Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series)

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Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series) Page 22

by Candace Blevins

  He might strike her left breast four or five times, her right breast once, followed by three more to the left and nine to the right. Not only were the locations random, but there was no discernible tempo. She best liked to be flogged in time to the music, so she could sink into the rhythm, but this was like a train wreck — and it only stopped long enough for those damned math questions.

  “Twenty-three times three.”

  Again, she had to dig around in her consciousness to try to find a place capable of math and logic. Twenty times three is sixty and three times three is nine. So, “Sixty-nine, Sir.” She hadn’t realized how much she was crying until she tried to talk. She raised her eyes to look at Tyler and drew strength from his silent approval — and the hard-on visible under his pants. The knowledge he was getting off on her pain made her resolve to give him as much as he asked of her.

  And then the squid whip was going again, and all of the clothespins on her breasts were gone, which made the ones on her arms and armpits hurt all the more. It felt as if each lash tore into her breasts, and she was screaming and crying and — despite her resolve from moments ago — opened her mouth to yell about rainbows when the flogger abruptly stopped.

  His right and left hands rose to the backs of her arms in unison, and each simultaneously removed a clothespin. Then another. And another. Once again, he removed them at random, but within a matter of seconds they were all gone, and Viv screamed through the agony, as it felt as if he’d removed the horrid clothespins only to shove hot coals under the previously clamped skin.

  Her feet and knees were released, and she slowly pulled her legs in front of her as she focused on Master James, and tried to bring her breathing under control. He was still sitting on the stool in front of her, observing her as if she were a science project.

  “Her breasts mark beautifully, don’t they? I’ll bind them up tight and then Kirsten and I will sit back and watch as you finish with your lovely lady.”

  Viv was relieved it was almost over, yet disappointed it was about to end. The rope around her upper body relaxed, unwound, and was wrapped methodically around her rib cage a few times before circling the base of her left breast. She thought she was prepared, but he bound it so tight, and she was sure no one had managed to constrict her breasts this much before. Oh, god. Had she really thought the pain part was almost over? This fucking hurt.

  Master James spent several minutes on her left breast before moving to her right, and she gave a long keening moan as her eyes watered again. When he was finally done, she was in agony.

  “She’s all yours, Master Tyler.”

  “Thank you, Master James. She’s even crying again. You’re a true craftsman.”

  Her Master released her hands, and supported her forearms as he slowly lowered them, aware her shoulders would need time to adjust as they relearned how to bend the right way. Her swollen, constricted breasts tried to shift as her arms came down, but the ropes held firm and she gasped in pain as the skin and ropes fought, and her flesh lost.

  Tyler took his time, and once he’d finally settled her hands on the chair beside her thighs, he massaged her shoulder and chest muscles. He worked his way down her arms until the feeling came back in her hands and they were warm; and then finally helped her rise off the phallus. Viv yelped as the last of the heated metal left her and she was suddenly empty. As happy as she was to be free of it, she missed the warmth, missed feeling full and spread open.

  He held her upper arm a few seconds to be sure she was steady on her feet, and then relaxed his grip as he said, “On your knees and crawl to the bondage table. I want to see those tits swinging as you crawl. Give me a show.”

  Parts of Viv couldn’t believe he was doing this to her. But the other parts, well...she was incredibly horny, so apparently some part of her was getting off on it. She hadn’t been in danger of coming while Master James worked on her, but now, with her Master giving orders, her juices were starting to flow, and her abused clit throbbed, burned, and felt more than double its normal size.

  She yelped and then wailed as she sank to her knees and then leaned forwards on her hands, and gravity pulled her breasts at a different angle.

  Every movement hurt, and the exaggerated crawl was torture as her breasts swung below her torso.

  Her Master had moved to the bondage table, and stood leaning with his hip on it, and his arms crossed over his chest. “That’s it. Spread your legs so Master James can see your cunt and asshole. And open your mouth and look at me, like you’re waiting for me to jam my cock down your throat.”

  God, how could this turn her on so much? She’d once assumed she’d be turned off when forced to accept her role as his property in such a crass manner, but in reality she was almost out of her mind with lust.

  When she finally reached the table, he helped her onto her back and she shamelessly thrust her hips into empty air, desperately wishing something was in her pussy.

  Her Master attached her wrist cuffs to rings on the edge of the table, and ran wide straps from the same rings to loop behind her knees, effectively situating her knees up and to the outside of her chest, spreading her open. Her ass hung a few inches off the table, which she hoped meant he’d fuck her sooner rather than later. Her breasts were terribly engorged and still hurt, but not as bad — though she knew it’d be excruciating when they finally removed the rope.

  Her hips continued moving involuntarily; she was so horny she was in danger of losing her mind.

  “Beautiful, Precious. You’re so beautiful. I can see the welts and bruises on your ass and the backs of your thighs, your red and swollen clit, and your striped and engorged breasts. All showing the marks of the pain you bore tonight. I love you, Vivian.”

  A plug pressed into her ass, but she was ready for its size after sitting on the damned phallus for so long. When he turned it on she zoomed straight into bliss, and hoped he’d give permission to come.

