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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG

Page 42

by Cody Pondsmith

  they have evolved into the Order of the Eternal Flame.

  Lan Exeter in the Koviri capital has long surpassed Ox-

  Knights of the Eternal Flame, who hunt down non-hu-

  enfurt as a seat of knowledge. Lan Exeter is a beautiful

  mans and mages, are discouraged from settling in the

  city, but Port Vanis, the summer capital on the Gulf of

  League due to their close association with King Radovid

  Praxeda, has no equal for elegance. In August, many no-

  of Redania.

  bles leave their summer homes and throw extravagant

  Many of the nobles have winter homes in east-

  parties on brightly decorated barges plying the Grand

  ern Malleore, now famous for its hot springs. Not being

  Canal. The canal frames the perfect view of the summer

  overly fond of hot springs himself, King Niedamir built a

  palace of Ensenada and is lined with the summer homes

  sumptuous winter home there for his brother-in-law Yo-

  of nobles, mining magnates, and trade barons. The hous-

  gin Pieters, long thought to be the head of Neidamir’s se-

  es are very narrow, as they are taxed by canal frontage

  cret police. Travelers to the often snowbound countries


  of the League say marvelous things about the Schmaltz-

  Although not in power herself, Dowager Queen

  nudeln. It is apparently similar to the fried doughrings

  Zuleyka has long had strong influence in Kovir and Pov-

  found in Oxenfurt.

  iss. She is an enthusiastic follower of St. Lebioda and his

  “Good Book,” much of which is common-sense homilies

  and parables. It is believed that this common sense has

  seen these countries through some sticky situations.


  Lyria & Rivia



  The small country of Lyria and Riv-

  Cidaris acts as a blockade to Nilf-

  Verden has an unusual story. This

  ia is an area between the southern gaardian sea power. It is a coastal long strip of land south of Kerrack Blue Mountains and the Mahakaman

  country north of Verden, a nation of

  sits at the mouth of the mighty Yaru-

  Mountains surrounding the cities of rough-and-tumble seafarers, inde-

  ga River and has a long, welcoming

  Lyria and Rivia. The summer court pendent and ready for a fight. Cidaris

  sea-coast. It’s in a perfect place for

  is in Lyria, the winter court in Riv-

  is ruled by King Ethain from his trade, but for the Brokilon Forest on

  ia. Here you will find Dol Angra, one

  capital of Cidaris, which is built on

  its eastern border. This impassable

  of the few good fords on the Yaru-

  elvish ruins. He is a wise king, a good

  dryad forest so infuriated King Ervy-

  ga. Before being captured by Nilf-

  strategist, a lover of art and artists,

  ll of Verden that he offered bounties

  gaard it was ruled by Queen Meve, and a little bit of a pirate. The court

  for dryad scalps, earning the enmi-

  frequently called “a second Calan-

  is well known for culture, and the ty of all non-humans. At the time of

  the” after the powerful and beloved best performers visit often, includ-

  the Second Nilfgaardian War, King

  queen of Cintra. Currently, bands ing the well-known bard, Dandelion.

  Ervyll broke from the North and

  of Rivian gueril a fighters still stalk Bremervoord is a small seaport city-

  signed a treaty with Nilfgaard. This

  the forests. Rivians in particular are state, a vassal of Cidaris. It is ruled by

  was very unpopular in Verden, and

  known as hardy souls and exception-

  Duke Algoval, whose wife was once

  Ervyll was overthrown by his son

  al y skilled crossbowman, but they a mermaid, if you believe the bal ad-

  Prince Kistrin and later assassinat-

  are also widely considered wild and eers. The Bremervoord cutlass is the

  ed. Fortunately for Verden, the Nil-

  unscrupulous. Although not born favored weapon of pirates. Cidaris fgaardian representatives there were in Rivia, Geralt of Rivia was knight-has a long history of resisting Skel-

  notably inept. The opposition led by

  ed by Meve in Rivia for holding the lige pirates, and has a fair number of

  the now-King Kistrin in league with

  Yaruga Bridge against the Nilfgaard-

  pirates of its own. Both its army and

  Skellige and Cintra forced Nilfgaard

  ians with a small force at a critical navy contributed greatly at the battle

  out of Verden. Unfortunately Verden

  moment. Ironical y, Geralt also died of Brenna in the First Nilfgaardian has since been retaken. King Kistrin’s in Rivia defending non-humans in a

  War and they are now cooperating whereabouts are unknown.

  pogrom. I gather he was killed by a

  with Skellige. Nilfgaardian ships

  very ordinary man with a pitchfork, must run a gauntlet between Skellige

  named Rob.

  and Cidaris or chance deeper, more

  dangerous waters to get to the North.


