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Love is Blind (G Street Chronicles Presents)

Page 15

by Nicole Jackson

  Carmelo was still fucking with Erica strictly because he could. Necole claimed that she needed time to get herself together and he’d been respecting that. Still, as time passed, he began feeling like she just wanted to be with the next man. She hardly ever brought his son around and she kept the conversations with him short. Something was telling him that she was seeing somebody else. A part of him didn’t want to know if she had a new friend because then he’d have to deal with it. That was scary because not even he knew what he’d do if he caught her with another man. Murder crossed his mind a few times.

  So, they both staked out Necole’s apartment. Trying to tap into the psyche of the girls, they figured that if any dirt was going on, it went down at Necole’s place since they thought that no one knew where she lived. They had figured out where she stayed a few weeks earlier and hadn’t said a word about it.

  They’d watched Amber go into the apartment hours earlier with the baby. They knew that Necole was inside, so they just waited. After a while, they were beginning to think that they were having a sleep over, just chilling with each other. That notion was quickly dismissed when they spotted a shirtless dude taking the trash out. That meant that the dude had been there for hours.

  Carmelo almost started hyperventilating as he watched the guy walk out of Necole’s apartment. He knew that the plan was to lay back in the cut and just watch them, but he couldn’t help himself.

  “Say, my nigga,” he called out to the man as he hopped out of the car.

  “What’s up?” the guy asked as he turned to face him.

  “You know, Necole?”

  The dude looked Carmelo up and down. “Why?”

  “‘Cause I asked, muthafucka,” he fumed.

  “Say man…you don’t know me, dog,” the dude spat, standing his ground.

  “Well, do you know this?” Melo seethed as he pulled out his nine and bashed it across the guy’s head.

  Necole stepped out onto her balcony when she heard something sounding like a person getting hit. She knew that her friend Julian was outside and she wanted to make sure that he was okay.

  She couldn’t believe her eyes. “Carmelo, stop!” she screamed horrified.

  “Bitch, stop playing,” Amber giggled as she stepped onto the balcony. They had joked about the “what ifs” and she thought that Necole was playing around. “What the fuck?” she gasped as she saw Carmelo pistol whipping Julian.

  “What? What’s going on?” Julian’s cousin and Amber’s Boo, Bucket Head asked.

  Amber tried her best to shove him back into the apartment, but it was too late. Lil’ Daddy was standing outside watching Carmelo handle his business and had been looking up when Bucket Head stepped outside.

  “Bitch, you got that nigga up there?!” he shouted, enraged.

  “Fuck you! You hoe ass nigga!” Bucket Head spat before going back into the apartment. He grabbed his clothes and threw them on. He then ran out the door to help his cousin.

  “Shit, lock the door,” Necole told Amber after Bucket Head left out of the door.

  Amber damn near broke her neck running to the door. She didn’t know what was about to happen, but they didn’t need any of the dudes running in on them; especially their babies’ fathers.

  By the time Bucket Head got down stairs, Lil’ Daddy had drawn on him. “You didn’t learn the last time, nigga? I told you that I would kill you didn’t I?”

  “Oh shit,” Necole whispered. “Let’s go in the house,” she pulled Amber along and they closed the door. They were both nervous wrecks.

  “I told you this shit wasn’t going to work.”

  Amber wasn’t listening to a word that Necole was saying as she paced the floor. “Oh, God! He’s gone kill him and then me. Let’s call the police or something.”

  “Girl, he ain’t gon do shi…” BLOW! BLOW! BLOW! Necole was cut off by the gunfire exploding outside. They both hit the floor. “Oh, my God! Please don’t let them come up here,” she prayed.

  They both stayed on the floor until they heard police sirens off in the distance. Then they slowly lifted from the floor. They checked in on the babies who were both sleeping in Necole’s bed. They were both still sound asleep, completely oblivious to the chaos surrounding them.

