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Page 6

by Rebecca Deel

  Adam curved his hand over her shoulder, felt the tension vibrating through her.

  “How can that be? I’ve been out of touch for more than five days.”

  “I don’t know, Veronica,” Zane said. “I report what I find.”

  “If the DEA didn’t tell anyone I was missing, how did Fortress know to look for me?”

  “R.J. contacted me, said Dane touched base with him and asked for help.”

  Adam frowned. Why didn’t he go through his normal DEA channels? Didn’t he trust his own people?

  “That doesn’t make sense,” Veronica said. “Why didn’t he go through the chain of command? There were other operatives in the area who could have searched for me within hours of the first missed check-in.”

  Adam clenched his jaw. Veronica wouldn’t have suffered at the hands of her captors if her handler had alerted the chain of command. If the man wasn’t dead, Adam would have paid Dane a visit. You didn’t leave one of your own behind, no matter what. He should have mounted a rescue effort, even if he relied on Fortress for backup.

  When Adam missed his first check-in, Fortress had immediately started the process to locate and evacuate him. Thanks to Veronica, his friends arrived in time to save his life. “We’ll find out what happened, Vonnie.” He laced their fingers together, ignoring the surprise on his boss and brother-in-law’s faces.

  She nodded. “At least Dane tried to help, although he used Fortress to do it. I want to see Cissy now.”

  Adam checked his watch. “It’s still early. We’ll go by your place first, then stop at a coffee shop for caffeine-free tea or coffee for Cissy.”

  “Perfect.” She turned to Adam. “Thank you for everything.”

  “Veronica, don’t report in yet,” Maddox said.

  “I have to.”

  “Not until we know what’s going on,” Zane said. “Do you have family who will worry about you?”

  “No.” Veronica sighed. “All right. I’ll hold off for another day. I can’t justify keeping silent after that.”

  Adam walked with her to the SUV. After fighting through rush hour traffic, he parked in her driveway. “Anything seem off?”

  She scanned her house and the surrounding area. “Not so far.”

  “Will you let me check before you go inside?”

  She slid him a narrow-eyed glance.

  He laughed. “That’s what I thought. Do you have an extra house key or should I show off my lock-picking skills?”

  “I can pick my own lock, thank you.”

  Adam met her at the front of the SUV and walked to the porch. He pulled lock picks from his pocket, glanced at her door, and froze. Fresh scratches. “Wait.”

  Her gaze zeroed in on the knob. Veronica’s lips pressed into a thin line. “Someone broke in.”


  Veronica’s chest tightened. That was not what she wanted to see. She slid the borrowed Sig from the small of her back, wondering if her alarm company knew about the breach in her security.

  She signaled Adam to take the left while she took the right. They could clear the house faster if they split up. Pleased that he nodded and indicated for her to proceed, she tried the knob, found the door unlocked.

  Turning the knob, Veronica eased the door open a crack and listened. No noises to indicate the intruder was still in her place. She slipped into the house, leading with her weapon. She quartered the living room, fury heating her blood. The intruders had trashed her house. She hadn’t spent much time here, but she loved this place and had chosen every stick of furniture and decoration in it. Whoever broke in had systematically destroyed every piece of furniture she owned. Now she’d have to start all over again.

  Veronica shoved her emotions down deep and continued searching through this part of the house. She didn’t relax until Adam returned.


  “Same here.” She slid the Sig away and gestured around her. “Look what they did to this place. What could they possibly have been looking for?”


  She folded her arms. “I’m not in the cabinets, but they broke every dish I own. This destruction was pointless.”

  “Depending on when they broke in, the purpose was to find out where you were or punish you for escaping their clutches.”

  “I guess there’s no point in telling myself this was the work of random thieves.” Her security system was too good for run-of-the-mill criminals.

  “Have you noticed anything missing?”

  “Not so far. I’ll do a quick walk through before I call the cops.”

