Just Pretend (Cupid's Kiss Book 6)

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Just Pretend (Cupid's Kiss Book 6) Page 3

by Kathryn Kelly

  “How did you reconnect?”

  “Would you believe that we saw each other at a Barnes and Noble?”

  Charlotte shook her head. “You actually recognized each other?”


  “That’s an amazing story.”

  “I know. We were meant to be.”

  “That is incredibly romantic.”

  “I just wish we could have been together all those years. But we would have been different people, wouldn’t we?”


  “All right, ladies,” Jameson came around loaded down with luggage. “Let’s get checked in.”

  Jameson led the way with Julia and Mike holding hands behind him. That left Ryan and Charlotte to walk behind them.

  “So what did you think about flying?”

  Charlotte grinned as she looked up at him. “I love it.”

  He smiled back. “There’s nothing like it. It’s even better if you’re up front.”

  “I can only imagine.”

  “I’ll take you up sometime.”

  Before she could answer they went inside the lodge and were greeted by a staff member. But his statement brought a flush to her cheeks. In the air. With Ryan. Alone. Definitely a flush.

  They went to the front desk and waited while Julia and Mike checked in. They headed off to the honeymoon cabin while Jameson checked in next. He waved good-bye. “See you soon.”

  “You bet.” Ryan stepped up. “Go ahead, Charlotte.”

  Charlotte stepped up to the desk. “I don’t think think I have a reservation.” She had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  “What’s your name and I’ll check.” The gentleman behind the counter whose name was Nate according to his nametag offered with a kindness in his voice.

  “Charlotte Cooper.” She glanced at Ryan. He shrugged.

  “I don’t see anything under that name. What’s your name sir?”

  “Ryan Armstrong.”

  The man tapped on the keyboard. “Yep. Here it is under your name. You guys are in a king suite.”

  Charlotte had reserved that room for Ryan. “Actually I need a separate room.”

  “That might be a problem, dear.” He tapped on his keyboard again. “I might have a cabin.”

  Charlotte held her breath.

  “No, somebody already took that one.”

  Charlotte squeezed her hands together. Surely something could be done. “But you have a room, right?”

  Nate shook his head. “We are completely booked.”

  “Not a problem,” Ryan took out his cell phone. “Hey Jameson. We’re short a room. Can I bunk with you?”

  Charlotte couldn’t hear his response, but Ryan’s brows furrowed and he made a face. He disconnected and slipped his phone in his pocket. “His girlfriend is coming in.”


  “Apparently she’s on her way.”

  Charlotte looked at Nate. “What do I do?”

  “I can check some hotels in the area. But just so you know, they’re predicting snow tonight.” Nate picked up his phone.

  “No,” Ryan said. “She’ll stay in my room.”

  Chapter 11

  Ryan ignored the panicked expression on Charlotte’s face as he checked in.

  He’d figure something out. It wasn’t like Jameson not to say anything about his girlfriend coming in. In fact, he didn’t even know that Jameson had a girlfriend.

  Nonetheless, it seemed he’d be sharing his room with this gorgeous girl he’d met just this morning.

  Maybe he could sleep in the lobby. There were several comfy looking couches down here. He’d come back down and check with Nate after he got Charlotte settled in.

  They went up the wide staircase and found their room. Charlotte bit on a fingernail as he unlocked the door with the large old fashioned key. He set their luggage down and checked out the room.

  It was large enough for two people. But, still small for two strangers. Especially one who was visibly nervous about the whole thing.

  “You go ahead and get settled in. I’m going to check with Jameson to see what’s going on.”

  She nodded. Attempted a smile.

  Ryan left her there and sent Jameson a text to get his room number.

  This was going to be a long weekend.

  In all fairness, he knew very little about Charlotte’s personal life. She could have a boyfriend or could even be married for all he knew. Just because she didn’t have a ring on her finger, didn’t mean she was available.

  Besides, she worked for Noah.


  He groaned. His thoughts were not going down a good path. The only thing he knew about her was that he liked her.

  He knocked on Jameson’s door and stepped inside when he opened it.

  “What’s going on?” Jameson asked.

  “Charlotte didn’t book a room for herself – last minute thing and all.”

  Jameson shrugged. “Makes sense. She has family around here.”

  “How do you.” Ryan shook his head. “Nevermind. Anyway, the lodge is completely booked. So right now she’s in my room.”

  “Well, that’s fortuitous.”

  “Get your mind out of the gutter. The girl works for Noah.”

  Jameson reluctantly agreed.

  “Since when do you have a girlfriend?”

  Jameson smiled sheepishly. “She’s a girl I know who lives in Denver.”

  “Are you serious? You’re having a hook up while Charlotte is forced to share a room with me?”

  “It’s not like it’s a hardship, is it?”

  Ryan ran a hand through his hair. “It’s not a hardship, except that we’re practically strangers.” He paced to the window. “I need to let Noah know.”

  “Noah doesn’t care.”

  “This has sexual harassment written all over it.”

  “So you’re gonna rat me out in the process. You know that, right?”

  “I thought you said Noah wouldn’t care.”

