Book Read Free


Page 12

by Lexi Buchanan

  Glancing back down at her iPad, she licks her lips. This causes more of a stirring in my jeans. If she’s not careful, she’s going to get more than she’s expecting right now.

  “What do you want to do today?” she suddenly asks.

  I smirk. “That’s a loaded question if I ever heard one.”

  She shakes her head. “Get your mind out of your jeans.”

  “It’s not in my jeans . . . it’s in your sweats.” I chuckle. She’s too damn cute.

  “Okay, time out.” I take the iPad from her.

  Scrolling down the screen of ‘things to do in Stowe,’ there really is only two things I hope we’ll be doing while we’re here. I read a few suggestions out, “Snowboarding, skiing, snowshoeing or a sleigh ride.” I look to Dahlia. “Do you want to do any of them?”

  Frowning, she sucks her bottom lip between her teeth. My fists clench as I force myself to keep my hands to myself. I’m tempted to pull her lip free and smooth it with my fingers, or more enjoyably, my own lips.

  “Snowboarding, maybe. I’ve never done any of those things, but I’m not too sure about skiing. I wouldn’t mind the sleigh ride and snowshoeing at some point as well.”

  “Okay, then. Let me find out where we can book a lesson and equipment.” I press a link and find what I’m looking for. “Spruce Peak. We can hire the gear from there and book lessons as well.”

  I feel my excitement start to grow. It’s been about seven years since I last strapped my feet onto a snowboard. And if I remember correctly, Jace had won the downhill race we’d had on them. He hasn’t been on a board since.

  “Why the frown?”

  “I wasn’t aware that’s what I was doing, but I was just remembering the last time I was on a snowboard. It was with Jace. We used to come to New England every winter to snowboard, but things changed. Maybe one day I’ll get him back on one.” I smile, knowing I’m going to drag his butt back here at some point.

  “If you’re sure that’s what you want to do today, then I’ll go and get dressed.”

  “I can’t wait, babe. You brought thermals, right? It’s going to be cold as fuck out there in the snow.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Yes, I brought thermals.”

  As she starts to walk past me, I grab her wrist and haul her onto my lap. Sealing my lips to hers, I lick the taste of syrup and coffee from her lips. My fingers slide into her hair and wrapping it around my hands, I change the angle of the kiss and capture her moan in my mouth.

  If we’re going out this morning, I need to put a stop to this but I’m unable to pull away from her lips. She has the sexiest mouth with plump kissable lips. I can’t get enough. The more I kiss her, breathe her in, the harder my dick is getting.

  Then she turns and straddles me, trapping my erection between us.

  Breaking from the kiss, I tip my head back and close my eyes trying to breathe through the pleasure of having her hips rotating against me.

  “Ryder,” she moans, her arms tight around my neck and her teeth nibbling my lobe.

  “Ahh.” My cock’s swelling, and leaking like crazy in my jeans while Dahlia’s pussy rubs against it.

  I should have known better. I should have known that just a kiss, when I’m already aroused, was a bad idea, but fuck I want her—badly.

  “Make me come.”

  Fuck me!

  Picking her up in my arms, I glance around for somewhere to put her and decide the chair in the living room will do nicely.

  Every move I take to the chair has me rubbing against her.

  Dropping her into the chair, I yank her sweats and panties off and I lower myself to my knees. Unfastening my jeans to let my dick breathe, I sigh in relief.

  When I meet Dahlia’s half-lidded eyes, I drape her legs over my shoulders and, using one hand, I open her up to my gaze.

  “You’re gorgeous.” I slide a finger back and forth, feeling her quiver at my touch. “You’re so wet.”

  Knowing I’m probably going to embarrass myself by coming, but not giving a fuck; I dip my head and swipe my tongue along her sensitive flesh.

  Her hips buck up from the chair as she gasps for breath.

  I hold her in place and continue to lap at her. With quick, sharp thrusts of my tongue deep inside her core, I fuck her.

