Honor, Courage, Commitment
Page 28
Bowser, Scott: and battle stations kickoff, 122, 125; emergency sortie exercise, 139; magazine flooding exercise, 154; recruit respect for, 168; weapons simulation exercise, 131
Broders, Nick, 65–67, 162, 174
brother division (Division 01-006), 66, 74
Brown, Tabitha, 97, 116, 121, 178
Bruce, Stephanie: at battle stations, 124, 128, 132, 147, 154; illness of, 32; reaction to inspections, 57; at gas chamber, 103
Brunney, Keith, 98, 170
Buki, Jennifer, 10, 201–3
Burger, Jason: at battle stations, 128, 136; in gas chamber, 102, 108; at graduation, 166, 168
Burns, Melissa, 200–201
Burrell, Veronica, 124, 136
Caldeira, Devon, 8, 45, 50, 52, 64–67, 175
Callahan, Daniel, 92
Carpenter, Woodrow, 11
Castillo, Josephine, 129
Cole, (DDG-67), USS, 126, 172, 174–75
Collins, Michael: at battle stations, 128, 163; and boot camp haircut, 22; at commissioning ceremony, 45; as recruit petty officer 28, 93
concerns, fleet: duration of boot camp, 183; Marine Corps comparisons, 189–90; success of training, 185–86
core values, navy: at battle stations, 127, 131, 150, 156; at division’s commissioning ceremony, 42; explained during arrival, 22;
Courtheyn, Shari, 140
Crist, Christopher, 88–89
crowding, impact on recruits, 64, 66, 73
Cumpson, Richard, 99–100, 133
Davis, Ricky, 80
Dawson, Kahlil, 100
decks and floors, maintenance of, 86, 89
Delayed Entry Program (DEP), 5, 6, 189
director of military training (DMT), 85, 180. See also Rawls, Bob
Dizon, Kristin, 90, 132, 144, 163
Drill Hall 1200, activities at, 80, 97, 197
enlistment, motivations for, 1–5
events (special), impact on training, 80
family members, military, 2–5, 64, 180
fatalities, recruit, 35, 78
Ferri, Ambrose, 199
fire fighting, training in, 119–20
flags, battle, 53, 55, 103, 200
Fleet Quality Assurance Organization (FQA), 55, 99
Fletcher, Tafaswa, 21, 25
folding and stowing, clothing, 45–46, 73
food, navy: galley description, 87–89; meal time variations, 39–40; recipe, typical, 40; recruit reaction to, 38; special meals (weight control), 40
Freeman, Rebecca Anne: background of, 3; at battle stations, 128, 137, 157; at Captain’s Cup, 109; at gas chamber, 102–4, 107–8; and ghost stories, 27–28; during graduation exercises, 166, 169; first haircuts, 22; reactions to pass-in-review, 202, 204; swimming, 48
fundamental applied skills training (FAST). See special programs
Gamble, Tasheka, 140
Gantt, Edward: background of, 179; at battle stations graduation, 164; at Captains Cup, 109–10; and RTC capacity, 179; as RTC commanding officer, 42; external constraints on boot camp, 183; and recapitalization, 184; on remediation and special programs, 182
Gardner, Dave, 47, 147
gas chamber: procedures, 104–7; RDC concerns about, 103; recruit folklore, 103; recruit reactions to, 102–5, 107–8
general orders, sentry, 56–57
ghost stories, recruit, 27–28
Gianulis, Milton, 112–13
Gildersleeve, Robert: background of, 4; at battle stations, 128, 137, 149, 155, 157; making friends, 49; at inspections, 57; aboard Marlinespike trainer, 140; medical issues with, 34; after pass-in-review, 204; swimming training, 48, 148
Gray, Michelle, 24
Grayer, Andre, 102, 104, 106, 108
Grigg, Joseph, 43
Guiterrez, Arturo, 6, 85, 142, 205
Haight, Joshua, 172
Hardin, Marketta, 24
Hardison-Porter, Bee, 154
Harris, Myron, 9–10
Hattrich, Jennifer: at battle stations, 123, 129, 133, 140, 148, 151, 155; and brother division, 74; at graduation exercises, 165; and shipmates, 171
Hebert, Jon, 55
Herring, Calvin, 72
Herring, Sean 84, 89
Hickey, William, 126–27
Holland, (AS-32), USS, 15, 134
homesickness, recruit, 8, 75
honor, courage, commitment, 22–23. See also core values, navy
Hooton-Hetrick, Jessica: at gas chamber, 102, 106, 108; on medical examinations, 25; on terrorism and USS Cole, 176
Hopkins, Eric: background of, 4; at battle stations, 130, 146, 151, 158; at gas chamber, 104; as graduation group honorman, 200; at pass-in-review, 197–98; reaction to title “sailor,” 167; at weapons simulator, 92
Houser, Robert, 34, 36–38
“hurry up and wait,” 6, 24
inspections, military: preliminary, 55; preparations for, 56; RDC concerns about, 93; recruit reactions to, 55, 57; results of, 93, 103