  The Elderlands

  The War Of The


  The growing antipathy between humans sisted in talks that Dol Blathanna be

  The war of the races, which

  and non-humans is a source of point- left to the elves as a homeland at the

  cannot be ignored in our world,

  less violence every day in the North. expense of the Scoia’tael who could not

  goes all the way back to the

  Human and elf conflict goes back to the be received in Dol Blathanna until after

  Landing of Exiles. I have nev-

  legend of Lara Doren and Cregnan of the war. It would be naïve to think that

  er heard of equaly poor race

  Lod, and the destruction of the elvish this is anything other than a ploy by the

  relations before that point. No

  palace at Loc Muinne by Redania just a Emperor to encourage the Scoia’tael to

  major fracas between dwarves

  few years after the elves there had agreed continue as a thorn in the side of the

  and gnomes, no vicious battle

  to educate human children in the mag- North. And yet, in the end, the elves do

  between elves and werebbubbs.

  ical arts. Loc Muinne started a human/ wind up with a recognized homeland,

  No, this appears to be a spe-

  elvish war which culminated in the bat- which is far more than they would ever

  cificaly human condition. By

  tle at Shaerrewedd. This is not to say that receive from any force in the North. We

  the time the Exiles arrived, the

  humans have been the only offenders. It have to assume that the Scoia’tael’s aid

  dwarves and gnomes had dug

  was a Scoia’tael massacre at Fort Leyda of the Nilfgaardian cause at Thanned,

  in under the mountains. The

  in Kaedwen that prompted the pogrom and the participation of the elven Vrih-

  only serious contender for us

  in the capital of Ard Carraigh that killed hed Brigade led by Isengrim Faioltiarna

  was the elves, and by the time

  many assimilated elves and dwarves.

  with Nilfgaardian units at the Battle of

  they realized they were in a

  At the time of the First and
Sec- Brenna, are more a case of a temporary

  fight for their lives it was too

  ond Nilfgaardian Wars, King Demavend alliance based on a shared enemy. The

  late. They are a proud race,

  of Aedirn and King Henselt of Kaed- fact that Nilfgaard handed over Isen-

  and that is understandable in

  wen, were rabidly anti-non-human. grim Faioltiarna and the officers of the

  regards to their art, architec-

  Such racism looms over the assimilated Vrihhed Brigade only emphasizes that

  ture, literature, and general

  non-humans in the human cities at all Nilfgaard’s attitude towards the elves of

  aesthetic values, but as far as

  times. They have no idea when a crowd the North are based, not on compassion,

  survival is concerned they are

  of angry, intolerant humans will come but expediency.

  pitiful. Human culture has not

  to their door or burn their business. It

  Humans hate dwarves less vir-

  risen to their level, but we have

  is only a matter of time before humans ulently, probably because they produce

  the tenacity and ingenuity of

  manufacture an excuse to destroy the things that humans want and often live

  cornered sewer rats. These are

  dwarvish banking families that under- under mountains on lands humans do

  the things that the Scoia’tael is

  write business in the North, solely out of not want. Unfortunately this does not

  learning from us now but they

  greed and self-righteousness.

  exempt the dwarves from human har-

  cannot take this knowledge

  The people of Nilfgaard, includ- assment and violence. One of the few

  back to their people in the last

  ing their Emperor, seem not to hold known dwarven retreats in human

  retreat that is Dol Blathanna.

  these same feelings. It is difficult to lands, the city of Vergen, was recently

  As times become harder and

  know what life is like for non-humans attacked by Kaedwen, and the outcome

  national boundaries clash to-

  in Nilfgaard as very little information is as yet unknown.

  gether, we use the non-human

  about it comes to the North. We do not

  Can anything ever stop the ani-

  population as scapegoats for

  know of any non-human strongholds in mosity? If the elves retreat to Dol Blath-

  much of our human stupidity

  the South with the exception of a gnom- anna, letting their rage die with the

  and arrogance.

  ish enclave in the Tir Tochair, but we Scoia’tael, if the dwarves retreated to

  –Brandon of Oxenfurt

  do know that there are assimilated elves their underground world where they are

  and dwarves living in Nilfgaardian cit- not second class citizens, until the hu-

  ies, probably under the same terms as mans no longer vent their wartime fear

  humans of those provinces.

  and loss as hatred, could the races start

  We know that the Emperor in- over again? I’d like to think so.


  Brouver Hoog

  Haven’t been back to Ma-


  hakam in a while. Heh, kin-

  The gnomes were the first to come to the North, followed by

  da busy in the lowlands what

  the dwarves, possibly as much as 500 years before the elves

  with the war and keepin’ the

  came. The humans were even later, but today they have

  Temerians stocked. Once tried

  pushed the dwarves back to their mountain strongholds,

  to get aid for Temeria durin’ the

  of which Mahakam in the Mahakaman Mountains is the

  Second War. Oh boy...didn’t go

  largest. Humans virtual y never visit the Mahakams except

  as planned, lemme tell ya. Ya

  for occasional trade. All races are aware that the iron the

  see, elder Brouver Hoog of clan

  dwarves mine in their mountains, and particularly Mount

  Hoog cals most of the shots in

  Carbon, is exceptional. Weapons made from it are light,

  Mahakam. Fine dwarf in his

  sharp, and strong. But the dwarves do not work alone. The

  time but he’s an old bastard

  gnomes live deep in the mines and do not come out, which

  now. Sure, got the best in mind

  is why we see so few, but their craftsmanship is impeccable.

