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A.O.E.M: Dichotomy

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by Aubrey Ross

  A.O. E. M.: Dichotomy

  Aubrey Ross

  All rights reserved. Copyright ©2005 Aubrey Ross

  No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and email, without prior written permission from Changeling Press LLC.

  ISBN: 1-59596-188-7 Formats Available: HTML, Adobe PDF, MobiPocket, Microsoft Reader

  Publisher: Changeling Press LLC PO Box 1561 Shepherdstown, WV 25443-1561

  Editor: Maryam Salim Cover Artist: Angela Knight


  This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  Chapter One

  Whitmore University Falls Church, Virginia

  Establishing a telepathic link with his sister, Ray Burton brought the tiered lecture hall into focus. Aurora fidgeted, obviously sensing his uninvited presence. Ray ignored the sunny salon physically surrounding him and concentrated on the images forming within his mind.

  Is there something wrong with your video phone? she grumbled. I can stream her image to you.

  And have Delano go off on me again? Ray shuddered. I don’t think so. Delano had been furious when he’d opened last month’s phone bill. Ever practical Delano hadn’t seen the humor in the exorbitant charges. Look from side to side. Give me some perspective.

  Despite her mental objection, Aurora swept the room with an assessing stare. She sat halfway up in the auditorium and slightly right of center. A perfect vantage point, but where was the subject of his curiosity?

  Is she often late?

  Nope. Laughter chimed through Aurora’s tone. She must have known you were coming.

  Before Ray could respond to her smartass remark, the door at the far end of the hall swung open.

  Aurora closed her eyes.

  That’s not funny! Ray gave her the mental equivalent of a shake. Her lids lifted. A tall, broad-shouldered man walked across the room and set a stack of folders on the table centered in the presentation area. Ray groaned. Who the hell is he?

  He’s a grad student, used to play football, but wasn’t good enough to turn pro. Now he’s Professor Lamar’s assistant.

  Ray snorted. I never would have guessed.

  Do you think she has him do more than grade papers?

  Tension knotted Ray’s gut at the thought. He had yet to meet Chelsea Lamar, but every instinct he possessed told him she was the one.

  Yeah, Sam was certain too and look how that turned out. At this intensity, their telepathic link transmitted thoughts and emotions as well as images. If he tried to conceal his thoughts, Aurora would realize her comment upset him, so he let her feel his frustration, his restlessness. You better leave the final decision to Delano. He’s still capable of thinking with his head.

  As much as he hated to admit it, Aurora was right. He couldn’t afford to be rash and reckless, even if those were his primary personality traits.

  The door swung open again and Chelsea strode into the lecture hall. Ray’s heartbeat accelerated and blood rushed to his groin. Aurora’s description hadn’t begun to do Chelsea justice. Her tailored slacks draped stylishly over curvaceous hips and an ivory silk blouse showcased her full breasts.

  Damn. Why didn’t you tell me she was so delectable?

  I’m not much of a judge when it comes to female delectability. He took control of Aurora’s gaze and admired Chelsea’s lush breasts. He could detect a lacy bra beneath the sheer silk and the faintest shadow of her nipples.

  Cut it out! What if someone catches me staring at her boobs?

  Ray eased off, focusing on Chelsea’s heart-shaped face. Framed by sleek golden brown hair, her smooth skin glowed with a rosy blush. Slim nose, wide, thick-lashed gray-green eyes, each feature complemented the others.

  “Sorry I’m late. My car died out on the Beltway.” Her well modulated voice played over Ray’s senses, caressing him, arousing him.

  “Hello.” Sam, Ray’s brother, shook his chair, disrupting his concentration. “Is anybody in there?”

  Ray eased out of Aurora’s mind and the spacious salon refocused. His chair faced the massive windows looking out over the backyard. For generations the Burton family had occupied this house. Their unique needs made privacy necessary, not just preferable.

  “Where were you just now?” Sam asked.

  “Sneaking a peek at Chelsea Lamar.”

  A smile bowed Sam’s lips. “Then you’re thinking about doing it? Has Delano agreed?”

  “Delano has no idea what I’m up to, and I have no intention of telling him.”

  “What?” Sam’s incredulous expression made Ray laugh. “You have to tell him. Don’t be ridiculous.”

  Ray stood and raked a hand through his hair. “He’s been unapproachable since the debacle with Thane and Kelly. Not that he was especially congenial before.”

  “No one blames him for what happened. He tried to warn us. We wouldn’t listen.” Sam shook his head. Late afternoon sunlight shone in his wavy blond hair. “Convince him to conduct a Discernment. If I’d accepted --”

  “He won’t do it. He hasn’t accessed any of his abilities since Thane went into seclusion. That’s why my plan is our only hope.”

  “You’re crazy. No, he’ll go crazy. You can’t spring this on him.”

  “You should see her, Sam. She’s perfect. I’m not wasting this opportunity because Delano is in a snit.”

  Sam shook his head, scrubbing his chin with his hand. “There has to be a better way.”

  “Maybe. And maybe I’ll turn gray waiting for Delano to pull his head out of his ass. My flight for Chimera leaves tomorrow morning. Delano will just have to deal.”

