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Submission and Surrender: The Billionaire's Temptation Series

Page 11

by Cali MacKay


  Hadley awoke the next morning tangled in Gabe’s arms, feeling content and happy, despite Matt and Abby—and despite some lingering doubts about whether or not she and Gabe might actually have something real. She desperately wanted to trust him—wanted to believe that Gabe was exactly what she needed to kick-start her new life, but after a lifetime of betrayals, she still had her doubts that she’d be allowed to find happiness in life. In the meantime, all she could do is give it her best shot. Gabe was worth that, at the very least.

  Though their shower certainly could have been speedier, Hadley had absolutely no complaints, especially since she could tell that orgasming in the shower was going to become her favorite way to start the day. They grabbed a quick breakfast, and before long were heading back to Portmore in Gabe’s sports car, though the closer they got, the more her worries about work and her relationship with Gabe niggled at her thoughts.

  “This needs to stay professional, Gabe. You promised—you said we’d be discreet.” She couldn’t risk her job, her career, all because they couldn’t keep their hands off each other.

  “I promise to behave myself, even if I want you naked and on your knees, sucking my cock.” Gabe’s eyebrows flicked up teasingly, and she felt herself go wet. Damn him. “As for Morgan, we need to get to the bottom of this. I need to know what trouble he’s gotten himself—and the rest of us—into. We might not survive another attack.”

  It was still pretty early in the morning when they got into Portmore, and though Hadley wanted to check in at the police station to see if her partner was ready for her, finding out more about that email to Morgan was imperative. “You need to let me question him—preferably without you present. You realize that, right?”

  “He’s my brother, Hadley, and I need to get to the bottom of this.” Gabe headed towards the outskirts of town and pulled down Morgan’s driveway, before throwing the car into park. “Besides, I’ll be able to tell if he’s hiding anything or lying. I don’t mean you any disrespect, babe, and I don’t mean to be stepping on your toes, but fuck…I nearly died, and I want answers.”

  Hadley reached out and took his hand, twining her fingers with his as he shifted to face her. The thought of him dying or being severely injured was like a knot wrapped around her heart, only heightening her already raw emotions. “I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you, Gabe. Which is why I need to focus on my job. Please.”

  “You can question him—but I’m going to be right there by your side, babe. Come on.”

  Morgan answered the door, his eyes going wide for a moment. “Hey, what’s going on? Everything okay?”

  They got settled in the living room—except for Gabe, who was now pacing. She did her best to ignore him and focus on her work, but he was setting her on edge. “As you’re well aware, I’ve been trying to figure out who’s behind the attacks on your family, and I need to know if you were pursuing any business deals that didn’t pan out or went sour and may have resulted in you being threatened, or if you know if anyone who might wish to do you harm.”

  Like his brothers, Morgan was tall and well-muscled, not to mention damn good-looking. Yet the most noticeable difference with Morgan was that he was quietly intense. With his brow furrowed, he ran a hand across his stubbled chin, his deep green eyes darkening with worry. “There are always deals that don’t work out, but that’s just business. It happens all the time. But no actual threats, other than the attacks.”

  Hadley pulled out the printed email, but before she had a chance to say anything, Gabe took it from her and slapped it on the coffee table in front of his brother. “And what about this, Morgan? What the hell aren’t you telling us?”

  Morgan looked at the email, his entire demeanor changing in a heartbeat—and he was pissed. “Where the fuck did you get my personal email?”

  With both Morgan and Gabe’s tempers flaring, Hadley wondered if the two of them would go at it, the tension between them palpable.

  “It got caught in the company spam folder, so don’t go looking at me like I hacked into your account.” Gabe glared at his younger brother, anger and frustration pouring off him in waves. “Who’s it from, Morgan? And what the hell are they talking about?”

  Morgan scowled at his brother, his jaw clenched. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business. It has nothing to do with the attacks—and nothing to do with Ryker Investments.”

