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Chaos (Havoc Series Book Two)

Page 8

by Xavier Neal

  After a long overdue shower, I dress while Haven showers. I grab my jeans, a button down white shirt, and my navy blazer. The memory of this being what I wore to the last dinner causes my face to twitch into a smile. I knew that would be the first of many welcome home dinners with Haven. As I go to close the closet door, I notice the change inside. Haven's got sundresses, fall dresses, and her school uniforms woven in between my clothes. The sight causes me to smile again. Things really have changed. I look around the room at the soft color of the new caramel colored sheets, the night stand that has four books, all hers stacked on it, hair ties, earrings, lotion, and the picture of me Glove gave her for her birthday. On the dresser is her cell phone. A hair brush. Scattered make up. Her lap top with a bright yellow cover. Heels are kicked close by it. My room looks like anything but mine. It's not really mine anyway. It's ours.

  Once changed, I wait downstairs patiently for her the words of Sir humming in my mind. What did he mean things have changed? Haven's attitude? Sure. She's perkier. More confident. Really invested in something outside the house. She has her own life. My living quarters? Definitely. I've never seen so much girly shit in my room. Before I left, Haven had just started getting comfortable despite Mindy's overwhelming first attempt at overhaul with scented candles and such. Sure, I was accustomed to simple, but I wanted to be accustomed to Haven. I changed for her. For myself. For the better.

  Haven clears her throat yanking my attention up. She's wearing a black dress similar to the one my mother used to wear except this one wraps around her neck. In fact, I can see every curve that has now been manicured to appear. I can practically feel each and every one under my fingers. All I want is that dress on the floor. I moan under my breath a bit. I can't take her to dinner like this. Glove might be tempted to let his eyes do what mine are. Then I'd have to fucking gouge his eyes out. Twice. For good measure.

  “While I appreciate more than words could ever say, you letting me wear your mother's dress, it is a bit too snug now. If you haven't noticed I've put on a few pounds--”

  “Beautiful pounds.” I correct her.

  “Healthy pounds,” she giggles. “I'm proud to say I'm now at the target weight Striker insisted I reach, which just happens to be a little bigger than your mother was, so I needed a new dress. Plus, I kinda wanted to have my own Hello dress for you.” Her smile is soft. Warm. Inviting. “What do you think? Mindy helped me pick it out.”

  Crossing over to her, my hand fall to her hips. They fit like there are inserts for my hands right there. This gorgeous girl, in this gorgeous dress, in these gorgeous black heels is all mine. And worried about pleasing me. How fucking lucky am I?

  “I think,” I lift her hand to my lips, “you...” Kiss. “Look...” Kiss. “Perfect.” I kiss her on the lips. Since my lips are already on top of hers I take the chance to taste her top lip, the faint sweet flavor of her lip gloss increasing my excitement.

  Her girlish giggle is followed by her backing up, “Come on, solider, before we don't make it to the party...”

  “Would that really be such a bad thing?”

  She shoots me a playful scolding look before turning around to leave. I wrap my arms around her once more, this time from behind. This is what life should be like. Easy. Carefree. Fun.

  At the party, we're greeted warmly by everyone who seems to be more eager than normal that I've returned. It was slightly longer than I expected. I haven't been away that long in a while. And while in the past it didn't bother me, the idea of being away from Haven that long again creates an unexplained ache in my chest.

  Striker and Dad seem to be having a conversation over a drink by the fireplace, the familiar golden brown color occupying their glasses. Doug and Felix seem to be laughing over a similar drink closer to the bar. Mindy is fussing over everyone making sure they have something to eat. The gathering seems well under way proving once more; I could've had Haven quickly before we came over. Maybe against the wall? Or over the edge of the couch? My body threatens to respond to the thoughts.

  “Mandy's calling,” Haven says sweetly, just steps into the living room. “I'll be right back. She probably got lost. She always makes at least one wrong turn.”

  I nod and slide my hands in my jeans pockets. My eyes follow the movement of her hips until she's out of sight, which is when I turn around to take in the scene. This is my family. Eating. Enjoying each other's company. Making life seem as marvelous as it really it is. God, it feels good to be home. Words I never thought I'd think.