  “Might be best to let your alarm monitoring company make the contact. You’re supposed to be out of the country, remember?”

  “I’ll tell them a neighbor reported suspicious activity here and have them check. They’ll file a report with the police.” She started in the bedrooms. “Try not to touch anything. Your prints are on file. I don’t want your name connected to their investigation.”

  “I don’t need your protection, Vonnie.”

  “Tough. You’re getting it anyway. I don’t want you at risk.”

  Adam chuckled. “My job is all about risk and so is yours.”

  “That doesn’t mean I want to shine a spotlight on you. You’re important to me.” More important than he realized. She had the stitches, bruises, and cuts to show how much she wanted to protect him. How far were these jerks willing to go to get their hands on Adam?

  She slumped against the wall in her bedroom, dismayed at the wholesale destruction. Her clothes were ripped to shreds, her mattress spewing stuffing, sheets in tatters. The contents of her dresser littered the floor, nail polish, perfume, and various body lotions poured over the intimate apparel. Shoes were scattered around the room. “I need to shop for clothes. Looks like they destroyed every outfit I own.”

  “I’m sorry, Vonnie. We’ll go to Green Hills Mall after we visit Mrs. Carver. Can you tell if anything is missing?”

  The only thing of value she kept in this room was the safe with her weapons and real ID. Veronica never carried her real documents on a mission. She never knew when her belongings might be searched.

  She picked her way across the room to the large ornate mirror hanging on one wall. Behind the mirror was a large wall safe. Veronica checked the contents of the safe and breathed a sigh of relief. All her documents were still inside along with her weapons, shield, and a few hundred dollars in cash. She stuffed the money in her pocket along with her personal cell phone and creds wallet, which she might need since she was stateside. She also removed her laptop and case along with her favorite Sig and backup weapon. These would come in handy.

  “Nothing is missing from here.” She closed and locked the safe. Once the mirror was back in place, she handed Adam the Sig she’d borrowed. “What kind of thief trashes the house without finding the safe? There aren’t any scratches to indicate they tried to get inside it.”

  “A thief with a message to send,” he said, his expression grim. “Let’s check the other rooms and get out of here.”

  Veronica made a sweep of the remaining rooms and found nothing was missing. “I don’t understand what they wanted,” she said once they were on the way to the hospital. “They didn’t take anything to make the break-in look like a robbery.”

  “Unfortunately, you can’t tell the alarm company that or they’ll know you were inside the place.”

  “At least the police can investigate, look for finger prints.”

  “Would you rather have Fortress take care of it?”

  “You have a CSI team?”

  “Of course. If we handle the investigation, you won’t have to worry about the police figuring out you’re in town. We can upgrade your alarm system and replace your locks.” He sent her a narrowed glare. “They’re crap locks, Vonnie. You need to protect yourself better.”

  “I haven’t had a problem before now,” she protested.

  “These clowns wanted you to know they could get to you in your safe space.�

  She tore her gaze from his. He was right. No matter how much the upgrades cost her, she couldn’t afford to put off the investment in her safety. “Can you arrange for Fortress to take care of everything?”

  Instead of replying, Adam activated his Bluetooth. “Z, it’s Adam. Veronica’s house was broken into. Everything is trashed. I want a team of crime technicians at her place. She also needs a security upgrade. Top level, top priority.”

  “I’ll take care of it. Who is your monitoring company, Veronica?”

  She told him the name and said, “Can Fortress monitor my system?”

  “We’ll add you to our monitoring list by the time your system is online. You’ll need to cancel your contract with the current company in the next few hours.”

  Hours? Wow, Fortress didn’t mess around. “I’ll call in a few minutes.”


  “Z, Vonnie needs replacements for her belongings.”

  “We’ll take care of it. You need anything else, Adam?”

  “Not at the moment.”

  “I’m still digging through the DEA’s system, flagging any reference to Veronica.”