  “Like hell it doesn’t.” Gabe looked ready to pummel Morgan—except that his little brother was just as big as he was, and was no longer so little.

  Not wanting things to escalate, Hadley sent Gabe away to pace off his ramped-up energy. “Morgan…if there’s even the slightest chance this could be the root of the attacks, then you need to tell us. We don’t know if or when they’ll attack again, but given that things seem to be escalating, we need to get this resolved as soon as possible.”

  “I swear, Morgan…if there’s something you’re not telling me, I’m going to be pissed.” With a steely stare, Gabe locked eyes with his brother, as if trying to read him.

  The Ryker brothers were an intense bunch, and that was exactly what she’d experienced firsthand with Gabe. He was so focused, so determined…it had taken her aback to be on the receiving end of it. And maybe that was why she’d fallen for Gabe so hard—she’d never had anyone look at her as if she were the only thing that mattered, as if she was truly important to them. Even when things had been good with Matt, he’d never looked at her with such all-consuming intensity.

  “Morgan…” Hadley slid the email towards him, still hoping for more information to go on. “I’m not sure who the email is referencing, but if there’s someone threatening you, we need to know. Did you ever speak to the other party involved about some sort of deal or investment?”

  “I speak to a lot of people about deals and investments. It’s my job. That’s what I do. I figure out whether or not an investment is viable and worth the risk, and I calculate the return we can expect. Some deals aren’t worth the risk, but everyone knows that going into it.” He shook his head, his jaw clenched tight as he ran a rough hand down his face. “You know that, Gabe. But it doesn’t matter because that letter has nothing to do with the business or the attacks. Nothing.”

  Gabe closed the distance between them and, picking up the email, shook it at his brother, his anger yet to dissipate. “So what exactly is this referencing then? Because it sounds to me like you’re in trouble.”

  “That’s none of your concern.” Morgan swiped the email from Gabe’s hands, with a glare. “This is my own personal business—not yours. I’m through discussing it, and I don’t mean to be rude, but I’ve got to get back to work.”

  “If I find out you’re lying…”

  “Yeah—because I’m exactly the sort of guy who’d put our family at risk to begin with, and then lie about it so I can make matters worse.” Morgan’s body tensed as he glared at Gabe. “You’re a fucking asshole.”

  “After nearly ending up dead in a ditch? Yeah—you fucking bet I’m an asshole when the person who’s attacking our family is still out there.” Gabe caught Hadley’s attention. “Do you have anything else you need to ask him?”

  Hadley got to her feet. “No…I think that’s it.”

  By the time they got to the car, Gabe was cursing under his breath, though he quickly went quiet when he covered her mouth in a hard kiss, pinning her against his car. “I know you’ve got work, but fuck…I need you, Hadley.”

  “Gabe…you said…” But he silenced her with another kiss, his tongue finding hers as he pressed his hard length against her, the feel of it automatically making her go wet, knowing just what sort of pleasure he was capable of giving her. “You know I want you…”

  “Perfect. ’Cause I’m taking you back to my place and fucking you until your knees buckle and you scream my name.” Gabe’s large hands gripped her hips as he nuzzled her and she softened against his hard body, her breath hitching.

  Moving to her n
eck, he nipped along its length, making her back arch against him with a needy moan. “Gabe…we need to get to the bottom of this, and you can’t keep distracting me.”

  Cupping her face in his hand, Gabe stole one last kiss, his lips lingering. “Let’s get back, babe…I promise, I won’t steal too much of your time—and then we can find the bastard who’s after my family.”

  “I need to swing by the police station. Check in with Detective Murphy to see if he’s ready to work together and pick up any new information or leads that may have come in from their computer experts.” At least she’d be working, because if there was another attack, she’d feel personally responsible for letting herself get sidetracked when she should be focused solely on solving the case. “We need to get to the bottom of this, Gabe. So no more distractions. Please. Especially since we’re back to square one, now that the email isn’t related.”

