The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG
Page 44
ruption. A note for the traveler: you line since then. There are three un-
sion would devolve into a shouting
may wish to avoid Claremont. The derground resistance movements match, or even a duel. Mettina’s king town is known to stage pit fights for centered around the country’s princ-pays tribute to Nilfgaard, often in the
the amusement of organized crim-
es. If they ever worked together, they
form of horses and horsemen.
inals and depraved nobles. Rumors might cause trouble.
of aardvark pit fighting are not con-
Mag Turga
Seeing the inevitable coming, the Nazair was a beautiful land, much
Mag Turga is a smal , isolated high-
Baron of Gheso surrendered to Nil-
like Touissant. Some years ago, land between the Amell Mountains
fgaard—at least temporarily. When Duke Adam of Nazair decided to and the Tir Tochair. It is rugged and the small force arrived for occupa-change the course of the Sansretour
thickly forested, with dangerous
tion, the Baron thought he could River, not keeping in mind that the
monsters and crumbling cliffs. Be-
dictate terms to the army. The town river runs through countries oth-
cause of the constant supply of fuel,
of Glyswen, or White River, is a good er than Nazair—in fact, not taking
it is a good place to smelt the ore that
example of what happens when you into consideration that that river comes from Belhaven in the north-try to dictate terms to Nilfgaard. All runs through the Sansretour Val-
east. It is near the Theodula Pass
that was left was ten huts, part of a ley, the most prized wine region in
which allows one to cross from Naz-
palisade, and an inn. The popula-
Nilfgaard. The result was that many
air to Riverdell and the Slopes. Now
tion was decimated and Nilfgaard-
vineyards and orchards turned into
they supply wood to the Nilfgaard-
ian peasants were brought in to fill inhospitable bogs and swamps. More
ian governments in Cintra, Nazair,
the space. The populace is afraid of recently, Nilfgaard took the country
and Angren, although not everyone
Nilfgaardians, so the tasks a govern-
in an unusual y difficult battle. Since
is pleased about that. While Mag
ment might be responsible for have then there have been multiple up-
Turga’s isolation makes the people
been taken over by feuding petty no-
risings, and the radical element still
clannish and slow to warm to outsid-
bles and bandit kings. The roads are schemes in the taverns, wearing the
ers, rumors have arisen that dwarves
not safe in Gheso. Bandits and slav-
blue rose of Nazair. This dazzling are digging at the roots of their hil s.
ers roam freely, especial y on what azure rose is found only in Nazair.
Mag Turga was absorbed peaceful y
used to be called the “Velda Road” Cuttings are in great demand and by the Empire and the Empire was after the river it runs along, dividing are often smuggled out of Nazair to
glad of it. Battles through the deep
Gheso from Maecht. It is now called be sold for outrageous prices. One of
forests and high cliffs would have
“The Bandit’s Road.” It will take you the most attractive places in Nazair
cost a lot of time and lives. The iron
to the town of Loredo, also known as is Lake Muredach. There are several
smelters are primarily in the city of
“The Bandit’s Lair,” where all manner beautiful summer homes of the no-
Tergano. It’s a grimy town but is the
of folk from farmers to slavers can bility on the lake, most built to be
largest one in Mag Turga. As the log-
rest, resupply, and trade their booty. defensible. One wonders what they
gers move farther into the forest they
I have not been able to find a single had in mind. Nazairian ceramics are
are running into areas thick with gi-
reason why one might want to go to skilful y detailed and make reliable
ant spider-like arachasae, so wood
trade goods in large cities.
prices are going up.
The Duchy of Attre
The duchy of Attre lies just
south of the Cintran capital.
Despite being coastal most of its
territory is dry and hot. Even
after the Nilfgaardian takeover
Attre still remains as a duchy of
Cintra. The last Cintran ruler,
Angren is a large, thinly populated Within the memory of the Cin-
Duke Windhalm, lead an un-
province. Most of the people in An-
trans, the country was bright and
succes ful revolt against Nilf-
gren are foresters harvesting “Angre-
busy with trade on the ocean and
gaard and was captured only
nian Gold”–cedars, sycamores, and on the Yaruga. In 1263 Nilfgaard
to be made an example of by
pines. Unless you are a logger you marched on Cintra. Everyone had
dying very painfuly and pub-
haven’t much reason to come here. hoped that Emyr var Emreis would
licly. After this most of the Attre
Even the people who live here avoid be a peaceful neighbor, but it was not
nobles sided with Nilfgaard.
