The Night Bird lc-5
Page 40
The General glanced at Drummer, and the prince stared back, his hands clenched on his crutches. In that instant, Allegra wondered how Markus could live with himself, giving Yargazon free rein. Fast on the heels of that thought came another: How had Markus turned into a decent human being given the father figures in his life? Maybe good existed in Yargazon and Ozar, but Allegra knew Ozar Onyx only by his deeds, and she would never see anything but Yargazons brutality.
Markus, too, was staring at the General. To anyone else, his face may have looked impassive, but Allegra saw the tightening of his lips, the twitch of his eyelid. It had to be excruciating, knowing he could be condemned to death for what Yargazon had done. She had little doubt Vizarana would demand Markuss execution, and Cobalt still wanted him dead.
It wasnt until she heard Markuss indrawn breath that she looked at the other men with the General. No, not the men
The boy.
Like his father before him, Ozarson dressed in black. His dark hair gleamed. Allegra didnt know if the other leaders here had expected him to attend, given his young age, but she felt certain Yargazon had tried to forbid it. With Markus as a hostage, no one could override the Generals authority except Ozarson. The boy must have insisted, which meant he had stood up to Yargazon.
The atajazid regarded the gathered leaders, and they stared back at him. Allegra saw wariness in their expressions, hostility, and curiosity, too, about a child no one had seen for two years, while speculation about him ran rife. When Ozarson saw Markus and Allegra, his shoulders lowered the slightest bit, as if he had tensed for a blow and now realized it wouldnt come. She wondered if the others here sensed the power in this boy, the signs of the formidable man he could someday become. It already showed in the lift of his strong chin, the confidence of his posture as he took his place at the table and the intelligence in his eyes.
Then Cobalt enteredand the room seemed to shrink.
Almost seven feet tall, with a massive physique, he towered over even the Jazidians. He wore his black hair in a warriors queue, and he had on dark clothes with no adornment except a jaguar in dark blue on his belt. General Cragland came with him and other officers Allegra didnt know. It didnt matter who they were. Cobalts presence dominated the room.
They were all gathered then, standing by high-backed chairs, Aronsdale at the far end of the table, Harsdown to their right, Taka Mal on their left, with Jazid and the emperor toward the other end. Bodyguards for every leader stood around the walls, towering, imposing. Daunted, Allegra realized that except for Vizarana, who had a lifetime of dealing with these people, she was the only woman.
Cobalt spoke in his impossibly deep voice. “Let us begin.
Everyone took their seats, clothes rustling. The emperor settled back, one elbow resting on the arm of his chair, and said, “We are met today to decide who will hold the Topaz Throne.
“The Topaz Throne is already held, Vizarana said. “By me.
“How odd, then, Yargazon mused, “that my soldiers occupy your palace while you, your child and your cousins consort are with the Aronsdale army. He glanced at Drummer as if just remembering his existence. “Oh, and him, too.
Drummers fist clenched on the table. Vizaranas hand dropped to her dagger as her gaze stabbed at the General. Yet neither she nor Drummer lost their calm.
Baz Quaazera leaned forward. “Your soldiers may be in the Topaz Palace, Yargazon, but theyre losing on the battlefield. Its a lot easier to occupy a building than a country.
General Ardoz gave him a sour look. “The last I saw, General Quaazera, your fearsome troops were asleep.
“A trait seemingly shared by yours, Muller Dawnfield said. “When my men rode into your camp yesterday, your infamous Jazidian warriors were out like babies.
Everyone at the table glanced uneasily at Allegra. The queen considered her, then let her gaze travel over the others until it came to rest on Cobalt.
“You have a price on General Yargazons head, Vizarana told him. She jerked her head at Markus. “And on his. Well, you have them both. Carry out their sentences. Execute them.
“Prince Markus is in my custody, Jarid said sharply. “If you plan to kill him, youll have to go through me first.
General Cragland spoke from his chair on the emperors right. “Everyone here is under the protection of the Alatian Codes of War. No one can be imprisoned, attacked or killed at this summit. He regarded Markus, then Yargazon. “Not even those under a death sentence.