  Necole took a peek out of her living room window and saw pools of blood on the sidewalk with no dead bodies in sight.

  “Amber, call Bucket Head and see if they’re okay,” her voice trembled.

  “Okay,” Amber nodded as she dialed him up.

  After several rings, “Hello.”

  “Oh, thank God you are okay. What happened?” she said as she held her chest.

  “That bitch ass nigga shot me. That’s what happened!” Bucket Head seethed angrily.

  “What?! Where did he shoot you?”

  “In the leg as I was running away.”

  “Oh, my God. Did the police catch them?”

  “Police? You know I don’t get down like that. We gon handle them niggas in a hot second, so don’t even worry.”

  “Is Julian alright?”

  “I don’t know, I’m about to take the nigga to a hospital. He seems to be coming in and out of consciousness.”

  “Wooow. I am so so so sorry for this,” she cried. “Call me and let me know what hospital ya’ll go to so that me and Necole can come up there.”

  “I will,” he told her before hanging up.

  “What did he say?” Necole asked.

  “He said that Lil’ Daddy shot him in the leg.”


  “Bitch, lower your voice,” Amber gritted. “They didn’t talk to the police so that means that those niggas could still be lurking. Carmelo’s crazy ass beat Julian unconscious.”

  “You’re joking, Amber? Please tell me that you’re joking.”

  “I wish I could.”

  The police canvassed the area trying to figure out what happened and neither girl offered any information.

  For the next few days, Necole and Amber never left her apartment. Their babies’ fathers’ had them spooked. Every time they’d hear someone walk up the stairs, they prayed that it was neighbors. They hadn’t heard from either man, but they weren’t crazy enough to think that it was over.

  At one in the morning one night, a loud knock awoke Necole out of her sleep. “Shit!” she jumped out of bed. “Amber! Somebody’s at the door. Come answer it with me,” she said as she woke up her girl.

  “Fuck!” Amber sat up. “I know that it’s these crazy ass niggas.”

  “I know,” Necole sighed nervously as she headed to the door. She peeked out the peephole, and sure enough, it was Carmelo and Lil’ Daddy standing on the other side. “Who is it?” she asked meekly.

  “Who the fuck is it supposed to be?” Melo snapped.

  Necole did a silent prayer before opening the door. They both barged in with no invitation. Carmelo walked around the apartment checking every room. “Nobody’s here except for me, Amber and the kids,” she told him.

  He turned and glared at her with bloodshot red eyes looking like he hadn’t slept in days. “So, that nigga ain’t been back over here?”

  “Carmelo, are you losing your mind? After what ya’ll did, you think that they would be back over here chilling like nothing happened?”

  “I didn’t ask for all that. Let me talk to you in private,” he told her surprisingly calmly.

  “Okay,” she nodded as her heart pounded. They walked into her bedroom where the kids still slept.

  “So, what happened the night we left?”

  “Nothing,” she shrugged. “The dudes never came back here. Amber spoke to them as they headed to the hospital. They told her that they weren’t going to involve the police because they were going to get their own revenge. After that, we didn’t hear from them again. She tried calling to check on them, but they wouldn’t answer the phone.”

  “Okay,” he nodded. “Did you talk to the police?”

  “No. They came and questioned us and we acted like
we didn’t know anything.”

  “So, how did you meet that nigga?”

  “Carmelo, can we not go there?” she asked quietly, trying her best not to wake the kids.

  “Naw, we already went beyond there. So tell me. How did you meet him? Through Amber?”

  “If you knew, then why did you ask?”

  “I wanted to hear you say it. How long have you been having that nigga around my son?”

  “A few times.”

  “What’s a few times?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe five or six.”

  “That’s more than a few times.”

  “Well, you know what I meant.”

  “No, I don’t. Did you fuck him?”

  She scrounged her face up. “Come on, Carmelo. This is stupid. We’ve been apart for a minute now. I’m not standing here asking who you’re sleeping with because it is none of my business.”