  She heard a zipper and he oh-so-gently entered her, and oh-so-slowly slid all the way in, and nearly all the way out. They’d stopped using condoms a while back, so there was nothing between them now as he settled into an unhurried, deliberate rhythm. She fell into his gaze, and everything came together and she needed to come, but couldn’t ask. Thankfully, Tyler recognized her need and gave her permission.

  “Yes Precious, you can come. As many times as you like.”

  Her orgasm built over the next few minutes, until it naturally reached a crescendo and zoomed her into the stratosphere, and Tyler pushed all the way in and stopped. She knew he loved to feel her spasming around him, but she could tell he was barely hanging on to his control, and was certain it wouldn’t be long until he was slamming into her like a beast.

  For now, she reveled in the feel of him pressed into her depths as her muscles contracted around his unyielding thickness and length. He was obviously holding on by a thread, but managed to wait until her orgasm waned before he jerked out and plunged back in.

  The only time she saw Tyler lose his iron self-control was when he occasionally allowed it during sex. She loved watching him in the throes of unbridled lust — the raw, primal storm of Tyler unbounded. As he let loose now, pumping in and out, thrusting relentlessly as she lay spread open and vulnerable under the onslaught, she willed herself to watch until bliss took her under again.

  His stomach muscles rippled as he pistoned in and out, but she tore her gaze back up to his face; she wanted to see his expressions. His eyes weren’t focused on anything, and Viv loved knowing she could take him to this place.

  As he pounded into the bruised area around her clit, the pain triggered another orgasm, and it didn’t take long to collapse and break over her like an ocean wave pulling her under, spinning her around, and taking her breath as her body shuddered and jerked in ecstasy. She came down long enough to watch Tyler again, but he soon bellowed with his orgasm, and something inside of her unwound like a cut-open golf ball and she tumbled and tossed through another climax as Tyler’s warmth jette
d into her, and his fingers pinched her super sensitive nipples.

  Her final peak faded and Tyler collapsed to her side, careful not to crush her tethered arm as he tried to catch his breath.

  Master James appeared and released her arms, then her breasts. She wondered about her legs, but realized it was kinder to leave them up until she’d scooted farther up the table.

  Her breasts ached as the blood flowed back into them, but she was still flying high enough it wasn’t as bad as she’d feared.

  Master Tyler caught his breath, removed the plug from her ass, and nodded to Master James, who finally released her legs.

  The men shifted her farther up the padded bondage table, Tyler crawled up to lay beside her, Master James settled a blanket over them, and Viv floated in soft, billowy clouds as her Master held her.

  * * * *

  As she came around, her gaze landed on a platter of fresh fruit and her stomach growled and churned. Master Tyler left her side long enough to step into his pants, and then he gently helped her stand before walking her to the sofa. She let him know she was cold, and he offered a blanket and even helped wrap her up before holding her — blanket and all.

  The woman was introduced as Kirsten, but both submissives were tired, and content to let the men talk around them.

  Viv accepted watermelon squares and banana slices from Tyler’s fingers until she could no longer ignore her bladder. Since their company was in the lifestyle, she couldn’t be discreet.

  “Master, I need to empty my bladder, please.”

  “Of course, Precious. Can you walk okay or do you need help?”

  “I think I’m okay to walk now, Sir.”

  When she returned she gave the required, “Thank you for allowing me to empty my bladder, Master.” No way would she risk a punishment now, even though she hated having to say it in front of company. Tyler motioned for her to retake her seat beside him, and once she was comfortable he lovingly tucked the blanket around her.

  Viv wasn’t sure about protocol, so she asked, “Master, permission to speak with Master James, please?”

  “Of course. You may speak freely, just keep it respectful.”

  She was a little shy to just now be speaking to him after all they’d done, but his kind smile put her at ease, and she returned his smile as she said, “I recognize you, Sir. You’re James Arrington.”

  “Yes Vivian, I am. Did you know this before I gave you such off-balance pain, or did you just figure it out?”

  “I realized pretty soon into it, Sir. And you’re right, it was very off-balance. I couldn’t enjoy it at all.”

  “It was what your Master wished for you, and was my pleasure to deliver.” His voice was gentle, soothing. “It’s obvious you love each other, and I was impressed by the thought and care the two of you put into your contract. I enjoy helping couples step beyond existing boundaries, and you were a joy to work over.”

  His eyes were kind, and Viv understood why people spoke of him with such affection.

  Their guests stayed a short while longer before Master James suggested Kirsten get dressed to go.

  Tyler offered to walk them out through the basement, so they wouldn’t have to climb the stairs only to go back down the front porch steps. Viv thought he’d come back to get her, but he pulled her up with him, discarded her blanket, and said, “There are flip-flops in the garage, you may put them on as we walk by.”

  No one would see her in their remote location, but she still hated being taken outside with no clothes. She’d been walked on a leash around their property, been made to fetch on the lawn, been strung between trees and flogged — she should be used to it by now, but wasn’t.

