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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG

Page 5

by Cody Pondsmith



  through. Not even thinkin’ about the fact that



  nobody’ll trust ya since your’e a mutant. Nah,




  when nobody’s hirin’ ya to kill monsters, ya

  LUCK 5

  kill humans. There’s a rumor that Letho and

  his King Slayers were working for Nilfgaard,


  to kill off all the Northern Kings and weaken



  the North. Emperor offered to bring back the



  Viper School if they did it from what I hear.

  Spell Casting


  Either way, Letho of Gulet’s gonna go down in

  history as the Kingslayer. Assassinated Dema-



  vend of Aedirn on his damn party boat, kil ed



  Foltest of Temeria at the siege of LaValette cas-



  tle, and he woulda gotten Henselt of Kaedwen

  Wilderness Survival


  at his camp at the siege of Vergen but his men



  got interrupted, some say by Geralt of Rivia.



  Can’t say anything about the whoreson myself.

  Small Blades


  Sounds like your average, stoic witcher. What

  First Aid


  I can say is, he may still be out there. He and

  Human Perception


  Geralt faced off at Loc Muinne but nobody


  can agree whether Geralt kil ed the sorry son



  Yrden Sign

  of a bitch. Apparently the two had some histo-



  Quen Sign

  ry, traveled together for a while before Geralt



  Aard Sign

  lost his memory. Some folks say they fought



  the damn Wild Hunt together. Seems crazy to

  Igni Sign

  Resist Coercion


  me though. If he’s still around, the Kingslay-

  Axii Sign

  Resist Magic


  er’s probably hidin’ out. Wanted across all of

  Magic Trap Sign



  the North and there’s no way the Emperor of

  Active Shield Sign

  Nilfgaard’s gonna keep his word and give the

  Aard Sweep Sign

  Key Skills

  Vipers a home in Nilfgaard. Just another pawn

  Fire Stream Sign

  in Emperor Emyr’s damn chess game.”

  Witcher Training


  Puppet Sign

  –Rodolf Kazmer



  Magical Source





  Iron Stomach


  Dwarven cleaver



  Witcher medallion



  Blizzard potion

  Golden oriole potion

  Swallow potion

  Werewolf decoction



  Grave hag decoction

  Arachas decoction

  Northern wind bomb (x3)

  Devil’s puffball bomb (x3)

  Parry Arrows


  Throwing knives (x4)


  Armored trousers

  Alchemy set

  Quick Strike


  Black venom (x3)

  Chlorophorm (x3)


  Horse w/ saddle





  Having already seen the title

  Creating Your

  characters laid out you may

  be confused about the various

  statistics, abilities and items

  Own Character

  presented. We’ll be going over

  all of this in the next several

  What is a Character?

  chapters and will explain how

  you to determine these values

  In the Witcher TRPG, your character is the person you inhabit while playing in the for your own character.

  game. While it is often a good idea to start out playing characters that are similar to

  yourself, your character can be just about anybody you want.

  Character Creation

  The process of building your character is simple, but with a lot of choice and variation so

  you can make your character as unique as possible. You create your character in seven steps: 1. Pick Your Race

  4. Pick Your Statistics

  Determine what race you want to play. This Once you have figured out what you do for a

  is an important step because your race de- living, you then need to figure out what your

  termines both your special abilities and how core abilities are. Your statistics are there to the average person will react to you.

  represent the core attributes of your charac-

  ter. How tough they are, how smart they are,

  how fast they are and so on.

  2. Run a Lifepath

  The second step to creating your character

  is to roll up a Lifepath. This series of rol s 5. Select Pick-Up Skills

  determines not only what your character is After you have picked your stats you can

  general y like and what they value, but also choose your pick-up skills. These are skil s creates their history. Though this is an op- unrelated to your profession that you have

  tional step, it allows you to flesh out your just ‘picked up’ over time.

  character and play a game of chance to get

  bonuses from significant life events. Howev-

  er, in addition to making friends and gain- 6. Get Your Coin

  ing boons you may also find enemies and At this stage your character is finished and

  incur disadvantages.

  now you get to outfit them. The first step to

  this is to use the Starting Coin table to deter-

  mine how much money you have.

  3. Pick Your Profession

  After you know what race you are and what

  your life was general y like, you can choose a 7. Outfit Yourself

  profession to enter. Your profession will give After you have your money you can start

  you a set of skills, starting gear and a special buying weapons, armor, and gear that your Skill Tree.

  character will need in their adventures.