  Jameson threw up his hands. “All right. Call Noah. It’s probably better to cover your ass.”

  Was it? And what other choice did he and Charlotte have, but to share a room?

  Unsure now, he dialed Noah’s number. It went straight to voicemail. “He must be in the air.”

  “I’m serious, man,” Jameson said. “I don’t think you need to worry so much. Just talk to Charlotte.”

  “You’re right.”

  “But whatever you do, don’t make any moves on her.”

  Chapter 12

  This was all her fault. In the sudden change of plans, Charlotte hadn’t thought to reserve a room for herself.

  The only bright spot was she’d gone with her gut and put together an overnight bag last night. Unfortunately, she didn’t have much in it. She’d brought some sweats and had one set of clothes for tomorrow, but she’d have to wear what she had on now again Monday. Not her style.

  She went to the window and admired the view. She could no longer see the mountain tops. They were hidden in low hanging clouds.

  It was beautiful. She took a quick picture with her phone and sent it to Abby. Abby would love it here.

  She took a deep breath. She needed the money and Noah was paying her well to be here. The little plane didn’t require a flight attendant. She had been there more for appearances than practicality. But, hey, she wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

  She unpacked her sweatpants, tee-shirt, and sweatshirt. What had she been thinking? Last night when she was packing, she had no idea she’d actually use the stuff she put in here, much less be staying in a lodge. With the guy she’d been crushing on for two weeks. In the same room.

  She sat on the bed and ran a hand across the down comforter. It was a big enough bed. They wouldn’t even know the other was there.

  It was definitely a day of new experiences. Flying. Colorado. Sleeping in the same bed as as a guy she just met that she was crushing on. And getting pa
id handsomely for the whole thing.

  Maybe she’d fallen down a rabbit hole.

  Rabbit hole or not, she would make the best of it.

  At the moment though, she was starving. Lunch had consisted of cheese and grapes. She locked the door and headed downstairs. The lodge was stunning. It had huge cathedral ceilings, an oversized fireplace, and comfortable chairs and couches scattered all around.

  Off to one side was a restaurant. It was early, but she headed that way and checked the menu on the wall. There was nothing on the menu that was in her price range.

  She went over to the front desk and waited until Nate finished up a phone call. “Is there anything less expensive to eat than the restaurant?”

  “There’s the gift shop. They have crackers and such over there.” He pointed toward the other side of the lodge. “Sometimes they have a cold sandwich, too.”

  “Thanks, Nate.”

  She turned and went back the way she’d come. Just as she passed the stairs, Ryan came bounding down and hit the bottom step just as she reached it.

  “Hi,” he said.


  “Where are you headed?”

  “To the gift shop to get something to eat.” She took a step, but he moved in front of her.

  “They have a restaurant.”

  “I know.”

  “You don’t like restaurants?”

  She laughed. “I like them fine. But… I don’t like to eat alone, so I’ll just take a sandwich to the room.”

  “Oh. Well. I’m headed there now. Come buy me lunch.”

  Her stomach dropped. She couldn’t afford to buy for herself, much less the both of them. Her expression must have shown the panic she felt.

  “I’m kidding. We get a per diem.”

  “Do we?”

  “Sure. Come on.” He gestured for her to follow.

  She stood her ground. “I don’t think I get one.”

  He looked a little perplexed. “I’m sure you do. But no matter. I’ll buy yours.”

  “Oh no. I can’t let you. It’s terribly expensive.”

  “Charlotte. I promise I can afford it.”

  She was out of excuses. “Okay.” She walked next to him to the restaurant.

  They were quickly seated with a perfect view of the mountains. “Snow clouds.” He nodded toward the mountain peeks.

  “How do you know that?”

  He laughed. “Pilots have to be mini-meteorologists.”

  “Yeah. I guess you do.” She picked up the menu and looked for the least expensive thing. “I’ll have the grilled cheese.”

  “What? You will not.”

  “I like grilled cheese.”

  “So do I, but this isn’t the place to get one.”

  “I’m sure they have a perfectly good grilled cheese. I’ll get fries, too.”

  “Do you like pasta?”

  “Of course.”

  “If you’re a vegetarian, you can get this four cheese pasta.”

  “I’m not a vegetarian.”

  He shrugged. “It still sounds good. I think I’ll have it.”

  Her mouth watered.

  “Will you eat some?” He asked.


  The server came to take their orders.

  “We’ll each have the four cheese pasta and a glass of champagne.”

  “Ryan,” she hissed when the server walked away.


  “You’re bad.”

  He grinned. “I know.”

  “You could get in trouble.”

  “For what?”

  She leaned toward him and whispered. “I’m underage.”

  “Right. Okay then you don’t have to drink it.”

  She shook her head, but couldn’t keep from smiling. His good humor was contagious. “Do you like travelling all the time?”

  “It comes with the territory.”

  “I know. But do you like it?”

  His expression turned serious. “Sometimes I love it. Especially when it gets me out of something I don’t necessarily want to do. At other times, I’d rather spend the weekend at home watching football and taking a nap.”

  “And this weekend?”

