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Death's Echo (The Complex Book 0)

Page 10

by Rachel M Raithby

  “Jay, no!” Aqulla knocked into him as his weapon fired, missing Cosima by bare inches. She pinned him to the floor, her hips painfully tight around him, her hands restraining his above his head. “Are you insane?” she gasped.

  “He’s a dead man,” yelled Cosima. Her angry footsteps thumped across the floor.

  Aqulla let him go. Jumping to her feet, she shifted and put herself between him and Cosima. “Don’t make me finish the job,” Aqulla hissed, bracing to fight.

  Jaylon scrambled for his weapon.

  “Damn it, Jay! Don’t move.”

  Jaylon froze, though it went against every one of his instincts.

  Aqulla took an uneasy step toward Cosima. “No one is getting hurt. Jaylon wasn’t thinking straight.”

  Cosima glanced at Jaylon, then spoke to Aqulla. “He tried to shoot me.”

  “But he didn’t. That’s all that matters.”

  Cosima shook her head slowly. “And I thought you were the dangerous one.”

  “So did I,” Aqulla muttered, glancing briefly at him.

  “Sorry,” Jaylon said feebly.

  “What I was about to say before you went berserk, was that I couldn’t give a toss who’s sleeping with who. And your idea, Aqulla, is an interesting one.”

  “Can you do it?”

  “No, but there may be someone in the Complex who can.”

  Jaylon climbed to his feet and holstered his weapon. His mind was numb, his heart a terrified animal. I tried to kill her. He looked at his hands as if they weren’t his own, the conversation between Aqulla and Cosima like white noise. He knew he should be listening to the plan they were implementing, but his only thought was, I tried to kill her. He wasn’t used to feeling out of control. His life had been based on black and white, right and wrong.

  Aqulla took his hand and led him to the door. He waited mutely as she’d said her final words to Cosima. The door opened, and he walked through, flinching as it banged shut behind them.

  “Jay? Jaylon!”

  He focused on Aqulla.

  “Snap out of it,” she hissed, the emotions in her eyes a mixture of fear and anger.

  “I tried to kill her,” he mumbled.

  “We can’t have this conversation here. Pull yourself together and get us back to my apartment.” Her words were quiet, yet they held a strength that had Jaylon’s brain scrambling for coherency.

  Taking a calming breath, he nodded then climbed onto his flyer. Aqulla was behind him a second later, the tips of her fingers the only part of her touching him, yet still enough to set his blood on fire.

  Aqulla had a distant aunt who had told her stories of the people she’d hunted down. Aqulla had listened in rapture, always torn between awe and disgust. She’d never understood her aunt’s enjoyment. There had always been a light in her eyes, a hitch in her voice as she’d retold her adventures. Aqulla finally understood. The thrill of the hunt was racing through her veins. She sensed the end on the horizon as tightness formed in her chest, her impatience and anxiety growing at the possibility her prey would escape.

  And the shadow walker was her prey. It had sought her out, brushed her skin and given her a taste of the evil within. Every one of its victims screamed for vengeance, and she was more than willing to deliver.

  But first, she had to face Jaylon. He’d not said anything else since his mumbled words. She’d seen the emotion before. Shock. His mind was sure to be racing, trying to find some reasonable explanation for what he’d attempted to do. Jaylon had stood on the right side of the line, and he’d stepped across it for the first time. For her. That was the part she refused to dwell on. He’d taken his weapon and calmly aimed it at a woman who had shown them no physical threat. Yet her knowledge of their relationship had put them both in danger. In truth, Aqulla had been contemplating doing just what Jaylon had done, but she’d stopped for a second, taken a few breaths to think it through. She’d taken those few breaths for Jaylon, gone against her first instinct for him. And Jaylon… Jaylon had leaped head first. He went with his first instinct. It just happened to be on the wrong side of the line. It was time to push him back.

  Closing her apartment door, Aqulla met Jaylon’s gaze. A silent conversation passed between them. Aqulla took a step forward. Jaylon took a step back.

  Her heart sank. “Jay.”

  “I was going to kill her, for you.”

  “For us.”

