The Night Bird lc-5
Page 25
He raised an eyebrow. “Such as?
“My husband was with the Jazid army.
“Della didnt say much. Only that he was a tender.
“Not exactly. She hesitated, unsure how to approach this. “He isnt with the army that Emperor Cobalt took command of when he conquered Jazid.
“Jazid has no other army.
“It does. She took a breath. “The one raised by the outlawed Jazid military.
His expression darkened. “Do you realize what youre saying?
“I think so. Seeing his reaction, she wasnt so sure, though.
“We have heard rumors, Jarid said. “And last year, a company of men from Jazid rode to Quaaz, the capital of Taka Mal. They claimed, when met by the queens army, that they came to warn her of an assassination plan. The queen had reason to believe they planned her overthrow.
“Yes. Allegras gaze never wavered. “My husband is with that army. They were the ones who tried to kill her.
“They didnt fight. There were only a few hundred of them. They left Taka Mal and vanished. The king considered her. “The Jazidian authorities swear that company has dispersed. Cobalt has said if he discovers otherwise, he will have them executed.
She stared at him. “A few hundred men?
“Its not as many as it sounds. Before the war, the Jazid army had thousands.
A chill went up her spine. “It still does. Three thousand.
His posture stiffened. “What?
“They plan to invade Taka Mal. In weeks.
“Allegra, you cant honestly expect me to believe that.
“Its true. The words sounded absurd even to her. She had the proof in Ozarson, but she couldnt betray his trust. Nor could she betray Markus; she had begun to care for him too much. Yet neither could she mislead her own king. Which left her in an impossible situation.
He studied her face. “This storykidnapping, forced marriage, a secret armymaybe these are the tales of a girl who fears a different future.
Allegra didnt know whether to laugh or cry. He thought she would make all this up to avoid marrying his beautiful, golden son? She truly would be a lunatic in that case.
“No, she said. “I was happy with my future. Before Markus had changed it irrevocably. “I wanted nothing else.
“Why would Jazid attack Taka Mal?
“To gain control of the Taka Mal army so they can overthrow Cobalts forces in Jazid.
“It wouldnt be enough men, Jarid said. “Cobalt has three thousand in Taka Mal and Jazid, and he has thousands more in other countries. Plus he has a thousand Jazidian warriors who swore him allegiance. Taka Mal has only about two and a half thousand. Even if the outlaws did conquer Taka Mal, why would the surviving Taka Mal soldiers agree to fight for Jazid?
“They might. As much as she hated to admit it, she could see why Markus considered Yargazon an inspired strategist. “They wouldnt be fighting for Jazid, they would be fighting against Cobalt. People in Taka Mal and Jazid dont like the rest of us, especially the Misted Cliffs. They dont like our cultures, our influences, or our soldiers in their countries. A war between Jazid and Taka Mal is like a feud within the family. No matter how angry they are with each other, they will draw together when faced with the threat from outside.
“Perhaps. He was guarding his answers. “Centuries ago, their cultures were almost identical. But Taka Mal has changed.
“Even so. The strategies behind the councils she had heard were becoming painfully clear. “All those Jazid soldiers who swore allegiance to Cobaltdo you really believe they would fight their countrymen if they knew General Yargazon had raised an army to free Jazid? I would be surprised if any of them didnt desert the official army to join Yargazons outlaws. Then Jazid would havewhat? Three thousand men in the fugitive army. Plus one thousand deserters. Maybe two thousand more from Taka Mal. In a numb voice she said, “Thats six thousand. Against Cobalts three thousand. He would have to bring in more from other countries, which takes time and spreads his forces elsewhere too thin.
Jarid spoke coldly. “You know a great deal about military strategy that few people would even think about, let alone imagine taking place.
“I heard them talking.
He made an incredulous noise. “You want me to believe that the military leaders of a foreign army allowed a pleasure slave who belonged to one of their tenders to overhear their councils?
Her anger sparked. “If they cant see a woman as capable of understanding them, that isnt my problem. Its theirs.
He crossed his arms. “And I suppose they discussed all this with the Atajazid DAz Ozar.