  “Hey Clint,” Leighyani's voice pops in my ear. Slowly turning my body to face her, I notice her attire is screaming for attention. Glad some things never change. The dress is bright red. Strapless. Short. So tight it looks painted on. How does Striker let her leave the house looking like this? She's always so under dressed that if I cared about her more than I do, I'd be inclined to offer my jacket or at least remind her that she looks for sale.


  Her tongue wets her lips. “Good to see you made it home in one piece.”

  “Good to be home.”

  She offers a faint smile and fiddles with the wine glass in her hand. “Look, I just wanted to say I hope there are no hard feelings between us.”

  “For making my girlfriend's life a living nightmare or for sleeping with my best friend?”

  She looks taken off guard. “I didn't sleep with Glove.” Before I can respond she shakes her head. “About Haven. I realized I never actually apologized to you for anything. While you were away, I managed to muster up the courage to talk to Haven--”

  Fury shoots through my veins like it was injected with a needle, “You were alone with my girlfriend?”


  “Are you fucking kidding me?”


  “Leighyani, if you laid a finger on her--”

  “Will you just calm the fuck down for a minute,” her free hand raises. I shut my mouth and allow her a minute compose her as I try to calm down as well. “God, you're so fucking intense when it comes to her, you know that?”

  A short shoulder shrug escapes me. “I've been told that.”

  “Anyway, it was a supervised conversation. I apologized to her. I wanted to let know I was wrong for the way I had been treating her, the hateful things I said to her and about her. She didn't deserve it. And neither did you. While you were gone, I had a chance to realize I was a little jealous of her.” A little jealous? Understatement. I raise my eyebrows. “Fine. A lot of jealous. Not the point. The point is...I saw the way you look at her. The way you care. The way you'd do anything for her and you'd had just met. I didn't get it...I don't get it.” She sips a drink like the emotions are too much to handle. “Back on subject. I told her I was sorry and now I'm telling you. Sorry, Clint.”

  “Thanks,” I grumble unsure of what has sparked her change of heart. Leighyani has never been one for sincere apologies. Ones with ulterior motives. Definitely. She is the master of manipulation. Yet this feels real. It's weird. Uncomfortable. Seeing her reminds me of another face who tried to hurt my angel. One who if he breathes the wrong direction will end up six feet under. My body stiffens immediately as a result.

  “He's not here,” Leighyani says as if she's noticed the change. Am I that obvious?

  “Where is he?”

  “Rehab.” Puzzled, my face lifts in confusion. Howard's not much for quitting. No more really than Leighyani is for apologizing. Seems Dad was right. Things have changed. “Parent's shipped him off right about the time you left. Some remote expensive high end place in Arizona. The program's at least a year. Hear he's doing well. They go visit once every couple of months.”

  Wow. Rehab. At least it's good to know I didn't have to worry about him harassing my angel while I was out saving his freedom to take shots and sleep with strippers. The thought of my mom stripping slips back into my mind. Not now.

  “Grim,” Glove's voice cuts into the conversation.

  Turning around, I greet him and
Lordy both. They're dressed in their bests as well. Both in dark crisp jeans, sporting dinner jackets, Glove's black, Lordy's deep brown, white button down shirts, Lordy with a tie, Glove without. It's a nicer look than when we go out. Almost like they're going to church. It's appreciated, but a little funny.

  “You look like a choir boy,” I chuckle in Glove's direction. “Are you late for Sunday school?” Lordy laughs and I add, “What are you laughing at? You look like you belong at Vacation Bible School right beside him.”

  We chuckle, including Leighyani, which grabs Glove's attention.

  “Leighyani,” Glove greets her with a devious smirk.

  “Ugh,” she rolls her eyes and turns her body on its stiletto heels to escort herself away.

  Pleased with himself, he smiles at me. I fold my arms across my chest. “Why is she so disgusted with you? I mean more than the rational amount?”

