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Princess Lyrian: Dragon Breeze Compilation (Return of the Dragons Book 7)

Page 33

by Rinelle Grey

  Lyrian didn’t expect any opposition. After all, the dragon who usually objected to any proposal had been the one to suggest it.

  She’d forgotten about her sister, who was still getting the hang of this world three hundred years in the future. Sarian’s frown was almost as annoyed as Taurian’s. “You were the one who urged this course of action, Lyrian. We can’t just flip back and forth on our decisions all the time. Maybe our future is with the humans, I don’t know yet. But right now, I think we need to leave here and find somewhere safe, where we can consider our options without the pressure to make a snap decision.”

  Frustration welled up in Lyrian. If only she’d never suggested running. If only she’d let Taurian convince their sister that staying and fighting was the best option, that would at least be a little closer to finding a way to communicate with the humans.

  She stared at her brother and sister in frustration, and at the other dragons crowding around looking lost. There had to be a way to fix this. A solution that was neither running away, nor fighting. She just knew it.

  If only she could convince everyone.

  Just as she searched her mind frantically, a voice bloomed in her mind. “Lyrian?”

  Her heart skipped a beat. It was Brad. He was back. She hadn’t expected to hear from him so soon, but his voice filled her heart with joy.

  “Brad? I’m so glad to hear from you.” Tears pricked at the back of her eyes.

  “Wait until you hear what I have to say before you decide that.” Brad’s dragon voice was grim. “I hope this is okay, but I couldn’t exactly ask in advance. There are some humans here, and they want to speak to the leader of Rian clan to discuss dragon/human relations. I guess that’s you.”

  He didn’t sound pleased about it.

  Somehow, Lyrian suspected that Taurian and Sarian weren’t going to be too happy either. “Give me a minute to talk to the others,” she told Brad, then turned back to her brother and sister.

  They were both frowning at her.

  Lyrian took a deep breath. “Looks like we have to make a decision now. Brad is outside with some humans who wish to speak to us about the future between their people and ours. Are we willing to give this a chance, or are we going to run and hide?”

  As she’d expected, Taurian bristled immediately at the suggestion. “I’m not afraid of humans,” he said flatly. “If they want to talk, I say we listen.”

  Sarian, of course, was more cautious. “Who are these people? Are they a risk to us? Is it perhaps better that we get the clan, at least, to safety while we talk to them?”

  “I don’t know have answers to any of those questions,” Lyrian admitted quietly. “But I do know that we’re going to have to stop running eventually. Why not now? The humans are extending a hand of friendship to us. This may not happen again.”

  Sarian stared at her, her expression uncertain. In fact, she looked rather lost. Her sister usually had all the answers and knew exactly what to do. But right now, she was still floundering to figure out how things worked in this new world, and that made her uneasy.

  She was relying heavily on Lyrian and Taurian to lead her. It was up to them to make sure their advice was sound, and not biased by any personal concerns.

  Lyrian examined her thoughts, wondering if her need to see Brad was clouding her judgement. Making her choose an option that she would normally avoid. But no matter how she thought about it, this felt right. Her intuition told her so.

  She would make the same choice, no matter whether Brad was involved or not.

  “The rewards of opening a dialogue with the humans, of finding a way we can coexist in peace, outweigh the risks,” she said with certainty. “If we don’t take this chance, we’re going to regret it.”

  Sarian stared at her for a few moments, searching her face. Then she looked at Taurian, who gave her a nod of agreement. Sarian turned back to Lyrian and gave a sigh. “It seems we have no choice. We will talk to the humans and see what they want. But make sure everyone is ready, just in case things go wrong.”

  Lyrian nodded, excitement welling up in her heart. This was going to work out, she just knew it. “We’ll be right down,” she told Brad.

  She couldn’t wait to see him, even if a private reunion might have to wait.

  “Wait, there’s more,” Brad added.

  Lyrian’s heart skipped a beat. More? “What is it?”

  “There are… reporters here too. This meeting is going to be streamed live around Australia, probably the world. I figured it was the only way to make sure the police and the politicians didn’t try to pull something over us.” Brad hesitated for a moment, then added, “I also think it can only help our cause if the public gets an image of you that isn’t terrifying. That they can see that you’re just like the rest of us, even if you are a dragon.”

  “I think it’s perfect,” Lyrian said firmly. She wished she could give him a kiss over dragon speak, it was so perfect. She was going to be on display, but at least she knew it and could be prepared.

  “What’s going on?” Sarian demanded, knowing by the look in Lyrian’s eyes that she was communicating in dragon voice again.

  Lyrian took a deep breath. “Apparently we’re not just talking to the humans who are here. They’re using their technology to broadcast this meeting across the world. This is our chance to make an impression on humans, once and for all. I need your help to get ready.”

  Chapter 50

  It was surprisingly hard for Brad to stand still and not fidget or pace. But he was painfully aware of the politicians and police, not to mention the two reporters with video cameras, standing behind him.

  “They’ll speak to us,” he told the others. He didn’t elaborate.

  Surprisingly, the others didn’t press him for information. Just waited, scanning the trees, and the sky, and even the cliff.

