The Last Volcano
Page 33
Anonymous. “Invention of ‘Duck’ wins prize for Dr. Jaggar,” Science News-Letter. vol. 47, no. 9, p. 134. March 3, 1945.
Gerlach, Terry. “Volcanic versus anthropogenic carbon dioxide,” EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. vol. 92, no. 24, pp. 201-208. June 14, 2011.
Jaggar, Thomas A. Volcanoes Declare War: Logistics and Strategy of Pacific Volcano Science. Honolulu: Paradise of the Pacific. 166 pp. 1945.
Kashima, Tetsuden. Personal Justice Denied: Report of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. Seattle: University of Washington Press. 493 pp. 1997.
Ogawa, Dennis and Evarts Fox. “Japanese interment and relocation: The Hawaii experience,” in Daniels, Roger, Sandra Taylor and Harry Kitano, eds. Japanese Americans: From Relocation to Redress. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. p. 135-138. 1986.
Bishop Thomas Jaggar
Anna Lawrence Jaggar
May, Anna Louise and Thomas Jr. Jaggar
Helen Kline Jaggar and three-month-old Eliza, February 1912
Thomas Augustus Jaggar, Jr., 1916
Isabel Peyran Maydwell Jaggar, undated photograph
Frank Alvord Perret, 1909
Perret using headphones attached to a megaphone to listen to steam emission near Naples, Italy. Courtesy Library of Congress
Perched lava lake within Halemau´ma´u, March 1894. Courtesy Bishop Museum
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, 1913. Courtesy Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
Thomas Jaggar, Jr., in the Whitney Vault, located beneath the observatory building, October 31, 1916. The two upright metal poles on the left side of the photograph are the Bosch-Omori seismograph. Courtesy Bishop Museum
Volcano visitors descending into Halema´uma´u, Saturday, January 7, 1917. Isabel Jaggar is standing on the crater rim, second from left, wearing a white blouse. Lorrin Thurston is also standing on the crater rim, hands in his pockets. Alexander Lancaster is at lower right. Courtesy University of Hawaii, archives; Photo by T.A. Jaggar
Sounding the depth of the lava lake, January 23, 1917. Four men can be seen: one dark figure in the center of the photograph standing on a promontory and three figures, to the right, wearing white shirts. Courtesy Hawaiian Volcano Observatory; Photo by J.J. Williams
Two eruption columns rising to form a single large column over Mauna Loa, 8:30 A.M., May 19, 1916. Taken from the porch of the observatory. Courtesy Hawaiian Volcano Observatory; Photo by H.O. Wood
Aerial photograph of a lava flow of Mauna Loa headed for the fishing village of Ho´opuloa, south Kona, April 11, 1926. Courtesy Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Lava entering the sea at Ho´opuloa, south Kona, at 6:21 A.M., April 18, 1926. Courtesy Hawaiian Historical Society; Photo by Tai Sing Loo
Ohiki, Jaggar’s first amphibious vehicle, landing at a sandy beach in Kona, February 1928. Courtesy Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Honukai, the second amphibious vehicle, on Alaska beach, summer 1928. Jaggar is at right. Courtesy University of Hawaii; Photo by R.H. Stewart
Thomas Jaggar driving Honukai in Hilo, October 18, 1940. Isabel Jaggar is seated in back, wearing a wide-brim hat. Photo by J. Snedeker
Thomas and Isabel Jaggar at the source of the 1919 eruption of Mauna Loa, October 1919. Courtesy University of Hawaii, archives
Ruy Finch, Isabel Jaggar and Thomas Jaggar sitting in front of the Volcano House, January 12, 1920. Courtesy University of Hawaii, archives; Photo by L.H. Dangerfield
Isabel and Thomas Jaggar, 1920.
