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Ball of Furry

Page 8

by Celia Kyle

  “I’ve seen your sister’s shift.”

  Ian nodded. “So you know that pain is something we’re familiar with.” Alex flashed her brother a questioning glance and, it seemed that he was going to be accommodating. “Rabbits may be small, cute, and fuzzy little creatures, but how much tolerance for pain do you think I had to develop in order to go from two hundred and twenty-five pounds down to five?”

  “It sure as fuck ain’t pretty.” Neal spoke under his breath.

  She whacked him. “It’s fucking gorgeous.”

  He tugged her close. “Of course, angel.”

  “Patronizing ass.” She stuck out her tongue.

  “Don’t show it if you’re not willing to use it.”

  Carly pushed to her tiptoes and Ian broke into their moment. “Please don’t maul my sister in front of me.” She glared at her brother. Ian didn’t seem to care. “So Dev and I will stay here and the rest of you can go check out what the others have discovered. Call me if you find anything.”

  Everything decided, the house became a flurry of activity. Neal strapped on a gun, or ten—at least it seemed like it—filled his magazines and secured long-ass knives to his thighs.

  The rest of the men were outfitted just like him.

  Men and their toys.

  Before long, she had Neal looming over her, worry etched in every line of his face. “Be careful.”

  She snorted. “You be careful. I’m going to watch some TV and worry about you. You’re prepared for war.”

  Neal cupped her cheek, stroked her bottom lip with his thumb. “Not war. Just a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting.” He brushed a soft kiss across her lips. “Stay inside. Listen to Dev and your brother. We’re going to follow this trail and get rid of whoever’s after you.”

  Chapter Five


  Bored. Bored.


  But still bored.

  Had she mentioned bored?

  It hadn’t even been that long. Twenty minutes, tops, and since they hadn’t received a call from the men, she knew they hadn’t arrived at the bar yet.

  At first, she’d stayed glued to the couch, phone in hand, afraid to move an inch in case one of the males called. That lasted all of five minutes. She didn’t do ‘worried waiting missus’ well.

  Her brother and Devlin had searched the house, checked windows, lowered the blinds, and closed the curtains. No sense in making her an easy target, they’d said.

  Target. Wow.

  All she’d wanted was a mate…a cub…happiness…

  Well, she’d gotten the mate and the cub. Happiness was being stubborn as all get out, but she figured she’d get it someday.

  Carly pulled her legs onto the couch, wiggled and shifted until she could lie down, and then plopped the phone onto her chest. Letting out a slow, deep breath, she closed her eyes. She might as well relax while she could. No telling when the guys would call in with news. Then again, if Alex’s lions and Max’s wolves couldn’t scent the culprit, she wasn’t sure how the big bad leaders could do any better.


  Okay, not whatever. She was worried, terrified, and anxious. Somewhere out there lurked a homicidal freak who wanted her dead for one reason or another. Hell, based on what the guys had said, it could even be groups of crazies.

  Carly still thought it was the psycho-bitch, Naomi.


  “Okay, little bit?”

  She smiled at hearing her nickname on Ian’s lips. “Yeah, Ian. I’m fine.”

  “The kit?”

  She opened one of her eyes a crack. “Does everyone know?”

  He just grinned and she recognized a bit of young Ian, the boy she’d known before he’d had the mantle of being the warren’s Buck thrust upon him. “Everyone that knows you and knows your scent. You’ve got a bit of sunshine added in now.” Ian snagged her hand and held it in the cradle of his palms, eyes serious while he stared at her. “Are you happy, little bit?”

  Carly slid her free hand over her abdomen to rest on her lower stomach, thinking of the tiny life growing inside her. “I am.”

  “You sure you’re good with that cat? I know you’ve been…hesitant about him.”

  She snorted. Couldn’t help it. “That’s putting it mildly. I dug in my heels so deep I thought I’d end up in China.” She sighed. “But he loves me and I refuse to let him off easy and tell him that I love him. I need to make him sweat a bit.”

  That comment got her a wide grin from her brother. “That’s my girl.”