instability, recruit, danger signs of, 62
integration, gender, 27, 186–88
Jackson, Shawn, 91, 102, 108
James, Alan, 126–27
jargon, introduction to, 26
Johnson, Darrin: at battle stations, 133, 135, 137, 140, 148; on navy food, 39
Jones, Jennifer: arriving at RTC, 18; at battle stations, 121, 145; in gas chamber, 103, 108; as recruit petty officer, 28, 93; and sleeplessness, 106; drug screening of, 21
Kelly, Thomas, 2–3, 25, 103, 162
Kent, Dan: background of, 14, 16, 46; with barracks movies, 170; on base geography, 193; at battle stations, 121, 124, 125, 141; discussing Coast Guard, 171; on gender integration, 187; gratification in job, 79; on inspections, 56; aboard Marlinespike, 71–72; motivation of, 17; on Navy Exchange sales to recruits, 109; regarding non-high school graduates, 188; on physical training, 118; quality of recruits and, 94; recruit fatalities and, 78; at SERE, 186: and service week, 85; during smoke-filled room exercises, 135; on summer surge, 195; time pressures upon, 191; on unique recruits, 76; on weapons training, 92; on weather impact, 191
Kessimakis, Trenton, 141
Kolar, Mary, 199
Krofta, Andrew, 124, 154, 168
Kyaw, Naing, 166
Lantz, Diana, 113–15
leading chief petty officer (LCPO), 12, 77, 188
leadership, recruit, 151–52, 157
learning environment, difficulties with, 46–47
Lee, Edgar, 88, 138
Leitner, Lawanda: at battle stations, 140, 145, 148–49, 154, 163; and divine services, 115; marching, 30; on nutrition and navy food, 38–39; physical training, 51–52
Leonard, Steven, 88, 90, 98
liberty: graduation, 204–5; recruit reactions to, 97–101; and special Thanksgiving, 96
Linsey, Jack 105–7
Lopez, Alexis 161
lounge, RDC, 116, 121
Lucas, Mike: and difficult recruits, 76–77; CNO commended division, 69; on kinder, gentler boot camp, 185; and off-base schools, 193; seamanship training, 69, 72; on special programs, 189; on supplies and materials, 195
makeup, female, 97, 197
marching: cadence during, 126; instruction in, 29; reactions to, 30–31; sleeping while, 76
Markley, Susan, 200
Mathis, Jesse, 6
McAvoy, Erin, 42, 44–45, 58, 164, 172
McCalip, Mike: on ideal location for boot camp, 195; and off-base schools, 193; on output quality at RTC, 186; on special programs for recruits, 59–63, 189; and terrorism training, 171; and time pressures on RDCs, 191
McClellan, Kayne: at battle stations, 132, 136, 140, 148, 152; at graduation exercises, 168; and pass-in-review, 198; during service week, 86, 90
MCPON Hall (visitor’s center), 80, 82, 96, 98, 100, 167, 198, 201
medical care: at battle stations, 138; clinic, 32; eyeglasses, government issue, 25; illness, 32, 33, 34–37; immunizations, 28–29; initial examinations, 24–25; naval hospital (Building 200H), 32, 36; recruit evaluation unit
(psychiatric), 62–63; urinanalysis, initial, 21
military entrance processing stations (MEPS), 5–7, 19, 35
Miller, Jon, 156
Mills, David, 136
Moll, Frank, 200–201
moment of truth, 23–24, 95
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation organization (MWR), 205
Mullins, Daryl, 164
Nance, Shannon 97, 108
Navy Exchange, 84, 109, 204
navy memorial (Lone Sailor), 162, 209–10
Nelson, Aloysius: assisting recruits, 116; at battle stations, 121–22; and gender integration, 187; and physical training tests, 118; RDCs and marching, 194; and time pressures on RDCs, 191
Ninja, Ricky, 45, 64–65
non-high school graduates, enlistment of, 60–61, 188–89
nuclear specialist, navy, 4, 24
orders day, 176–77
Orlando, Lisa, 64, 144, 159
Paes, Marlene, 8, 98, 100, 175
Pasillas, Xavier, 124
Pankratz, Ashleigh, 19, 20, 48, 113, 207
Parker, Paul, 29, 38, 46
Parlett, Joshua, 176
pass-in-review: guests at, 199–200; practice for, 170; recruit honor graduate, 200; and recruit reactions, 198–99; weather affecting, 177–78
personal applied skills program (PASS). See special programs
physical fitness: athletic competition, 109; Captain’s Cup run, 110; confidence course, 156; instructional training exercises (ITE), 51; Navy’s attitude toward, 51; policies regarding, 50; RDC opinions of, 54, 118; recruit attitudes toward, 50–53, 118; standards, 52; testing of, 117–18