  “That information is classified,” Veronica said.

  “Want me to stop?”

  Her gut told her he wouldn’t back off even if she asked him to. If he was as good with a computer as Adam claimed, Veronica needed to know the information Zane might unearth. “No. Do me a favor?”

  “Name it, sugar.”

  “Flag references to Dane Carver as well.”

  “You got it. I’ll get back to you.” Zane ended the call.

  “Fortress doesn’t have to replace my belongings, Adam.”

  “Part of the package because you’re involved with me.”

  Figuring she would lose this argument, Veronica opted to call her alarm monitoring company and cancel their service. By the time she finished, Adam turned into the parking lot of the coffee shop. After purchasing a cup of herbal tea, they drove to the hospital.

  Adam curled his fingers around hers as they walked. Despite playing the role of a doting boyfriend, the operative was on alert. In the elevator, he wrapped his arm around her waist, positioning his body between her and the other occupants of the car.

  “I hate this,” she said after they exited the elevator. “I don’t want to be your principal.”

  “My role as your bodyguard is temporary. You’re more to me than a job, Vonnie. I hope you know that.”

  “Sorry. I’m trying not to be crabby.”

  He stopped her a few feet shy of Cissy’s room. “You might be grumpy, but you’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” The operative brushed his lips over hers.

  How could a soft, simple kiss make her heart rate zoom out of the stratosphere? She was in so much trouble. At least, her heart was. This warrior was fast slipping beneath her guard and she couldn’t find a way to keep him out. Truthfully, she wasn’t sure she wanted to try. He fascinated her. No man had caught her attention for a long time.

  Adam trailed his rough fingers over her cheek with a light touch. Another light kiss before he continued to Cissy’s room. He knocked and pushed open the door.

  A gasp greeted him. “Who are you? What do you want?”

  “I’m Adam, Veronica’s boyfriend.”

  “Boyfriend? She never mentioned a boyfriend. Why haven’t I heard of you?

  “The relationship is new, Mrs. Carver. We brought you some herbal tea.”

  “Veronica’s here?”

  She scooted past her “boyfriend” and walked into the room. Cissy’s dark hair was spread over the white pillow, her belly distended, her brown eyes red-rimmed and swollen. “Cissy, I’m so sorry about Dane.” She reached for her friend’s hand as Adam set the tea on her rolling table.

  “Don’t touch me!” Cissy’s face reddened with fury. “I don’t want to see you.”

  Veronica’s hand dropped to her side. Cissy didn’t want to see anyone or just her? “Why not?”

  “It’s your fault my husband is dead.”

  “I had nothing to do with Dane’s death. I was out of the country, Cissy.”

  “He protected you and you’re nothing but a traitor.”


  Shock rolled through Veronica’s body. Traitor? What made Cissy say such a thing? Veronica had spilled blood to protect intelligence secrets. “Did Dane say that?”

  “He was so upset, said there was a ton of evidence to prove you were passing information on the other agents. How could you turn on the people who protected you? I trusted you and you stabbed my husband in the back. I thought we were friends.”

  “We are.” They had been. Now? She didn’t know what was going on, who convinced Dane she was a turncoat, but she would find out. The thought of Dane believing she was guilty gutted Veronica.

  “Not anymore, Veronica. Get out or I’ll call security.” Tears streamed from Cissy’s eyes. “Don’t come near me. I never want to see you again.”

  Veronica blinked to keep her own tears from falling. She wanted to protest, proclaim her own innocence, but one look at Cissy’s face told her the effort would be futile.

  Fine. She’d prove her innocence to Cissy and her DEA co-workers. Maybe she and Cissy would be friends again once she realized Veronica was innocent. As for the people she worked with, she already knew suspicions would linger long after proof of innocence was presented and might mean the end of her career with the DEA. That thought hurt so bad she almost couldn’t breathe.

  “We need to go,” Adam murmured, nodding at the monitor showing Cissy’s spiking blood pressure.