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Absaroka Mountain Range, 21–22, 25
Adams, Dr., 192
Agassiz, Alexander, 85–88
Agassiz, Louis, 86
Alaska, 31–32, 89–105, 253–255, 257–262
Aleutian Islands, 89–103, 253–255
American Geologist, 19
amphibious vehicles, 255–258, 266, 269, 276–277
Anderson, John, 20, 23
Anderson, Tempest, 60–62
Asama volcano, 119
Audubon, John James, 8–9
Ballous, Sidney, 117
Barrett, John, 77
Beecher, Henry Ward, 3
Bell, Joseph, 124
Berner, William, 5
Bernhardt, Sarah, 16
Berry, Robert, 41, 44–46
Birds of America, The, 8
Birdseye, Clarence, 149
Birdseye, Claude, 149
Bishop, Artemus, 208
Boles, Thomas, 214–215, 218
bombing experiment, 245–247
Bonney, Thomas, 134
Borchgrevink, Carsten, 43–44
Bosch-Omori seismograph, 120–121, 132, 162, 174–175, 202–203, 209–210, 265–268, 278, 285
Boston Globe, The, 39, 58
Bowen, Norman, 146
Bradshaw Mountains, 30
Brigham, William, 122
Brown, Ernest, 207
Brun, Albert, 155–156
Caesar, Julius, 1
caldera rim, 112–113, 127, 150, 179, 201, 208, 243, 285–287
Capp, William, 248
Carlsmith, Hope, 232–233
Carlsmith, Leonard, 232–233
Cincinnati Riots, 5–6
Cleveland, Grover, 129
Coan, Titus, 208–209
cones, lava, 60, 160, 199, 254, 259, 261
cones, Seger, 191–197
Cook, James, 98, 223
Cooke, Mrs. Montague, 224–225
Coolidge, Calvin, 252
Cosmos, 24
Crater Lake, 253
Curtis, George, 42, 53, 171
Custer, George Armstrong, 20
Daly, Reginald, 146
Damien, Father, 250
Dana, James Dwight, 135, 142, 195, 259
Darwin, Charles, 24
Day, Arthur, 135–136, 153, 156–159, 183, 231, 278
Dennehy, Charles, xv–xvi, xx
Dewey, George, 186
Dillingham, Walter, 192
Dodge, Francis, 152–153, 156–158, 163, 278
dome volcanoes, 113
Dutton, Clarence, 112, 259
Eagan, Charles, 185–188
Eakle, Arthur, 91, 97
counting, 31–32
in Japan, 212–213
measuring, 120–121, 132, 162, 174–175, 202–203, 209–210, 265–268, 278, 285
San Francisco earthquake, 85, 132, 162, 203
seismic waves, 203, 265, 268
theories about, 117–118
Edison, Thomas, 77
Einstein, Albert, 245
electro-element device, 137–140
Eliot, Charles William, 15–16, 40, 88
Ellis, William, 207–208
Emerson, Nathaniel, 242
Emerson, Oliver, 213–218
Emmons, Delos, 246–249, 273–275
Etna volcano, 60, 145, 154–155
explosives experiment, 245–247
Farley, Emily, 164, 167, 169
Ferdinand II, King, 57
Ferguson, Henry, 145–146
Ferris, Scott, 180–181
Fewkes, Jess Walter, 86–87
Finch, Ruy Herbert, 204–206, 210, 214–218, 225–226, 252–253, 265, 269, 279–280
Fiorelli, Giuseppe, 10
Fisher, Charles, 249
Flett, John, 60–62
Fornander, Abraham, 242
Fouqué, Ferdinand André, 63, 154
Franklin, Benjamin, 68
Frear, Walter, 117, 122, 148
Freeman, Edward, xvi–xx, xxii, 38–39, 55
Gage, Charlotte, 31
Galunggung volcano, 61–62
Gardiner, John, 254
bsp; Geikie, Archibald, 134
Geological Survey, 32, 42, 104, 252–253, 279–280, 285
geology expedition, 19–25, 28–30
geonomical observatories, 100–101, 118
geyser demonstration, 27–28
geysers, 23, 27–28, 116
Giacometti, Guido, 245
Gibbon, Edward, 15
Gilmore, John, 122
Global Positioning System, 278–279
Goddess Pele, 112, 160, 232, 235, 239–250
Gouvea, John, 176–178
Great Depression, 269–270
Gregory, Herbert, 183–184, 197–198
Grosvenor, Gilbert, 85, 257
Gummeré, Henry, 91
Guntert, Carl, 91
Haggard, Rider, 26
Hague, Arnold, 19–20, 22–24, 28–29, 32, 259–260
