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Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series)

Page 26

by Candace Blevins

  Viv was tempted to roll her eyes, but his words replayed in her head several times over the next forty minutes.

  She followed him through the hallways, just behind and to his left, and felt out of place wearing shorts. She stood silently with her hands behind her back as he checked them out, and then followed him to the seating area to wait for one of the island’s chauffeured golf carts to drive them to the small landing strip on the other side of the island.

  Tyler settled in a chair and pointed to the floor at his feet. “On your knees.” He rubbed his cock through his shorts. “If you can get me off before the driver gets here I’ll let you ride up front at my feet.” Viv didn’t have to ask what would happen if she didn’t manage to get him off — the luggage compartment at the rear of the golf carts included a section slaves could be safely secured. She’d seen a woman being strapped in alongside the suitcases when they arrived, and had no desire to suffer the same fate. She had a feeling Tyler was giving her the option, a way to experience it, if she wanted. However, she quickly unzipped his pants, pulled him out, and used every trick she knew to get him off as quickly as possible.

  Leaning comfortably against his legs in the golf cart, Viv was a little sad this part of their trip was coming to an end. Tyler talked to the driver as he casually ran his fingers through her hair, and Viv was content.

  The driver dropped them off at the tiny airport, and let them know someone would make sure their luggage made it onto the plane when it arrived. Tyler opened the door and ushered her from the tropical heat into the air-conditioned waiting area, and chuckled when her nipples pebbled in the cool air.

  The attendant told them their plane was about ten or fifteen minutes out, and Tyler walked her to the seating area, stood her behind a chair, and said, “Take your shorts off but leave the underwear on, lean over the back of the chair, and stick your ass out.”

  Viv looked around the room at the dozen or so occupants, but remembered his threat about using the belt, and began to strip.

  As soon as she was in place he ordered her to squeeze her legs together, and he pulled her underwear halfway down her thighs.

  “You don’t have permission to come,” he said, as he began playing with her pussy from behind.

  Her legs held the spoon in place over her clit, but she barely kept from coming a few times, and would’ve if he hadn’t backed off at the last second. Tyler kept her on edge, working her to the brink of orgasm only to deny her, time and again, until the attendant finally informed him their plane had landed and was refueling.

  He worked her right to the edge again, and then abruptly pulled her underwear up, ordered her to stand, and motioned towards her shorts, bra, and shirt in the chair beside them.

  Viv was still so horny she couldn’t see straight, and a little lightheaded from standing up after being bent over and teased, but she picked the garments up and looked to him for further instructions.

  “You may get dressed while I talk. I have a proposition for you, but I don’t want an answer until we return home.”

  A loud smack, followed by a squeal, came from their right, and they both looked to see a nude woman over a man’s lap, her feet kicking as the spanking picked up speed and began in earnest.

  Chuckling, Tyler said, “There are so many things about this place I’m going to miss.” He touched her cheek, a sign he wanted her undivided attention, and continued. “I already control your orgasms during our Tuesday power exchanges, as well as any other power exchange duration you agree to. I intend to deny your orgasms during these periods for the next six to nine months.”

  Viv opened her mouth to protest, remembered she didn’t have speaking privileges, and closed it. Tyler smiled and continued. “Since it’s clear you aren’t a fan, I’ll provide an alternative.”

  She looked down to straighten her bra, and when she finished he placed his fingers below her chin and lifted it until their eyes met. “If you’ll agree to no orgasms for six weeks, whether we’re in power exchange or not, then I’ll forego the longer term denial.”

  Viv narrowed her eyes and Tyler answered her unspoken response with a gentle smile. “It wouldn’t work to punish in the moment since you’ll be my equal who has simply agreed not to reach climax. Any orgasms during the week will be punished either in our next agreed upon spontaneous scene, or the following Tuesday evening, whichever comes first. Of course, the six-week denial term will also begin again with day one, should you slip. I have no right to demand power over you outside our agreement, and you have every right to say no. I’m merely giving you an opportunity to alter our present agreement for six weeks, but the choice is entirely up to you.”

  She glared at him, pulled the tee over her head, and was still glaring as he came back into view. He kissed her nose and helped adjust her tee. “I won’t accept an answer until we arrive home after our honeymoon. I want you to have plenty of time to consider before giving your final response.”

