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by Lexi Buchanan


  Bad Boy Rockers #4

  By Lexi Buchanan

  Savor Copyright © 2015 Lexi Buchanan

  All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the author.

  Published by HFCA Publishing House

  Cover Models: Arron Solie

  Image Copyright: Golden Czermak, FuriousFotog

  Cover Designer: Robin Harper, Wicked by Design

  Editor: Sirena Van Schaik

  Proofreader: Kellie Montgomery (Eye Candy Bookstore)

  Nadine Winningham (An amazing friend)

  This book is a written act of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  ISBN-13: 9780992733582

  Other books by Lexi Buchanan

  Bad Boy Rockers





  Sinful (2015)

  McKenzie Brothers


  The Wedding (Novella)




  Cherished (2015)

  Men in Uniform (McKenzie Spinoff)

  Blade (2015)

  Jackson Hole

  From This Moment

  When we Meet

  New Beginning (2015)

  Holiday Season

  Kissing Under the Mistletoe


  Gia 0.5 (Novella)

  The Club

  One Dance (Aug 15, 2015)


  Rose and Jacob

  Educate Me

  Renovation of the Heart (coming soon)

  Offside (coming soon)



  At the carnival…

  Watching Dahlia—or Dal, as Reece and Mara call her—walk toward me, my heart practically leaps out of my chest. She’s breathtaking . . . her long, sexy legs going on for miles in her little shorts and cowgirl boots. Her snug tee shirt in the purple silk caresses her large breasts and makes my mouth water. Coming to a stop in front of me, she passes me a Pepsi and as our fingers touch, a bolt of desire hits me square in the balls.

  “Thanks,” I reply, hoping to make eye contact with her.

  She meets my gaze and seems to be waiting for some kind of signal from me, which I give with a smile. Letting her know we’re good, even though it was me being a dick before that caused her to get bent out of shape.

  I really need to talk to her, but I’m not sure what the hell to say—to explain why we can’t be involved. For the first time in my life, I’ve met someone I want a lot more from, but I’m too damn honorable to do anything about it.

  I’ve met other women in the past who have tempted me, hey, I’m a red-blooded guy after all, but I always pushed that temptation away—no matter how much those women begged for my attention. Any urges I have, I take care of with my hand and I have done so for a hell of a long time.

  Dahlia is different though. I want her with a passion I’ve never known, and her presence torments me like nothing ever has before. I sure as hell don’t want to think about how I’ll react if there’s ever another guy sniffing around her. That won’t go down too well.

  Donovan nudges me, breaking into my thoughts. “We’re heading back to the hotel. We’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

  I vaguely hear him as my attention is still on Dahlia. The way her mahogany hair falls down her back and over her shoulders to the tips of her breasts. She has freckles over her nose and cheekbones making her look like the girl next door. She takes my breath away every time I look at her. When we first met, my opinion of her wasn’t all that good, but that soon changed when Reece put me straight.

  All we are ever going to have is friendship, and that’s only if I don’t screw it up. Grimacing, I realize that’s not going to happen—I screw everything up.

  Six years ago, I was still in the Marines and should have known better. I made a huge mistake and now I have to live with it, when all I want to do is build something with the woman standing in front of me.

  “You really are beautiful,” I blurt out.

  Her eyes widen in surprise before sadness crosses her features. “Don’t Ryder. Just don’t, okay? It was a mistake before, so let’s just forget it. I don’t have many friends and I don’t want to lose you.”


  “I don’t have anything to say other than I’ll try.” My eyes search hers, searching for something more than friendship but I can’t see it. Finally, I finish, “I’m sorry, but my life is a mess.”

  She slides her hand into mine.

  “So is mine. C’mon. Teach me to shoot.”


  My hand trembles as I take hold of Ryder’s and I cling to his in an effort to keep him close to me. I can’t help worry that he’ll refuse me, but to my relief he doesn’t.

  The kiss we shared not too long ago was hot and exciting. I didn’t want it to end, but he quickly pulled away and apologized for kissing me. It hurts a lot when I’ve dreamed of him kissing me since we first met.

  There’s something about Ryder that calls to me. He seems lonely, which first attracted me to him. Not that there’s anything wrong with the rest of him. His muscular chest and six-pack abs are drool worthy. Combine that with his tight buns and strong legs and his body makes me wonder why he isn’t swarmed with women daily. He might be cute as well, but we won’t mention that.

  Sometimes he looks at me as though I’m the only one he sees. The way Reece looks at Callie. But Ryder never does anything about it. He’s hinted more than once that he has a screwed up past, but he won’t say anything else.

  I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I was curious. Who wouldn’t be? I just wish he’d tell me so I knew why he wouldn’t take our obvious attraction to the next level. I mean, how bad could his past be? Everyone has something screwed up in their past and I’m no different.

