Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series)

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Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series) Page 23

by Candace Blevins

  She didn’t seem upset, and it was a legitimate question. Tyler reached for her hand and stroked the top of her fingers with his thumb. “A big part of it was my wanting to learn from him — to see how he’d work you over given the parameters I outlined. You rarely give me a reason to discipline you for big things these days, but I believe I’ll be better at punishing you in the future. I would’ve never thought of the math thing, but you seemed to have to fight to surface from wherever you’d been before you could work the problems out in your head. And the way he kept you off balance, not just with the randomness of where the next hit would land, but also by not falling into a rhythm. I could see how stressed it made you, and how much more each impact seemed to hurt.” He looked at their joined hands a brief second before raising his eyes to hers again. “I loved watching it.”

  She looked more turned-on than upset, and Tyler felt his own libido react to her arousal. “The main reason, though, was simply because I could. It was another way to prove to both of us how far my ownership of you goes, and — even though you may hate it — these demonstrations of how far my possession extends is a huge turn on. You were orgasming before I’d barely started fucking you.”

  She blushed and looked down a moment before meeting his eyes again. “Yes, it turns me on, even though sometimes I hate it. You know it does.” She rolled her eyes and shrugged. “It doesn’t mean I have to like it, especially not when it’s happening. But you’re right; it adds another layer and gives our relationship more depth. It makes me yours, even more than I was before.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not saying it right. I hope you know what I’m trying to say.”

  “I understand, and I feel the same way — you’re mine and last night was just more proof of how much you belong to me. I’m still curious about how you felt about someone else playing with you, though. Let’s say the next time I let him play with you, I tell him to make sure you enjoy the pain. How do you think you’d feel about that?”

  She cut her eyes at him. “Fine, as long as I have permission to come.” She paused and her face lit up. “Actually, it might be interesting to see how much pain he can give and still make me want more, if he gave it when I was in subspace. I’ve heard such stories of what he’s put people through, it’s hard to imagine.”

  He smiled. “Ah, my little minx, trying to top from the bottom.”

  She scowled with her eyes, though the rest of her face smirked happily. “Like it does any good. You’ll still do what you want.”

  “True,” he grinned back.

  She lost the grin and got a serious look. “Why didn’t you play with the woman? Kirsten? We’d agreed you could, and from what I’ve heard, Master James doesn’t seem the possessive type.”

  “Kirsten is around Drake Security some, though it’s a side job for her. She’s really a therapist and has her own practice, but I’ve seen her preparing for missions with them, and I sparred with her during my interview. I’m not exactly sure how she fits in over there yet, but it didn’t feel right to play with her.” He shrugged. “James offered and said it would be fine if I wanted to flog her, but it didn’t feel right, so I didn’t.”

  Viv thought about it a moment and nodded. “When your interview process included some lifestyle questions, it was Kirsten you talked to?”


  “You’re lucky — your sex life wouldn’t be a problem if you were outed to your boss. I can never let anyone at work know. I mean, I might run into someone at the play party next week, but it’ll mean they’re in the lifestyle as well, so neither of us will out the other.” She considered a moment and added, “I guess I don’t have a problem with Kirsten working with you after you’ve seen her like that, though on the surface it feels a bit odd, but… Yeah, I’m glad you didn’t play with her. I hadn’t considered putting any boundaries on our agreement, but I think it might have bothered me, knowing you might be put on an assignment with her.”

  “So my instincts were right. Good to know.” He smiled and kissed her hand before allowing their conversation to drift off into other areas. They talked about their coworkers and their jobs, which reminded Viv she had some big news to share.

  “Oh, I’ve been invited to D.C. next month, to speak to congress about the antibiotics in dishwashing liquids and other household products. Other speakers will address the dangers they pose to humans, and I’ll be talking about the damage we’re seeing in the environment. I won’t be the lead speaker, but it’s a great opportunity for the senators to meet me and get comfortable with my ability to state my case in front of an audience.”

  “Wow,” Tyler smiled, happy for her. “That’s great news. I can’t say I’m not worried about you travelling to one of the most dangerous cities in the country without the ability to be legally armed, though.”

  She rolled her eyes. “When will the idiots realize taking the guns away from the good guys just makes the bad guys worse, since they know we can’t shoot back? I’m not happy about not being able to carry, either, but I won’t turn down this opportunity because of it.”

  “You know,” Tyler said, choosing his words carefully, “I’m licensed to carry in D.C., and if I’m registered as your security I can even carry into the Capital.”

  “I don’t know, Tyler. I don’t think anyone else is bringing along their spouse, and if they realize you’re there to protect me–”

  “Then they’ll know how much I love you.” Her look told him that particular line of reasoning wasn’t going to fly, so he changed tactics. “They all know I work for Drake, and frequently handle personal security for politicians. If it’ll make you feel better we can say I was in D.C. already, and I can meet you there instead of flying up with you.”

  She raised her eyebrows as she considered it, and said, “Okay. That could work. I’m not so sure about you going to the Capital building with us, but I wouldn’t mind having you around the rest of the time.”