  “I know, right? I figure I’ll make him suffer a little more and then pounce and sex him up—“

  Ian dropped her hand so fast, she thought maybe he’d caught fire. Opening her eyes wider, she watched him clap his palms over his ears. “La la la, I’m not listening. Sex and my sister do not go into the same sentence.” He glared at her. “Ever.”

  Carly raised a single brow and smirked at him. “And what do you think I used to do during the Gaian Moon?”

  “I pretended you didn’t exist.”

  She stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry. “Pft on you.”

  “Pft on me?” Ian narrowed his eyes. “Don’t make me freeze all your accou—“

  “Children?” They turned their attention to Devlin. “Looks like we might have some company. Car’s coming up the driveway.” That really got their attention and they swiveled their heads toward Dev and watched as he kept low, gun in hand, and peered through the covered window. “Small four door, dark. One person behind the wheel, but that doesn’t mean others aren’t hiding in there.”

  The gravel crunched and shifted as the car drew nearer.

  “Do you really think people trying to kill me would be that stupid?”

  Ian pushed from the coffee table and crouched beside her, tugging her from the couch. He pulled her through the room, down the hall, and back toward Neal’s bedroom. Without a word, he yanked her into the master bathroom, pushed her into the tub, and then gave her a glare that told her he’d gladly kill her himself if she moved an inch.

  So she stayed put.


  Okay, not really.

  The second she thought she was safe (from Ian, not the visitor) she crawled from the tub and crept through her mate’s room, skirted the big-assed bed, and then squatted near the window, back against the wall. She twitched the corner of the curtain aside and peered into the darkness. The lights on the vehicle disappeared and she watched as a single person emerged.

  She totally knew that silhouette!

  “It’s Andrew! Don’t shoot him!” She popped to her feet and raced through the house, worried that Ian and Devlin would kill her best guy friend. Then again, she wasn’t sure why she was a big ball of worry since he was part of their warren and her brother was sure to recognize the male. Hopefully. But the guys had seemed uber twitchy, so better safe than sorry.

  “Damn it, Carly!” Huh. Her brother could almost roar as loud as Neal.

  She dodged her brother and thumped right into Devlin.

  “Carly.” Oh. His growl was almost scary.

  Ha! As if.

  “It’s just Andrew.” She pouted.

  Carly could hear her brother’s grumble about dumb sisters and tying them to trees, but ignored him. He’d only gotten the jump on her that one time and she’d been five…

  A quick knock interrupted their glare-down and Ian trudged toward the front door. The locks gave way with a few flicks and then the door swung wide to reveal…

  “Andrew!” Gawd. If she had to be kept on house arrest, even if it was for her own good, at least she’d have a friend with her. She rushed forward and wrapped her arms around his neck in a fierce hug. “Thank God you’re here. I’m so bored.”

  Her friend raised a single brow. “You became bored in all of twenty minutes?”

  Carly narrowed her eyes. “I hate you.”

  “Naw, you love me.” He grinned at her, but it didn’t quite meet his eyes and she knew she
was partly responsible for that look.

  They’d been Tweedledum and Tweedledee for so long, the last six months had to have been hard on him. When Carly hadn’t been mooning over her mate, or railing against him for his slutty behavior, she’d been holed up with Maya and eating enough ice cream to fill the ocean. Thank God for shifter metabolism. At least she hadn’t gotten fatter than she already was.

  She looped her arm through his and tugged him toward the hall and Neal’s bedroom. Not the best place to take another male, but she wanted to talk without her brother nearby.

  “Carly…” Ian’s voice trailed after them.

  She ignored him. The best part of being the buck’s sister was that she could resist his growls. Hard to fear a man that she’d seen naked since she was three.

  Two steps into the bedroom, she kicked the door shut.

  “Save me.” She stumbled toward the bed and pretended to faint, falling onto the soft surface with a bounce.

  “Carls…” A frown marred Andrew’s sweet, little boy face. The man was nearing thirty and still looked fifteen.

