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Ball of Furry

Page 10

by Celia Kyle

  She padded through the house and into the kitchen to find her men surrounding the table. Both Elijah and Carson fed themselves (mostly) while Neal spooned wet cereal into Ryan’s mouth as he sat in his high chair.

  “How are my boys?” She got four smiles in response.

  Moving around the room, she dropped a soft kiss on the top of each little head and gave Neal something that was nowhere near chaste. Her male moaned, but quickly pulled away, glaring at her with a frown.

  Butthole. She’d keep teasing until he gave in.

  A rapid knock of knuckles against wood came from the front of the house and she waved Neal away when he began to rise. “I’ve got it. Keep making sure they all eat.” Carly wasted no time in answering the door, revealing Maya and Alex waiting for her. “’Morning.”

  “Hey. We’re here to rescue you.” Maya smiled wide.

  She raised a brow at Alex. “Didn’t you do that already?”

  He just rolled his eyes. “We’re ‘borrowing’ the kids so that we can get ‘practice’.”

  She turned her attention to Maya. “Translation?”

  “We’re stealing them so you can bowchickabowbow with your mate. I’m tired of hearing you complain.” Maya stuck out her tongue.

  God, that’s why she loved the she-cat.

  Opening the door wide, she gestured for them to enter. “By all means. My vagina thanks you.”

  Maya giggled and Alex looked like he was gonna be sick. Apparently thinking of other women’s vaginas didn’t agree with the man. What the hell else should she have called it? Pussy? Hell no, she’d never say that to anyone other than her mate.

  Her BFF swept past her, Alex trailing behind, and Carly was met with a chorus of “Uncle Alex!” and “Auntie Maya!”.

  Somehow, in what seemed like mere moments, the three children were spirited away within minutes, leaving just her and Neal in the house.

  She was going to seduce him, damn it.

  Carly found Neal in the kitchen, table cleared and dishes piled in the sink. He had his back to her, hands moving over the plates and silverware with a soap-coated sponge. Man, she loved a guy who cleaned. She just may keep him.

  Tiptoeing across the room, she used all of her sneaky-sneak skills that she had acquired over the years and crept up behind him. She raised her arms, determined to surprise him and enfold him in a hug he wouldn’t want to end.

  “I can feel you, Carly.”

  She stopped, planted a hand on her hip and huffed. “You could have played along, you know.”

  Her mate turned on her, holding a towel as he dried his hands and gave her that smirk she both loved and hated. “But then…” He tossed the towel onto the counter. “I wouldn’t have been able to do this.”

  Neal reached for her, wrapped his strong arms around her waist, and brought her body flush against his.

  He dropped his head as they collided, brought his mouth to hers, and seized her with a dominating kiss. He forced his tongue between her lips, tangling it with hers and tasting every part of her. Carly responded in kind, stroked and teased him, explored the parts that she'd forgotten, familiarized herself with her mate once again.

  Carly’s body responded to his assault, her nipples hardened against the smooth fabric of her robe, the silk tempting her with what would assuredly come. The male was going to fuck her now. Even if she had to tie him to the bed to do it.

  Tied to the bed…

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, increased the pressure between their mouths, showed him without words how desperate she was. It’d only been a week, but it felt like years.

  Neal sucked on her tongue, traced her teeth, taunted her with his intimate kiss. Her body became restless with the possessive torture, pussy growing heavy with every breath, breasts tingling and aching for attention. She craved him like a drug.

  She could feel his erection, his hardened cock pressing against her belly, only the material of her robe and his jeans separating them.

  Her mate eased the kiss, slowing their tangle, their tasting, and pulled his lips from hers. “Hey, angel.”

  “Mate.” She breathed the word, licked his upper lip, savored that hint of his flavor. “My mate. Need you.” She whispered, repeated the action.

  She was desperate for him and wasn’t afraid to admit it. The male was her perfect partner and she wasn’t about to go without him for another second.

  Neal growled, wrapped his arms around her, cupped her ass and lifted her with ease. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist, trusting him to support her. He strode across the kitchen and into the hallway.

  Carly couldn’t wait to taste him again, though. She nipped and sucked on his neck, spring rain and daffodils burst across her tongue and a tortured groan came from deep within her mate’s chest. With a thud, her back hit the wall and she was held suspended between his body and the hard surface behind her.

  “Pants. Pants, pants, pants…” His voice was barely recognizable, but she got the gist of his demand. After all, she was all for his jeans disappearing from between her thighs and his thick cock taking their place.

  Snagging her mate’s lips in another desperate kiss, she wiggled her hands between their bodies, fought with the button on his pants and came out the victor. A rip and shove had his dick leaping into her hand, the fat shaft filling her palm just as she remembered.

  Her pussy throbbed in celebration, the memory of him stretching and filling her, sliding in and out of her slick heat. She moaned against his mouth, clawed at his shoulders and pushed herself higher along his body. Hand still clasping his erect dick, she placed the head of his prick at her entrance and then released her hold, allowed her weight to force his invasion.

  His cock glided into her moist pussy, her juices easing his way as Neal filled her to bursting. Inch after inch slipped into her waiting hole, slices of pinching pain blossomed into pure pleasure as the head of his dick grazed her G-spot. A shudder of arousal pulsed through her pussy, clit throbbing with the friction of their bodies.

  Carly’s hiss was echoed by Neal’s groan. Her mate lifted her with ease, pussy clinging to his shaft as he forced her heat to release him and then welcome him once again as he lowered her body.

  She tore her lips from his, their mouths hovering a hair’s breadth apart as she whispered against his lips. “So full. So good.”