  As my one hand holds her down, trapping her to the chair, I rub her clit and feel her muscles start to spasm out of control against my tongue.

  Her taste, her moans, turns me on past the point of no return.

  I wrap my hand around my cock, which throbs with my balls tingling, and as the pleasure starts to spread, Dahlia comes apart. She floods my mouth with her release and as she moans, long and loud in deep satisfaction, my release shoots, hot and thick against my stomach.

  Gasping for breath against her, I slowly pull away and yanking my shirt over my head, wipe my stomach and dick.

  “That was . . . I have no words.” Dahlia laughs. “I think my brain cells have left me.”

  “Yeah, well, mine shot out my dick.”

  I chuckle when Dahlia’s eyes go wide with surprise.

  “You . . . um,” she waves her hands around toward my hips, “you—”

  “Came is the word you’re looking for.” I grin and clamber to my feet on unsteady legs, shoving my spent junk back into my jeans.

  “How can you be so put together after that? I can’t even move.”

  I look down at her with amusement. She’s still spread open for me, so with a groan, I lean forward, and taking hold of her arms, haul her up and out of the chair. I keep hold until I’m sure she’s steady on her feet, before letting go and moving toward the kitchen.

  Over my shoulder, I suggest, “You better go and get changed on your own because if I come in there with you, we’ll never get out.”

  Ignoring her before I really do follow her into the bedroom, I make a fresh pot of coffee.


  Tomorrow I’m going to be in so much pain. Ryder and the instructor made snowboarding look so damn easy, which it isn’t. My poor limbs are going to be black and purple later after hitting the snow more times than I care to admit.

  I think we can safely say I don’t have the balance to be on the board. The fact that I’ve given up for the day is going to annoy me because I’m not one for giving up. But . . . ouch.

  Ryder is a natural and watching him race the instructor down one of the runs is hot. His strength is obvious by the way he moves, and even from this distance, I can see his pure enjoyment. This is something he loves to do.

  With snow flaring up when they come to a stop, Ryder unclips his boots from the board and runs over to me, swinging me up in his arms.

  “God, that felt good,” he laughs, his eyes alight with excitement and his mouth is split in a huge grin.

  I grab hold of his head with my mitten-covered hands and bring him to me for our lips to meet. The cold momentarily hits but we soon warm up with the heat of our mouths. Like anything else we do together, the kiss starts getting out of hand when Ryder grips my hips before wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me close.

  His arousal strains between us and I want to touch him.

  Before I can do anything about that last thought, we hear a throat being cleared beside us. Ryder pulls away from the kiss and glares at the instructor, Kevin. He’s looking at us both with amusement in his eyes.

  “You’re in a public place.” He indicates with his hands, chuckling to himself as he heads towards the ski shop.

  Ryder drops his forehead to mine, keeping me close. “I need to keep my hands off you when we’re out before we end up getting arrested for indecent exposure.”

  “I have the same problem,” I confess.

  Smiling, Ryder leans forward and kisses my forehead before taking hold of my hand. “C’mon, let’s go and get rid of my gear and head for some hot apple cider.”

  “Oh, that sounds good.”

  I wrap my arm around his waist as his go around my neck, and then I slip my h
and in his back pocket and nip his butt.

  He groans. “You better stop that.”

  I do it again and find myself pulled against him. “Stop,” he hisses in my ear. “I’m heavily aroused and you touching me like that is making it worse.” He nibbles on my lobe. “I want to take you to this place that make the best hot apple cider. We won’t make it if you carry on.” He kisses along my neck, causing me to moan. “You stay put. I’ll only be a minute.”

  Ryder pulls back, and with a wicked grin, leaves me to head into the ski shop to return his boots. Kevin had walked off with the boards we’d hired and I’d changed my boots back when I’d given up.

  He makes my head spin with how quickly our passion gets out of hand for the other. Just one taste and everything around me disappears, and all I see and feel is Ryder.

  I shake my head and grin at him as he comes jogging down the steps, oblivious to the fact he’s being ogled by a group of girls around my age.

