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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG

Page 15

by Cody Pondsmith

  & 4 ingots of silver for 2-hand-

  Craftsman to make items that tation check (3 + the crafting with a DC equal an item’s crafted weapons.

  are master grade. They can also DC) before making a witcher ing DC to search for a flaw in roll a Master Crafting rol at potion to lower its DC to avoid the item’s design. This takes 1

  any time at a DC equal to the poisoning by 1 for every point turn of studying, but allows the item’s crafting DC to perma- over the crafting DC. If they Craftsman to make a targeted

  nently grant armor resistance fail, the potion comes out as at ack at a -6 to do ablation (their choice which) or weap- poisonous as it normal y would damage to the armor or weapons a 50% bleeding or -2 Stun be. The DC to avoid poisoning on equal to half their Pinpoint value.

  can never be lower than 12.

  value in 6-sided dice.


  Case The Area

  Criminal Skill Tree





  Practiced Paranoia (INT)

  Whether they’re an assassin, a thief, a counterfeitter, or a smuggler, criminals all share a Town


  practiced paranoia that keeps them out of trouble. Whenever a Criminal comes within



  10m of a trap (this includes experimental traps, Man at Arms booby traps, and ambushes)



  they immediately can make a Practiced Paranoia roll at either the DC to spot the trap, the ambushing party’s Stealth rol , or a DC set by the GM. Even if they don’t succeed in spotting the trap, they are still aware that something is wrong.

  Go To Ground



  The Thief

  The Gang Boss

  The Assassin


  Case The Area (INT)

  Weak Spot (EMP)

  Careful Aim (DEX)

  A week’s ride


  A Criminal can take an hour A Criminal can roll Weak A Criminal who’s not in ac-

  A day’s ride


  to wander the streets of a Set- Spot against a sentient target’s tive combat and takes a round A day’s walk


  tlement and roll Case the Area Deceit roll to identify the tar-

  against a DC in the Case The get’s most valued possession to aim can roll Careful Aim

  In the area


  Area chart. If successful, the or person. This also grants the at a DC equal to their target’s Security (Multiple)

  Criminal memorizes guard Criminal a +1 to Intimidate REFx3 to gain a bonus on

  their next at ack equal to half



  pat erns, street layouts, and for every 2 points they rolled

  hiding spots for a +2 to Stealth above the target’s Deceit. This their Careful Aim value. Being Hidden


  in that area for a number of Intimidation bonus lasts until spot ed after making this rol

  but before at acking halves the

  2 bandit guards


  days equal to their Case the something happens to change


  5 traps (GMs choice)


  Area value.

  the target’s weak spot.

  Perks (Multiple)

  Mental Key (INT)

  Marked Man (WILL)

  Eye Gouge (DEX)

  Food & water


  Whenever a Criminal success- A Criminal can roll Marked A Criminal can roll Eye Gouge Surgeon’s kit


  ful y picks a lock they can rol Man at a DC equal the target’s

  Mental Key at a DC equal to EMPx3 to mark a target by in place of an at ack to tempo-A forge


  the Lock Picking DC to mem- carving a mark on their door, rarily blind a target. Eye Gouge requires the Criminal to be in

  Alchemy set


  orize its tumbler positions. or the like. If successful the

  This allows the Criminal to target must make a Charisma, melee range and imposes a -3

  open the lock without a Lock Persuasion, or Intimidation to hit. However if it hits, the

  Assassin’s Strike

  Picking rol . You can memo- check that beats your Marked target takes an unmodified 2d6

  rize as many locks as you have Man roll to get any help or ser- damage and is blinded for a number of rounds equal to the



  points in INT and can always vice from anyone in their set-

  replace one.


  Eye Gouge value.

  In melee range


  Go To Ground (INT)

  Rally (WILL)

  Assassin’s Strike (DEX)

  In light


  Once per session a Criminal

  In darkness


  can roll Go To Ground to find Once per day, by taking an When ambushing a target,

  hour, a Criminal can roll a Ral- a Criminal can make an As-

  In dim light


  a hideout where they can lie ly check against a DC set by the sassin’s Strike roll against the In a heavily

  low for a while. Take the total GM. For every 2 you roll above target’s Awareness roll to con-crowded area


  value of your Go to Ground

  roll and split the points be- the DC they recruit 1 Bandit ceal themselves after an at ack.

  In a silent area


  tween the 3 categories in the for a number of days equal to This ability can be used in any Beyond 20m of

  Go To Ground table in the your Rally value. If a Bandit is situation but imposes penalties the target


  sidebar. This hideout remains knocked below half health they based on light and cover condi-until destroyed, and you can must roll under the Criminal’s tions. Multiple opponents can

  always return to it.

