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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG

Page 27

by Cody Pondsmith

  Range: Self

  Defense: Creature’s WILLx3

  Defense: Creature’s WILLx3

  Duration: Active (1 STA)

  Defense: None

  Cursed Illness

  Nature’s Gift

  STA Cost: Variable

  STA Cost: Variable

  Sigil of the Hidden

  Effect: Cursed Illness causes one Effect: Nature’s Gift grows a small STA Cost: 2

  target to fall il . The illness man- cluster of edible plants in soil of Effect: Drawing the Sigil of the ifests differently based on how any kind. These plants are enough Hidden covers a 3m area in many Stamina points are spent. to sustain a number of people branches, foliage, and other natu-2 points causes the target to dou- equal to the number of STA points ral elements to provide complete ble over coughing and staggers spent for 1 day.

  visual cover. This grants you a +5

  them. 4 points causes the target Range: 2m

  to Stealth, but immobilizes those

  to become violently il , stunning Duration: Immediate

  inside and must be cast again to

  them. 6 points causes the target to Defense: None

  uncover yourself. You can cut

  become ill with a ravaging disease

  away the brush by doing 10 points

  which is treated as a poison. The

  of damage to it.

  invocation ends when the target

  Range: Self

  makes an Endurance roll at a DC

  Duration: Until Dispelled

  equal to the casting rol .

  Defense: None

  Range: 8m

  Duration: Endurance Roll Ends

  Defense: Resist Magic or Magical


  Journeyman Druid Invocations

  Blessing of Healing

  Primal Reservoir

  Threads of Life

  STA Cost: 5

  STA Cost: 6

  STA Cost: 4

  Effect: Blessing of Healing jump- Effect: Primal Reservoir allows Effect: Threads of Life allows you starts a target’s healing, allowing you to tap into the primal power to see the life energy binding every them to heal at 3 points per round. of a target and awaken it. It grants target within the radius of the This blessing can be used multiple them a +2 to Melee Damage, but a spel , which tel s you their cur-times to heal a critical wound.

  -2 to INT for the duration of the rent Health Points and any critical

  Range: 2m


  wounds they have suffered.

  Duration: Active (3 STA)

  Range: 5m

  Range: 10m

  Defense: None

  Duration: 2d6 Rounds

  Duration: Active (2 STA)

  Defense: Resist Magic

  Defense: None


  Master Druid Invocations

  Shape Nature

  Song of the Sky

  Skelligers In A

  STA Cost: 12

  STA Cost: 10


  Effect: Shape Nature allows you to create a golem Effect: The Song of the Sky changes the weather in the from a small nearby tree. The golem serves you for area directly around you. You can change the weather Skeliger druids like to change

  the duration of the spell and will turn back into a to: clear sky (no modifiers), cloudy (little sunlight), up the weather durin’ big con-tree when the duration ends. If killed, the golem only rainstorm (puts out fires), wind storm (-2 to DEX for flicts. Granted, ain’t gonna

  yields 2d10 units of timber. In all other ways, the tree ranged attacks), or lightning storm (25% chance of happen much since druids

  acts as a normal golem.

  being struck by lightning, equivalent to the Lightning


  don’t like to get involved in


  Storm spell).

  Duration: 1d10 Rounds

  Range: 50m

  combat. Heh, Skeligers do

  Defense: None

  Duration: Active (5 STA)

  better in a sea storm than any

  Defense: None

  continental and they take ad-

  vantage of it. –Rodolf Kazmer

  Novice Preacher Invocations


  Blessing of Fortune

  Holy Light

  Waters of Clearance

  Oh boy... Priests are a real

  STA Cost: 1

  STA Cost: 1

  STA Cost: 1

  strange case in the North right

  Effect: The Blessing of Fortune Effect: Holy Light lights up an area Effect: Waters of Clearance sobers now. I mean, they use magic

  gives the target LUCK points equal as though the caster was carrying the target immediately. This in-of course but their magic’s ‘Di-

  to half the value you rolled over a torch. The light gives off no heat cantation counteracts alcohol and vine’ and whatnot. Heh, seems

  the DC (max 5).

  and cannot be used to ignite other alchemical solutions that cause in-


  like that’s enough to keep ‘em


  objects like a torch can.


  Duration: Until Expended

  Range: Self

  Range: 5m

  from gettin’ burned at the

  Defense: DC: 12

  Duration: 3d10 Rounds

  Duration: Immediate

  stake. But Radovid still keeps

  Defense: None

  Defense: Resist Magic or Magical

  ‘em on a leash. Keeps ‘em in

  Blessing of Love


  the churches most of the time

  STA Cost: 2

  Vaults of Knowledge


  from what I hear. Some folk

  The Blessing of Love gives STA Cost: 3

  Web of Lies

  the caster a +3 to Charisma and Effect: Vaults of Knowledge al- STA Cost: 3

  say it’s ‘cause, divine or not,

  Seduction for the duration of the lows you to reach back into your Effect: Web of Lies allows you to magic’s a dangerous thing. My


  mind and access any knowledge or scramble the information in a tar-

  guess is, Radovid ain’t gonna

  Range: 5m

  memory that you’ve ever known as get’s head, making them question

  throw the baby out with the

  Duration: 1d10 Rounds

  if you were just experiencing it.

  every piece of information and


  bath water. Heh, a renegade


  Range: Self

  memory. This stuns the target un-

  Duration: Immediate

  til they can roll under their INT.

  mage is dangerous, but a loyal,

  Defense: None

  Range: 8m

  pious priest who can heal your

  Duration: INT roll ends

  injured and give ya a benefit

  Defense: Resist Magic or Magical

  on the battlefield too?