  Neal repeated the movement, lifting her up and down along his hard shaft, stroking out and then back into her waiting, soaked warmth. Her pussy contracted along his length, rippled and throbbed.

  “So tight, angel.” He withdrew and shoved forward. “So. Fucking. Tight.” Each word was punctuated with a fierce thrust.

  Carly growled and nipped at his lower lip, laved the droplet of blood that gathered and let his sensual flavors roll over her taste buds.

  “Yes! Big. Fuck. More.” She grunted and groaned along with him, breasts jiggling with his every move. She shared her mate’s breath, both of them unable to do anything more than pant their pleasure as they let their desires loose.

  God, even a week had been much too long to go without his sensual touch.

  Way too long.

  Neal held her steady against the wall, pistoning his thick cock in and out of her now sopping wet pussy. The lewd, wet sounds of their sex filled the small corridor and mixed with their heavy breathing.

  Carly’s pleasure gained on her; with every shove into her waiting cunt, it ratcheted higher, growing. It encircled her, wrapped around her waist, and then slid down to envelope her pussy. The throbbing ache had grown into a pulsating desperation.

  She rocked and rolled her hips against him, encouraged his rough thrusts, the rub of his pelvis against her clit. She clawed and scratched at his exposed chest, urged him to give her more, faster, deeper. She growled and groaned, snarled and hissed as he worked her over, faster and faster.

  The slap, slap, slap of his hips against hers increased and she embraced the evidence of their lovemaking as ecstasy built and grew in
side her, signaling the rapid approach of her release. “Gonna come…”

  The pleasure she’d been nurturing was becoming uncontrollable. Her pussy tightened around him in a rough rhythm, cunt filled with bliss as he pummeled her with his cock. More and more he gave her until she thought she’d burst.

  “Come on my cock, angel. Give it to me.” He groaned and bit her lip in return, drew his own droplets of blood and the spear of pain only served to increase her carnal desire.

  Carly dug her nails into his shoulders, claws scarring him, and she reveled in the soul deep growl that sounded from his chest. Her pussy responded to his sounds, pulsed, and pleasure flowed through her. It crept into every nook and cranny of her body, filled her from within, sparked a response from every nerve. Her arms and legs twitched and spasmed, her impending orgasm stealing her control.

  “Come… Give it to me and I’ll come so deep in you angel…fill you up.”

  God, the idea of having his cum inside her, painting her from inside out, was the tipping point. The orgasm that had been threatening burst over her, dark spots danced in front of her eyes and she screamed. His name was on her lips, over and over, a chant that seemed to have no end in sight.

  Still, his cock continued to slide in and out of her slick passage, her cream coating his dick while he sought his release. His never ending fucking merely brought on another climax, this one harder and more violent than the last.

  Hot lava seemed to pour through her veins, pumped faster than a heartbeat and she truly lost control. Carly sunk her teeth into him, a scream on her lips while the ecstasy of her release stole whatever power she had over her body. Twitches and spasms of her muscles went unnoticed as the pleasure invaded her, the molten sensations of climax destroyed her and she was simply a victim of her body’s desires.

  Neal’s thrusts suddenly turned frantic and uneven until he sealed his hips to hers, a roar on his lips as he sunk his teeth deep into her shoulder, marking her for all to see.

  She screamed again, more ecstasy pouring into her already sated body while his cock twitched and throbbed deep inside her pussy, doing exactly as he had promised. Her cunt milked his shaft, seeming to crave every drop of his cum.

  Panting and exhausted, Carly let her mate support her. Okay, she had to admit, maybe she wasn’t all that entirely, perfectly healed, since twinges of pain were making themselves known now that they were done. But she’d die before she admitted it.

  She snuggled into Neal’s hold and breathed in his musky scent. Damn, how she loved the man. Eek. Love. He’d said it once before, but…she hadn’t.

  Licking her lips, she raised her head and stared at his features, his strong jaw, straight nose, and prominent brow.

  Before she could lose her nerve, she blurted out the truth. “I love you.”

  He opened one eye. “I know.”

  “You know?” She smacked him on the chest. “What do you mean, ‘I know’?” She bent her head and bit into his shoulder. Not deep; just a pinch of his skin between her teeth. “The right answer is ‘I love you, too’.”

  Neal let his eye close seemingly immune to the pain. “You know I love you, baby.”

  “You better.”

  His hand snaked to the back of her head and she let him pull her up, brushing his lips across hers. “More than life itself.”

  She harrumphed. “Good. ‘Cause if you didn’t…hell hath no fury…”

  “Furry? Or fury?” Neal nipped her lower lip. “Because, you are furry. And soft. In all the most delicious places.”


  “Not furry?” He quirked a brow, smirk on those luscious lips. “I like you all furry and sweet.”

  “You’re being obtuse on purpose.”

  “Hmm…” He lapped at her mouth.

  The shrill ring of the kitchen phone got them moving, Neal helping her to her feet before he padded back down the hall and answered the call. “’Lo? No… How?” Carly stared at him, worry growing in her belly as she continued to listen, his tone one of panic and worry. “When? Ricker? Good. What can we do?” Roiling concern filled her. There was only one reason Ricker would be involved in anything. Freedom had struck again. Oh, God. “All right. Bye.”

  Neal turned to her and gripped her shoulders, his eyes boring into hers. “There’s no easy way to say this, baby. Alistair has Maddy.”

  Oh. God. No.

  The End

  About the Author

  Celia Kyle would like to rule the world and become a ninja. As a fall-back, she’s working on her writing career and giving readers stories that touch their hearts and *ahem* other places.

  Visit her at

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