Halema’uma’u crater, 112–117, 128–129, 137–139, 149–158, 168–175, 180–184, 189–197, 210–221, 225–232, 242–243, 283–287
Hall, James, 135
Harding, Warren G., 252
Hart, Francis, 133
Hartman, John, 249
Harwell, Alfred, 117
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, 181–182, 214–215
Hawaiian Spectator, The, 112
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, 161, 163, 182–183, 197–199, 204, 252–253, 262, 267–270, 275–276, 279–280, 285–286
Haworth, Jehu Frederick, 170–171, 174
Hill, James J., 19
Hill, Robert, 42
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 15
Honoli’i, John, 208
Hosmer, George, 146
“hot postcard cracks,” 114–117
Houdini, Harry, 16
Hovey, Edmund, 42, 51, 53
Humboldt, Alexander von, 24
Ickes, Harold, 269
Imamura, Akitsune, 263–264
Indonesia, xxi, 61, 154–155
internment camps, 275–276
Jaggar, Anna Lawrence, 3, 6–7, 11–13, 104
Jaggar, Anna Louise, 3, 7, 280
Jaggar, Bishop Thomas, 2–7, 11–14, 73, 104, 167
Jaggar, Eliza Bowne “Sallie,” 147, 289–290, 293–294
Jaggar, Harris King, 3
Jaggar, Helen Kline, 70–73, 105–117, 122–125, 164–166, 169
Jaggar, Henry Anthony, 3
Jaggar, Isabel, 199–201, 206, 210–212, 219–231, 234–236, 246, 253–258, 275–277, 281–283
Jaggar, Jeremiah, 3
Jaggar, May, 3, 6
Jaggar, Russell Kline, 74
Jaggar, Thomas
in Caribbean, 48–55, 58–60, 66–69
children of, 74, 147, 153, 165, 170, 281
death of, 282–283
diary of, 7, 9–14
divorce of, 170
early career of, 16–17, 27–33, 39, 73–74
early years of, 1–14
education of, 15–19, 25–28
essays by, 278
expeditions in Alaska, 89–103, 253–255, 257–262
expeditions in Hawaii, 148–164, 168–175, 180–184, 189–199, 202–270
expeditions in Yellowstone, 19–25, 28–30
exploring Aleutian Islands, 89–103, 253–255
as field assistant, 20–25, 28–30
fulfilling dreams, 148–164
in Hawaii, 106–119, 121–123
in Honolulu, 271–272
in Japan, 119–122, 172–173, 212–213
legacy of, 271–283, 285–287
marriage of, 73, 199–201
museum dedicated to, 286
retirement of, 270
in St. Pierre, 48–55, 58–60, 66–67
studying Halema’uma’u crater, 112–117, 128–129, 137–139, 149–158, 168–175, 180–184, 189–197, 210–221, 242–243
studying Kilauea volcano, 110–117, 161–192, 241–244, 278
studying lava lake, 190–193, 202–220
studying Mauna Loa, 221–238, 244–248, 262–269, 278
studying Mount Pelée, 41–43, 66
studying tsunamis, 265–268
studying Vesuvius, 82–87
teaching career of, 27–33, 39
“Jaggar Peak,” 25
Japan visit, 119–122, 172–173, 212–213
Japanese internment camps, 275–276
John the Theologian eruption, 98–99
Johnson, Lucy, 124
Judd, James, 189, 226, 228–229
Judd, John Wesley, 134
Judd, Louise, 228–229
Kaa, Charlie, 176–178
Ka’ana’ana, George, 235
Kalakaua, King David, 126, 128, 240
Ke’elikolani, Ruth, 240–241, 247
Keenan, George, 44
Kellar, Harry, 16
Kilauea volcano, xxii, 24–25, 110–117, 161–192, 200–201, 241–244, 278, 285–287
King, Clara, 53–55
King, Clarence, 24
kite device, 136, 170–171, 174
Kline, Ella, 146–147, 170
Kline, George Washington, 70, 147, 169
Kline, Helen, 70–73. See also Jaggar, Helen Kline
Koko Crater, 241
Krakatoa, xxi, 12, 76, 263
Krenitzin, Peter, 98
Lacroix, Alfred, 63–68
Lancaster, Alexander Peter, 157–159, 164, 176–178, 183, 192, 225–226, 278
Lanigan, Thomas, 249
Lassen Peak, 253, 269, 279
lava cones, 60, 160, 199, 254, 259, 261
lava flow, 74–75, 112–113, 135, 153, 173, 223–230, 233–247