  Others of Your Race

  In the world of The Witcher there are four playable races that each have their own abili-It’s important to note that you

  ties and drawbacks. Despite the fact that they are born as humans, witchers are consid-

  may run into others of your

  ered a race of their own due to the mutations in their bodies and their unique abilities.

  race while in hostile territory.

  Other members of your race

  will always treat you as equal

  Social Standing

  unless they have some person-

  al problem with you or mem-

  Humans are the dominant species on the Con
tinent. After a series of wars in which the

  bers of their own race.

  elves and dwarves sided against the humans of the north, the non-human population (el-

  derfolk, if you’re polite) of the Northern Kingdoms has become a downtrodden group of second-class citizens. Today, race means quite a bit in day to day life. Each race has its own social standing, which indicates how people deal with your character and explains how

  their reaction reflects in statistics.




  Your social standing is de-

  Characters with a social standing of equal Characters who are tolerated are present signed to indicate how

  are seen as peers. They take no penalties to in society but not real y respected or con-

  strangers feel about you based

  social interactions but gain no bonuses ei- sidered equal. They take a -1 to Seduction,

  on your race. Obviously if

  ther. People will general y judge them on Charisma, Persuasion, and Leadership with

  you’re an elf who has a long-

  their appearance and actions rather than people.

  time friend who happens to

  their race.

  be a human, your friend won’t

  hate you. The same goes for

  lovers and, sometimes, in-laws.



  Characters who are feared are considered Characters who are hated are actively de-frightening to the average person. You only spised by most people. They aren’t neccesar-

  gain the feared social standing through mu- ily outcast, but are often the targets of racial tation into a witcher or horrible scarring. aggression and hate crimes. They take a -2 to

  You can gain the standing in specific places Seduction, Charisma, Persuasion, and Lead-

  based on your actions, but that is decided by ership with people.

  the Game Master. A character who is feared

  gains a +1 to Intimidation but a -1 to Cha-





  Dwarves Witchers


  The North




  Hated &

  Hated &







  Hated &









  Dol Blathanna













  Female Witchers


  Witchers have been a touchy issue since they were made centuries ago. Heh, but let me tell ya Historicaly, all known witch-friend, even when they were sought after, nobody real y liked ‘em. They’re raised from human ers have been male due to the

  children taken to one of the five Schools of the Witcher. At these witcher keeps, the children go nature of the Trial of the Grass-through some kinda gruelin’ trainin’ proccess that makes ‘em into livin’ weapons. Fast as hell, es. However, we leave it to the

  trained to fight blind and hunt just about every monster any poor son of a whore’s likely to GM to decide if there are fe-find. After a few years of this they go through a bunch of mutations. One ya hear about most’s male witchers in a their game.

  the Trial of the Grasses. The one witcher I traveled with said only one in four kids survives this whole mess.

  The ones that survive are changed. They’ve got bright cat’s eyes and just about no fee-

  lin’ left in ‘em. Heard the emotion part evens out after a while. Hell, the witcher I traveled with even made a few jokes on the road. But from that moment on, they’re kil ers. Reborn for one Dulled Emotions

  purpose: kil in’ monsters. And hell, see a witcher in action and you’ll see the payoff of all that Due to Dul ed Emotions

  hardship. Problem is they’re mutants, and if there’s one thing people hate it’s a mutant. Witch-a witcher cannot raise their

  ers have barely any charisma left in ‘em so most people think they’re cold, heartless murderers EMP stat above 6.

  who’ll steal your gold, rape your daughter, and then put a sword in your gut.

  –Rodolf Kazmer


  Enhanced Senses

  Dulled Emotions

  Due to their heightened senses, witchers take no Thanks to trauma and mutation, a witcher’s penalties from areas of dim light and gain an in- emotions are dulled. Witchers do not have to herent +1 to their Awareness skil , as well as the make courage checks against Intimidation, but ability to track things by scent alone.

  they have a -4 to their Empathy Stat. This cannot

  bring Empathy below 1.

  Resilient Mutation

  Lightning Reflexes

  After all of the mutations required to become After intensive training and mutation, witchers a witcher, they are immune to diseases and are are much faster and more agile than humans.

  able to use mutagens.