  Tyler would take what he could get and work on more later if he felt it necessary, so he smiled and said, “I’ll let the office know the dates I’ll need off, but won’t mention filing the paperwork for the Capital just yet. Did you get ahold of your dad today?”

  Viv nodded. “He’s fine. He managed to bowl the whole game, and their team won.” She paused and added, “I think this was his last hurdle before feeling like he’s back to being himself again. He didn’t shoot as well as he’s capable at the IDPA match Saturday, but he didn’t do that bad, either, and finished in the top ten.”

  The conversation eventually transitioned back to their relationship, and as they talked about how far they’d come in figuring out how to incorporate an almost total power exchange into their lives on a part-time basis, Tyler knew it was time.

  “Viv, I think we’ve found our way. I mean, we seem to have the kink stuff figured out, and we’re a great couple both in and out of power exchange. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, and with you it’s not just the chemistry — we get along with each other, too. You’ve become my best friend. I want to make it permanent. I want....”

  He pulled the velvet pouch from his pocket and released the drawstring to empty the ring into his palm. He held eye contact as he dropped to his knee and offered the ring in his outstretched hand.

  “Vivian, Viv, my Love. Will you marry me?”

  * * * *

  Viv didn’t know what to say. He’d caught her completely by surprise; she hadn’t even considered this possibility. Well, not since they’d moved into the house and she’d wondered if they’d just live together forever or maybe someday get married, but even then it’d been a thought of eventually getting married — something far in the future.

  He clearly wanted an answer now, but she never made big decisions on the spur of the moment. Damn, a little warning or foreshadowing would’ve been nice. How could she tell him she needed time to think it over? How to word it?

  Her gaze rose from the ring in his hand up to his eyes, and her heart melted. This was the Mas
ter she’d fallen for in New Hampshire, but he was so much more than she’d known in those three short days. He wasn’t just her master and owner, he was also her partner and best friend. He not only appreciated her ability to take care of herself, he respected her for it — he wasn’t challenged by her intelligence, her weapons, or her income. Tyler loved her for her strengths as well as her weaknesses.

  Her stomach quivered and her heart sped as she realized she didn’t want anyone but him, and she didn’t need time to think it over; her answer would be the same tomorrow as it was right now.

  “Yes, Tyler, my love, and sometimes my Master. I will marry you.”

  As he slid the ring onto her finger a tear leaked from the corner of her eye, but she was grateful her fiancé knew her well enough to understand he didn’t need to do anything about it. He merely stood, pulled her up to him, wrapped his arms around her, and held her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  After much discussion they had two ceremonies — the first a traditional wedding where the bride wore white, and all of her family and their friends were there. The local paper even did a huge spread on them in the society pages, but that was probably because so many high-ranking government officials attended, as well as most of the Aquarium’s rich benefactors.

  Tyler insisted she have a huge budget to work with, and he did much of the legwork and organizing on the days he didn’t work. She’d never been one to dream about a fancy wedding, but she ended up with a perfect fantasy wedding anyway.

  It was early April — almost a year since they’d found each other again — and the trees were green, the flowers blooming, and it was a gorgeous day in a beautiful historic church, with flowers and greenery everywhere, a small orchestra, and the most beautiful cake she’d ever seen. She’d found a fairy-tale wedding dress fit for a princess, and Tyler looked so handsome in his tux. Her father gave her away, and her brother was Tyler’s best man.

  That night they had sex without dropping off into a scene, which still didn’t mean vanilla sex — it just meant he held her arms in place with his hands and tweaked her nipples with his mouth as they made love. It meant she could say whatever she wanted with no threat of punishment, but it didn’t mean he wasn’t still a Dom who took control when they had sex. She wouldn’t have had it any other way.

  The following night they had another ceremony, with a more select group of friends present. Master Tyler put her on the cross and flogged her until she floated into subspace, then carried her to the bondage table and strapped her down in so many places, and from so many different directions, she literally couldn’t move a millimeter.

  She knew what was about to happen, she was to be branded with a small, delicate Old English style capital T, at the spot where her left leg joined her torso. The area would be covered by a bathing suit, but when nude, would clearly show she was owned by Tyler.

  Their wedding rings tied the everyday parts of them together, and the brand would tie the power exchange parts together.

  Vivian had been waxed earlier in the day, and oddly enough she’d been more nervous about her trip to the spa than about being branded. The pain of the brand meant something; it was for a purpose. The waxing sort of did, but was a different kind of pain and she hadn’t been able to eroticize it.

  As she gave up testing her restraints, she relaxed into the nice bit of subspace she had going, and accepted what was about to happen. Master James handed the branding iron to Master Tyler, and her eyes met his a moment before he looked down to concentrate.

  She’d have preferred a blindfold, but Tyler had denied the request, saying, “I want to see your face, your eyes. This isn’t just about the pain, but about my marking you, claiming you as mine forever, and I want to look into your soul.”