  Not willing to answer he merely shrugs the smile on his face fades. Lucky for him I see Haven come from behind him, not alone. The two of them part and give my girlfriend space as well as their attention. I love the way they respect her. If they didn't I'm sure I'd beat it into them.

  “Hey Haven,” Lordy says politely leaning over to give her a slight hug.

  “Lordy,” she smiles back before allowing Glove the same. I wish she wouldn't touch him. I'm pretty sure you can just get an STD from staring too long. “Glove.”

  “Beautiful,” he greets her.

  Without hesitation, I nail him in the shoulder. He winces. It's enough she touches him. He needs to watch hitting on her or I will continue hitting on him until he is nothing more than a bloody pulp clearly unfit for further duty.

  “Clint!” Haven squeals unhappily. I flinch under the tone alone. It's a rare thing she uses that pitch. I don't like her upset with me. But I don't like him hitting on her even more. She points a stern finger at me, “You. Be. Nice. Got it?”

  Like some sort of pussy I immediately whimper, “Sorry, angel.”

  “Whipped,” Glove chuckles loudly. Lordy shakes his head that it wasn't a wise choice.

  My fist clenches in response and Haven sweetly smiles at me. “Now you can hit him.”

  “Thank you,” I nod. I plant another solid punch in his arm, this one with intent to cause pain.

  “Damn it, Grim!” he rubs where there will be a bruise in the morning. “You're not supposed to crush the packaging.”

  I try to fight the urge to smile. Maybe the pain recall will remind him, that even if I do have a little lady at home who can monitor my behavior the way no one but my commanding officers do, I can still do damage. Do. Not. Fuck. With. Me.

  “I will crush the packaging next if you call me whipped again or try to use your slimy charm on my girl.”

  Glove rubs the spot again. “Noted.”

  “Sorry they're being so crazy tonight. They just got home this morning, so I can only assume they haven't calmed down yet. Anyway, Mandy Forrest I'd like you to meet, Michael Love,” she says and points, “Jody Lord,” she repeats the action, “and Clint Walker.” And with my name, she slips across and into my arms, wrapping herself around me, returning home. Her head gently nestles on against my chest. “My boyfriend.”

  I extend my hand for her to shake, “Nice to meet you, Mandy.”

  “Pleasure is all mine.” She politely shakes. “Even hotter than those photos Haven showed me.”

  There's sudden unexpected warmth in my cheeks and my chest expands in sanctification. “She showed you photos of me?”

  “Mandy!” Haven squeaks again this time reaching out to give her friend a playful slap.

  “Of course, she did.” Mandy brushes off Haven's action. “That's what best friends do.” Best friend huh? If this is who she calls her best friend, I definitely approve. “Besides I can't blame her for not wanting to keep those photos to herself.”

  I chuckle as I look down at my Angel who is looking up at me, her bright brown eyes shimmering, “I'm glad you had some to keep you company when I couldn't.”

  She bites her bottom lip and squeezes me closer, “I'm glad you can keep me company now.”

  Mandy sighs, “Could you two stop being so damn adorable? Keep this up and I'll have to call the cute police to put you in Precious Prison.”

  All of us chuckle at the remark. Mandy doesn't strike me as anything special from the outside. She's taller than Haven by a couple inches. Olive skin. Dark brown shoulder length hair that shapes her face. Dark features. Slightly exotic. Her frame is smaller than Haven's, but her hips are similar. She's got more ass than tits. The black dress she has on is short, but reveals nothing for the eyes up top. Nothing thrilling physically, but her attitude is definitely a winner. My eyes glance over at my two friends. By the look on Lordy's face he agrees with me, but the way Glove's jaw is on the ground I think it's safe to say he's more than impressed.

  “And nice to meet you both by the way.” She offers them each a smile. “Haven's told me a little about you as well.”

  “Hopefully good things,” Lordy offers a polite smile.

  “Is there anything bad about me?” Glove's response urges me to have a comeback when Haven gives me a gentle squeeze. Fine. I'll let that one go. Before Lordy can toss in a quip either, he licks his lips and gives her the famous Glove grin, “So Mandy, huh? Like the song?”

  “Like the song.”