  Their plane taxied towards the building as Viv was buttoning her shorts, and the attendant opened the door and motioned them through.

  Tyler had said their power exchange ended when she exited the last building and stepped into the sunshine, and his words echoed in her mind as she stepped out of the shadows and took her first breath of freedom.

  She reached for Tyler’s hand as they walked towards the plane. Such a simple act, but after days of subjugation to the extent she was only allowed to follow direct orders, it felt good to assert her independence.

  Their bags were being loaded onto the plane as they made their way up the steps. Tyler retrieved their carry-on items, and Viv stopped in the restroom to remove the damned spoon, smiling to herself at Tyler’s chuckle as she shut the bathroom door.

  She removed the spoon, wet her fingers in her mouth, and ran them up and down either side of her clit a mere dozen times before she finally found release. However, while the orgasm started out energetic, it quickly petered out and gave little satisfaction or relief. She’d been prepared to tell Tyler to take a flying leap with his bullshit choice, but the unfulfilling mini-orgasm made her wonder if six weeks of full time denial might be a better option than six to nine months of denial during power exchange.

  Viv loved him for these conundrums, and looked forward to a lifetime of them, even though she was incredibly frustrated and disliked both alternatives. Well, frustrated and aroused at the same time, which she had to admit was quite a trick.

  Once, she would’ve worried he was trying to turn her into a twenty-four/seven slave, but now she understood he was helping them find a balance. While he’d never push for more than she’d agreed to, he’d also be sure to keep her off balance enough to keep things interesting. Life with Tyler would never be boring.

  She met him at their seats and straddled his lap to lean in and give him a kiss. He understood it took a little while to come back to herself after their longer power exchanges, and let her have these little displays of dominance as she took back her power.

  The plane began to move and she reluctantly freed his lips and took her seat as the captain instructed them to fasten their seatbelts. Travis let Viv lead the conversation as she removed her purse from the carry-on and located her passport and wallet, as she hadn’t seen either since they’d landed at the resort.

  They discussed the timing of the rest of the day — Viv was excited about a performance they’d see later in the evening, and couldn’t wait to lounge by the pool and swim at her leisure. She’d loved being Tyler’s property, and was a little sad to say goodbye to the first portion of their honeymoon, but was also looking forward to being his wife for a while, instead of his property.

  The End

  ABOUT Candace Blevins

  Candace Blevins is a southern girl who loves to travel the world.

  She lives with her husband of 15 years and their two daughters. When not working or driving kids all over the place she can be found reading, writing, meditating, or swimming.

  Candace writes romance b
ooks about characters who happen to have some extreme kinks. Relationships can be difficult enough without throwing power exchange into the mix, and her books show characters who care enough about each other to fight to make the relationship work.

  Each book in the Safeword series highlights a couple with a different BDSM issue to resolve. All books are standalone books and can be read in any order, with the exception of the two Davenport books, since Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon is a sequel to Safeword: Davenport.

  You can visit Candace on the web at

  If you enjoyed Safeword: Rainbow, you might also enjoy:

   Safeword: Matte

   Safeword: Davenport

   Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon

   Safeword: Quinacridone

  Safeword: Quinacridone

  By Candace Blevins

  What happens when an introverted artist who only likes sex when it’s a one-night stand meets a computer-geek-extraordinaire with his own sexy secrets? Objectification, romance, pain, adoration, lots of kinky toys, and oodles and oodles of wonderfully imaginative sex.

  Join Cara and Travis on their journey to mesh their distinctive sexual tastes into a loving relationship with blow-your-mind kink.


  1. Treating a person as an object for use, with no regard for a person’s personality or sentience.

  2. Regarding someone as a commodity; considering them merely an instrument towards one’s sexual pleasure.


  1. A woman is on her back at the edge of a tall bed with hands and feet bound together and restrained above her head. A curtain drapes from a canopy above and puddles on the backs of her thighs. The man about to penetrate her sees only female genitals available for use.

  2. A woman is dressed in a full latex blow-up doll costume with durable latex ‘pockets’ stuffed into her orifices. She is bound into a position giving easy access to all three holes at a party. Her face is completely covered excepting nose and mouth. The men do not know who is in the costume.

  Safeword: Quinacridone is a stand-alone book. You do not need to have read the previous books in this series.