  “I didn’t even think it through. I saw a threat, and I moved to eliminate it.”

  “But you didn’t, so it doesn’t matter.”

  “Doesn’t it? I’m supposed to be the good guy, Aqulla.”

  “You are.”

  “Why didn’t you try to kill her?”

  He looked so lost, Aqulla couldn’t help smiling. If their roles had been reversed, there’d be no discussion, because it was perfectly reasonable for her to have attempted murder. “I didn’t think you’d be happy about it, so I was waiting to see her next move. Don’t get me wrong, if she’d have attempted to blackmail us, I’d have been first in line to kill her.”

  “If my captain gets a whiff of this, there is no telling what he could do. It could endanger not just me but you, Aqulla. I’m an Intra, I’m not supposed to be in the experiment.”

  “Cosima won’t say anything, Jay. You’re worrying for nothing. At the end of the day, no one was hurt and she’s going to help us with our shadow walker problem, so that’s all that matters.”

  “She is?”

  Aqulla attempted to close the space between them. He didn’t move this time. “Yes.” She laughed. “Did you hear nothing of our conversation?”

  “Not really.”

  Reaching up, Aqulla ran her thumb over his cheek. “It doesn’t make you evil. Sometimes the best of us, have to cross lines for good reasons.”

  “I hope we can end this without having to cross more.”

  She went into his arms, nestling her face against his chest. “So do I.”

  Her com beeped, signaling a call. “That was quick,” Aqulla mumbled before answering, “Hey, Cosima.”

  “She’s in, but it isn’t without risk,” Cosima replied on speaker.

  “Never is. Shall we meet?”

  “She would rather not. I’ll be the go-between. Her first stipulation is payment. She doesn’t work for free,” Cosima instructed.

  “Metas never do,” Jaylon muttered.

  Aqulla hid her smile. “Anything else?”

  “She doesn’t want naming in whatever official report your Intra writes up.”


  “I—” Aqulla held up her hand to silence Jaylon.

  “What are the risks?” Aqulla asked.

  “There’s no guarantee the heart can be brought back. It’s all down to the will of the host and since we’re counting on a weak host to keep the shadow walker distracted with sick desire…. Well, the odds aren’t good. A meta would be the better candidate,” Cosima explained.

  “We’ll just have to hope luck is in our favor,” Aqulla said.

  “Agreed. We’ll be ready to move on your call.”

  “One more thing, Cosima,” Aqulla said.


  “Why the sudden change of heart? Last we knew, you were happy to stay holed up in your apartment until your ship sailed… so to speak.”

  “My request was denied,” Cosima ground out, nostrils flaring.

  “Why?” Jaylon asked.

  “To leave this hellhole, the outside has to accept you back, and since it was my parents who put me in this place to begin with… well, let’s just say, I need this shadow walker dead as much as you.”

  “We’ll be in touch,” Aqulla said, wondering what Cosima had done to warrant the reaction from her parents. It seemed Cosima had more in common with Aqulla than she’d first thought. Not that Aqulla was ready to admit Cosima was growing on her. But still, she could sympathize with her. Aqulla was willing to bet her grandmother would deny a request to leave also, if she wanted to. As it
was, Aqulla was quite happy to stay. Shadow walker or not, the Complex had Jaylon, and she didn’t plan on giving him up, so the shadow walker needed to go.

  “Don’t dawdle, Aqulla. We’re not the only ones who’ve worked out it’s a shadow walker. And I’m guessing a dozen or so requests to leave won’t go unnoticed by Ama Seldova.” Cosima ended the call.

  “Damn,” Aqulla growled. “We need to move on this now.”

  “I need to get the go-ahead from the captain first,” Jaylon added.


  “Because we’re talking about using magic and potentially killing someone.”

  “That is precisely why he shouldn’t know.”

  “Aqulla, please don’t make me cross another line.” Jaylon sighed.

  “Fine.” Aqulla crossed her arms, glaring. “And for the record, you do not need to cross lines. I’m perfectly capable of doing it myself.”

  He grabbed her and roughly pulled her forward. “Cross some with me later,” he breathed, taking her mouth in a hot, demanding kiss.

