Just Pretend (Cupid's Kiss Book 6)

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Just Pretend (Cupid's Kiss Book 6) Page 2

by Kathryn Kelly

  He nodded as she approached. “How would you like to make some overtime?”


  “Yes. In fact, starting today until you get back, I’ll pay you double what you’re making an hour for every hour you’re gone.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “If you’re gone out of town for forty-eight hours, I’ll pay you double wages for those forty-eight hours - even if you’re doing nothing but sleeping.”

  Her brain got tangled as she mentally doubled her hourly wage. I’ll figure that out later. “Where do I have to go?”

  “I promised that our honeymooners would have a luxurious trip. The whole nine yards. And that whole nine yards includes a flight attendant.”

  Charlotte took a step back. “Me?” She croaked.

  “Yes. What do you say to a trip to Colorado?”

  She started to shake her head, but an image of her sister flashed through her mind. She swallowed thickly. “I don’t know anything about being a flight attendant.”

  “There’s nothing to it. Ryan will teach you everything you need to know.”

  Chapter 6

  Ryan stepped inside the plane and tried not to salivate at the smell of new leather. It was like a new car, only, well… it was an airplane.

  Other than Noah, he would be the first to pilot this gorgeous Gulfstream G650. Technically, the first to copilot since Noah had made Jameson the pilot. Close enough.

  Buying this plane was a bold move on Noah’s part. It opened them up to international flights for one – a huge step.

  Noah had assured them that he would find a flight attendant. Ryan didn’t need a flight attendant. He could take care of the passengers himself. In fact, he’d rather do it himself. A flight attendant was just one more thing to worry about. But Noah was out to impress the Dallas socialite Mike Kinsella.

  Ryan rolled his eyes. No matter where he went, he couldn’t seem to get away from socialites. It was times like this when he missed his high school and college buddies. A time when they could just have a beer and make stupid jokes with each other. Where nobody was worried about image.

  We need to take a break. Sariah’s words played over and over in his head. What did that even mean? Take a break. When he pressed her on it, she walked away, leaving him standing in her foyer as she went upstairs. He stood there and listened as she closed the door to her bedroom. She could have at least slammed the door. Sometimes a little emotion indicated that a person at least gave a damn.

  He’d let himself out of her condo and gone home.

  He sighed. He wasn’t in the right frame of mind at the moment, but he was in the world of his choosing. Flying involved portraying a certain image. Especially flying for Noah Worthington. Noah’s company had grown quickly over the past few years. Between Noah and his wife Savannah, they had created an image around Skye Travels that no one else could emulate.

  They had top notch pilots, the latest airplanes and technology, and Ryan had to admit, an impeccable image.

  He looked at his watch. The passengers were going to be here any minute.

  He checked the ice tray, the soda supply, and the liquor cabinet. Whoever had stocked the plane had done a thorough job. Noah probably had it done last night. He might even have done it himself. The man’s energy level was never ending.

  He went back to the cockpit and he and Jameson began going through the preflight checklist.

  He did a double-take when he saw Noah’s SUV heading toward them. What was so important that Noah hadn’t called or sent a text?

  Noah stepped out, went around and opened the trunk. He pulled out a duffel bag and tossed it over his shoulder.

  Jameson looked up and exchanged a glance with Ryan. “What the-?”

  Ryan shrugged. “Maybe Noah’s coming along. He might not want the plane out of his sight yet.”

  “Maybe.” He put a check mark on the next item on the list. “I thought he was headed to Alabama for the weekend.”

  The passenger door opened and Ryan didn’t hear anything else Jameson said.

  It was her. The girl he’d seen last night standing on the other side of the elevator.

  He glanced at Jameson to see if he saw her too.

  “What’s she doing here?” Jameson asked.

  “Who is she?” Ryan asked.

  “I don’t know.” Obviously unaffected, he turned his attention back to the checklist. “I think she’s the scheduler.”

  Noah escorted the girl toward the plane. Ryan got up and went to stand in the open doorway.

  “Ryan,” Noah said, looking up at him. “This is Charlotte. She’s your flight attendant for the trip.”

  Chapter 7

  Charlotte stared at the object of her fantasies who was looking at her as though he’d seen a ghost.

  Not a good start.

  “Ryan, come get her bag.”

  “It’s okay. I can get it.” Charlotte insisted.

  But Ryan was already down the steps, taking her bag from Noah. With her bag over his shoulder, he held out his hand. She put her hand in his and he led her toward the first step.

  She grabbed hold of the rail with her free hand and took a step up. Ryan released her hand, but stood right behind her. Much too close.

  We’re just in time,” Noah said. “The passengers are fifteen minutes out.”

  “We’ll take it from here,” Ryan said. “Have a good weekend.”

  “Have a safe trip.” Noah went back to his car.

  Charlotte clutched the rails with both hands as she picked her way up the narrow steps. With Ryan so close behind, he was almost touching her as she stepped inside the plane.

  Ryan stashed her bag in a compartment. “I’ll show you around. But I’m sure you know what to do.”

  She shook her head. “I’ve never done this before.”