  “Did you fuck him?!”

  “Could you lower your voice?”

  “Answer my fucking question!” he barked as his neck tightened and a vein on his forehead popped out.

  “No,” she lied, backing up against the door.

  He stepped up to her cornering her. “Don’t fucking…” BOOM! “Lie to me!” he yelled as he punched a hole in the door.

  “Okay, okay. I slept with him once,” she cried terrified.

  The babies were now fully awake and crying.

  “Please don’t hit me in front of our son,” she pleaded.

  He looked back at his son and most of his fury subsided. “Stop that crying, little nigga,” he smiled as he walked over and picked him up. “Tell Amber to come get her baby,” he told Necole.

  She opened the door. “Amber, Brielle is up.”

  “Okay,” she nodded as she slowly walked over to the room. There was an obvious hand mark underneath her eye. She picked the baby up and headed back out the room. “Necole, I’m going home,” she sniffed as Lil’ Daddy took the baby out of her arms.

  “Okay,” Necole sighed knowing that her girl was about to go home and really get her ass kicked.

  “Alright…hit me up, boy,” Carmelo told his friend.

  “I will,” Lil’ Daddy nodded as he pulled Amber out the door.

  He faced her. “Now, let’s talk, Necole.”

  * * * * *

  After an entire month had gone by, Necole and Amber were just getting back to normal. Their babies’ daddies had been driving them crazy. Neither girl could speak to another man, let alone date one. Amber was very miserable because no part of her had any interest in Lil’ Daddy anymore. Necole wasn’t as unhappy. She and Carmelo weren’t fighting much because he had placed real live fear in her heart. She didn’t know how far he’d go and she was scared to find out. So she took him back. She’d been with him long enough to know that there was no running from him and she didn’t have the energy.

  Although Necole would deny it to the end, she was still in love with Carmelo. She had discovered this while dating other men. The chemistry was off with everybody else. She still craved his touch. Her heart still skipped a beat whenever she saw him. The only times she despised him was when he’d get high. Since she’d given him a second chance, he hadn’t been getting high much; still there were times where he’d lock himself in the bathroom and smoke a sherm. She hated that, but she was thankful that he hadn’t gone berserk since she’d allowed him to move in.

  She was going to school and he still hustled. There was still an open wound in their relationship because of all that had happened. She hadn’t forgotten about all the things he’d done to her and he hadn’t stopped thinking about what she probably did with other niggas. So he went home each and every night. He had to keep close tabs on her. Sometimes he even had to laugh at himself because he never thought that he’d be the one to be insecure in a relationship. Her promising future scared the shit out of him. Everybody had such high hopes for her and swore that she was destined for greatness. Where would he fit in the picture?

  They were slowly building their relationship up again. Carmelo was trying like hell not to smother her, but he found that hard to do sometimes. In between school, work, and the baby, they had limited time alone. He’d never been with a woman that had priorities and he couldn’t help but feel neglected. This time he tried a different approach. He didn’t run into the arms of another woman, but waited patiently for her to come home. He took his frustrations out on her thighs. Every chance he got, he was between her legs.

  She was trying her best to keep the peace, so she made sure to inform him on her every move. Necole was still young and impressionable and Carmelo knew this. He wanted her to submit and when she finally did, he eased up. She had learned him and knew what pushed his buttons and what made him happy. A good fuck always calmed the beast within him, so she happily lied on her back.

  She wanted to go to a huge birthday bash, so she pulled out all the tricks that night in bed. Carmelo could barely keep up as she rode him into oblivion. She rocked him right to sleep. She laid on his chest while listening to his heart beat and the still erratic breathing.

  “Baby,” she whispered.

  “Hum?” he moaned with his eyes closed.

  “I was thinking…that maybe I could go to a party tomorrow.”

  He slowly opened his eyes and looked at her. “A party?”

  “Yeah,” she nodded.

  “What kind of party?”