  WILL on a 10 sided die or flee. each roll to spot the Criminal.


  Doctor Skill Tree



  Healing Hands (CRA)

  More specific information

  Anyone can apply some ointment and wrap a bandage around a cut, but a Doctor has true

  about healing Critical Wounds

  medical training which allows them to perform complex surgeries. A Doctor with Healing

  can be found on pg.173.

  Hands is the only person who can heal a critical wound. To heal critical wounds a doctor must make a number of successful Healing Hands rol s based on the severity of the critical wound. The DC of the roll is based on the severity of the critical wound as wel . Healing Hands can also be used for any First Aid task.

  Herbal Remedy

  The Surgeon

  The Herbalist

  The Anatomist



  Vitriol + Rebis

  Diagnose (INT)

  Healing Tent (CRA)

  Bleeding Wound (INT)

  +15 Health for 1 hour.


  When able to look over a Healing Tent allows a Doctor A Doctor who does damage

  Quebrith + Sol

  wounded person or monster, to roll against a DC set by the with a bladed weapon can

  Negates all pain for 1


  a Doctor can roll Diagnose at GM to create a covered area make a Bleeding Wound rol hour

  a DC determined by the GM. that provides an optimal med- against a DC of 15. On success,

  Aether + Caelum

  If they succeed they assess ical environment. This takes 1 the at ack causes bleeding at

  Negates dim light

  any Critical
Wounds the sub- hour but adds +3 to Healing a rate of 1 point per 2 points

  penalties for an hour


  ject has and learn how many Hands/First Aid rol s inside, rolled over the DC. The bleed-

  but doubles bright

  Health Points it has left. This and +2 to the healing rate of ing can only be stopped by a light penalties

  also gives a +2 to any Healing anyone in the tent for a num- First Aid rol , at a DC equal to Fulgur + Vermillion

  Hands checks to heal those ber of days equal to your Heal- the Doctor’s Bleeding Wound

  +3 against Intimida-



  ing Tent value.

  rol .

  tion for 1 hour.

  Analysis (INT)

  Improvisation (INT)

  Practical Carnage (INT)

  Hydragenum + Rebis

  +3 to Seduction for


  When about to perform a A Doctor can make an Im- A Doctor can roll Practical

  1 hour

  Healing Hands rol , a Doctor provisation roll at a DC equal Carnage against a DC equal Aether+ Vitriol

  can take a turn to make an to the crafting DC for a specif- to the opponent’s BODYx3 to

  +3 to Awareness for


  Analysis roll at a DC equal ic medical alchemical item to cause the target’s wounds and 1 hour

  to the severity of the Critical substitute something else on critical wounds to heal half

  Wound. If they succeed they hand for the same effect. This as fast. Other Doctors with

  Vermillion + Quebrith

  gain insight into the wounds, roll takes one round and if it the Effective Surgery skill and

  +15 Stamina for 1


  and for every 2 they roll over is failed it can be made again. items that raise the healing rate hour

  the DC (minimum 1) the sur- Improvisation is very specif- of wounds and critical wounds Fulgur + Sol

  gery takes 1 turn less.

  ic and works only on this one

  Puts you into a death-



  can counteract the effect.

  like coma for 1 hour

  Effective Surgery (CRA)

  Herbal Remedy (CRA)

  Crippling Wound (INT)

  Caelum + Hydragenum

  Allows you to stay

  Before starting to heal a Criti- By mixing alchemical sub- A Doctor can make a Crip-

  awake all night with


  cal Wound a Doctor can make stances, a Doctor can create pling Wound roll against the no penalties

  an Effective Surgery roll at a an herbal remedy that grants target’s defense. This at ack DC equal to the wound’s Heal- bonuses/effects based on what takes a -6 to hit but imposes

  Vermillion + Sol

  ing Hands DC. If they succeed was put into it (see the Healing a negative to the target’s RE-

  +3 to Reflex for 10



  they treat the wounds so skil- Remedy chart in the sidebar). FLEX, BODY, or SPEED equal ful y that they heal twice as Each remedy keeps for 3 days to 1 per 3 points above their

  fast. This ability can be used on and must be burned or chewed defense rol . This negative can critical wounds and can also be to provide the bonus, allowing only be removed with an Effec-used on regular wounds.

  only 1 use. Making a remedy tive Surgery roll that beats your

  takes 1 turn.

  at ack roll.



  Mage Skill Tree




  Magical Training (INT)



  To qualify as a Mage, a magical y adept person must pass through the hal s of one of the

  world’s magical academies and learn the fundamentals of the magical arts. A Mage can roll



  Magical Training whenever they encounter a magical phenomenon, an unknown spel , or



  a question of magical theory. The DC is set by the GM, and a success allows the Mage to



  recall everything there is to know about the phenomenon. Magical Training can also be Profession

  rolled as a form of Awareness that detects magical beings, spel s, and hexes.