  –Rodolf Kazmer


  Journeyman Preacher Invocations

  Cleansing Fire

  Holy Fortification

  Light of Truth

  STA Cost: 6

  STA Cost: 5

  STA Cost: 4

  Effect: Cleansing Fire ignites one Effect: Holy Fortification bolsters Effect: The Light of Truth allows target, doing 3d6 damage and set- a target’s wil power and allows the you to create a bright white light ting them on fire.

  target to make a new check against that forces one target to speak

  Range: 10m

  the effects of any spell that is cur- truthful y. Every round the target

  Duration: Until Put Out

  rently affecting them.
  must make another check. If they

  Defense: Resist Magic or Magical Range: 10m

  fail, they must answer any ques-


  Duration: Immediate

  tion truthfully.

  Defense: None

  Range: 5m

  Duration: Active (2 STA)

  Defense: Resist Magic

  Master Preacher Invocations

  Divine Portal

  Divine Wisdom

  STA Cost: 12

  STA Cost: 10

  Effect: Divine Portal creates a standing portal for a Effect: Divine Wisdom searchs with a powerful au-brief instant. The portal lasts for just one round and gury for the answer to a question. This answer cannot allows you to transport yourself or others anywhere predict the future. The GM sets your DC based on the you can recal . This portal otherwise functions like the secrecy of the information.

  mage spel , Standing Portal.

  Range: 50m

  Range: N/A

  Duration: Active (5 STA)

  Duration: 1 Round

  Defense: None

  Defense: None


  Arch Priest Invocation

  Blessing of Death

  Healing Rest

  Arch Priests

  STA Cost: 16

  STA Cost: 16

  Arch Priest invocations are

  Effect: Summoning the power of the Lion-Headed Effect: With the power granted to you by Melitele, the considered tremendous feats.

  Spider, you cut the ties of life holding a target to this mother goddess, you can place a number of people world. The target must roll Resist Magic or be thrust equal to the value of your Spell Casting skill into a They are so uncommon

  into Death state as if by taking normal damage. How- deep coma in which their bodies heal themselves.

  among the priesthood that

  ever if they are treated with a successful First Aid or They cannot act for the entirety of the rest and are un-more fanatical followers con-

  Healing Hands roll at a DC of 16, they immediately aware of their surroundings even if touched, moved, recover their previous number of Health Points.

  or attacked. At the end of the rest, targets revive at full

  sider them miracles.

  Range: 10m

  health, and their critical wounds have been healed.

  Duration: Immediate

  Range: 5m

  Defense: Resist Magic or Magical Shield

  Duration: 1 Day

  Defense: None

  Kreve Vs the Eternal

  Eternal Judgement


  STA Cost: 16

  Luck of the Father

  Don’t get me wrong. Ain’t a

  Effect: Using the power granted to you by the Eternal STA Cost: 16

  fan of either the Church of

  Fire, you cause a target to burst into a bright white Effect: With power granted to you by Kreve, the Kreve or the Eternal Flame.

  fire, tinged with red. The fire does double the nor- All-Father, you gather divine providence to you. For mal fire damage and cannot be extinguished except the duration of the spell you can spend a number of Bein’ a dwarf, think both of

  by magic, or by completely submerging underwater LUCK points equal to your Spell Casting skill value

  ‘em would be happy to put my

  for 3 rounds. Anything that touches this magical fire times 3. You can augment any rol s you make, but can head on a spike soon as look at

  ignites with normal fire and can be put out in one full also impose penalties or grant bonuses to the roll of me. But the North’s seein’ one


  anyone within 10m.

  hell of a war for the faithful

  Range: 10m

  Range: Self//10m

  Duration: Until Put Out

  Duration: 1 Hour

  between ‘em right now. Ra-

  Defense: Resist Magic or Magical Shield

  Defense: None

  dovid’s stormin’ into Kaedw-

  en, to ‘secure the north’ and

  Kaedwen’s sure as hell pushin’