Although he didnt say, Even those who deserve it, the words seemed to hang in the air. Markus sat listening, his face as cold as the first time Allegra had seen him.
Baz Quaazera spoke to Yargazon. “Look at the numbers. You have, what? Four thousand men, counting the Jazid deserters. He let the word “deserters curdle on his tongue. “I have two thousand, and Aronsdale and Harsdown together brought over three thousand. The emperor has another two, in addition to the thousand already here. Thats eight thousand.
Yargazon didnt look in the least daunted. “Three thousand Dawnfield, he mused. “To fight for whom? And what do we have? Four thousand Jazid, two thousand Taka Mal. Six thousand total. Three thousand Dawnfield and three thousand from the emperor also makes six thousand. An interesting balance, there.
No one answered. Allegra didnt envy the queen her decision. Her forces alone couldnt defeat Yargazon. If Cobalts men joined hers, along with Aronsdale and Harsdown, they had a good chance of defeating Yargazon, but Cobalt would then move his men into the palace. Unless Aronsdale and Harsdown were willing to challenge him, he would take the Topaz Throne. But if the queen formally relinquished the throne to Ozarson and joined forces with Jazid, it would swell their ranks enough to defy Cobalt.
It was excruciating. Allegra feared that if they couldnt reach a decision here, the Dawnfields would stand by and let Jazid keep the throne. Yargazon would win. She hated that he had set it up so well; she wanted him to fail so much, it burned inside her. But he had a good chance of achieving everything he and Markus had set out to do.
Two unplayed cards remained on the table. The first was Markus. Whatever her husband might think, Allegra knew Yargazon wanted him back. Cobalt could claim the Onyx Throne and enforce that claim with his army from now until the end of time, but to the Jazid people, Markus was their true ruler until Ozarson came of age. Jazid needed him as a rallying figure, a leader, a symbol that the royal house continued. Nor was it only political; as much as Yargazon was capable of loving a son, he felt that way about Markus. But he would have to negotiate the prince regents release, which put Jarid Dawnfield in a powerful position.
The second card was the mages who had come with the armies. Allegra knew she could do nothing more to affect the war. Nor did Drummer have that level of power. Jarid did, but he wouldnt use it in violence. Iris was a healer, and Aron was still learning. But she wondered if anyone besides the mages themselves realized those limitations. Yesterday everyone had seen what looked like proof of a new mage force. She wasnt certain how they could use that card, but it had to be worth something.
Baz Quaazera spoke. He had a powerful voice; even his quiet tones reached every corner of the room. “The question of these war crimes must be decided before we go any further.
“We are shielded here under the Alatian Code, Yargazon said.
“Only until the summit finishes, Vizarana said. Her voice could have chilled ice. “You would do well to remember that.
Ardoz leaned forward. “Are you suggesting something illegal has transpired, Your Majesty?
No, Allegra thought. She didnt think she could bear it if they discussed what had happened to Drummer or to her. She doubted Yargazon cared that he transgressed against the moral codes of those he tortured; in his view, she and Drummer werent human.
General Cragland spoke. “The legalities depend on what legal code you apply. And that depends on what country rules Taka Mal.
Allegra let out a breath, and she felt Markus shift next to her. An unsettled stir went around the
table. It all came back to the standoff: they had to determine who supported whom.
Then Ozarson spoke. “No, it doesnt.
Surprise at the interruption flashed on Yargazons face and his mouth tightened. But he spoke smoothly. “His Majesty has taken the throne of Taka Mal, so the question of who rules is moot. He glanced at the boy. “Perhaps you would allow your humble servants to discuss
“No. Ozarson stood his ground, but Allegra could tell that under his composure, he was scared. He spoke to Drummer. “Your Highness, I greatly regret you came to ill use while a guest of my House. I hope we may in some way offer compensation for the misuse of our pol-political protocols. He stumbled over the last words as if he wasnt sure what fit the situation.
Everyone stared at the boy. A muscle twitched in Yargazons cheek. He sat forward, one fist clenched on the table.