  “Jesus, Jay,” Aqulla gasped. “Kiss me like that again and I’ll forget all about the shadow walker.”

  He smiled darkly. “I’ll make you do that later.”

  “Later? Shouldn’t we be vanquishing evil later?”

  “It can wait until tomorrow, Aqulla. Tonight can we just forget about everything. Can I just have one more night knowing you’re safe?”

  “No one is safe while the shadow walker lives.”

  “It will wait one night. If its MO doesn’t change, it won’t kill until tomorrow night.”

  “One night won’t stop me from walking into danger.”

  “No. But it will give me a chance to let you.”

  Aqulla reached up and kissed him softly. “Go on then, hurry back.”

  She watched him leave, watched him put on his Intra mask, and wondered when he’d begun to need one. Was she solely responsible for the change? Was it for the better, or had she led him into the dark? Aqulla couldn’t help but fear she would inevitably ruin his life as she had her mother’s.

  Jaylon returned two hours later, carrying takeout.

  “What did he say?” she asked as she let him in.

  “He’d get back to us.”

  “And what do you think he’ll say?”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure. He swore a few times. By the end, I couldn’t read him.”


  “He’ll see there is no other way.”

  “Yeah, hopefully before the shadow walker kills us all.”

  “Forget about it for now. Let’s eat.”

  “I don’t want food, I want blood,” she hissed, clenching her fists.

  “I didn’t know you drank blood.”

  Aqulla glanced at him and laughed. “You know what I mean. Don’t you want to end this? Isn’t your blood singing for vengeance?”

  Jaylon put the food down and ran a hand over her shoulder. “I deal with justice. Vengeance is your thing.”

  “They’re so loud tonight, the dead. It’s as if the shadow walker effects them too. It’s taking everything I have to not shift.”

  “Then shift.”

  “I’ve seen the way you look at me…. I frighten you.”

  “It’s not the face that frightens me, Aqulla. It’s that it doesn’t, that I only want you more.”

  Aqulla shifted, sighing as she let go. “Do you regret meeting me? The lines I’ve made you cross?”

  “You already know about my past. You’ve seen with your own eyes what I did.”

  Aqulla ran a single claw over the expanse of his chest. Looking up, she met his intense stare. “That’s different. You ended his suffering. I’ve brought you into the world of Metas, where right and wrong aren’t always far apart.”

  Bringing up her other hand, Aqulla spread her fingers and dug just enough for him to feel it. She dragged her claws down, across rigid, taut muscles.

  His breath hitched.

  Vengeance took a back seat. Lust fogged her head. She wanted to run her claws over bare skin.

  “Take off your shirt.”

  He obeyed.

  Breaths heavy, her heart thundered with need, but first she needed to know, first he had to speak the truth.

  Claws mere centimeters from his skin, Jaylon’s breathing was just as ragged as hers. Curling her clawed fingers, Aqulla’s hands dropped away as she met his gaze. “I need the truth. Do you regret me?”

  He reached out, dragging her flat to his chest. Air left her lungs in a surprised breath. Their eyes met. “I regret nothing.” His kiss was harsh, unforgiving, and answered every one of Aqulla’s questions.

  Walking her backward, Aqulla’s back met her bed, Jaylon’s crushing weight pinning her. Pleasure coursed through her, excitement flooding every thought.

  Jaylon broke their kiss. Sucking in a breath, he said, “You’re a predator. I know that. I accept that.”

  Aqulla smiled wickedly, and using her banshee strength, she flipped him over and pinned his wrists with one hand. The other grazed his jaw, proceeding down to his chest.

  “Then be my prey,” she murmured, dragging claws over skin, leaving her mark. Leaning forward, Aqulla pressed a kiss to his mouth, his jaw, his neck, then she bit.

  Pain and pleasure clashed, racing through his blood to his painfully hard cock. He was very much aware he was tangling with a banshee tonight. The gleam in her eyes all predator, she sucked and bit her way down his body with wicked intent.

  He groaned, shifting restlessly beneath her, his wrists straining against her hold, but she was too strong for him to budge her. That should have frightened him, but it only made him more aroused.