  “It’s supposed to be this huge birthday bash for one of the Rockets’ players.”

  “Yeah?” he lifted his head. “How are you getting into that kind of party?”

  “My friend, Tory, from school has some tickets.”

  “Oh yeah? Who supposed to be going?”

  “I don’t know whose all going. She gave me three tickets. You want to go?” she asked, hoping that he’d say no.

  “Hell, yeah,” he nodded. “When is it?”

  “I told you tomorrow. So, we’re going?”

  “Yeah,” he smiled as he squeezed her a little tighter before kissing her on the cheek. “Love you.”

  The next night they prepared for the party. Even though Carmelo was coming to the club with her, Necole was hyped about getting out. She knew that she was going to turn heads in her off-the-shoulder black fitted dress. The red Christian Louboutin pumps were popping along with the red lipstick on her lips.

  Melo had been patiently waiting for her to get dressed. She was always stylish, so he knew that she was going to represent him well.

  “Can I get a quickie?” he asked her as he pulled her into his arms. The moment she was fully dressed, his dick hardened at the sight. “That ass is looking good enough to eat,” he whispered as he squeezed her backside.

  “It’s time to goooo,” she whined, feeling him stiffen underneath his jeans.

  He turned her around so that her back rested on his chest. “Bend over,” he said as he gently pushed her into position. He whipped his piece out and stroked himself while lifting her dress with the other. He pulled her thong aside and slid inside of her. She was bent over in the middle of the kitchen as he drilled into her. He gripped her ass and pounded.

  “Unh, unh!” she let out as he ventured into her stomach.

  SMACK! He slapped her ass as their skins clapped. “Work that pussy,” he gritted as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

  Necole slammed her hips into him trying to bring him to a climax. She knew exactly what he needed. “Fuck,” he panted. “Oh, oh, oh shit,” he slightly trembled as he released inside of her.

  She pulled away and stood. “Carmelo! Why did you cum inside of me? Now I have to take a shower.”

  “No, you don’t. Let me suck it out of you,” he told her as he pulled her to the couch. He pushed her onto the cushion.

  “Baby, we don’t have…time,” she barely got out as he buried his tongue into her pussy. “Oh, God,” she moaned as her eyes rolled into the back of her head while he sucked on her clit.

  An hour later, they’d freshened
up and were headed out the door. They met Amber and Lil’ Daddy in the parking lot and they all rode in his Navigator. Necole had gotten an extra ticket so that they could all go. The women figured that at least this way they could probably separate from the men for a little while.

  After valet parking at Club Quest, they all hopped out of the truck. The party was exclusive and there were cameras there filming the entire thing for a few television programs. Carmelo was glad that he’d allowed Necole to dress him. He was a white Nikes and white tee kind of nigga, but she convinced him to step his game up for the night. He was rocking a black and white flannel Black Label shirt and black jeans with black Cole Haan shoes. He rocked Armani shades on his face. The only jewelry he wore was his big face watch. He had his pretty boy swag going on. His stride was full of confidence knowing that he was looking dapper and had a bad bitch on his arm.

  “Say, my nigga…we should’ve came to this bitch by our damn selves,” Lil’ Daddy told Carmelo as they stepped into the club. There were top notch women all around and he wanted to sample them all.

  Amber sucked her teeth. “No, we should’ve come by ourselves.”

  “Who the fuck asked you?” he snapped.

  She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  “Look…why don’t you and Necole go find us somewhere to sit while we go to the bar,” Lil’ Daddy suggested.

  Carmelo lifted a brow. “Naw, man. You and Amber go to the bar. Me and Necole will find somewhere to sit,” He wasn’t crazy. Letting the girls venture off into a club filled with professional athletes wasn’t the brightest idea. He knew that his girl was fully capable of attracting any man from any walk of life.

  Lil’ Daddy looked at his little homie funny. He had planned on going on a pussy hunt and he was throwing a monkey wrench into his plans. “Alright, man,” he sighed.


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