physical fitness training unit (FIT). See special programs
petty officers, recruit: selection of, 28, replacement of, 93
Pierce, Shannon, 27
Polatty, David, 199
processing week (P-Week), 25, 26–32
promotions, meritorious, 178
Prosper, Stephanie, 93, 121, 138
public affairs office (PAO), 209
radio, use in barracks, 86, 177
Rasco, Schely: arriving at RTC, 7; on battle stations, 129, 141, 159; concerning classwork, 68; making new friends, 49; pass-in-review, 199; as recruit petty officer, 93; reflections on boot camp, 201–4; concerns about terrorism, 210; on impact of weather, 177
Rawls, Bob, 180–84
reaction to sailors, civilian, 96, 98–100, 110, 198
recruit division commanders (RDCs): observations on recruits, 94–95; pride in performance, 196; and sea stories, 76; time pressures upon, 184, 190–91
recruit life: and absence of music, 75; average age, recruits, 2; on being called sailors, 167; and bizarre behavior, 76–79; as graduates, 201–4; and hygiene, 31; overcoming obstacles 78–79; reveille, 67, 74; Ricky Sunday routine, 75–76; reactions to RTC, 64, 73, 75; reactions among shipmates, 49
recruit petty officers: rotation of, 93; selection of, 28
recruit training command: facilities at, 182–84; geography of, 26–27, 194; history of, 43–44; location of, 10–11; recapitalization of, 81–82; traffic rules within, 82
recruiters: navy, 1, 3, 4; other services, 4–5
recruit evaluation unit (REU). See special programs
recruit holding unit (RHU). See special programs
Redekop, Russ, 111–12, 121, 207
Reilly, Debbie, 162, 169
relationships: making friends, 50; gender integration, 27, 73, 74, 186–88; horseplay, 66–67; married couples in boot camp, 115; tensions among recruits, 73, 89–90
religious services: chaplains, 113; divine services, 111–12, 114; recruit reactions to, 113–17
reporting aboard ship, instruction in, 71
rescue swimmer, 3–4
reveille: recruit, 84, 97, 207; procedures during, 67, 74
Rivero, Rowland, 34–38
Robinson, Ed, 123, 126, 134–36, 157
Robinson, Zuni, 143, 161
Russell, Lela: background of, 14–16; at battle stations, 121, 125, 133: on building conditions, 58, 86; at Captains Cup competition, 109; on female haircuts, 22; at graduation exercises, 165; on gender integration, 187; recruit makeup and, 178; aboard USS Marlinespike, 141; personal motivation, 17; on non-high school graduates, 189; regarding physical fitness, 118; on quality of recruits, 94–96, 185; regarding off-base schools, 193; on seamanship, 68; and sea stories, 77, 79; summer surge, 195; swimming, 48; and terrorism, 175; and weather, 82; on weight control, 21
Ryan, Edward 40
Santa Barbara, (AE-28) USS, 13, 15
Schau, Joseph, 168
Scorsone, Dayna: at battle stations, 145, 163; while marching, 30; at physical fitness tests, 118; on terrorism and military duty, 176
schoolhouse (Building 1127), 46, 68, 85, 129
schools, North Chicago, difficulties with, 185, 192–93
screening, specialized careers, 24
seabags, difficulty carrying, 21, 125, 130, 142, 155, 207
seamanship training: history of, 69–70, 72; and Marlinespike, 69–73; recruit reactions to, 70–71
sea stories, RDC, 76–78, 206
self-help programs, RDC, 70, 72
separation and segregation, 24
service week: description of, 83–84; recruit reactions to, 84–90; perceived value of, 184
setback, training. See assignment memorandum, ASMO
Shelton, Mike, 64–67, 117, 148, 210
Ship Fifteen (special barracks), 62
Sison, James, 84, 89, 130, 133
sleeplessness, impact of: at battle stations, 124, 129, 152; during arrival processing, 20, 24; during class, 68; at gas chamber, 106; during service week, 87, 89
smart cards, 20, 29
Smith, Daniel, 53, 177
Smith, Joshua, 144
Smith, Mary: and battle stations graduation, 163, 166; as medical yeoman, 33; at military entrance processing station, 6; at seamanship training, 73; and Thanksgiving liberty, 99, 100
special programs: academic capacity enhancement (ACE), 60–61; fundamental applied skills training (FAST), 60; personal applied skills system (PASS), 61; physical fitness training unit (FIT), 61; recruit evaluation unit (REU), 48, 62–63; recruit holding unit (RHU), 61–62, 206
Stamp, Melissa, 104, 129, 136, 139, 144, 168