She froze. Did he know about Ozarson? Then she realized what he had said. DAz Ozar. He meant Ozarsons father. He wanted to see if she really had any idea what she was saying.
“Hes dead, she said flatly. “Cobalt Escar cut off his head.
“I meant his son. The man who succeeded him.
Sweat was gathering on her palms. She had to be very, very careful. “Did you say man?
“Thats right.
Did he mean Markus? Or was he trying to trip her up? “I was under the impression the atajazid was a boy.
“Perhaps. Jarid waited.
“They want to put him on the Topaz Throne, she said. “Then return him to the Onyx Throne.
“And the boy told you this?
“No. Hes protected. From everyone. Except mages with sleep spells.
“I see. He began to walk again. “Come with me.
Allegra fell in beside him. She held back her impulse to ask where they were going. This was the king of her country. He had practically accused her of lying to avoid marrying his son or else of knowing far more than any innocent person should about the military plans of an outlawed armywhich could amount to her committing treason.
Lord Brant Firestoke was much older than Jarid. In fact, Allegra had heard that Firestoke had been a close friend to Jarids grandsire, the previous king. Just as Brant had served Jarids grandfather as an advisor, so now he served Jarid. Shoulder-length hair silvered by the decades swept back from his face, accenting his widows peak. He watched Allegra with deeply set gray eyes, and his austere presence left her feeling much too young.
They met in an octagonal room on an upper floor of the castle. As she told Brant about the Jazid army, he paced the room. Jarid was leaning back in a chair at the octagonal table a quarter of the way around from Allegra. It was odd the way he had sat down. He felt for his place as if he couldnt see it. He obviously wasnt blind; his motions seemed unconscious, as if he didnt realize what he was doing.
When Allegra finished, Brant leaned against the sill of a window. “I doubt a dairymaid from southern Aronsdale could have made this up.
“I didnt, Allegra said.
“Where did you hear the name Yargazon? Brant asked. “Few people know it outside Jazid.
“He leads the army, she answered.
“Kazil Yargazon, Brant said.
She shook her head. “His name was Dusk.
Jarid swore under his breath. “Hell and damnation.
“Is Yargazon a problem? Allegra asked.
The king spoke dryly. “Well, given that hes considered the most notorious warlord alive by the emperor and a great war hero by the Jazid people, and that Cobalt has put the greatest price on his head of any war criminal in history, I would say yes, knowing hes raised an army is a problem.
“Are you sure they have the atajazid? Brant asked her. “Cobalt claims he has hidden the child outside of Jazid.
“Im certain Cobalt doesnt have him. Allegra still hadnt figured out how Ozarson had escaped Cobalts men.
“I wonder if this boy even lives, Jarid said. “No one has seen him. His half brothers are dead. Why would he be alive?
Her pulse stuttered. “His brothers died? How do you know?
“You sound surprised, Jarid said. “Do you know different?
“I know almost nothing about the House of Onyx, she
said, which was as close as she dared go to the truth. “But I would feel terribly sorry for a child in the situation you describe.
“Dont, Brant said. “He would have grown into a monster just like his father.
“Hes a child, Allegra said. “Children want to be loved. If he is, why would he grow into a monster?
Brant sighed. “That is so painfully naive.
“Is it? Jarid asked. “Maybe if Cobalts grandfather hadnt beaten or whipped him every day of his life until he was able to fight back, Cobalt wouldnt feel driven to conquer the universe to prove to a man whos now dead that he isnt worthless.
Allegra stared at him. She almost asked how he could know all that about the emperor, but then she remembered. Cobalt had married Jarids cousin. She rubbed her eyes, drained. “Yargazons men think the previous atajazid, the man Cobalt killed, is a great hero.
Jarid scowled. “That atajazid started the damn war.
“I thought the emperor started it, Allegra said.
“Its true, Brant said. “Cobalt attacked first.
“With provocation, Jarid said. “Gods, was Ozar mad? What sane man would enrage Cobalt the Dark into a war?
“Im not sure I understand, Allegra said.