  Ryan tilted his head with a scowl on his forehead. “You’ve never been a flight attendant on a small plane? It’s not that different really, except you don’t have to go through the safety spiel and you’ll only have two passengers on board and us, of course.” He smiled.

  “No. I don’t think you understand.” She forced herself to speak in a steady calm tone. One that she didn’t feel. “I’ve never flown in an airplane before.”

  She’d never seen anyone’s mouth literally drop open. If she hadn’t been so nervous, she would have laughed. But she could barely stay focused.

  “How is that even possible? How old are you?”

  She stretched herself up to her full five foot four inches. “I’ve never had the occasion to

  fly. I’m twenty.”

  “How did you end up?” He ran a hand through his hair. “Never mind. I don’t even want

  to know.”

  This was not going well. The Ryan in her head would never look at her as though she’d

  grown horns. The Ryan in her fantasy would have been more than pleased to have an apt student.

  “Do you know how to make drinks at least?”

  She shook her head no. “I’m too young to drink.”

  “Ryan.” Jameson called. “They’re driving up. We need to finish the preflight.”

  “Okay.” Ryan gestured for her to follow him to the kitchen area located just behind the cockpit. “Take a look around and let me know what questions you have. Fortunately, they only asked for wine and cheese.”

  Charlotte followed him to what he called the kitchen. She set her purse on the counter and opened the little refrigerator. It well stocked with water bottles, grapes, and cheese. The cabinets had wine glasses and several bottles of wine. She found plates and a wine opener. There were also napkins with Skye Travels splashed across them. She smiled. Details.

  With one exception – her.

  She took a deep breath. I won’t let Noah down.

  Jameson turned around and spoke over his shoulder. “Hey Charlotte. Welcome aboard. Let me know if you have any questions.”

  “Thanks.” Why hadn’t Jameson been the one to
help her through this? At least he was kind and she could think when he was around.

  Jameson went to the door and greeted the passengers – a middle-aged man and a slightly younger woman. Not at all what Charlotte had expected when she’d been told the passengers were honeymooners. Nonetheless, they were both smiling broadly.

  She went to the cabin along with Jameson to greet them. “Hi. My name is Charlotte. I’ll be taking care of you today.” She glanced at Jameson, but he was helping them with their carry-ons.

  “Don’t worry.” The man said. “We won’t be needing much.”

  “I’m Julia and this is Mike.” The woman held out her hand.

  Charlotte shook their hands. “I’ll let you get settled in, then I’ll check in on you. We have wine and grapes and cheese.”

  “That sounds perfect.” Julia tilted her head up and kissed Mike.

  Charlotte turned and went back to the kitchen. Honeymooners, it seemed, were the same at any age.

  Ryan turned and looked at her from the cockpit. “Take them some water.” He whispered.

  Of course! She took two bottles of water and carried them to Mike and Julia who were sitting in the back of the plane on the little sofa. “Call me if you need anything else.”

  “Prepare for take off,” Jameson said over the speaker.

  “How?” She asked aloud.

  Ryan came from the cabin. “You’ll need to sit back here.” He led her to the nearest chair. “Buckle in and wait until we say it’s okay to walk around.”

  She sat in the chair and he knelt to buckle her in. She looked up into his eyes and there was the Ryan of her fantasies. She looked into his sky blue eyes and time ceased to exist.

  A slow smile crossed his features.

  She smiled back.

  “It’s nice to meet you Charlotte.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, too.” Her voice sounded breathy even to her own ears. She cleared her throat. “Ryan.”

  The plane began to move.

  “I’ll check on you once we get in the air.”

  He stood up and she watched him walk to the cockpit.

  She sighed.

  Chapter 8

  Ryan buckled himself in. Since Sariah had proposed to him, it was sometimes hard to remember they were engaged. She’d even bought her own engagement ring. Even though it was four months ago, the experience still felt surreal.

  Sariah was from a different world. He still wasn’t quite sure what she saw in him. She called him her handsome pilot. Since Ryan was five years younger than she was, maybe he was her boy toy. He chuckled.

  “What’s funny?” Jameson glanced at him out of the corner of his eye.

  “I was just thinking.”

  “Sometimes it’s better not to.”

  “You’re a wise man, Jameson.”

  They taxied down the runway and were soon airborne. “Hey Jameson.”

  “What is it?”

  “What does it mean when a girl says she wants to take a break?”

  Jameson glanced over. “Seriously? Sariah said that to you?”

  “Yeah. I’ve never had anyone tell me that before.”

  “I can’t speak for Sariah, but the one time I got those words, it meant we were breaking up.”

  “How is that different from we need to talk?”

  Jameson seemed to consider his answer. “I think we need to talk is less emotional – more planned. We need to take a break seems more like get away from me.”

  “Maybe.” Ryan suspected Sariah would come around. She was just mad about him not being there to take her to the party.

  The minute they leveled off, Ryan unclipped his seatbelt and headed to the back. He ignored Jameson’s warning glance.

  Charlotte was still buckled in her seat. But when she saw him, she was smiling. “This is so totally awesome!”

  He chuckled. “It is, isn’t it?”

  “This is one of those fun jobs that pays.”