  Time slowed as Tyler lined up the marks the way Master James had instructed, and then pressed the heated metal into her flesh. She felt the pressure a split second before the pain registered, and screamed as she’d never screamed before. There was no way to eroticize this pain, it just hurt, but she was restrained so she couldn’t move her torso, legs, feet, arms, or head in any way. She could only wiggle her fingers and make a fist, and she felt herself clenching and unclenching her hands as her breath ran out and she had to suck more air in before she could scream again. But, the pain had diminished, and the next scream faded before it began. She’d been told the iron’s heat would destroy the nerve endings, but hadn’t really believed it. It still hurt bad enough she needed to concentrate on her breathing to stay on top of it, but it wasn’t the excruciating, unbearable trauma of the initial contact.

  Tyler handed the branding iron to James and removed his gloves. A cool cloth settled on her forehead as the restraints on her head and arms were released, though the rest of her body remained immobile.

  She closed her eyes and swam, floating through the pain until something cold was sprayed onto the brand, and the blazing inferno faded yet again.

  Her eyelids fluttered open to Tyler’s concerned gaze, and she realized he’d been gently wiping her face with the cool cloth. She glanced down to see Master James with the magical spray can, and looked back to Tyler with a weak smile.

  His smile was gentle as he asked, “Better?”

  At Viv’s nod he said, “Good, that means it’s time for your first orgasm as my branded property.”

  She wasn’t the least bit horny, and was certain an orgasm wasn’t in her near future. They’d invited about a dozen lifestyle friends to share this moment, and she didn’t want to embarrass him in front of them. He must’ve seen the look in her eyes because he said, “Just relax and let me do the work, Precious. It’ll be okay.”

  She took a deep breath and exhaled, but it stuttered as it exited her body — the burn of the brand was starting to hurt more than a background pain once again. She felt the spray again, and the pain ratcheted down a few notches, but not as much as the first time. Not magical then, pharmaceutical, and with limits.

  Tyler placed a small bullet vibrator beside her clit and gently inserted two fingers in her pussy. Viv was amazed it worked, as she went from thinking “No way” to moaning out a chorus of “oh-oh-oh-oh” in about three seconds. Within minutes, Tyler used his Dom voice to say, “Come for me, Precious.” And she did.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Their honeymoon was scheduled a month after the wedding, and while most of their friends thought the timing odd, their friends in the scene knew the couple wanted the brand to have a chance to heal before leaving for the Caribbean.

  Tyler’s boss supplied the company’s private jet as his wedding present, and it would fly them to an exclusive BDSM island resort, pick them up four days later to carry them to a normal island resort, and bring them home five days later.

  The BDSM resort was a bit of a shock to Viv, at first. They’d agreed she would belong to him the entire four days, with no breaks, but she hadn’t expected the public aspects to make the power exchange so pervasive.

  The resort owned the whole island, and public nudity was expected for the submissives. Viv even ate her meals nude in the resort’s restaurants, often in restraints. Towels were provided, to be placed on chairs where a naked bottom would sit, or on the floor under the slave’s knees, with nearby bins to discard used towels when the couple left.

  All submissives wore marks on their upper arms — temporary tattoos to denote their accessibility. Masters could allow or disallow touching, fucking in all or limited holes, inflicting various kinds of pain, and even whether a slave could be treated as human or animal.

  Most of the week Viv’s tattoo made her off limits for anyone to touch without express permission from her Master. However, on one occasion he removed her speaking privileges, walked her around outside for a while on a leash, and then locked her arms and neck into one of the stainless stocks surrounding the pool. He restrained her ankles far apart, removed her tattoo with some tape, and as he pressed the new tattoo onto her arm he said, “This one allows anyone who walks by to use their hands
, or any tools provided, to touch you however they want as long as they don’t cause pain.”

  He adjusted the stocks a little lower, so anyone walking behind her would have a good view of her spread open pussy and ass. She felt him buckling a belt onto her waist, and could tell something was hanging from it, but couldn’t maneuver her head to see.

  “If someone asks a direct question you will answer, ‘I’m sorry Sir, but I’m only allowed to inform you my Master has placed me on speech restriction. He’s across the pool if you have any questions you need answered.’” He patted her ass. “Please repeat the phrase.”

  He nodded as she uttered the final word and said, “You behaved well today. As a reward, you can come as often as you like.” And he walked away without looking back.

  Viv sighed in relief, and understood his repeated denial of orgasms all morning had been a test, and she seemed to have passed.

  It didn’t take long to discover he’d left a tube of lube and several dildos tied to the belt around her waist. Some of the men used the dildos, but most seemed to prefer their hands and fingers.

  At one point she had one man ramming the large dildo in her pussy, another with several fingers fucking her ass, and another fondling her breasts when a fourth man stepped into her sight. Her heart quailed at the look in his eyes as he said, “I’ve been wishing your Master would share you all week.”

  He stretched a glove over his right hand and stepped in front of her, so she couldn’t see her Master. He smiled as he saw the fear in her eyes, and moved to the side so she could see Tyler again. “I’ve watched you keep eye contact with him as you’re played with, and won’t rob you of that, sweet thing. Now, open your mouth and show me your tongue.”


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