Ysgith, in lower Angren. Its over-
to be. The king, Eist Tuirseach, was
–Brandon of Oxenfurt
grown forests hide giant crab spiders killed in battle. Since he was also a
and carnivorous plants that can eat a king of Skellige, the Skelligers have
person whole. At one time there was been implacable foes of Nilfgaard
a druid’s circle at Caed Dhu, meaning since. When the Nilfgaardian army
Black Grove, but there has been no encircled the Cintran castle, their
word from them in some time. There queen, the almost mythical Calan-
is a small logging town on the Yaruga, the of Cintra, threw herself off the
Cedar Flats, which is where the logs battlements. Calanthe, a strong and
are put through the mill or pushed canny woman, had reigned through
off in rafts toward larger towns to the three generations. With her death,
south. Recently the large mil s have the Cintran people lost heart. This
started using their wood waste to became known as the Slaughter of
make attractive and cheap paper. The Cintra. The only hope for the Cin-
people are slow to warm up to new-
trans is Calanthe’s granddaughter
comers but there is always work in the Ciril a. She disappeared during the
mil s or forests. There is a lone glim-
battle, but next appeared marrying
mer of society and culture in a town the Emperor. There is a puppet king
in the western part of Angren called who takes orders directly from the
Riverdel . It is in between the Yaruga Emperor, who rules Cintra from afar
and the Slopes and most of the popu-
in the name of the Empress. Cintran
lation lives there.
discontent sometimes encourages
the smuggling of goods to other af-
flicted countries in the North.
Beyond the Borders
Up to now we’ve been dealing with what most
consider “the Known World”. But explorers
and merchants have long known that there
are more lands, even though they are an ex-
otic mystery.
To the west is the Great Sea. We know
that across the sea lies Ofier. The North some-
times has trade dealings with Ofier but I’ve
never hear of anyone going there. I include
more details later.
Along the fjords of the Great Sea
north of Redania are the small kingdoms of
the Dragon Mountains. On the north side of
Redania and Kaedwen we know of Kovir and
Poviss and the Hengfor’s League, but there is
vast unknown and unmapped territory be-
yond them called the Far North.
To the south lies the Empire of Nilf-
gaard. We do not know how far south it ex-
tends or what is on the other side. Hopeful y
some day, in peaceful times, we may trade in-
formation with the Nilfgaard Academy to fill
in our knowledge.
To the east are the Blue Mountains
that form the eastern border of Kaedwen.
East of the Blue Mountains are impassable
swamps filled with a plethora of monsters,
and diseases in abundance. South of them the
Tir Tochair range forms the eastern boundary
of the Nilfgaardian provinces. These provide a
secure boundary, but not as effective as what’s
on the other side. The Great Korath Desert lies
in the rain shadow of the Tir Tochair Moun-
tains. They say that no rain ever fal s in the
Korath, also called the Frying Pan. It is a flat
brown land with no plants or life beyond gi-
ant scorpions and ant lions. There is rumor of
long-abandoned buildings in the wastes, but I
have no evidence of this. Beyond the Tir To-
chair and the Korath lie the mysterious lands
of Hakland and Zerrikania.
The Far North
North of Kovir and Poviss,
north of the Hengefor’s League,
beyond the Dragon Moun-
tains, is the Far North. It is
tundra and deep forests, most-
ly impos ible to cultivate. Old
tales speak of white dragons in
the North, presumably from
the Dragon Mountains. And
yet we know of people there.
Animals carved of bone or ivo-
ry sometimes show up in Kovir
and Poviss. Some believe them
to be of religious significance,
perhaps representing “sacrific-
es” to ensure plentiful hunting.
Zerrikania is a little-known land to the
Ofier is a largely unknown land across the
–Brandon of Oxenfurt
southeast, beyond the great and terrible Ko-
Great Ocean. We believe several nations live
rath Desert. Day-to-day goods show up in
out on an enormous plain, and as such love
our markets sometimes, probably through a
their horses, value them highly, and race
long chain of trade. They are said to worship
them constantly. They are even said to have a
a legendary gold dragon named Zerrikan-
variety with black and white stripes. In battle
terment, with scales that glimmer like the
they carry a saber, a thin, curved sword, and
ocean at sunset. A queen rules this land, and
a big, brass shield. It’s said that they show
her tattooed warrior women learn to fight
remarkable tolerance to other cultures. We
from birth. They carry Zerrikanian sabers
know that Ofier trades with parties in Re-
and recurved zefhar bows made of polished
dania, as occasional Ofieri ships come to
antelope horn. Zerrikania has many great
Novigrad. They trade in weapons, fine em-
alchemists as wel , and bomb-making is a
broidered clothing, and luxury goods like
specialty. Zerrikanian fire scorpions, the incense and brass or gold jewellery. They
Nilfgaardian siege pieces that even now hurl
do not trade in their horses, which are high
green fire into Vizima use designs and al-
strung and would never survive a sea voy-
chemy that came from Zerrikania.