lava lake, xxii–xxiii, 112, 184, 190–193, 202–220, 285–287
lava movement, 13, 209–210, 226, 244–245, 278–279
lava temperature, 134–143, 152, 173, 191–197
lava tides, 205–207
Lawrence, Anna Louisa, 3. See also Jaggar, Anna Lawrence
Lawrence, James, 264
Ledyard, John, 223
legacy, remembering, 271–283, 285–287
Leonard, Nellie, 124
Lesser Antilles, 34, 42
Levashev, Mikhail, 98
Lili’uokalani, Queen, 106, 128–129
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 190
Low, Ebenezer, 248, 250
Lycurgus, Demosthenes, 112, 116, 137, 150, 182
Lycurgus, George, 130, 150
Lyman, Frederick, 240
Lyman, Henry, 214
MacGregor, T., 51
Maclaurin, Richard, 123, 133–134, 147, 160–162, 182, 197
Marlowe, Julia, 16
Martinique, xvi–xvii, xxi, 34–37
Marvell, George, 266
Marvin, Charles, 202–205, 211
Mary, Father Francis, 65
Masson, Madalah, 224–225
Matteucci, Raffaele, 75, 78–83
Mauna Kea, 109, 244–246
Mauna Loa, 175–179, 221–238, 244–249, 262–269, 278, 286
Maydwell, Guy, 186–189
Maydwell, Isabel, xxiii, 187–189, 191, 199. See also Jaggar, Isabel
Maydwell, Ollie, 186–188
McClellan, Edgar, 250
McCormick, Benjamin, 48
McKinley, Clarence, 258, 260
McKinley, William, 44, 187
Mendenhall, Walter, 252
Menzies, Archibald, 223
microphone experiment, 75–76, 144, 152
Miles, Nelson, 41
Mitchell, Silas, 6
Moniz, Joe, 192
Moody, William, 40–41
Motor Boating, 257
Mount Dana, 259, 261
Mount Dutton, 259, 261
Mount Erebus, 43
Mount Hague, 259–261
Mount Hood, 25
Mount Lassen, 203
Mount Pelée, xvi–xxi, 35–39, 42–54, 58–68, 94, 113, 117, 155, 172
Mount Rainier
, 253
Mount St. Elias, 42
Mount St. Helens, 253
Mount Terror, 43
Mount Vesuvius, 9–12, 34, 60, 69, 74–88, 94, 100, 113, 117–118, 135, 144, 154–155, 172, 223, 259
Mouttet, Louis, 36–38
Myers, Desaix, 91
National Geographic, 85, 173
New York Times, xxi, 2, 75
North America, 42–43, 86, 101, 103
Old Faithful, 116, 135–142, 150, 174
Omori, Fusakichi, 119–121, 263
Omori’s law, 120
Ornithological Biography, 8
Pacific Commercial Advertiser, 118, 131, 160
Palache, Charles, 26–27, 30, 69, 71
Panama Canal, 50, 103, 133–134
Pavlof Sister volcano, 254, 259–261
Pavlof volcano, 254, 259–261
Pearl Harbor attack, 272, 276–277
Pele goddess, 112, 160, 232, 235, 239–250
“Pele’s hair,” 115–116, 138, 140
Perret, Frank, 75–85, 117, 136–146, 153, 189, 195
Peyran, Isabel, 186–187. See also Jaggar, Isabel
Peyran, Marie, 187
Peyran, Phillipe, 187
Plato, 63
Plissoneau, Mr., xviii
Pompeii, 10–11, 50, 76, 81, 223
“postcard cracks,” 114–117
Powell, George, 257–258
Powers, Howard, 279–280
Prentiss, Clara, 36–37, 48
Prentiss, Thomas, 48
Prévost, Constant, 57–58
Recherches sur l’exhalaison volcanique, 156
Reck, Hans, 113
resistance-type device, 137–140
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 246, 269, 273
Roosevelt, Theodore, xx, 40, 103, 105, 126
Rosenbusch, Karl, 26
Russell, Israel, 42
St. Vincent, 34, 38, 47, 51–53, 60
St. Pierre, xvii–xxii, 35–39, 43–51, 58–66
Sakurajima volcano, 172–175, 181, 190, 210
San Francisco earthquake, 85, 132, 162, 203
Scott, Nettie, 188
Seeley, George, 91–93, 96
Seger cones, 191–197
seismic waves, 203, 265, 268
seismographs, 120–121, 132, 162, 174–175, 202–203, 209–210, 265–268, 278, 285
Shakespeare, William, 16, 17
Shaler, Nathaniel, xxi, 17, 19, 43, 69
Shepherd, Ernest, 136–142, 153, 156–159, 183, 195, 231, 278