  * * *

  Chelsea stepped into the Visitor’s Center, her excitement tinged with disbelief. As if flying first class to Bermuda hadn’t been surreal enough, her first glimpse of

  Chimera Island had been from the window of a private jet. This had to be a dream. This couldn’t be free! They were going to demand her soul or her first-born child.

  She had been so close to throwing the letter away, but how often did junk mail arrive by private courier? Curiosity got the better of her and she’d called the number on the invitation. After grilling the representative with questions, Chelsea had investigated every aspect of the offer. She couldn’t find the catch.

  “Ms. Lamar?” She nodded, too stunned at the moment to complete a coherent sentence. Dressed in a neat, white and gold uniform, the man rushed forward and took her bags. “Welcome to Chimera. I’m Yamir. I’ve finalized your registration. Would you like to go directly to your bungalow or see some of the island’s attractions on the way?” Smooth, yet uniquely musical, his voice fascinated her. She’d met people from all over the world during her tenure at Whitmore. Still, Chelsea couldn’t place his accent.

  “If there’s nothing I need to do here, I’d rather go straight to my bungalow.” She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “It’s been a rather long morning.”

  “Of course.” He loaded her luggage into the back of a dark green Jeep and helped her climb onto the passenger seat.

  “Thank you.”

  A charming smile lit his swarthy face. Yamir climbed in behind the wheel. “The bungalows are secluded enough to provide privacy, while allowing easy access to the island’s amenities,” he began as he drove away from the Visitor’s Center. “All activities are optional. You can simply enjoy the private beac
h for the entire week if you prefer not to socialize.”

  Chelsea glanced at Yamir as they wended their way along the tree lined road. Did he moonlight as a model? The flight attendants, one male and one female, had been stunning as well. Was physical perfection a prerequisite for employment on Chimera?

  “The island can be a bit confusing if you don’t know your way around. You’ll find a detailed map on your nightstand. The phone is a direct line to the concierge. Off island communication can be arranged, but we encourage you to take advantage of the seclusion. Relax, indulge yourself.” He shot her a sidelong glance, his dark eyes flashing

  in the sunlight. “I think you’ll be pleased with the variety of entertainments and cuisines available on Chimera. Your meals can be delivered to your bungalow or you can visit any of the restaurants.”

  He pulled off the road onto a barely discernable trail. She would definitely have to be careful if she went exploring. Yamir parked in front of a small building with timbered walls and a thatch roof. A covered porch extended the breadth of the cottage with wicker chairs arranged to face the turquoise lagoon and the ocean beyond.

  Yamir unloaded her luggage, while Chelsea paused to admire the rippling waves. The sun had just begun its descent. Scattered clouds promised a spectacular sunset and Chelsea intended to enjoy it to the fullest. She followed Yamir into the bungalow. Light and spacious, with intricately carved wood molding, the interior had been decorated with Polynesian flair.

  “There’s a Vespa out back for your convenience. Most of the shops and restaurants are within walking distance, but the scooter is nice if you want to tour the entire island.”

  Chelsea reached into her pocket and pulled out a folded bill.

  “That’s not necessary.” Yamir moved out of arm’s reach and averted his gaze. “We’re here to serve you. If you need anything, just pick up the phone.”

  More intrigued than ever, Chelsea tucked the gratuity back into her pocket. “What I need is to understand exactly why I’m here.”

  “Two kinds of people come to Chimera Island.” His gaze returned to her face. “The first group pays for the agency’s services. The second are invited to enjoy the island as guests of our benefactors.”

  “Benefactors? Who are these benefactors and what do they expect in return?”

  “I know them only as the agency, but let me assure you, in the six years I’ve worked on Chimera, I’ve yet to encounter anyone who didn’t enjoy their stay.”

  She narrowed her gaze on his face. “Who initiates the invitations? Why was I chosen?”

  “Potential guests are brought to our attention through any number of means. I believe you were nominated by an appreciative student.” He chuckled and motioned toward her face. “I recognize that look. Our records are confidential. Whoever nominated you doesn’t wish to be identified.”

  “You mentioned an agency. What can you tell me about them?” He laughed and the air around him sparkled. Chelsea blinked. She’d never heard of jetlag causing hallucinations.

  “You’re obviously the curious type.” He bowed, a smile still curving the corners of his mouth. “I’ve told you all I can. Don’t ruin this week with speculation. Release your inhibitions and experience all Chimera has to offer you.” He took a step toward the door, then paused and faced her again. “My wife operates the gift shop just up the road.” He handed her a business card. “Give this to any of the cashiers and they’ll take good care of you.”

  Without another word he breezed from the room, leaving Chelsea alone with her questions.

  * * *

  “You honestly didn’t tell Delano?”

  Ray spun from the teak wardrobe at Aurora’s outraged tone. She stood in the doorway of his bedroom, hands on her hips. “This was your idea!”

  Aurora gasped and stomped into the room. “Contacting the agency was my idea. Utilizing their services without Delano’s knowledge never entered my mind. I can’t believe --”

  “It’s done. We’re here and so is she.”

  “You had no right to keep this from him.”

  “Whose side are you on?” Crossing his arms over his chest, Ray scowled at her.