age. I once heard of a scuffle when a prince
Their land is hot, and animals we
of Ofier came to Redania to marry a noble
only see in traveling menageries, like tigers,
woman, no doubt to seal a trade deal, but
roam the countryside. More fearsome are
information about this is hard to find. Such
the creeping things, like giant spiders who
a lucrative trade monopoly is well worth
prey on elephants and a fly which lays an egg
protecting. A few expeditions have sailed off
in your head so that newly hatched larvae
to look for Ofier, but they have not returned.
can feed on your brain.
Whether this is because they perished or be-
cause they prefer Ofier is not known.
Powerful Alliances
Border Crossing
In a war, those who participate are warriors. spel s, but people’s fear of mages means
Once had to cross the border
Those who don’t are victims. They live lives instant respect. In the Scoia’tael you gain
from Kaedwen to Redania. Up
of perpetual fear and uncertainty. You feel a group of fearless allies around you who
along the Kestrels there was a
safe in your homeland? What happens when won’t let you down, or let you hang—better
little road with a toll colector
the war front rol s through your town? To treasure than gold.
on each side. One Redanian,
avoid the uncertainty and protect their in-
But there’s always a price. The witch-
sportin’ the Redanian eagle and
terests, some join alliances separate from er’s cat’s eyes which allow you to see in the
the pyre of the Eternal Flame,
the royal armies.
dark also give you away to superstitious vil-
the other Kaedweni, with that
Joining an alliance can be easy or lagers who think all witchers are themselves
damn unicorn and the cros ed
hard. To be a witcher you just have to be monsters. Mage Hunters with their dimer-
lightning bolts of Kreve on
a male child at the right place (or wrong itium shackles earn the aid of vil agers, but
his sword guard. Turns out I
place, depending on your outlook) at the they are target number one for any mage in
was on a major trade route
right time. But in the case of the Scoia’tael town. You can get rich as a Havekar, but one
through the Kestrels that each
or the Crescent Moon, you have to find your of your lot may get jealous, or a commando
side wanted to make some coin
alliance and then get through whatever in- may decide they don’t feel like paying you,
off of. Managed to scarper out
itiation they use to make sure you’re not a or an army may catch up to you and you’ll
of there when they both drew
dance on the gibbet. Regardless, being part
steel on each other, heh.
Alliances offer advantages. Witch- of an alliance gives you power but can kill
–Rodolf Kazmer
ers are faster, stronger, and heal better than you just as quickly.
regular humans. Not only do mages have
The Brotherhood
A few handfuls of witchers
survived the at acks on their
1500 years ago the world changed. The Conjunction of the
keeps and the subsequent
Spheres opened doors between worlds, and magic poured
hatred of witchers, but most
in. With the magic came monsters of a thousand different
of them have fled into the
types never seen before—the so-called ‘relicts’ of the Con-
mountains and across the
junction. When people came to these lands, they built wal s
sea to escape persecution
and ramparts and burned forests and hedges around towns
or find work. Most of the
so the monsters could be seen coming. People traveled only
keeps of the witchers have
during the day, and in large groups.
been left in disrepair or
People began to harness magic, calling them-
been mostly buried by time
selves sorcerers or mages. Two of the most powerful, the
or the elements. That be-
legendary Alzur and his mentor Cosimo Malaspina, created
ing said, it’s not impossible
an artificial race: the witchers, bred and trained to hunt and
to find other witchers, just
destroy monsters. The sorceress Carla Demetia Crest collected the full process into a single incredibly rare. Much like
book, “The Trial of Grasses and Other Secret Witcher Practices, Seen by my Own Eyes,”
the Witcher Schools, some
only available to mages. The process was extremely painful and only a handful of test sub-
long-time members may
jects survived. Contrary to rumor, these sorcerers did not steal children to create witchers.
have come back to re-occu-
Between wars, plagues, and the predation of monsters, ramshackle orphanages and stray
py their once-lost keeps now
children were everywhere.
that witchers are neccesary
They subjected these children to alchemical potions that created genetic mutations,