  As we approach the shooting range, his thumb begins caressing mine, and I don’t think he realizes he’s doing it. I’m not about to complain because the pleasure of his touch causes my heart to beat faster. I have no wish to let go of him, but as the guy looking after the stalls approaches us, I’m not going to have a choice if I want to win one of the large bears. My shooting skills aren’t that bad, thanks to Reece, but I might have to do some acting, and hopefully, I’ll get Ryder’s arms around me as he shows me the proper stance to shoot those ducks.

  “How many?” the guy asks.

  “Just my girl,” Ryder replies, and my heart does a leap of joy.

  Just my girl! Is this how he thinks of me?

  Ryder pays the guy before turning his attention back to me. “Do you know what you’re doing here?”

  A little white lie is okay, right? “Not really. Will you show me?”

  I hold his gaze while he decides whether I’m being serious or not before he finally gives in with a sigh.

  “C’mon. Take hold of this.” He passes me the air rifle. “Now relax.” He steps in behind me and runs his arms from my shoulders to my hands. He keeps one hand around mine on the weapon and his other hand resting on my hip.

  Everyone else disappears as my senses take over and his heat envelopes me. I lean into it, a soft sigh on my lips as I fight the urge to roll against him. “Dahlia,” he whispers against my ear. Goose bumps break out on my skin as his breath caresses me like silk.

  I turn my head to face him, and not realizing just how close he is to me, m
y lips brush against his. My eyes immediately shoot up to his, as Ryder’s hand contracts on my hip . . .

  Chapter One


  Six weeks later…

  As I lean against the bar with my ankles crossed, I admire the roadhouse that has come to mean a hell of a lot to me. When I took on this venture, the majority of my savings went into it. My older brother, Jace, told me, point blank, that it was a waste of money. Well, I’m glad I didn’t listen to him because, in less than a year since I opened, I’ve already made half of my money back. I should have a lot to smile about, but I don’t.

  Despite the success I’ve enjoyed with the roadhouse, my life isn’t what I would have wished for. All I’ve done for the last six years is exist, at least, until I set my eyes on Dahlia. Now she’s under my skin and all I want is to be free to admit to her what she means to me. I don’t see that happening anytime soon . . . if ever.

  Grimacing, I rub my chin as I think about tonight. I have no idea what possessed me to ask her out on a date. She looked as shocked as I felt at the words leaving my mouth. My words should have stayed locked away, but once they were out, I didn’t want to hurt her feelings by admitting I hadn’t meant to ask.

  Taking one last glance around my place, I smile at how good it looks. The table and chairs, which have all been cleaned, look good as new. The floors are shiny after having the buffer on them this morning, and the stage area where I hope to have Deception playing again real soon—now that they’ve all moved home—is ready and waiting for their arrival. A lot of hard work has gone into this place, and I wish like hell that one day I’ll have someone to share it with—someone to be proud of what I’ve accomplished—someone who wants to be involved as much as I am. Dahlia.

  Sighing, I turn tail and head outside. The sweltering heat blasts me the minute I step out and I glance toward the shops in the center of town. Dahlia and Mara went shopping earlier in the day, and for the most part, I kept busy while she was gone. Partly because I had stuff to do but partly because there was a void when she wasn’t around—as though a piece of myself was missing.

  Glancing back toward my truck, I pull out some of the bar supplies I’d picked up earlier in the day. I can’t blame her for being gone. Apparently, she needs a new dress to wear on our first date, tonight. It might be our last if dinner goes the way I think it will. I plan to explain my past, after we eat our meal together, and to also explain why I’ve been hot and cold with her.

  Hearing a car pull up as I return for the third trip to my truck, I turn and feel the air rush out of me. My mom sits behind the wheel of the car and a huge grin sends alarm bells ringing through my ears. This is going to turn my day to hell. Her grin widens as she walks toward me, and the air claws at my lungs as I try to expel it. Fear rips through me and I cast another glance toward the street. My mom needs to be out of here before Dahlia shows up, but hearing another car, I realize I’m not going to be so lucky.

  Up until now, I’ve managed to keep my past just that, but my mom isn’t known for her tact, which means within five minutes Dahlia is going to know everything there is to know about me before I’m able to tell her myself.

  My mom reaches me, and throws herself into my arms. I try to hide the shock and fear on my face as I watch Dahlia climbing from Mara’s car.

  “It’s good to see you,” she says, squeezing the life out of me.

  I’m still in shock at finding her on my doorstep and can’t form a reply.

  What the hell is she doing here?

  “I can see I’ve surprised you.” She pulls away and looks me over. “You look good.” She places her hands on her hips and I watch as her smile slips. “Ryder, for goodness sake, say something.”

  “Um . . . You never visit. What are you doing here?”

  She rolls her eyes and turns back toward her car. “You haven’t visited in a while so I wanted to see how my youngest son is doing,” she mumbles, but Dahlia’s approach has snagged her attention. She looks back at me before turning back to watch Dahlia.

  Her brain is probably going ten to the dozen wondering what’s going on.