  “Hey, told you I’d be quick.”

  He looks over his shoulder to see what has my attention, and then back to me. “They have nothing on you, babe.” He steps into my space, and after a quick kiss, wraps an arm around me and leads me away from the slope to where he parked his truck.

  The drive into the village of Stowe doesn’t take long and before I know it, he’s pulling into a space just vacated by another vehicle. The town is amazing and everything I’ve ever dreamed it would be. It looks like a winter wonderland covered in snow. It’s perfection. I’ve no idea what attracted me to Stowe that made it be one of the places I had to visit. There are probably places throughout the states like this town, but there’s just something that I haven’t as yet put my finger on.

  Whether it’s because I’ve always been a loner and craved peace and quiet, I don’t know. But I’d certainly have all that here.

  Opening my door, I slide my hand into Ryder’s offered one and let him pull me out of the truck. As I jump down, my feet sink into the fresh snow.

  The snow has started coming down heavily again, which concerns me because of Ryder having to drive us back to the cabin. Visibility can become difficult when it’s like this with large, thick flakes.

  “Hey, don’t worry.”

  I frown. “How the hell do you always know what I’m thinking?”

  “It was written on your face. C’mon, let’s get inside.” He tugs me onto the sidewalk and in through a door advertising hearty meals. The warmth and delicious aroma of the food hits me, and my stomach growls.

  “Table for two, please,” Ryder tells the waitress.

  “Follow me.”

  She sits us at a cozy table in the window and leaves the menus on the table. The chairs are dark wood with red and gold checked cushions on the seats. There is a small flower display on the tabletop. The linens match the seat cushions and the atmosphere is one of warmth.

  “I love this place,” I tell Ryder, excitedly. “Can we eat here as well as the drink?”

  His eyes glitter with amusement. “We can. I’ve worked up an appetite after this morning.”

  I raise a brow.

  He laughs.

  “Well, I did with that, but I was referring to the snowboarding. It’s been a while.” His eyes darken. “I need to get Jace back up here. I think it would do him some good.”

  It’s obvious he worries about his brother. I reach across the table and take his hand in mine. “I’ll come with you if you like,” I offer, trying not to worry about whether I’m overstepping or not.

  “I’d really like that.” He squeezes my hand before letting go so we can check out the menu.

  Reading through it, I’m beginning to wish I’d let him choose my food because there’s so much listed that I could eat . . . it’s going to be difficult to make the final decision.

  Ryder sighs.

  I meet his gaze.

  “There’s too much on here,” he grumbles.

  I chuckle. “I know.” My stomach grumbles again.

  “Oh, what the heck. I’m going to have the grilled chicken sandwich with a side salad. And I’ll take the hot apple cider.”

  The waitress returns and after Ryder orders us the same meals, he sits back and stares at me.


  “Nothing.” He has a smile on his face, but not his usual. This smile is soft and full of promises.

  After a minute, I fidget in my seat with arousal.

  “Stop,” I beg.

  “Stop what?”

  I narrow my eyes.

  “You know what. If you don’t behave, I’ll be asking for a banana with syrup. And I’ll make you sit there while you watch me lick and suck the syrup from the large . . . fruit.”

  He sits up, cursing and reaches under the table.

  “Remind me not to play with you again.”

  “Oh, you’ll be playing with me again as soon as we get back to the cabin. I want you naked.”

  I blush when the waitress places our food on the table in front of us, trying not to laugh. She’s obviously heard my words to the gloating man sitting, facing me.

  Offering him an evil glare, I proceed to ignore him while eating the deliciously hot food. The chicken is succulent and melts in my mouth, and taking a sip of the hot apple cider, my taste buds explode.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Drying off after my shower, I hang the towel back on the rail and stroll into the bedroom, naked and already half aroused with thoughts of my girl.

  But any thoughts I had fly right out of my head to the point that I’m not able to tell anyone my name. Dahlia is sitting on the bed in thigh highs, stiletto heels and nothing else—as in every other inch of her creamy skin is bare.