  They gain a permanent +1 to their Reflex and

  Dexterity that can raise both stats above 10.


  Elves (The Aen Seidhe)

  Elves, or the Aen Seidhe, since ours aren’t the only elves out there, are a sad tale indeed. Heh.

  Bonus Skills

  They came to the world not long before humans, in great white ships from somewhere. Wouldn’t When you create your charac-call ‘em the kindest of the races but they got along well enough with the rest of us. They’re not ter, you cannot have a skill val-too unlike humans: tall, thin, prone to lookin’ down on others. Only difference is their pointed ue higher than 6. As you level

  ears, their eternal lives, and their bond with the land. Heh, the elves are at one with nature up your character, skill values

  or somethin’. Lived off the land for generations, foragin’ for food and buildin’ great palaces.

  cap out at 10 points. The perks

  Don’t even have sharp teeth after all those years of eatin’ berries and plants. Don’t get ‘em cross that you gain from your race

  though; an elf’s hell on the battlefield too. They may not wear much armor but they’re hard as can raise your skill value above

  frogs in winter to find in the wilderness, and probably the best archers you’ll ever see.

  these ceilings. For instance, if

  –Rodolf Kazmer


  you decide to play an elf and

  put 6 points into Archery right


  Natural Attunement

  away, your Marksman perk

  Elves have a natural eye for beauty and a talent Elves have a deep magical bond with nature it-can raise your initial Archery

  for artistic endeavours. Elves gain an inherent +1 self. Elves do not disturb animals, meaning that skill value to 7. If you level

  to their Fine Arts skil .

  any beast they encounter is considered friendly

  up that same character, over

  and will not attack unless provoked. Elves also

  the course of a game you can


  automatical y find any plant substance rated as

  raise your Archery skill value

  Years of tradition and practice make elves some commonly availability (or lower) that they are to a total of 10 plus the bonus

  of the best archers in the world. Elves gain an seeking, as long as the substance would occur Marksman value, put i
ng you

  inherent +2 to their Archery skill and can draw natural y in the surrounding terrain.

  at a +11.

  and string a bow without taking an action.


  Heh. My friend, rivers dry up, mountains crumble, but dwarves are a constant. We may be

  Dwarven Women

  short compared to the elves and the humans but we’re sturdier than they’ll ever be—the defi-It is difficult to convince dwarves

  nition of barrel-chested! We dwarves have been around for ages, livin’ in the mountains and that males of other races do not

  plyin’ our trade: forgin’. We’re friendly enough when ya get to know us and easy to get along fuly appreciate the “kitten-soft”

  with as long as ya don’t piss in our faces. The humans may not love us dwarves, but they need beards of their women.

  us for our skill and our steel. ‘Sides, unlike the damn elves we don’t hold an in-born grudge

  –Brandon of Oxenfurt

  against the humans. We keep to our business and them to theirs. Share a drink here and there.

  Heh, sadly, madness is spreadin’ quick through the North and dwarves are targets now more than ever. Lucky the humans have a hard time pickin’ out our women! Never find a prettier lass than a dwarven girl. They say the ful er the beard, the ful er the...well. Ya get my point.

  –Rodolf Kazmer




  Spending much of their time in the mountains Due to their compact frame and propensity

  and mines, dwarves have natural y tough skin. for tough, physical y demanding professions,

  As such a dwarfs’ skin has a natural stopping dwarves gain a +1 to their Physique skill and power of 2. This SP cannot be lowered via weap- raise their Encumberance by 25.

  on attacks or ablation damage.

  Crafter’s Eye

  With their eye for fine detail and appraisal it is

  hard to bluff a dwarf. Dwarves have an

  inherent +1 to their Business skil .




  If I were a worse person I’d vent my spleen and tell ya all the terrible things humans have done to my people and the other elder races. But I’m better than that. Worked with a lot of humans Ugh...Tricky topic, the North.

  during the Northern Wars. Hell, most of the Temerian army’s humans. Humans can be fine

  Folk’re usualy fine enough.

  folks. They’re varied in nature and usual y a pretty resilient race. They tend to get swept up Grew up in Maribor. Plenty ‘a

  in causes and fears pretty easily, though. They’re the dominant species on the Continent right humans round there. Never

  now and they know it. Heh. It’s easy to speak ill of ‘em. They just about destroyed the elder had too much trouble. Either


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