  Over my mom’s head, I meet Dahlia’s gaze and my heart drops to my feet when it hits me like a brick that she’s never going to be with me. I shouldn’t have let her see my attraction for her over these past months because I need to keep my hands to myself. There is no way Dahlia will accept me with the baggage I have. Loss stabs at my heart and I clutch my chest briefly in an effort to stop the pain. I’m never going to be able to have what I want the most.

  As soon as she finds out about my past, and the reason why I’m constantly pushing her away, she’ll be gone, and I’ll be left trying to pick up the shredded remains of my heart. I’ll be more alone than I’ve ever been in my life.

  Since I’ve become friends with Dahlia, she’s given me a reason to get out of bed every morning. She’s made me want to go on.

  What do I have if she walks away from me? Nothing.


  “I’ll see you later,” I mumble to Mara as I climb out of her car, but then I hesitate as she pulls away and down the street.

  Maybe sending Mara back to Donovan isn’t one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and I have a feeling I’ll need some support. As I approach Ryder and the older woman, fear trickles through me and settles like a rock in the pit of my stomach.

  Who is she?

  Something tells me she’s about to burst the bubble I’ve been riding and bring it all crashing down around my feet.

  Since the carnival, when we kissed, our relationship has started to head in a new direction. Ryder hasn’t kissed me on the lips since, although he’s always pulling me into him for a hug and kissing me on the top of my head. We spend practically all of our time together and for the past week, I’ve been living above Kix with him. We have separate bedrooms, but I’m starting to get frustrated, and I think he is as well. Sometimes he looks at me as though I’m the only one he sees, which fills my heart with hope.

  Now as I’m approaching him, he looks as though his best friend has died, which causes a hitch in my step, as I draw close.

  “Ryder? Who is this?” the woman asks, looking me over.

  Ryder clears his throat and looks damn uneasy. “She’s a friend,” he finally answers, but doesn’t make a move toward me.

  “Well, if she’s a friend, don’t you think you should introduce us?”

  “No,” he replies. The word is clipped and a tick has appeared under his right eye . . . he is definitely pissed.

  Why is he being so rude?

  The woman shakes her head and holds her hand out toward me.

  “I’m his mom, Ellen. And you are?”

  His mom. Oh God!

  My tongue feels frozen to the roof of my mouth and my gaze flicks toward Ryder’s stormy one before returning to the woman in front of him.

  “Dahlia,” I manage to say, without stuttering in shock.

  “Oh, what a lovely name. Do you live around here?”

  Now Ryder shifts into motion as he takes hold of his mom by her elbow. “Why don’t we go inside?”

  “Oh, stop. I’m talking to your friend.”

  I frown, wondering why his mom would put emphasis on the your. Is she thinking that there is more going on than what he’s telling her? Or is her meaning completely escaping me?

  Ellen turns back to me. “So . . . Do you live around here?”

  “I live above Kix with Ryder,” I finally answer, not ashamed of the fact.

  Ryder closes his eyes as his mom gasps.


  “Mom, let’s go and talk.”

  Just what the heck is going on?

  The rock in my stomach feels like its growing and I feel it quiver as my nerves are stretched thin. Watching their interaction sets off my warning signals and I can’t fight the feeling of unease washing over me. Something is going on and Ryder is afraid his mom is going to blurt it out—we may not be together but I know Ryder well enough
to know he’s avoiding something.

  My eyes fill with tears as Ryder turns his back on me and tries to usher his mom inside Kix. Without another glance in my direction, I might add.

  What am I missing?

  “Stop!” Ellen pulls her arm free of Ryder’s gasp. “What is going on?”

  Is she a mind reader?

  “Does she know about Brittany? You know good and well I don’t approve of what’s obviously been going on here and neither does the church.” Ellen’s eyes flash and her mouth is a thin, tight line of anger. Ryder’s eyes search the back of the building and he looks everywhere but at his mom or me.

  “Brittany,” I mumble, hoping I’ve heard her wrong. Who’s Brittany? Then I briefly meet Ryder’s gaze, which makes it clear I heard her perfectly well.

  “My son is married,” she clarifies, but doesn’t look too happy making that declaration. As though she, maybe, regrets it leaving her mouth.

  “Fuckin’ hell,” Ryder curses, looking like he’s about to hurl and all I can hear is the blood rushing through my ears.

  Married. Married.

  This cannot be happening to me.

  I take a step back, and then another, tears stinging my eyes as I search for an escape. I need to be alone. The throbbing in my head is like a knife and I just want it to disappear. I want it to be morning again, before Ryder’s mom came for a visit and destroyed what was left of my life.

  Turning blindly, I start to run toward the road and hear Ryder’s footfalls behind me. The sound urges me further, to run faster and farther than I’ve ever run before. He shouts my name and I shake the sound out of my head. I can’t stop . . . won’t!

  “Dammit, stop!”

  I ignore his shout, but I’m afraid that I’m going to have to stop because I can’t see where I’m going. My tears are falling faster than I can swipe at them. I don’t want to stop and face him—I don’t want to hear more of his lies. My mother was ‘the other woman’ and that isn’t going to be me.


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