  She heaved a ragged sigh. “He’s going to kick your ass.”

  Ray grinned. “That would be a little counterproductive, don’t you think?”

  “You deserve that and a whole lot more.”

  “I can make this work and you know it. You’ve sensed Chelsea’s potential from the start.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  Ray wrapped his arm around Aurora’s shoulders and gave her a squeeze. She could never stay angry for long. It simply wasn’t in her nature. “I just talked to Yamir. He gave Chelsea his business card. As soon as I’m ready, he’ll activate the glamour and I’ll just happen to be in the gift shop when she arrives. If I can pass on more than her image during the transition, Delano might be more reasonable.”

  “Delano reasonable?” She laughed. “Did you just utter those two words in the same sentence?” She shook her head. “I can’t believe I’m going to help you, but I have an idea.”

  * * *

  After she unpacked her bags, Chelsea wandered through the bungalow. The far corner extended over the lagoon. A glass panel in the floor allowed her to view the colorful fish swimming beneath her feet. Rocking her weight back and forth, she tested the integrity of the floor. She wasn’t much of a swimmer. Maybe she’d just stay out of the living room.

  Chuckling at her paranoia, she walked out onto the porch, leaned against the railing, and stared out at the endless ocean. A balmy breeze, sweet with the scent of tiare, brushed her cheeks and ruffled her hair. Azure water rolled, forming frothy crests before cascading onto the beach. The sun -- her thoughts came grinding to a halt as her thigh tingled and darts of heat shot down her leg.

  What the heck? She reached into her pocket and withdrew the small card Yamir had given her. Tiny, sparkling flecks fell from the card. Where had the glitter come from?

  Trinkets and Truffles was printed in bold script across the card. Prickly sensations assailed her fingertips and a wave of dizziness swept over her. Steadying herself against the rail, she took a deep breath. She needed to go to the gift shop. They’d take care of her.

  Returning to her bedroom, she found the map Yamir had mentioned and unfolded it across the bed. Back to the road, one right turn and she would be there. If the map was to scale, it was closer than the Visitor’s Center, so she decided to walk.

  She changed into shorts and a tank top before starting her first adventure. Slipping on her sunglasses, she paused. She’d forgotten to pack sunscreen. Hopefully they’d sell it at the gift shop. She grabbed her miniature backpack purse and headed for the trail. Tall palm trees shaded her way. Bougainvillea grew wild, pink, purple and white, a vivid contrast to the endless green.

  The road followed the undulation of the island, making it more of a hike than a walk. Maybe she should have fired up the Vespa. Nah, after spending all morning on airplanes, she could use the exercise. She rounded a bend and spotted the gift shop. Several scooters and a Jeep crowded the tiny parking lot.

  A bell chimed as Chelsea opened the door. Despite the name, the shop sold a wide variety of merchandise. She strolled along a glass display case filled with fanciful jewelry. Fairies, unicorns, and dragons appeared to be the theme.

  “May I help you?”

  Chelsea looked up into the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. The woman stood half a head taller than Chelsea’s five foot two. Long, silver-streaked blonde hair had been drawn away from the woman’s delicate face. Willowy, ethereal, the cashier didn’t seem quite real.

  Giving herself a mental shake, Chelsea swept the shop with an assessing glance. “Help me remember I came to buy sunscreen. I have a feeling I’ll be here a while.”

  “I won’t let you leave without sunscreen, and take all the time you need. My name is Marissa, by the way. If you have any questions, let me know.”

  Marissa’s voice was
extraordinary. Chelsea had never heard anything so beautiful -- yes, she had. Yamir’s voice had the same unique inflection. “Do you know a man named Yamir?” Chelsea returned her gaze to Marissa.

  “Yamir is like a brother to me. We were raised together. Did he escort you to your bungalow?”

  “Yes. Your accent is unusual. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard it before.”

  Marissa smiled and iridescent colors ignited in her gaze. It happened so quickly Chelsea might have convinced herself she imagined it, if she hadn’t seen Yamir sparkle. Who -- or what -- were these people?

  “We’ve lived many places. Our travels have doubtlessly influenced our speech.” Marissa motioned to the case separating them. “Is there anything in particular I can show you?”

  Chelsea accepted the evasion. Yamir’s answers had been just as vague. Maybe the island was run by criminals, fugitives from… Middle Earth? Shaking away her speculation, Chelsea managed a smile.

  “The jewelry is lovely, but my real weakness is clothing.” She moved toward the rack of dresses arranged along one wall.


  Chelsea’s eyes widened at the impressive string of profanity. She glanced back at the jewelry counter, but Marissa was nowhere in sight.


  The voice was male and projecting from one of the two fitting rooms situated in the back corner of the shop.

  “Are you all right in there?” She moved closer to the curtained off stall.

  “No, I’m not all right. I think I’ve… Is Marissa out there?”

  “I’m not sure where she went. Would you like me to find her?”

  The infuriated man snatched the curtain aside and stood framed in the narrow opening. His wavy blond hair gleamed, his sky-blue eyes flashed, and the impressive width of his shoulders was left bare by his -- gingham pinafore.


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