Starks, Demitrus, 73–74, 86–87, 162
Stevenson, Fines, 70–72
summer surge, 86, 118, 195
Survival, Escape, Resistance, Evasion school (SERE), 14, 132
swimming: and fear of water, 48; qualifications and training, 47
Taylor, Leah, 19, 98–99, 207
teamwork, development of, 65, 182, 204
telephone calls home, 19–20, 64, 100, 109
terrorism: recruit attitudes toward, 175–76; training to reduce, 172–74
time pressures, RDC, 190, 192
tradition and folklore: caterpillars, 45; ghosts, 27–28; guidon, importance of, 45; Ricky ninja, 45, 64–65
traffic, on base, 82, 111, 112, 113
training: communications, 71; classroom logistics, 30, 46; fire fighting, 93, 119–20; housekeeping, 45, recruit opinions of, 46, 68; staff reactions to, 47; schedules, 26; weapons, 91–93
Trindade, Marcia, 111–12, 170
Triolo, Joseph, 199
Troeger, James, 119, 155, 178, 201
Tubbs, Pam, 179–85, 204
Tucker, John: background of, 12–13, 15–17; and battle stations, 172; commissioning ceremony, 44–45; gender integration, 188; comparison to Marine Corps boot camp, 189–90; RDC selection and screening, 191; recruit motivation, 94
tunnel, (Buckley road underpass), 27, 80, 104, 110, 144–45, 155, 162, 194
uniforms: initial issue, 20, 31; fit, 197; recruit reaction to, 97, 99
United Services Organization (USO), 7
Velasco, Rogelio, 123, 134, 150
Vogt, Tom, 23–24
Volk, Teresa, 98–99, 108, 119, 176
Wagner, Mike, 56–57
Walls, Mark, 45
Ward, Jared: and barracks field day, 65; as division honor graduate, 200; and navy food, 41; at pass-in-review practice, 170; and seamanship training, 71; as section leader, 66; service week, 86, 90; and Thanksgiving liberty, 101; and uniforms, 97; on weather and location, 208
warrior weeks, 91–93
weather, impact of: on battle stations 121, 125, 129, 142, 149; on departure, 205–6; when marching, 80, 82; on pass-in-review, 177–78
Werley, William, 153
Williams, Cari, 74–75, 97, 152, 204
Williams, James, 130–31
Williams, Stacy, 117
Wirsch, Megan: background of, 28; at battle stations, 154, 158, 162; at divine services, 116; and food preferences, 39; letters home, 31, 116; aboard Marlinespike, 71; illness of, 33; and music, 75; at pass-in-review 198; reflections concerning training, 201–4; relating with shipmates, 73; at reveille, 74; on Ricky Sunday, 76; and weather, 177
Wisch, David, 87–88
Witcher, Mike, 129
yeoman, recruit, 33, 85–87
Youell, Timothy, 56
Zaragoza, Jeanette, 20, 108, 132
Zeller, Martin: background of, 13–14; at battle stations graduation, 169; on conditions in barracks, 58; at division departure, 205; on fire fighting, 119; at gas chamber, 107; on gender integration, 186; at Marlinespike, 73; personal motivation, 17; regarding non-high school graduates, 188; on processing week, 29; on physical fitness, 54, 118; on recruits, 78, 94–95; selecting recruit petty officers, 28; and school system of North Chicago, 192; and service week, 83; and shipboard communications, 71; time pressures upon, 190; and warrior weeks, 91
About the Author
A veteran of the Vietnam War (USN MCB-1, Phu Bai and Danang, 1969-70), Leahy graduated from Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, in 1966. After his honorable discharge from the Navy, he returned to school and completed his baccalaureate and graduate education and served as a civilian contractor in a number of intelligence-gathering programs overseas. Leahy recently retired as a senior manager in international operations after a long career with the Western Electric Company (now Lucent Technologies—Bell Laboratories). He is currently an adjunct professor of business at the Ross School of Leadership and Management at Franklin University.
Leahy resides in Columbus, Ohio, with his wife, the former Margaret Agnes McGraw. They are the parents of three grown sons.
The Naval Institute Press is the book-publishing arm of the U.S. Naval Institute, a private, nonprofit, membership society for sea service professionals and others who share an interest in naval and maritime affairs. Established in 1873 at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, where its offices remain today, the Naval Institute has members worldwide.