. It wasn’t until he realized she’d coaxed him into dancing, with her leading, that he figured out how to go on the offense. The woman smiled in glee when Tyler began an offensive series, as if she were happy to meet the challenge.

  The two were in a wonderful zone, where only reflexes and muscle memory rules the day, when the bell rang. Both backed off, but the woman looked as disappointed as Tyler felt.

  Nathan stepped to the edge of the mat. “I’d like to see the two of you
hand to hand, if you don’t mind. Toss the staffs,” he said as he held his hands up.

  A bell rang and Tyler’s hands rose on their own as his reflexes pushed to the front once more. However, once again, the woman put him on the defensive, but this time he found himself constantly stepping backwards, making him work to stay on the mat. Defense wasn’t working, but he wasn’t landing anything effective offensively, so it was time to do something unexpected. The next time she moved in close he struck before she arrived and quickly sidestepped before she was close enough to reach him. Unfortunately, the trick only worked once, because she was ready for it next time and kicked instead of hitting. Once again, the two fell into a dance, and Tyler’s reflexes took over. When the bell rang again, he wasn’t sure who had bested the other, but knew he needed to figure out her style of martial arts and learn how to defeat it.

  Drake Security was his top pick, so for now he merely shook her hand and made the same small talk he’d made with the second man he’d fought. He didn’t know how high up in management this woman might be, and it was important he not alienate her by treating her different than the men he’d sparred with.

  Next on the schedule was dinner with a large group, after which he was free for the evening. Tomorrow morning he had an appointment with someone at a different address, though the schedule didn’t specify how she was related to the company.

  Aaron and Nathan walked to him, almost perfectly in step, and Aaron asked if he’d prefer to shower and change in the locker room, or get checked in to the hotel and meet them for dinner later.

  “I’m flexible; whichever is more convenient for you is fine with me.”

  Nathan smiled. “Excellent. I need a shower too, and can show you the way. This’ll also give us time to show off some of our tech toys.”


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