  When their guests left, Tyler took Viv back into the house through the rear entrance, settled a large cushion on the kitchen floor, pointed her to it, and began heating their dinner. Five minutes later she leaned against his leg, her cuffs connected behind her back while Tyler lovingly hand fed her. She adored being taken care of like this — no decisions, no choices. She opened her mouth and accepted what he gave her, and treasured the contrast of the gentle Master feeding her with a soft, loving, touch; and the sadistic Master who’d enjoyed watching as he delegated so much wonderful, agonizing pain.

  When he finally took her to bed he gave her a wonderful foot massage; double-checked her ass, clit, and breasts; and ordered her to hands and knees. He fucked her in the ass doggy style, plugged his cum inside of her, and locked her left wrist cuff to a chain secured to the side of the bed as she drifted off to sleep.

  The next morning he woke thirty minutes early and gave her wonderful pleasures with his mouth and tongue until the alarm signaled the beginning of a new day.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Tyler couldn’t believe how nervous he felt as he waited for Viv outside the aquarium the next evening. He’d made reservations at an ultra-nice restaurant across the street, where he intended to ask the love of his life to marry him. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Viv, and desperately hoped she felt the same.

  Figuring out how to live together had been rough at first. He’d never realized how much work a relationship would be, but it was worth it to be able to grow and learn and live with the woman of his dreams. Now that he’d found her again he didn’t want to take the chance on waiting too long to ask for her hand in marriage. He was terrified she’d either say no, or just not answer.

  When she came out of the building he took her hand and gave a quick peck on the cheek, as that was all she was comfortable with at work. She blew a kiss back and they walked hand in hand. She’d be leaving in a few days to head up-river in charge of a research team, and she practically danced down the street as she told him of her plans and preparations.

  Tyler’s work was sporadic, and sometimes he was away a week at a time, though he was usually only gone a few days. He probably worked ten or fifteen days a month, but the money was really good, so he could’ve easily paid the bills if he’d worked a third of his assignments.

  When not working, he loved having dinner ready when Viv arrived home from work. He also picked up their dry cleaning and accomplished a great deal of housework on those days, so they had more time to spend with each other when both were off work together. Tuesdays may have been their official scene nights, but most weeks they had plenty of impromptu scenes in addition to their scheduled power exchange.

  The hostess showed them to a remote table on the second level when they made it to the restaurant. Tyler could tell Viv was deciding whether to ask if this was a special occasion as she searched her memory to see if she’d forgotten an important date. He kept his smile hidden as he pulled out her chair, but sobered when he saw her wince as she sat.

  He took his own seat, waited for the hostess to get far enough away she wouldn’t overhear, and said, “I’ll need to check you out when we get home. You had some substantial marks this morning. How sore are you?”

  She smiled fondly, as if remembering something wonderful, and Tyler breathed a little easier. “James did a number on my ass, but…” She blushed. “I went out at lunch and bought giant Band-Aids made for knees, and put them on my nipples. This is my softest bra, but it was still too much.”

  “And your clit?”

  “I have to be careful to lean back when I sit. I knew I’d be bruised from the horse, but had no idea it would be this tender.” Her tone wasn’t accusatory, or complaining — just a statement of fact. “I couldn’t find a way to sit on the stools in the lab, and ended up standing for about an hour while I decided which slides to use in a presentation tomorrow, and then photographed them.”

  Tilting his head, he asked, “Good souvenir, or bad?”

  She rolled her eyes and lifted a single shoulder. “I’ve been so horny I couldn’t see straight all day.”

  Tyler wouldn’t force her to say it was good, since they were dining as equals. She’d managed to get the point across without admitting it, and he only needed to be sure the scene still worked for her the next

  He’d enjoyed watching her rise and fall, and hearing the sounds she made as she could do no more than shift the pain around as it built. He’d carefully monitored the stages of pain and fatigue expressed in her eyes and face as the experience unfolded, and he looked forward to subjecting her to a marathon session that would truly test her endurance. His cock threatened to come to life as he contemplated the many ways he could bind her onto the wooden pony, each providing a different experience.

  He gave her his wicked smile as he said, “I thoroughly enjoyed watching, and look forward to strapping you into other positions over it, to see how many different ways you can be tortured, and watch you struggle through a variety of predicaments. Last night you had a choice of tits or clit, with a little burning-calves thrown in. The next time it’ll be clit or perineum, with a little burning-thighs-and-torqued-shoulders thrown in.” He transitioned to a more serious face. “We may need to negotiate a Friday night scene though, if it bothered you too much at work.”

  “Maybe, but I kind of enjoy having to go through my day as if everything is perfectly normal the next day. It’s my little secret; I’m a sex slave and they don’t know it, and I have to suffer in silence.”

  “Masochist,” he said, grinning.

  “Sadist,” she responded, and stuck out her tongue with a smile.

  “Speaking of sadists, how did you feel about someone else working you over?”

  “I hated the way you arranged it. You know, keeping me out of subspace.” She rolled her eyes, looked down a second, and met his gaze again. “And the way he did it, the off-balance erratic style he used, I couldn’t enjoy it at all. It felt like a punishment scene. I know you have a right to do that, and I understand you wanted to see my tears, but I guess I’m still a bit confused about why you instructed him to hurt me like…that.”


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