  The Politician

  The Scientist

  The Arch Mage



  Scheming (INT)

  Reverse Engineer (INT)

  In Touch



  A Mage can make a Scheming



  roll at a DC equal to a target’s By taking 1 hour to study an al- As a Mage utilizes magic


  INTx3. On success the Mage chemical solution a Mage can more and more, their body

  rol Reverse Engineer at a DC becomes more used to the



  gets a +3 to Deceit, Seduction,

  Intimidation, or Persuasion equal to the Crafting DC for flow. Every point a Mage has



  against that target from their the alchemical item +3. Suc- in In Touch grants +2 points cess allows them to reverse-en- to Vigor threshold. When this



  observations of how the target gineer and write down the ability reaches level 10 your


  works. The bonus from this

  ability applies for a number item’s formula. This formula is maximum Vigor threshold



  of days equal to the Mage’s 3 points harder to craft, but re- becomes 25. This skill can be liably creates the desired item.

  trained, like other skil s.



  Scheming value.



  Grape Vine (INT)

  Distillation (CRA)

  Immutable (WILL)



  A Mage can take 1 hour and A Mage can roll Distil ation A Mage can roll Immutable at Enthralled


  make a Grape Vine roll against instead of Alchemy when cre- DC:16 whenever they would a target’s EMPx3. Success ating an alchemical solution. normal y be affected by di-spreads rumors throughout a Success at this roll creates a meritium. Success means that


  settlement or city, lowering the dose of that solution that has the Mage mostly shrugs off target’s reputation there by half half again the effect that it the dimeritium. They are stil Your relationship to an asset

  your Grape Vine value for a would normal y have, either somewhat dizzy and uncom-

  establishes how willing to help

  number of days equal to your in duration, damage, or resist- fortable but retain half of their ance DC (your choice). Always total Vigor threshold and can

  you they are. Enthralled assets

  Grape Vine value.

  round down when increasing.

  perform magic.

  will help you with absolutely

  anything. Romanced assets

  Assets (INT)

  Mutate (INT)

  Expanded Magic (WILL)

  will help you with almost an-

  Once per game a Mage can A mage can spend all of their By channelling magic through

  ything as long as you reaf irm

  make an Assets roll to remem- stamina and a full day exper-

  ber an asset they ‘acquired’ imenting on a subject to rol various magical foci a Mage

  your romance. Friendly assets

  some time ago. Take the to-
Mutate at a DC equal to (28 can wield incredible power. A must be convinced to stick

  tal of your roll and distribute – (subject’s BODY + WILL)/2) Mage can roll Expanded Mag-their necks out for you. In-

  it between the 4 columns on to mutate the subject. Success ic before at empting to cast a grants the subject use of the spell or ritual, at a DC of 16. On

  debted assets will only do one

  the table in the sidebar to find Mutagen with the appropri- success the mage can channel

  thing for you. Blackmailed

  out who you know. This asset ate minor mutation. Failure

  will help you, but how much

  the spell or ritual through any

  assets will do anything for you

  throws the subject into Death

  depends on their relationship State and inflicts the larger mu- 2 of their foci that they choose, but there is a 50% chance that

  with you.


  reducing the Vigor cost twice.

  they will betray you.


  Man at Arms Skill Tree Extreme Range

  Tough As Nails (BODY)



  Just outside the

  True Men At Arms like the Blue Stripes of Temeria and the Impera Brigade of Nilfgaard are



  hardened soldiers who never give in or surrender. When a Man At Arms fal s to or below 0

  Half again the

  Health, they can roll Tough As Nails at a DC equal to the number of negative Health times range


  2 to keep fighting. If they fail, they fall into Death State as per usual. If they succeed, they Double the range


  can keep fighting as if they were only at their Wound Threshold. Any damage forces them

  to make another roll against a DC based on their Health.

  Booby Trap

  The Marksman The Bounty Hunter

  The Reaver



  Extreme Range (DEX)

  Bloodhound (INT)

  Fury (WILL)

  Snaring: The trap has

  a DC the target must

  When making a ranged at- When tracking a target or try- A Man At Arms can roll Fury

  beat to free themselves


  tack against a target outside of ing to find a trail, a Man At at a DC equal to their EMPx3.

  from a Grapple.

  their weapons range, a Man At Arms adds their Bloodhound If they succeed, the Man At value to Wilderness Survival Arms becomes immune to

  Disarming: The trap

  Arms can roll Extreme Range rols to find the trail or follow fear, spels that change emo-swings at shoulder

  at a DC based on the target’s it. If the Man At Arms loses the tions, and Verbal Combat for height striking the


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