“You speak well, Your Majesty, Drummer said. Wryly he added, “Perhaps in compensation, you might direct your armies to withdraw from Taka Mal.
Ozarson actually smiled. Before he could respond, Yargazon cut him off. “His Majesty has had a difficult time these past few days. He glanced at Ozarson. “We can discuss this later.
The boy started to speak, and Yargazons face hardened. Biting his lip, Ozarson fell silent.
Jarid spoke. “Whether or not compensation can be offered to one hostage wont change the situation for others.
Allegra could almost feel Markus tensing next to her. They all knew which “other hostage Jarid meant. The prince regent.
Yargazon spoke to Jarid. “Perhaps we should discuss
“No. Markuss voice rumbled. “The question of compensation must be settled. As Ozarsons regent, that task comes to me.
Allegra could almost hear the words he didnt add to Yargazon: Not to you.
“You dont appear in a position to settle anything, General Cragland told Markus. Cobalt sat next to the general, seemingly at ease, his booted foot crossed over his knee, his elbow resting on the arm of the chair. Allegra didnt believe he was anywhere near as relaxed as he appeared. She doubted he missed a single detail here. She prayed to Saint Azure her husband took care with his words. Even if she never saw him again, she wanted him to live.
Markus glanced at Jarid, and the king inclined his head in a subtle agreement that the prince regent should continue. Markus addressed the others at the table. “The Rite of DAzare dates from a thousand years ago. Its been centuries since anyone invoked it, but in Jazid its legal.
“What the hell is a right of Dalkazarre? Baz growled.
“DAzare, Markus said, with the glottal scrape in his throat native only to Jazid. “Sending your hostage back in pieces. One of my ancestors, the Atajazid DAzare, began the practice.
Drummer stiffened, and Vizaranas gaze narrowed at Markus. “Youve a charming family history, the queen said sourly.
Markus continued in a neutral voice. “If negotiations led to an arrangement deemed satisfactory to the army, and the hostage was still alive, he was returned to his people. Whatever remained of him. If he had died, his body was sent back to his kin.
Allegra felt ill. Could she truly be married to someone who descended from such a line? He had nothing to do with the brutality of his ancestors, but his total lack of emotion as he described their actions chilled her.
“Do you have a purpose in relating this grisly story? Muller asked. “I dont see how this helps your position.
“Compensations existed for those injured in the rite, Markus said, “if it was later determined the codes of war were violated.
Ozarson jumped to his feet. “Markus, no!
“What the hell? Baz said.
Ozarson started around the table toward Markusa blatant violation of the boundaries that the delegations had all establishedand every bodyguard in the room went on alert.
Yargazon grabbed him. “Ozi, no, he said in a low voice. “Stay here. He nudged Ozarson back into his chair.
“I dont understand, King Muller said, looking from Ozarson to Markus. “What sort of compensation are you suggesting?
“He isnt, Yargazon said shortly.
“Markus, that wasnt what I meant, Ozarson said.
“I know, Markus answered. “But your instincts are right. His voice had the warmth that always came when he spoke with the boy. It didnt surprise Allegra, but she saw shock register on the faces of the others present. None of them had reason to have seen his gentler side.
“I forbid it, Yargazon said.
Markus slammed his palm down on the table so fast, several people jumped. “You forbid nothing! Or shall I exact compensation for what you did to my wife?
“It is I who am owed compensation, Yargazon ground out. “Fourteen more hours.
Shrivel up and rot, Allegra thought at him.
“Prince Markus, Vizarana said. “Just what compensation do you offer my husband?
Markus cleared his throat and took a breath. “I believe the appropriate procedure would be that King Jarid offers it to you.
Jarid cocked an eyebrow at him. “Perhaps you might enlighten me as to what Im offering Her Majesty.
“Balance, Cobalt said suddenly. “Thats it, isnt it? Yargazon had a hostage. But so does Jarid. Yargazon mutilated his hostage. He motioned toward Jarid as he spoke to Markus. “The compensation is that Jarid do the same to you, yes?
Markuss gaze never wavered. “Thats right.
“Now wait a minute! Drummer said.