  for Mahakam but he don’t

  They are the technologists of Mount Carbon. Long ago, perhaps before even the dwarves

  give a rat’s ass for the rest of the

  arrived, they forged the legendary gwyhyr or gnomish sword. We don’t know how that de-

  world. He’ll do trade with the

  sign was lost but today the dwarves smelt their already excellent iron with traces of other

  other countries but if ya ain’t

  substances. The gnomes then sharpen and finish the blades, which can be a meter long and

  a Mahakaman dwarf ya best

  weigh less than a kilogram, to a razor-like edge. Those who know weapons swear by blades

  not expect any help from him.

  made in Mahakam using secret gnomish technology.

  Let’s just say I didn’t get the help

  The dwarves are a proud and stubborn people who know their history and stand by

  I was lookin’ for. Not from him,

  their clan. While there are a number of clans, the elders strongly influence them al , espe-

  that is. Lucky enough, plenty

  cial y Elder Brouver Hoog of the Hoog clan in Mount Carbon. Probably because they have

  of young dwarves took a stand

  retained their own land, the majority of dwarves remain neutral and adopt a live-and-let-

  and volunteered to fight for the

  live attitude toward humans. Dwarves are deadly and very loyal when it comes to combat.

  Northern Kingdoms.

  The little-known Mahakam Volunteer Army, an all-dwarf unit, served as infantry for the

  –Rodolf Kazmer

  North and fought exceptional y bravely at major battles like Brenna and Maribor.

  Outside of Mahakam, dwarves still run into race hatred in the North. Some of the

  younger generations braid their beards (to be told from the dwarves loyal to the North) and

  battle alongside the Scoia’tael in the Nilfgaardian army because Nilfgaard harbors much

  less hate for non-humans. In the wars, Nilfgaard passed by Mahakam, as they did with the

  dryad stronghold of Brokilon. When dwarves leave Mahakam (in all-male groups) they

  can general y integrate into human cities and start their own businesses. They have brought

  us ‘barrel,’ a complicated card game that, so far, no other race has taken the time to understand. The detailed and beautiful barrel cards are made in Mahakam and have no equal.

  This disproves the human theory that advanced dwarf technology applies only to weapons.

  All of the major banks in the North are owned by dwarven families like the Giancardis and

  Cianfanellis. The branches of these banks are widespread: the Cianfanelli bank has branch-

  es in Zerrikania and Nilfgaard.

  There is much speculation about female dwarves. They have less luxurious beards

  and slighter builds. You may have seen female dwarves and not known it. Whether dwarven

  ladies dress in a more feminine fashion in the safety of Mahakam is unknown. But wherev-

  er you might find them, watch your step. Dwarves are very protective of thei
r women.


  Dol Blathanna The Last Refuge

  Elves’ve never been good at in-

  tegratin’. Or gettin’ along with

  Dol Blathanna, “the Valley of Flowers” in Elder Speech, is

  just about anybody. Heh, we

  otherwise called the Edge of the World, where the valley

  dwarves dealt with ‘em and

  rol s up to the Blue Mountains. Up until 100 years ago this

  they didn’t bug the gnomes too

  was the beloved mother realm of the Aen Seidhe. When

  much. But...oh boy...long and

  the humans came to Dol Blathanna, they recognized the

  the short of it is, us dwarves

  amazing quality of the land—it grew any seed they planted,

  can mix in with the humans

  and lushly. They drove the Aen Seidhe into the harsh, rocky

  in their cities and do pretty

  peaks of the Blue Mountains and soon the straight lines

  well for ourselves. Ain’t gonna

  of human agriculture reshaped the valley. Dol Blathanna’s

  lie, it ain’t always easy, but we

  rich land and plentiful animal life allowed the Aen Seidhe

  try harder than the elves, I’d

  to live comfortably as hunter-gatherers. The peaks of the

  say. By now, Dol Blathanna’s

  Blue Mountains were nowhere near as bountiful, and the

  the last refuge of elven culture

  retreating Aen Seidhe lived desperate lives. It seemed only

  and, hell, probably the whole

  a matter of time before the Aen Seidhe starved or desperately attacked the humans.

  species in the North. They don’t

  During the second Nilfgaardian War, Nilfgaard made an agreement with the elves;

  have to fight to survive or wor-

  Nilfgaard would support an elvish homeland in Dol Blathanna but the price was that the

  ry about their neighbors rapin’

  Scoia’tael must remain on the offensive harrying the Northern forces. During the Peace of

  their daughters and hangin’

  Cintra negotiations their status was negotiated away and they became a duchy of Aedirn,

  ‘em in the night. Problem is, it

  but without paying tribute. Nilfgaard also agreed to hand over many Scoia’tael officers who

  ain’t a lotta space, barely the

  were then executed by the North. Also, humans previously living in Dol Blathanna were


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