  She stared at the white popcorn ceiling. “I know this isn’t funny. It’s dumb and scary and did I tell you I’m pregnant?” She waved a hand. “Never mind, you probably know already. I smell different, apparently.” Carly stacked her hands behind her head. “So, who do you think wants to kill me?”

  For a while, Andrew didn’t say a word, but she didn’t rush him. He was a thinker and tended to work things through in his head before voicing his ideas. Seconds ticked by and finally he lay down next to her, shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip. He shifted and wiggled a little next to her, probably getting comfortable, but still he remained silent.

  “Who wants to kill you? Hmm…”

  She tilted her head to the side and nudged his head with hers. “Yeah. I think it’s that Naomi bitch. The growly guys think its Freedom or HSE, but I still vote for the skinny whore.”

  Andrew wiggled again. Sometimes the man couldn’t get comfortable.

  “No, I don’t think its Naomi. Though she could be involved somehow. There could be more at play than they realize.”

  “No? You think she’s had help?” That wasn’t something she’d ever considered, but Carly couldn’t discount her friend’s opinion.

  “Maybe…” He sighed and turned toward her. “You know I love you, Carly, right?”

  She internally winced, knowing that the love he confessed was romantic and not friendly. “I know.”

  “Good, because I love you and I’m doing this for you. You’ll see, it’ll be so much better this way.” A sharp pinch hit her, the stinging hint of pain emanating from her forearm and she winced. “All along, it’s been me.”

  Well, that sucked. She’d totally kick his ass…the second she woke up…

  * * *

  What could have been minutes, or hours, later, Carly awoke.



  A piercing throb invaded her head, pounding in time with her heart, but she couldn’t let the pain overtake her. Nope, she had some business to attend to.

  Namely, kicking Andrew’s ass.

  She slitted her eyelids, taking stock of her position. She was in a small, one-room cabin, arms tied behind her back and a cloth over her mouth. How trite. Really? Andrew couldn’t have gotten a little creative with the kidnapping? Whatever. When she planned an abduction, she’d go all out with the secret holding location. Something super advanced and technology-y.

  Further inspection of the room revealed the skinny psycho bitch (aka Naomi) tied similarly to her along the opposite wall. Her eyes were wide, the whites nearly glowing in the dim interior, and her nostrils flared with each quick exhale. She huffed and puffed like a freight train, and Carly could smell her panic, the acidy tang flicking her nose.


  While carnivores were all about having fun with the panic stricken prey, herbivores were just turned off. Actually, the feeling made Carly’s rabbit run as far away as she could, not wanting to get caught up in a predator’s blood thirst. Cause as sure as God made dandelions, a carnivore saw panicking prey as a tasty meal.

  Carly was not a tasty meal. Nope. Never. Unless it was Neal and he was between her thighs…

  A shuffle to her left drew her attention and she watched a body in the shadows move around the kitchen. Based on the size and build, she figured it was her kidnapper, Andrew.



  He’d been her best guy friend for what seemed like forever. He was always at her side, all smiles and laughs, and he’d gotten along famously with Maya and Beth.

  And he wanted her dead.

  An ache built in her heart, filled it with pain and anger.

  He’d killed Beth.

  Shot at her.

  And now, he’d filled her with drugs.

  What would come next?

  A whisper-soft whimper from Naomi drew his attention and Carly trailed after him with her eyes. The man she thought she knew spun on his heel and stomped toward his other captive, pulled his leg back and let it fly. Naomi’s muffled cry filled the room and a flare of compassion flickered to life. The woman was probably involved in Andrew’s plot in some way, but humans were delicate and Carly could only imagine the damage he’d just done.

  Well, this had been what he’d meant by ‘mostly’. Naomi had to have been involved in some way.