  Ryan grinned. “I always kind of thought so.”

  “Is it okay to stand up?”

  “It is.” He unclipped her seatbelt and held out his hand. She put her hand in his and held onto the seat with the other.

  “It’s like riding in a car.” She smiled. “What do I need to do now?”

  “You can offer the newlyweds some wine. And they asked for fruit, so ask if they’d like some fruit.”

  She took three steps and turned around, her face pink. “I don’t think they want anything right now.”

  “Why not?”

  “They’re kissing. Like making out kissing.”

  Ryan laughed. “Just check on them now and then. They’ll come up for air.”

  “This must be a lot different than flying commercial.”

  “It certainly is.”

  The plane dropped as they hit an air pocket. Charlotte gasped and grabbed his arms. His arms automatically went around her and held her close. “It’s just turbulence. It’s normal.” He whispered against her ear. Her head fit just beneath his chin.

  She nodded and pulled back, but he still had a firm grip on her arms. She looked up, blinked, and their eyes locked. He gazed into her deep green eyes. He’d always had a weakness for green eyes. The very first girl he’d ever kissed – in high school – had green eyes. Like that first crush, Charlotte’s eyes seemed to hold so much depth. So much substance.

  He wanted to know what that substance was. What secrets lay beneath that adorable innocent face.

  He ran a thumb along her cheek and her eyes fluttered closed as her lips parted slightly.

  Oh no. This would not do.

  He released her and took a step back. Her eyes opened ever so slightly and he sighed.

  He opened his mouth to tell her he was engaged, but changed his mind at the last minute. “Since we’re going through turbulence, you might be safe to buckle back up.”

  She nodded and sat back in her chair. She studied the seatbelt a moment, before he bent down and buckled it for her. Her hair smelled like… gardenia.

  “I need to go… check on our route. And the weather.” He turned and went back to his seat in the cockpit.

  “How’s Charlotte?” Jameson asked.

  “Couldn’t be better.” Ryan said.

  He, however, needed to be distracted. And soon.

  Chapter 9

  After they had landed and were on the road to the ranch, Ryan drove and Charlotte sat in the back behind him – next to Julia and Mike. Julia and Mike were lost in their own little world. Occasionally they would come out to say something to one of the pilots, but Charlotte was mostly left alone to her own thoughts.

  The rest of the flight had been uneventful. There had very little turbulence after that one incident. She’d made a tray with grapes and cheese and took it to the passengers during one of their breaks from making out in the back of the plane. She’d also taken them wine glasses, but Mike had to uncork the bottle. Charlotte had thought about taking it to Ryan, but she didn’t know what the rules were about that.

  Besides, Mike hadn’t seemed to mind impressing his girl by opening the wine. Charlotte had stayed with them for a few minutes and had learned that they had dated while Mike was in college and Julia was a senior in high school. They were from the same small town and had met through the hardware store where Julia worked. Mike’s father owned the business. They’d both married other people, but had recently as they said picked up where they’d left off.

  As they drove through the mountains on the way to the lodge, Charlotte reflected about her own high school years. She’d dated some, but there was no one that she was interested in reconnecting with. In fact, there was no one in her dating history that she cared enough to even spend time thinking about much less keep up with.

  Lost in her thoughts, she found herself looking at Ryan’s reflection in the rear view mirror. He looked up and caught her gaze. She smiled. When he winked at her, she quickly returned her gaze to the window, but a small smile played around her lips.

p; This trip was turning out to be so much more than she’d expected.

  Chapter 10

  They pulled into the Silver Creek Lodge parking lot just after three in the afternoon. It was a day of firsts for Charlotte. She’d never flown before and she’d never been to Colorado.

  Flying had been exhilarating. She had a new appreciation for the pilots she worked with now. She better understood their addiction to flying. Why would anyone want to ride in a car for days when they could be somewhere in a matter of hours? Of course, she didn’t have the money to hire someone to fly her anywhere, but she would definitely consider flying commercial if she ever had the need to travel.

  She stepped out of the SUV and took in the view. The lodge was nestled at the base of a tall mountain backed by even taller mountains with snow on their peeks. The lodge itself looked like a castle. She heard the gurgles of a river running not far away.

  But it was air that gave her pause. There was something different about the air. Maybe it was the smell of pine and wood smoke or maybe the air was lighter from the elevation. There was also a cool touch to the air. Probably all of it combined.

  As the guys unloaded their luggage, Julia came to stand next to her. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

  Charlotte turned and smiled at the woman. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

  “A lot different from Texas. Mike and I both have always had a love for the mountains.” She took a deep breath of clean air. “Would you believe that our first kiss was here?”

  “I thought you were from Texas.”

  Julia laughed. “Yes. We’re from Texas. But we both spent the summer here one year. I was a senior in high school and he was a college student working here for the summer. They had some kind of program for college students back then.”

  “You stayed in touch?”

  “No. But that summer was something we never forgot. You know? I mean we stayed in touch for awhile, but I lived in Houston and he lived in Dallas. We both married other people. I got divorced after ten years and stayed single. His wife got sick and she died three years ago.”


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