  “This weekend I’m glad I’m here.”

  The server, a boy who barely looked eighteen himself, brought two glasses of champagne. “Can I get you anything else?”

  Ryan looked to Charlotte. She shook her head. “We’re great. Thanks.”

  Ryan picked up his glass and Charlotte followed suit. “To a day of new experiences.”

  Charlotte took a cautious sip of the bubbly drink. Wrinkled her nose.

  “What do you think?”

  “I think I’ll stick to my water.”

  “I guess it takes some getting used to.” He sipped from his glass and turned his gaze to stare out the window.

  Another new experience. Charlotte mused, studying Ryan. This time yesterday, Charlotte Cooper would never have imagined that she would be sitting in Colorado having dinner – and a glass of champagne she was too young to drink - with the guy she was crushing on.

  She jumped when her cell phone rang. He turned his gaze back to her.

  “I need to take this.” She felt him watching her as she walked toward the lobby.

  Chapter 13

  Ryan sipped his champagne as he watched Charlotte walk away, her phone to her ear.

  A twinge of guilt shot through him. He was supposed to be at a fund raiser with Sariah tonight. He would be wearing his tux and she’d be wearing an exquisite gown. There were always new people to meet. Champagne to sip. He looked at the bubbly in his glass.

  Sariah expected a drink every evening. Sometimes wine, sometimes a mimosa, and sometimes champagne. So different from Charlotte who had never even tasted champagne.

  He’d felt sorry for her. She was here alone after flying for the first time. At least that’s what he told himself.

  In truth, he found that he was enjoying her company. She wasn’t jaded and saw things from a different perspective from what he’d grown used to since he’d started dating Sariah two years ago.

  Of course, company was all it would be. And Sariah would certainly never learn that he’d offered to share his room with her. Besides, Ryan would not be that guy. The pilot who had a girl in every port, so to speak.

  When he was single, like Jameson, it was a different story. He didn’t envy Jameson. Ryan had lived that life and he didn’t want to go back to it. It wasn’t for him. He preferred the stability of a committed relationship.

  Sariah was perfect for him. She didn’t complain when he had to go out of town on short notice. Her only requirement from him was that he accompany her to social events when he was home. They never talked about what she did for companionship when he was out of town. He hadn’t thought much about it until now. Sariah wasn’t the kind of girl who spent much time alone.

  He caught a glimpse of Charlotte pacing back and forth. Even from here, he could see the concern on her face.

  Chapter 14

  “How’s she doing?” Charlotte paced toward the lobby door and back again.

  “She’s okay. It just scared me.”

  “Why didn’t you call me?”

  “I didn’t want to scare you.” Her mother sounded relieved. Relieved was good. “But I knew you’d be off work by now.”

  “Actually I’m still at work. Sort of.”

  “How are you sort of at work?”

  “I’m in Colorado.” Her mother was silent. Not the reaction she expected. So she kept talking. “At a lodge. It’s for work.”

  “What kind of work are you doing?”

  Charlotte blew out a breath. Her mother hadn’t wanted her to move from their small town just outside of Dallas. “They needed me to be a flight attendant for a trip.”

  “Really Charlotte. I knew you’d get into trouble down there in Dallas.”

  “Mom.” Charlotte tried to keep her voice steady. “I’m being paid. A lot. It’ll really
help with Abby’s kidney transplant.”

  Her mother sighed. “I hope you’re not doing something untoward to help your sister.” She smiled. Sometimes her mother sounded like the English major that she’d been.

  “I would never do anything inappropriate.”

  “I hope not. We’ll find the money. It’s not up to you to pay for it.”

  “I’ll do whatever I can. You know that.” She paused. “But nothing untoward.”

  “Anyway,” her mother continued. “Abby wanted to say hi before she goes back to sleep. Don’t tell her you’re in Colorado. It might stress her out.”

  And her mother accused her of worrying too much.

  “Hi Char.”

  “Hi Honey. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m okay now. But I think I’m gonna miss the homecoming dance.”

  Charlotte felt the familiar stab of pain. Tucked it away. “It’s okay. You’ll make the next one. Next year you’ll be a sophomore and you’ll be old enough to date.”

  She could hear Abby roll her eyes. “You think Mom will let me date when I turn fifteen?”

  “Of course.”

  “I do good to even get out of the house without her.”

  Charlotte forced herself to laugh. “You’re gonna be fine Abby. I promise.”

  “I’m gonna go to sleep now. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Love you.”

  “Love you too Abby.”

  Charlotte disconnected the line and pressed a hand against her forehead. Thankfully she hadn’t had to be there this time. Last time Abby had to go to the emergency room, her mother had called in tears. They were all adapting to Abby’s kidney’s disease. The doctors assured them that once she had the transplant, her life would be back to being relatively normal.

  If only the insurance would cover more.

  Chapter 15

  Ryan could see the strain on Charlotte’s face when she sat back at the table. Her smile was forced.

  “Everything okay?” He asked.

  She took a deep breath. “Yes.”

  “Anything you want to talk about?”

  “Nope.” She shook her head.


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