  She brushed lightly over his hard flesh. He gasped loudly, and she repeated the torture again. “Jesus, Aqulla, you’re killing me,” he rasped.

  Aqulla looked up, smiled, then repeated her delicious torture. He could hardly breathe by the time she removed his pants. Even though she’d released his wrists, his muscles were too drugged with desire to move. Her naked body was on him, her mouth kissing him with hunger. He felt every bit her prey, and he liked it maybe a little too much.

  “Don’t move,” she whispered, breaking from their kiss. Jaylon didn’t have time to answer before she went down on him.

  “Fuck,” he growled, his hands fisting.

  There was no handling what she was doing to him, no breathing through it. His thighs were locked, the bite of her claws only adding to his pleasure. He had no time to shout a warning. Heat shot down his spine, flooding his cock, and he exploded, his mind shattering too.

  She was smiling with satisfaction when he had enough brain power to open his eyes. It didn’t take long for his hunger to return. He wasn’t sure it would ever die. Sitting up, Jaylon pushed her flat to the bed and leaned up on one elbow.

  “Where have the teeth and claws gone?”

  She laughed. “I have a little more control, now I’ve had my wicked way with you.”

  “You were very wicked.”

  “I think you like me wicked.”

  “I most certainly do.” Jaylon kissed her. “Time for me to have my wicked way.”

  Her breath caught, her eyes shining just that touch brighter. Taking her mouth, Jaylon ran his hand down her body and pushed a finger into her core. She was hot, slick, and so ready for him. Adding another, Jaylon worked his fingers in and out of her. She arched her back into his touch, her breath becoming ragged. Sliding his fingers out, he circled them around her clit, spreading her juices, wetting her skin. She was restless beneath him, squirming and wriggling from his touch, a bundle of nerves for him to play with.

  Taking her with his mouth, he pushed his fingers back into her and sucked her clit, tasting her. She rasped out a pleasured yell, digging her fingers into his back. He sucked and licked, all the time moving his fingers inside of her.

  Her claws were back out, and she was pretty certain she’d drawn blood, but Aqulla didn’t have enough brain cells working to
control herself. His mouth was doing sweet, wicked, things to her, turning her body to jelly, her blood liquid fire.

  “Oh God,” Aqulla moaned. Arching into his mouth, she gripped the bed, shredding fabric and screamed as she fell over the edge.

  Jaylon released her, but Aqulla had no energy to move. Climbing on top of her, he slid into her swollen flesh. Stretched to the edge of pain, Aqulla reached up to meet his kiss. He kissed her gently, working his way to her ear.

  “Can you take more?” Jaylon whispered, nibbling on her lobe before sucking it into his mouth.

  “Mmm… slow,” she mumbled.

  He withdrew excruciatingly slowly. Aqulla sucked in a breath, clenching her fists. Every inch of her felt overly sensitive, each movement sending shocks of pleasure through her.

  With every stroke, her body grew accustomed to the intense sensations, and another orgasm grew. Breathing through the pleasure, Aqulla rocked her body into him, and he picked up speed.

  It was more than just sex. He was silently declaring his feelings for her. They’d not said it, but Aqualla didn’t need words to explain what was between them. Tomorrow they’d walk into danger but tonight they’d relish in the bond between them, living in the one bright spot that had the power to drive out the dark.

  Falling together, their breaths mingled, bodies tangled and sweaty. Aqulla fell to sleep. Her desire sated and no echoes or darkness touching her mind.

  Dragged from sleep by a repeated chime, Aqulla answered a call on her com without much thought.

  “Jeez, put on some bloody clothes. Shit’s going down.”

  “Cosima?” Aqulla answered sleepily.

  “Get up, Aqulla. It’s time.”

  Switching her com to voice only, she sat up and shook Jaylon as his own com chimed.

  “Jay, wake up.”

  Climbing out of bed, Aqulla pulled on her discarded clothes and slipped outside so Jaylon could answer his call.

  “What’s going on?” she asked Cosima once outside.

  “Desert’s turned to chaos, so many auras are tainted with darkness. This needs to end now.”

  “We’ll meet you and the witch at Desert’s commerce entrance. Don’t go in alone.”


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