  “You really think it has nothing to do with the attacks?” Gabe opened her car door for her, something Matt had never bothered to do. Not that Gabe and Matt were even close to being in the same league.

  “No…I don’t think he’d lie once he’d been found out. Not with his family at risk. But I swear we’ll figure it out, Gabe.” She just had to stay focused on work—not sex. And as intense as things had been between them, putting some distance between Gabe and herself might be a good thing. Just until she could sort out her feelings—especially after he’d told her that he was falling for her. Because when he was close by? She couldn’t think of anything but getting naked and all the fun stuff that went with that state of undress.

  Gabe steered them towards town, his brow drawn in thought. He was always so serious, so intense, that being anywhere near him made her heart race. “I know you’re busy, but I want to see you when you’re done for the day.”

  “That’s fine, though I might still be working, depending on whether there’s any new information I need to go over. I’m waiting for the surveillance footage to come in, and going through hours of footage can be tedious.” Hadley’s phone buzzed just then. She looked at the screen, and dismissed the call, cursing under her breath. Matt had yet to give up calling her.

  “What’s going on, babe?” Gabe glanced in her direction, before turning his eyes back to the road.

  “It’s nothing.” The last thing she needed was Gabe going on the warpath, since she had no doubt he’d track down her ex and pummel him for harassing her. Best to try to distract him if at all possible. “I’ve been thinking about the attacks, and what I find odd is that there haven’t been any demands made. It’s not as though the attacks are accomplishing something in particular, like destroying evidence, for example, which makes me think this is some sort of retaliation. Once I’m done at the station, I want to sit down with you again to focus on people who might be holding a grudge.”

  Gabe’s fingers tightened around the steering wheel until his knuckles went white, though when he spoke his voice was calm. “Was that Matt?”

  “Does it matter?” The last thing she wanted to do is discuss her ex when it only reminded her of the fiasco of the night before. She still felt betrayed and was in no mood to re-hash things.

  “Yeah—it does matter.” Gabe reached over and cupped the back of her neck, pulling her close. “You matter, Hadley, and I’m not going to let him hassle you. Does he know you’re working in Portmore?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. My mom knows and I think my sister does, which means there’s a good chance Matt knows too.” Suppressing a groan, she tried not to think of him showing up. She could only imagine what Gabe would do if they ran into Matt. It’d be a nightmare. “He’s having a baby with my sister, and we’ve been separated for years. He doesn’t want me back—not really. And I sure as hell don’t want him back. The only reason he’s showing any interest now is because the divorce finally went through. It’s like craving sugar as soon as you decide you’re on a diet.”

  “Whether it’s because of the recent divorce or not, it makes no difference. He does want you, and I don’t like that he could just show up at your door.” Gabe shook his head in frustration, his eyes still on the road as he maneuvered through traffic and headed for the hotel. “I want you to stay with me while you’re in town—that way he won’t have easy access to you.”

  “Gabe…he’s not violent, and I’m capable of taking care of myself. Besides, we’re supposed to be discreet and staying with you is only asking for trouble. I can’t afford to lose my job. Remember?” It wasn’t as though the Ryker brothers weren’t regularly featured in the tabloids. If her boss caught wind of her affair, she’d be toast.

  “He may not be violent, but he’s insistent and he has no problem touching you, which is a mistake whether you’re mine or not. And you are mine, babe, have no doubt about that. So, you’re just going to have to get used to me wanting to protect you.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I don’t know what Morgan’s up to, but something’s going on, Quinn.” Gabe took a long sip of his beer and gave one of Quinn’s many dogs a big scratch behind the ears, hoping it’d help improve his mood.

  Hadley had left for the police station and would join him for dinner to go over any new information she’d gathered. But that bastard of an ex-husband was irritating him to no end, as was the fact that they still didn’t know who was behind the attacks. Gabe knew he was distracting Hadley, and yet every time he swore he’d behave himself, he found her impossible to resist.