  Freya’s Bravery

  White Flame

  back. Both sides are pretty

  STA Cost: 16

  STA Cost: 16

  damn religious and you’ll see

  Effect: Calling upon the power of the goddess Freya, Effect: Summoning the power of the Great Sun, you banners of the Eternal Flame

  you summon her spirit into your body, creating a create a bright aura of White Fire which lights the sur-and Kreve trampled into the

  glow around yourself which emanates 20m in all di- rounding area to the level of bright light. This aura of mud if ya wind up in Kaedw-rections. Every person within that area is emboldened fire doesn’t burn anyone who touches it but does thaw en. Problem is, Kreve mighta

  by Modron Freya’s love and guidance. They become anyone in the spel ’s area, and dispels water-based immune to fear and gain 25 Health Points for the du- spel s in the area. Water-based spel s can only be cast been popular a while ago but

  ration of the spel . If they leave the area of the invoca- in the area of the spell if the caster’s Spell Casting his time’s fadin’, and the Kaed-tion, its effects last for 1d6 rounds. These rounds re- check beats that of the Priest of the Great Sun. On top weni may be strong but they’re

  new if the person re-enters the area of the invocation of this, any monster in the area that is vulnerable to also short-sighted and out-and leaves again. This invocation affects those who sunlight takes double the normal penalties.

  manned. Think we may be

  don’t believe in Freya, but the power can be withheld Range: 10m Radius

  from anyone the caster chooses.

  Duration: 1 Hour

  seein’ the death of the church

  Range: 20m Radius

  Defense: Resist Magic or Magical Shield

  of Kreve.

  Duration: 20 Rounds

  –Rodolf Kazmer

  Defense: None


  Witcher Signs

  A witcher uses a form of magic known as

  signs. Signs are small magical tricks that are

  the dagger to the long sword of spells. These

  signs require a very small amount of magic

  and of focus.

  Most other magic users look down on

  the use of signs since they are the lowest form of

  magical evocation, but they serve witchers wel .

  Witchers don’t have the magical attunement to

  learn any magic beyond signs and do not learn

  the required focus or precision to practice the

  higher levels of spel s, even if they did have the


  However, signs have hidden depths. Not

  only are there other, more complex signs, there

  are alternate forms of all of the basic signs taught

  to new witchers in the academies of Witcher


  Using Axii For


  Basic Signs

  Axii can also be used instead

  Yrden (Mixed)

  Aard (Air)

  Axii (Water)

  of Persuasion. You roll Spel

  STA Cost: Variable

  STA Cost: Variable

  STA Cost: Variable

  Casting instead of Persua-

  Effect: Yrden creates a large magic Effect: Aard shoots a wave of tele- Effect: Axii stuns an opponent un-circle on the ground around you. kinetic force, staggering creatures til they can make Stun save at -1.

  sion, and the opponent rol s

  Anything that steps into that circle with a 10% chance of those affect- For every 2 points of additional Resist Magic instead of Retakes a negative to SPD and REF ed being knocked prone. The per- STA you spend past 1, the Stun sist Coercion. However Axii

  (equal to the number of STA y
ou centage rises by 10% for each point save becomes harder by 1 point.

  summons a glow of white en-

  spent) until they exit the circle. of STA spent.

  Range: 8m

  ergy around your hand and

  Any incorporeal creatures that en- Range: 2m Cone

  Duration: Until Shaken Off

  ter the circle become corporeal.

  Duration: Immediate

  Defense: Resist Magic or Magical

  the target’s head, so it is easily

  Range: 3m Radius

  Defense: Dodge or Magical Shield


  spot ed by anyone watching.

  Duration: 5 rounds

  Defense: None

  Igni (Fire)

  STA Cost: Variable

  Quen (Earth)

  Effect: Igni throws out a wave of

  STA Cost: Variable

  sparks and fire which does 1d6

  Effect: Quen creates a shield that damage per STA point spent and

  blocks one attack that you fail to has a 50% chance of lighting any-

  dodge or block for every point thing it hits on fire.

  of Stamina spent. This shield can Range: 2m Cone

  block multiple attacks in the same Duration: Immediate


  Defense: Dodge, Block, or

  Range: Self

  Magical Shield

  Duration: Until exhausted

  Defense: None


  Alternate Sign Forms

  Magic Trap (Mixed)

  Aard Sweep (Air)

  Puppet (Water)

  Variable STA

  STA Cost: Variable

  STA Cost: Variable

  STA Cost: Variable


  Effect: Yrden now creates a mag- Effect: Aard now shoots a burst of Effect: Axii now controls an op-Due to the simple nature of

  ical trap that takes one round to telekinetic force around you. For ponent’s mind, making them your prepare. This trap attacks using each STA point spent, everything al y for a number of rounds equal witcher’s signs, you can put as

  your Spell Casting & WILL and caught in the burst has a 10% to the number of STA points you much or as lit le power into

  does 3d6 damage. The trap will chance of being knocked to the spent on the spel . Each round, the them as you like (Maximum

  make one attack against the closest ground and staggered. The burst target can make a Resist Magic roll 7 points) as long as it fal s

  target each round.

  travels out in all directions as a against your Spell Casting roll to

  within your Vigor Threshold.

  Range: 3m Radius

  sphere. Flying creatures struck try and free themselves.

  Duration: 1 Round per STA point

  with Aard Sweep are knocked out Range: 8m


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