  Nothing seemed to be happening for a very long time. Brad was almost considering asking Lyrian if she was still coming. But he knew she would be. She had said she would. They just needed to be patient.

  With his mind finely tuned to Lyrian’s presence, Brad was the first to notice the fluttering of blue wings against the cliff as Lyrian left the lair and flew down to the clearing.

  A few gasps echoed around the space as the others noticed her, and the gold and purple dragons that followed her. A young woman rode astride Lyrian, her silver hair flowing down her back. Brad recognised her brothers but wasn’t sure who the woman with silver hair was. He was sure he hadn’t seen her before.

  As the three dragons landed in front of him, Brad wondered if the woman who slid off her back was here to talk for them. While dragons could speak into human minds, that would make for very boring television.

  Lyrian inclined her head at the group, then in front of their eyes, she began to transform back into her human form.

  Brad winced, knowing what was coming next. He wasn’t so keen on the idea of a naked Lyrian on video, even if they probably would blur it out. Could they do that if they were streaming live?

  But before her transformation was completed, Taurian and Verrian stepped in front of her and raised their wings to block her from the humans standing gaping. She was hidden for only a few moments, before they dropped their wings, but in that time she’d managed to dress quickly.

  Now she stood in front of them, her blue curls bouncing around her face, dressed in the pink t-shirt and denim overalls she’d worn when he’d first met her. Unexpected tears pricked at his eyes at the sight. He only hoped it helped everyone watching this to relate to her as he had.

  “I am Lyrian, Princess of Rian clan,” Lyrian said, her voice slightly louder than was natural. “And these are my brothers, Prince Taurian and Prince Verrian,” she waved to the two dragons, who still stood one to each side of her, as though guarding her. Then she turned to the human woman, “And my sister, Princess Sarian. Together we rule Rian clan. I hear you wish to speak with us?”

  Brad spared a glance at the woman. So this was
the one Ultrima wanted. She was beautiful, sure, but in his eyes, Lyrian was by far the more beautiful. Obviously something about the woman attracted the Trima leader though.

  The director general took half a step forwards, as though intending to offer his hand to Lyrian, but one glance at her brothers, even though they hadn’t moved, encouraged him to keep his distance. “I’m pleased to meet you, Princess Lyrian. I’m James Nyles, Director General of Security.”

  Lyrian and her sister both inclined their heads.

  “What is it you wish to discuss with us, James Nyles?” Sarian said, stepping up next to Lyrian.

  She wore the traditional dragon clothing, a pale white, leather tunic, engraved with storm clouds and lightning bolts. Her expression was slightly severe, her voice firm and unyielding. The perfect foil to Lyrian’s cheerful, open friendliness.

  Hopefully people would be able to see that these dragons were individuals, as much as humans were. And that they had a lot in common.

  Hopefully they could work something out here, something that would protect the dragons, and allow them to continue in peace.

  “We need to discuss where dragons fit into this world, and how we are going to keep peaceful relations between our two peoples,” the director-general said firmly. “We didn’t expect to ever meet another sentient species, but we want to make sure our dealings with you are above reproach, while still making sure all humans in this country are safe, and not in danger of being attacked by a dragon, or having their livestock stolen.”

  Both Lyrian and Sarian inclined their heads.

  “We wish that as well,” Lyrian said softly. “Dragons have no wish to harm humans, we only wish to live together in peace. In fact, some of us are rather fond of certain humans.”

  She gave him a smile then, not even bothering to hide it from the camera. Brad was sure his answering smile was just as wide.

  “As a gesture of goodwill,” Sarian said firmly, “I ask that you return my sister’s mate and his brother to our clan.”

  The director-general looked over at Brad and Nate, then back to Sarian. “Of course.” He waved a finger at Brad and Nate, and Brad didn’t waste one second in hurrying across to stand next to Lyrian.

  What he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and kiss her like he’d never stop, but he didn’t want to make that much of a show for the cameras. Her hand reached out for his and he took it. The contact made it easier to hold back from a bigger display of affection.

  “I ask that in the spirit of this new friendship, you grant us a favour as well,” the director-general said. “Until our negotiations are complete, we need to keep your clan separate from the humans, as much for your own safety as for ours. Would you permit us to leave a group of men here to ensure that things remain peaceful until we have concluded our negotiations?”

  Sarian and Lyrian exchanged glances, and Brad had no doubt they were conferring. Probably Taurian and Verrian as well. The rest of the humans had no idea, as far as he knew.

  “That is acceptable,” Sarian said. “So long as our human members are still allowed to come and go as they please.”

  The man frowned. “How would we know if someone leaving was a human, or a dragon in human form? The likeness is… very convincing.”

  “Use your ID that you humans are so fond of,” Lyrian said with a smile.

  The director-general exchanged a look with the two other men, but they couldn’t confer like the dragons could. He turned back to Sarian. “That is allowable, but they need to be aware that when they are not here at the lair, they will be subject to all the normal laws and rules that apply to humans.”

  He looked at Brad as he spoke, as though specifically referring to him.