  “If he says it has nothing to do with the attacks, then I believe him.” Quinn propped his beer bottle on his leg with a shrug. “He’s allowed to have his secrets. Doesn’t mean I care for it, but he’s an adult. He’d never put any of us at risk—and it’s not like we don’t get into our fair share of trouble. Speaking of which…what’s going on with you and Hadley?”

  Gabe shrugged, and took another long sip of beer, refusing to tell his brother that he’d actually let the L-word slip past his lips, even if it hadn’t been an outright declaration. “I like her. Not much else to it.”

  “And you’re a fucking liar.” Quinn laughed with a shake of his head. “The fact that you didn’t kick her out of your bed after the first night tells me there’s more to it, even if you’re in denial.”

  “I’m not in denial, Quinn. I like her—a lot. I have no problem admitting it.” Though it sounded damn awkward to say it aloud. Awkward—and yet freeing.

  “Well, it may be a fucking first for you, but I, for one, am happy to see you finally find someone.” Quinn gave him a shit-eating grin, and raised his beer. “It’s about time, Gabe. And trust me when I tell you, there’s nothing quite like having the right woman in your life.”

  “I swear, you’re a lovesick fool, Quinn.” Gabe had to laugh, still astounded that Quinn had fallen so hard for Emma.

  Quinn ran a rough hand across his stubble as a smile crept across his lips. “I’m going to ask Emma to marry me, Gabe.”

  “No fucking way.” He shouldn’t be surprised, and yet he was. With a smile and a laugh he got to his feet, Quinn following suit, and gave his brother a hug. “Congrats, man. I’m really happy for you.”

  “Thanks.” Quinn gave him a huge smile, and Gabe swore his brother had never looked happier.

  “So do you think she’ll actually agree to marry your sorry ass?” Gabe couldn’t resist teasing Quinn, even though he was truly pleased his brother had found his special someone.

  “Damn right she will. And don’t forget Saturday—which happens to be tomorrow, since you have your head stuck up your ass these days. You’re helping me pick out a ring.”

  Now it all made sense. “I was wondering about that.”

  “We fall hard, Gabe. It takes us awhile to come around, but when we do…we fall damn hard—and it’s for keeps.”


  Gabe couldn’t stop thinking about Quinn and the fact that he’d soon be getting engaged—and then married. He knew it’d eventually happen, but he hadn’t figured on it being so soon. And fuck…but it had
him thinking of Hadley. It was true that he’d never felt so strongly about any of the other women he’d dated, and yet it suddenly felt as if he was traipsing down the same road Quinn was on. Not that it had to be that way, but he was wondering just how wise it was to fall for her, especially when she’d be gone once her job came to an end.

  It might be easy enough to convince her to stay longer. Maybe offer her a job working the security end for Ryker Investments. But did he really want to go there? Up until now, he’d taken full advantage of his money and looks to date and fuck a bevy of gorgeous women. It’d been damn fun—and he was not a commitment sort of guy. So then what the hell was he thinking? Why the hell was he telling her that he was falling in love with her?

  And fuck, but maybe it was a mistake to think of this thing he had going with Hadley as anything but a bit of fun, even though he knew he was already far more attached to her than was wise. Seeing her with her ex only reinforced what he was feeling for her, but was he really ready for something serious? His heart was saying yes, but his mind was telling him to run.

  He supposed he should just enjoy what was left of their time together and not overthink it, especially since he couldn’t remember ever having more fun in the sack. Hadley was something—so receptive and willing. He hated it when sex felt like it was nothing more than a quick release for all parties involved, especially since it never left him feeling fully satisfied. But with Hadley? The sex was mind-blowing, and he sure as hell couldn’t get enough of her.

  Pulling out his cellphone, he checked the time—yet again—wondering when she’d wrap up with work and come over. It was starting to get late, and he was growing impatient. He wanted her, needed her, and he hated that she wasn’t with him, in his arms, her naked body pressed against his as he took her again and again, until they were both sated.


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