Vizaranas eyes blazed. “Fine. I accept the terms. Cut off the prince regents toe and send it to me in a box.
“I concur, Baz rumbled.
“Saints, no, Allegra said. Had her words in the tent last night forced Markus to this?
“Hold on! Jarid said. “I havent agreed to anything.
“Compensation has been offered, Vizarana said. “And accepted.
“No! Ozarson said. “Take mine! He jumped up, his face flushed, and turned to Vizarana. “Your M-Majesty, the responsibility for the army is mine. So should be thethe compensation.
“Ozi, no, Markus said, rising to his feet. “No one is going to cut off part of your foot. He looked as upset as when he had raged at Allegra for kidnapping the boy.
“The crime was done in my name, Ozarson said.
“Your Majesty. Yargazon laid his hand on the boys arm. “Please. Sit. The terms cant include you. He didnt look any happier than Markus about this development, but Allegra noticed he didnt offer himself in their place.
“For saints sake, Jarid said. “I would never do that to a child.
Ozarson took a breath and settled on the edge of his chair, his hands clenched on the table. Markus sat down, as well, in almost the exact same position.
Jarid frowned at Vizarana. “You truly want me to do this? He tilted his head toward Markus. “As he offers?
Drummer started to speak, then stopped when Baz shook his head.
The queen met Jarids gaze. “Yes.
Cobalt was frowning, but Allegra didnt see why. The situation would have little impact on what happened with his part in the war, and he had no love for Markus. To put it mildly.
Then again, maybe it did have significance. Cobalt didnt want the queen to ally with Jazid. If this gruesome “compensation appeased her anger, she might consider the unpalatable option of joining with the army that had invaded her country.
“Surely there are other terms you would accept, Jarid said.
Vizarana motioned toward Allegra. “Her.
Allegra blinked. “What?
“No! Markus said. “She had nothing to do with what happened to your husband.
“I dont want her damn toe, Vizarana said. “Just her time.
Allegra couldnt fathom this turn of events. “But why?
“I want to talk to you, Vizarana said. “In private.
“No, Markus told her.
“Its out of the question, Yargazon said.
“It seems General Yargazon and I are actually in agreement on something, Cobalt said. “I also say no.
r /> Allegra was growing annoyed. “It isnt for any of you to say yes or no. If my speaking with Her Majesty will keep my husband in one piece, Ill do it.
“Then its settled. Vizarana leaned forward in preparation for standing. “We can meet now.
“Nothing is settled. Markus scowled at her. “You will tell me what you want with my wife.
Vizarana turned her fierce gaze on him. “I dont answer to your demands, Onyx, any more than I answered to your father.
“No, you just betrayed your alliances, Yargazon said. “Maybe you intend to suggest the prince regents wife do the same?
Allegra felt as if she were a leaf tossed in the currents of their intrigues. “Im agreeing to a discussion. No more.
Markus spoke in a low voice meant only for her. “Dont.
“I should see what she wants, she said softly.
Jarid was the only one near enough to hear them, but everyone seemed uncomfortable. Yargazons anger practically flamed in the air. Allegra didnt know what to think. She saw no solution to this mess except war and death.
Vizarana escorted Allegra down a pathway with trees arched overhead. Guards from Aronsdale and Taka Mal followed at enough distance to allow them some privacy. They entered a garden where vines heavy with fire-lilies looped over trellises. Cat sculptures peeked out from among trees, and a small waterfall burbled beneath an arch of stone. It was extraordinarily lush for the desert.
“This is lovely, Allegra said, self-conscious with the queen. “Except for the Saint Verdant, I havent seen so much water since coming to Jazid.
“Were fortunate here, Vizarana said. “The water comes from the lake.
“Ah. Allegra felt strange, making small talk while four armies hulked around the city.
The queen sat on a stone bench by the waterfall and waited while Allegra settled on the other end. Then she said, “This spell, putting so many people to sleepyou cant do it regularly, can you?
Although Jarid hadnt actually asked her to lie, Allegra knew he didnt want anyone to know. She said only, “Ive made sleep spells often. That was true. Sort of.