  I gulp, and gulp again.

  She’s taken me completely by surprise, and as long as I live, I don’t think I’ll forget what she looks like right now. Her long curls fall down her back like silk ribbons, her cherry nipples are distended and one of her fingers trails a path between her breasts down to her pussy, causing my cock to swell to full arousal.

  “I want to . . . experiment with you.”

  Is she serious?

  “I want you to trust me.” She stands and moves toward me as my mouth goes dry with anticipation.

  She circles each of my nipples with her nails.

  I reach out and caress her hips and bottom as I pull her closer. She shivers and her nipples harden more than before.

  Smiling, I rub my chest against hers and feel her pebbled nipples against my skin as my dick throbs between us, leaking against her stomach.

  “I don’t think you really have any idea what you do to me,” I admit.

  I lower my head and kiss along her neck while my hands continue to explore her ass. She groans as my fingers caress along the top of the thigh highs but this isn’t enough for me. I need to taste her in the most basic way.

  Dropping to my knees, I grip her thighs and kiss her mound before swirling my tongue closer and closer to where I need to be.

  She quivers as I lift one of her legs over my shoulder and have my first taste of her. She rocks against me, trying to maintain her balance and I know what I’m about to do to her will have her on the floor in no time.

  Gripping her ass, I press her against my mouth, and feel her fingers tug at my hair as her wetness coats my tongue.

  “Ryder,” she moans. “You have to stop.”

  “No way. I want you to come against my mouth.”

  She groans and rubs her pussy against my mouth and gasps with pleasure when I curve my tongue and start fucking her pussy with it.

  If I’m not careful I’m going to be doing the same as earlier in the kitchen and come everywhere before I get her hands on me.

  With my thumb, I start applying pressure against her clit and smile as her hips rock back and forth against me. Her head falls back as her hands tighten in my hair, trapping me to her mound. Her cries are wild and I glance up, and catch her rolling and tugging on her nipples, the sight causes precum to
leak from my swollen dick.

  She’s going to be the death of me.

  Shoving the tip of my finger inside her core along with my tongue, she flies apart, groaning and thrashing against my mouth in uncontrollable bursts of her release.

  Quickly grabbing the base of my cock, I pull back and clench my jaw to try and hold my own release back.

  I’m like a fuckin’ teenager.

  With legs that I’m not sure are going to hold me up, I climb to my feet and guide us to the bed, dropping onto it with Dahlia wrapped around me.

  “That wasn’t supposed to happen,” she whispers.

  I roll and prop myself above her. “You’re kidding me right? What did you expect to happen wearing nothing but sexy silk on your legs and come-fuck-me heels?”

  She arches a brow. “And how do you know about come-fuck-me heels?”

  I chuckle and rest my hips against hers. “I never said I didn’t look. Besides, the girls that hung around base never saw anything of me. I might have liked sowing my wild oats back in the day, but I was probably too damn picky.”

  “Nah, you were just waiting for me to come along.” She shoves me playfully, and rolls me beneath her.

  It doesn’t take much persuasion to get me sprawled out with her sitting astride me.

  My dick still throbs after having her come on my mouth, and as she scoots back, my length is nestled against her wet pussy. I fight the urge to rub her along it and the flared head rests against my stomach, peeping out from between her pussy lips.

  And then I see stars as she does exactly what I wanted her to do.

  She starts to move her hips in a riding motion while rubbing the crown of my leaking dick with her fingers. My whole body tingles from head to foot with what she’s doing. Her large breasts sway as she moves with her nipples tight, hard buds.

  “If you want this to last, you need to stop a minute,” I gasp.

  She stills and removes her fingers from my cock.

  “Ryder, I need you.” She rotates her hips.

  I close my eyes and clench my jaw to hold back my release, my breathing heavy with the effort. I can’t even catch my breath as my eyes and head fill with visions of her caught up in her own desire, my eyes and head full of her. They open wide when I feel her move and grip my dick in her tight fist before she positions me at the opening to her core.


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