  “Makes me wanna sing to you...” his flirtation is followed by my eye roll.

  “Well. Don't.”

  Her quick remark stumbles him back as she merely smiles. Definitely glad her and Haven are friends. I hope all of her friends are this quick and easygoing.

  “And where's your other friend?” I look down at Haven.

  With a shrug she answers. “Michele couldn't make it.”

  Not taking his rejection well Glove clears his throat, “If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna get a drink. Lordy?”

  “Sure,” he says knowing someone's going to need to help repair the ego damage to Glove. “Excuse us.”

  “Of course,” Mandy scoots to the side allowing them to pass by.

  Once out of ear shot I say to her, “I think you hurt Glove's feelings.”

  She folds her arms across her chest, a small black clutch dangling from her finger tips, “I'm sure he'll live.” I fight another smirk as she continues, “So Clint, are you excited for Haven? Being in the top five of our class?”

  “You're in the top five?” I glance at her as she slips away a bit.

  “Yeah,” she beams brightly.

  “I thought you knew.” Mandy looks confused.

  “I haven't had the chance to tell him yet,” Haven tries to explain fiddling with her hair in the process. Her nervous trait.

  “Why not?”

  “Well he was away without ways of communicating remember? And then when he finally got back today we...were a little busy,” a blush spreads across her face before she looks down slightly embarrassed.

  I don't. I hold my head up proud. I slept with my girl. That's something to be excited about not ashamed. I reminded her who worships that body. Loud and clear. Mandy glances at me and tries to hide her smile, completely aware of what is being communicated. Glad it's fucking clear.

  After a small snicker behind her hand, “You really can't get enough of her, can you?”

  “Mandy!” Haven squeals.

  “Not possible.”

  She sighs still smiling, “Do you at least know about her job offer?”

  “No...” the realization I know less and less about Haven begins to spin into a knot in my stomach. Tightly. What else don't I know? How much more could there possibly be? I mean she's a high ranking student, she's got a job offer, and did she get offered to bake brownies for the president while I was gone too? Be rational Clint. Don't be an asshole. Feeling like a shitty boyfriend, I turn my attention to her, “What job?”

  Her hand gently touches my arm as if sensing my shame, “Michele's family owns a fancy bakery downtown and offered me a job as s
oon as I graduate. It's no big deal--”

  “No big deal?!” Mandy fusses hitting her shoulder with the bag. Unconsciously, I wince. No one should ever hit her. “Haven, do you know there are people who have been baking their entire lives, in some of the fanciest places around the world, who can't get a job at that bakery?”

  “What? Are their cakes made out of gold or something?” my attempt at a joke is to lighten the mood that's attempting to swallow me whole.

  “Might as well be,” Mandy mutters. “Anyway, it is a big deal. Like a HUGE deal. She should be proud!”

  “Very,” my face looks onto Haven's. With a gentle finger I lift it up so her eyes are in mine. “Extremely proud, angel. Promise me, you'll tell me all about it when we get home?”

  “Promise,” she softly says, nodding, looking a little relieved.

  Did she think I'd be mad that she hadn't told me? Disappointed. Yes. Then again when has there been time? Our tongues have done most of the ‘I love yous’ and ‘I miss yous’. In fact, most of the conversations we've had today have been in the sheets. Didn't seem like such a bad thing until now. It's alright though. We can get through this. Besides she's not the only one with something to share. I just hope Glove doesn't let blow it again for me.

  “I'm gonna go grab a glass of water. Want anything?” Haven softly smiles at me eager to please.

  “Why don't I grab it for you?” my desire to please her almost as eager as her own.

  “I've got it,” she places a hand on my chest, the heat from her hand shooting through my body straight for my groin. Yup. It's that easy to turn me on when it comes to her. “I'll be right back...”

  My attention follows her until she's out of sight, which is when I hear Mandy let out a deep sigh, “You really are just head over heels for her huh?”

  “You have no idea.” I toss my eyes back at her, a crooked dopey smile on my face.

  “Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you pick Haven up from school this Friday and you can go with us to our favorite little place for a drink?”


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