“The queen of Taka Mal kidnapped Drummer Headwind, Brant said, scowling. “They do that in Taka Mal and Jazid. Bunch of barbarians. They think its perfectly fine to kidnap people.
“But Drummer married the queen, didnt he? Allegra looked from him to Jarid. “To make a treaty with you.
“Eventually, Jarid said. “But first the Jazid king kidnapped Cobalts wife. He made it look as if Taka Mal did it, and everyone believed the falsified evidence because of what happened with Drummer. Then the atajazid tortured Cobalts wife. While she was pregnant with the emperors heir. The atajazid had a Taka Mal traitor take her blood-soaked clothes to Cobalt and claim the general of the Taka Mal army had tortured her to death.
Allegra was grateful Ozarson wasnt present to hear this about his father. “Youre saying the previous king of Jazid killed the emperors pregnant wife and set it up to look as if Taka Mal did it. So Cobalt attacked Taka Mal in revenge?
“Thats right, Jarid said. “Except she survived. So Cobalt knows the truth. Some people even believe Ozar told him during the battle, while they were negotiating, to goad him into breaking the Alatian Code of War. If Cobalt struck first, Ozar could kill him without violating the Code. Grimly he added, “If thats true, Ozar fatally underestimated Cobalt.
Brant spoke quietly. “Ozar had five sonsfour adults and the boy. Three of his sons died in the Rocklands, including the boys regent.
“Markus Onyx, Jarid said. “We dont know much about him.
“Ozars fourth son survived the war, Brant said. “So Cobalt executed him. Cobalt agreed to let the boy live, but many people think he had the child killed in secret.
“Thats horrible, Allegra said. She hadnt realized Ozarson and Markus had lost their brothers as well as their infamous sire.
“The Jazidians hate their conquerors, Jarid said. “Their king may have precipitated the war, but if that hadnt happened, Cobalt would have eventually gone after Jazid anyway. Its a phenomenally rich country.
“This could explain a lot, Brant muttered. When Allegra gave him a questioning look, he said, “Cobalt has a big army. Eight thousand if you count the Jazidian soldiers. But theyre dispersed among four countries. If he were to march an army on a few days noticesay through Aronsdalehe could only marshal about two thousand.
Allegra wondered what made him think of that now. “His forces in Jazid and Taka Mal are spread too thin, she said. “And his men want to go home.
Brant didnt look surprised. “How do you know that?
“From Yargazons men.
Jarid snorted. “Apparently Cobalt isnt hiding their discontent as well as he thought.
“And you claim this outlaw Jazidian army will invade Taka Mal in three weeks? Brant asked her.
“Or sooner, Allegra said. “They probably think I went to warn Queen Vizarana.
“Why? Jarid asked. “Youre the wife of a tender. Why would they even notice you had left, let alone think you would betray their plans to the queen?
“They have strange ideas. She knew it sounded lame, but she had no better answer that wouldnt put Ozarsonor Markusat risk.
“If this army exists and has the boy, Jarid said, “he could be an incredible rallying figure for his people. The balance of power in Jazid is barely stable as it is. His appearance could explode the political situation.
“Then hope Cobalt did execute him, Brant said grimly. “Saints only know what the child would be like with Yargazon as his regent.
“Thats horrible, to wish death on a little boy, Allegra said. She almost added, Why would the General be his regent? But she caught herself in time. They thought Ozarsons brothers were deadincluding Markuswhich made Yargazon the logical choice as regent.
Jarid spoke as gently as his hoarse voice allowed. “None of us wish a childs death. But the freedom and well-being of several populations may pivot on his actions, even just his existence.
“Youre so convinced hell become a monster, she said, angry at them both. “Maybe he isnt the evil one. Maybe its all the warlords who make him this pivot.
“Ive no doubt it is, Brant said. “But that changes nothing.
“We do need to get out a warning. Jarid rubbed his chin. “I have the redwing carrier birds Queen Vizarana gave me last year. We can send them to her with a message.
“And to Cobalt, Brant said.
Jarid crossed his arms and regarded him implacably. “My responsibility is to my kin. Drummer.
“Drummer is also the empresss uncle, Brant said. “If we dont warn Cobalt, hell be furious.