  Brad gave him a wide, innocent smile. He had no intention of leaving the lair at all for quite some time. He was looking forward to a good, long catch up with his mate.

  “That is acceptable,” Sarian agreed.

  “Good,” the director-general said. “I would like to propose an official meeting to discuss the details with both clans present. I feel that this should be a joint effort, since any decisions we make will be applicable to all dragons.”

  Sarian and her sister exchanged glances, and Brad could almost see the thoughts flashing back and forth between them.

  He had no idea what had passed since she woke, it must have happened while he was gone. Was she in love with Ultrima, as Latrima had insinuated, or was the Trima dragon still their mortal enemy? If he was, a meeting with them all in the same room could get quite… tense.

  The humans didn’t know what they were getting into.

  But Sarian turned back to the human and said calmly. “That is acceptable. When?”

  “There’s no point in delaying,” the director-general said firmly. “I propose two days from now, at the town hall in Mungaloo. To keep things as safe as possible for all the humans involved, I will allow only two dragons from each clan, and as many humans as you like.”

  Sarian nodded. “I accept your terms.”

  The director-general nodded. “Good, good. We shall see you then. I shall arrange for some guards around the lair.”

  He turned and walked back towards his car.

  The cameras focused on the dragon group for just a few moments longer, as though reluctant to leave the best news they’d had… well… ever.

  Brad hesitated, but what better way to make sure anyone watching knew the dragons were as human as they were.

  He pulled Lyrian into his arms, and stared down at her, unable to keep the happy smile off his face. “I love you, Princess Lyrian.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. She seemed oblivious to the camera still pointed at them. “I love you too, Brad.”

  And he bent and kissed her.

  Chapter 51

  As the fur fell behind them, Lyrian heaved a sigh of relief. She thought she’d never get a chance to be alone with Brad. Everyone had wanted to talk to him, pat him on the back, and welcome him back.

  Didn’t they realise she had a very private reunion she wanted to have with him? Weren’t they all aware that their mating night had been interrupted by all this?

  Oh, a few people certainly were. Nate had teased his brother a couple of times, a wry understanding in his eyes. He was in the same position, sharing longing looks with his own new mate. But there had been less attention on them, and they’d managed to slip away at least an hour ago.

  But Lyrian and Brad had been caught talking to Ostrian. For the first time since she’d met him, the old dragon had wanted to chat. And chat. And chat.

  He’d spent nearly an hour telling them about the history of the dragon’s departure from England, and how he’d figured out that dragons needed humans to help them produce life dragons.

  In all fairness, it had been a fascinating story. At any other time, Lyrian would have loved to hear more. Brad had seemed fascinated too, but his hand caressing her thigh under the table had told her that he was either doing a very good job of pretending, or he was better at dividing his attention than she was.

  But now they were finally alone. Lyrian swept all that into the past and focused on her mate. Taking his hand, she drew him towards the pile of furs in the middle of the room.

  “Good idea,” Brad said, following her without hesitation. “I intend to take my time this time, so lying down is a good plan.”

  Lyrian giggled, excitement and anticipation running through her. “I thought so.” She sat down pulling Brad with her.

  Brad settled himself on the furs in front of her and reached out to cup her cheek, his fingers warm and gentle. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Lyrian should point out to him that they had been apart for less than a day. That a separation like that would happen plenty of times in their lives together for one reason or another. But she didn’t. She knew exactly what he meant. “I missed you, too.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. This separation had been so much worse because she hadn’t known what was going to happe
n, or when she would see him again. The time apart had seemed to stretch on forever, with no end in sight.

  Yet, it had ended, and they were together again. She needed to trust in that. That no matter what happened, they would find a way. She’d almost lost sight of that belief when they’d been apart.

  Luckily, she was pretty sure she knew exactly how to strengthen that belief for the future.

  Reaching out a hand, she cupped his cheek, rubbing over the stubble he hadn’t had a chance to shave for a few days, enjoying the rough feeling. “I love you, Brad.”

  The words brought an instant smile to his face, the expression so full of love that Lyrian felt her heart would overflow. “I love you, too,” he said softly. Then he put his other hand up to her other cheek and pulled her in for a kiss.

  Heat flooded through Lyrian as soon as their lips touched, all the pent-up need and want and longing that she’d been holding back for the last day becoming instantly alight. Now that their separation was over, she wasn’t sure how she hadn’t been achingly aware of this need the whole time they’d been apart.

  It was so great it consumed her. It couldn’t possibly have come out of nowhere, could it? And she couldn’t have been suppressing a feeling this strong so well that she’d been unaware of it.

  But that must have been what she’d been doing.

  She’d worried so much about being able to separate her love for Brad and her responsibility to the clan, but when it had come down to it, it had just happened. Oh, not that she hadn’t been worried about Brad the whole time, but it had been tied to being worried about her clan. He was part of her clan, a very important part for her, and taking care of her clan had been taking care of him at the same time.

  Relief flowed through her along with desire. She could do this. She could be a princess and Brad’s mate at the same time. The two were connected, intertwined, not separate and opposing.


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