  “The tea is from Adam,” she said and left Cissy’s bedside. Her friend might still enjoy the tea.

  Adam didn’t say anything as they walked to the SUV. He unlocked the vehicle and tucked her inside. He cupped her cheek. “I’m sorry, Vonnie. She will regret her words when you prove her wrong.”

  “You believe I’m innocent?” How was that possible?

  “I know you are.” His finger trailed over her still bruised cheek. “I saw what they did to you. I know how you suffered at the hands of your captors. When we finish our investigation, Mrs. Carver will believe you’re innocent.” He circled the hood and slid behind the wheel.

  “Why do you believe me when people who worked with me for years think the worst? You don’t know me.”

  “I know enough.” He drove from the lot and headed toward the interstate. “Can you power shop to replenish your wardrobe?”

  “Watch me.”

  “Excellent. While we cut a swath through the mall, think about who has a reason to set you up.”

  “Not Dane.”

  “Everyone is under suspicion, Vonnie, including Dane and Cissy. Dane was concerned enough when you missed your check-in to send us after you. I’m grateful he had the foresight to do so despite his suspicions.”

  “Or he worried I would commit treason.” She couldn’t stop the swell of bitterness flooding her soul. “He watched my back for years, and though he believed the worst of me at the end, he didn’t abandon me.” No need to pin a medal on him for nobility. He probably wanted Fortress to find her and haul her back to face justice.

  “Maybe he didn’t fully buy your guilt.”

  Possible. She pressed her fingers against her eyes. She still had trouble focusing, and the fuzziness caused her thought processes to be slower than normal. “If you’re right, Dane must have left a trail in his investigation. That might be why he’s dead.”

  “Someone killed Dane to stop him from nosing around.”

  “So they thought I would give up? No. Way. I’m going to clear my name and take down the creep who killed my friend.”

  “Good girl. Did you have a system with Dane where you received messages from him that he didn’t want in the system?”

  Her head whipped his direction. “How did you know?”

  “We have fail safes at Fortress.”

  “But something went wrong when you were
in Belize, didn’t it?”

  “We had a couple of traitors.” His eyes glittered. “One was my teammate.”

  “Oh, Adam. I’m sorry.” How devastated he must have been.

  “It’s behind me now.”

  Was it? Veronica wasn’t so sure. At times since Adam rescued her, she noticed shadows in his eyes, as though he remembered painful things in his past. Was he thinking of his captivity or something else?

  Maybe he thought of someone else. Her heart squeezed. Was there a woman Adam cared for? No, Adam wasn’t that kind of man. He wouldn’t kiss her if there was a woman who had a claim on his affections. Perhaps there had been a woman in his past. Later, when there was time, she might ask. Veronica didn’t want to hurt him by dredging up the past, but neither did she want to lay herself open for unnecessary hurt. And this dark warrior could hurt her more than any other person in her life.

  Adam parked in the garage attached to the mall. Once inside, Veronica led him to the store where she bought most of her wardrobe and had the best chance of finding everything she needed in one stop.

  She tried on several changes of clothes and while in the dressing room, counted the money she’d taken from her safe. Enough for her purchases, although there wouldn’t be much left over for other expenses. She needed access to her account without alerting anyone. Maybe Zane could help her.

  Adam hauled her bounty from the mall and into the garage.

  “Do you think anyone knows I’m in the country?” Her gaze scanned the interior of the concrete structure as they approached the SUV. A motor ran somewhere close. Veronica listened for the car to shift into gear and drive from the garage. But there was no change.

  Her skin prickled. Someone could be talking on their cell phone if they had good reception in here. She didn’t like it.

  Adam stopped at the back of his SUV and hit his remote to unlock the vehicle. He deposited her purchases in the backseat, his gaze scouring their surroundings. “Get in the SUV.” His attention focused on the right side of the garage, the area where the engine still idled.


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