“Thats Cobalts problem. Jarid scowled at him. “We had nothing to do with his taking the Onyx Throne. Why should we help him keep it? Ive signed no treaties to support these attempts of his to subjugate every damn thing that moves.
A door creaked. Glancing up, Brant smiled at someone behind Allegra. She wanted to turn, but she didnt wish to appear rude to the king.
Oddly enough, Jarid didnt seem to have heard. He pushed back his chair and stood up. “Ill send word to Drummer while we decide what to do about Cobalt.
“What you decide about Cobalt may be moot, a woman said.
Jarid spun around. Turning, Allegra saw a woman standing in the arched doorway. Tall and curvy, with rosy cheeks, she had a mane of chestnut hair exactly like Arons, except hers fell in waves down her back. She glowed with health.
“My greetings, Jarid said, his voice warming. He turned to indicate Allegra. “May I present our new guild mage, Allegra Linseed. To Allegra he said, “My wife. Iris.
Allegra started to kneel, but the queen lifted her hand to stop her. She spoke in a rich voice. “Im pleased to see you.
“Im honored, Your Majesty, Allegra said.
Iris inclined her head. Then she turned to Jarid. “You had better come. Theyre here.
Here? Allegra thought. Who?
The Star Walk ran atop the great wall around the castle. Geometric crenellations sculpted its length: circles, diamonds, hexagons and, most of all, stars. From up here, a person could see for many leagues, gazing over the glades and rolling hills of Crofts Vale. Right now, soldiers in Aronsdale uniforms lined the walkway, including lookouts with spyglasses.
Everyone was staring to the south.
Far in the distance, an army poured into view from behind a cluster of hills. It must have been flooding out all morning, wave after wave of soldiers, tenders and horses. Allegra had never seen so many people together. They covered the land.
“Gods almighty, Brant said. “Even with the warning that they were coming, I didnt expect that many.
“Who is it? Allegra asked.
“Cobalt, Jarid said. “Weve known they were on the march for several days, escorted by my cousin, Muller.
Allegra didnt know the name Muller, but he had only one cousin. “Do yo
u mean the King of Harsdown?
Jarid nodded, his attention on the army. He took a spyglass one of his men offered and studied the army. “Muller has permission to ride through Aronsdale. Cobalt doesnt. Sourly he added, “Not that Cobalt asked. He just came. And hes not saying much. Lowering the glass, he regarded Allegra. “What do you know about this?
She felt as if ice were in her veins. “Nothing.
Jarid glanced out again, then stopped and peered at the hill directly below the castle. “Who is that?
Allegra followed his gazeand her breath caught. Shadow was racing up the hill, ridden by Ozarson, with Thom seated behind him, hanging on to the atajazids belt.
“Thats a warhorse, Brant said. “Maybe its a messenger.
Jarid trained his glass on Shadow. “No, just a couple of boys. He smiled. “Probably theyre coming to warn us that a great army is invading Aronsdale.
Foreboding surged within Allegra. Ozarson knew she had planned to seek an audience with Jarid today, to warn him about the Jazid army. If he had seen Cobalts army, saints only knew what he thoughtor would say. She whirled and ran down the walkway, ducking past the soldiers on duty.
“Allegra! Jarids shout rang behind her.
Even knowing she risked offending the throne by ignoring his call, she kept going. She reached the tower at the end of the walkway and raced down the staircase that spiraled inside it. She heard people running, and someone called her name, but she kept going, desperate to reach Ozarson before anyone else.
The steps let her out into a wide hall. She ran along it until she reached the top of a staircase that swept down to the entrance foyer of the castle. In the great archway that opened from outside into the foyer, Ozarson was struggling with a guardsman. Beyond them, out in the sunlight, Thom stood with Shadow, holding the horses reins and looking confused.
“I have to get by! Ozarson cried. “Let me go!
“Its all right, Allegra called as she started down the stairs. “Hes with me.
The guardsman glanced up, his forehead furrowed, but he let Ozarson go. The boy dashed toward the stairs, started up themand froze, his eyes widening as he looked over her head.