  Warning: This title contains graphic language, consensual BDSM, extreme objectification, bondage, watersports (one scene), chemical play, fisting, temporary body modification with saline injections (one scene), and the use of toys including clamps, canes, plugs, paddles, whips, floggers, and zip-ties.


  “Do you remember when I told you to say yellow if you couldn’t breathe, or needed me to understand something wasn’t working for you?”

  She looked up, not sure where he was going, and nodded cautiously.

  “Here’s one of my secrets. I like it when a girl begs me to stop but I can keep going. I like it when I can hurt her a little, but I don’t want to cause pain she’s not okay with, and it wouldn’t be good for either of us if she really wanted me to back off. So we agree to a word that’ll mean stop, and then she can say no and stop and please don’t all she wants and we can pretend I’m forcing her. I’m telling you this because I think you’d like it, too.”

  “What word?” Her gaze returned to the comforter and she had to concentrate to sit still. She found herself intrigued, but mortified at her body’s reaction.

  “It’s your word; you get to choose. It shouldn’t be something we’d normally say during sex and it’s better if you find one with special meaning, something personal.”

  She raised her head again, needing to see his face but wanting to look at the comforter. “If yellow meant slow down and check in, I’m betting red is used for something more serious, right?”

  He nodded and she said, “Okay then. Quinacridone. That’s my stop word.”

  His face broke into a lopsided smile, as if relieved she was going along with this. “Quinacridone. That’s a new one. What does it mean?”

  “It’s a red pigment.” She suddenly felt shy again and looked away. “It’s used in higher quality paints sometimes.”

  He chuckled, a happy laugh. “Do you have a word you’d like to use for yellow?”

  Eyes still averted, she shook her head and focused once more on her big toe. “No, yellow’s fine.”

  His fingers touched under her chin, gently lifting her face. “I want to spank you, Cara. I want to put you over my lap and spank you with my hand, and if you like it enough maybe with a paddle, too. Then I want to play with your asshole with my fingers, get you ready for me before I fuck you there. If you say quinacridone I’ll stop and hold you and do everything I can to make you okay. If you say yellow I’ll back off, see what needs adjustment, and we’ll carry on.” He leaned forward, kissed her forehead. “If you tell me to stop, or say no, or ask me not to do something, or call me a fucking bastard, I’ll keep going.”

  He tilted his head and seemed to study her a few seconds before asking, “Sound like something you want to do?”

  “Spank me? Like a kid?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Not like a kid. This isn’t punishment; it’s for fun. I’ll make it good for you and if you don’t like it we’ll stop.”

  The idea didn’t sound so bad, but the reality? To drape herself across his lap and present her ass for a spanking? Could she? She’d rather not have to submit to it, which was the great thing about most of the assholes she screwed — they did what they wanted and didn’t make her talk about it.

  She felt so vulnerable when he made her look at him. His finger was still under her chin and she aimed her eyeballs down, trying to escape his gaze.

  He moved his hand, letting her have control of her face again and said, “I won’t make you ask for it, but I need to hear what you’ll say if you want me to stop.”

  Her eyes were focused on the navy and forest comforter, observing the patterns in the soft brushed microfiber that felt almost like baby-fine deerskin. “Quinacridone.”

  “Okay. Over my lap then Cara Mia, you can leave the robe on if you like.”

  He readjusted until he was seated with his back against the headboard and legs straight out. Cara crawled to him, as it seemed the easiest way to get there, but it felt odd and she was a little surprised to discover it turned her on. She draped herself over his lap, leaving her robe on.

  A weight rested on her ass — no heat, just a weight — his hand over the robe.

  “I like starting with clothes sometimes; it’s fun to reveal what’s underneath. Kind of like unwrapping a present.”

  His hand smoothed its way down her bottom to her thigh, and she felt the warmth of his palm as it traveled lower than the robe and they were skin on skin. His fingers were silky soft as he drew them back up, pushing the fabric up her legs.

  She felt herself grow wet and wanted to wiggle her ass on his lap, but she held oh-so-still, barely breathing. This was a brand new experience and her body loved it but her mind was reeling. His hand was at the top of her left thigh now, slowly sliding its way up, and the cooler air brushed her skin as he pushed the robe higher, and higher.


  “THE END!”


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  Table of Contents

  eXcessica publishing
  Safeword: RainbowBy Candace BlevinsChapter One

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  ABOUT Candace Blevins




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