  “Stupid bitch. Be quiet. I want my mate to sleep a little longer.” He was crazy. Certifiable. “She’ll need her rest before we get rid of that little brat she’s carrying.” His attention strayed to Carly and she couldn’t keep still any longer; she opened her eyes and growled low, hissed at Andrew. “Ah, sweetheart, don’t be like that.” Her friend approached, boots clunking and thumping against the wood floor, and squatted before her. “I forgive you for mating with that cat. At first I wanted you dead for betraying me, and my new friend agreed. He told me how to do it all, showed me where to go. Gave me my first opportunity… I tried again, but then the bullets didn’t hit home and I changed my mind and decided to keep you.” He licked his lips and she could sense the nervousness building in him. “I just need to convince him that it’s better if you live. Right. Better…”

  Her ex-friend stroked her head, fingers sifting through her hair, and she jerked away from his touch, glaring. If only looks could kill… “Aw, dear heart. Don’t be that way.” He traced the line of her nose and tapped the end. “I’m sure I can convince him to be happy with Naomi’s death. After all, a human dying at the hands of a shifter is sure to put the government in an uproar. Now she can die instead of you…” A disgruntled yell came from Naomi and Andrew stomped toward to her, reared his leg back, and delivered a fierce kick.

  Leaving the other woman groaning, he came back to Carly. “Now, where was I? Oh.” He looked thoughtful for a moment, a soft ghosting of regret passing across his features. “I am sad about Bethy. She was such a sweet girl.” He rolled to his feet and placed his hands on his hips. “But that can’t be helped. Except, then it all got so mucked up.” He rubbed his brow. “Naomi saw me shoot at you, you know. I got my hands on her and then I kept watch on the lion’s house. It was so easy to get you out once most of them left. So easy…” Andrew jerked his head, shaking it quickly and then seemed to refocus. “So we’ll leave her in your place. It’ll be perfect… I hope he doesn’t make me keep with our original plans, though.” His fingers settled on his temples and he massaged his forehead. “I hope… I hope… I hope…”

  Asshole. Demented asshole. Asshole, motherfucker, cocksucker, piece of shit—

  The rumble of an approaching engine drew his attention and Carly strained to hear what the hell was going on.

  She poked at her internal rabbit, the near-feral animal aching to rip out Andrew’s throat, no questions asked. She did her best to soothe the bunny’s ruffled fur, assure her that they’d taste his blood, but first they needed to figure out all of the players in the game. Who he fuck was ‘he’?

  Sure, she had jealous Andrew in front of her, but this new arrival, Andrew’s mysterious ‘friend’… that had her worried.

  If it’d been Neal and the rest of the big, bad leaders, they wouldn’t have driven right up to the front door, which meant this guy…he was yet another piece of the fucked up puzzle.

  Part of her felt bad for Naomi. Almost. Okay, mostly. The woman had been at the wrong place at the wrong time and now she’d suffer for that simple twist of fate.

  Rabbit now playing her part, Carly strained to hear, but all she could catch were the murmur of voices; the newcomer’s was soft and deep, cutting off Andrew whenever he uttered a sound.

  A heavier tread entered the one-room cabin and Carly felt her first wave of fear as the man’s scent was carried on the cool air of the AC.

  Polar bear. Big, short-fused, evil polar bear. They were notorious for killing first and not asking questions later.

  Fuckity fuck fuck.

  Carly rolled back a bit, struggling to see the new arrival. She didn’t have to wait long. In moments the huge man came into view and, oh shit, she was totally dead.

  He was taller than Alex—wider, too—with muscles that had muscles that had muscles. Dressed in all black from head to toe, he looked like a man most would run from without hesitation. He had a wicked long scar running from hairline to collar bone, the wide swath of his white injury simply adding to the air of danger that surrounded him.

  For the first time in her life, she felt pure terror; the fear pounded through her blood stream until she couldn’t breathe.

  The newcomer squatted before her, his long black hair falling forward as he stared down at her tied form. “Hello, pretty. You’ve caused me a bit of grief, you know. You were supposed to die tonight, but I can see that Andrew had a bit of trouble doing his job.” He reached behind him, hand out of sight for barely a moment, before it returned with a ten-inch knife, the sharp blade glistening in the dim light. “It’s not a problem, though.”

  * * *

  Neal was ready to tear his hair out. They’d just pulled into the parking lot when he got the call.


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