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Page 2

by Maxwell Avoi

  Michael reached out and took it, feeling as though her hand were operating on its own. As soon as she touched the plastic, the shock drilled through her just like it had the last two times. This one was even stronger, making her grasp the table and gasp as her hips bucked once, twice.

  As soon as she opened her eyes she was overwhelmed by a sudden surge of lust for the man in front of her. Everything, from the way that his shoulders filled out his jacket to the roughness of his voice and skin, filled her with desire. It was as if he had suddenly become her exact sexual ideal, and she wanted to fuck him more than anything she could remember wanting.

  She moaned, her skin flushed and the space between her thighs suddenly hot and slick. “Leo…” she whispered.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m better’n okay. Leo, my name’s Molly and I’m no hooker, but you are the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Would you like some proof?”

  She stood and arched her back, leaning forward on her palms to give him a good view of the tops of her tits. Molly couldn’t believe how hot she was for him right now. She tucked the shamrock between her breasts, where it nestled with the other one.

  Leo was non-plussed, nervous at the way that her entire demeanor had changed from anxious to slutty. He said, “Whatever, you ain’t gotta…”

  “I want you, Leo. Surely there’s a place here. I found one a couple of times th’other night, but I don’t remember where it is.” Molly unbuttoned her top button, letting more of her breasts spring free.

  Leo looked around, suddenly nervous. He said, “Listen, we don’t need this kinda-“

  “Leo, if you don’t fuck me I’m going to go crazy.” Her voice was low but intense. She was surprised to find that it was true. The surprise passed quickly, leaving only the burning lust in its place. She wanted sex, right now, with him.

  Leo was obviously surprised but he wasn’t about to let a shot at someone who looked like Molly get away from him. He stood and took her by one arm, leading her into the depths of the club. In the gloom hardly anyone looked their way. He led her through a partially hidden door and into a small apartment. She kept unbuttoning her shirt as they went and by the time the door was shut she was only wearing her bra. Her tits bulged from it, swollen by arousal, and she whimpered in need. She’d never been so turned on. Opening her bra and dropping the shamrocks to the floor didn’t help; if anything, she got hotter.

  Leo shook his head, appearing amused. He picked her up and turned her over, putting her face-down on the rumpled bed sheets. Molly squealed a little, all thoughts of actually being a man gone from her mind. They were overcome by the raw lust that was getting stronger and stronger with each passing second. She lifted her ass up and wriggled out of her pants, finally wearing nothing but her panties. The smell that rose from her was the intoxicating scent of total arousal.

  Leo was getting into it by that time as well. He didn’t bother to undress completely; he just unbuckled his belt and pushed his pants down. For such a huge guy he wasn’t particularly large downstairs but she didn’t care. Leo was currently her ideal and she wanted nothing more than to make him feel like the biggest guy on earth.

  She wiggled her butt at him, whining with desire, and he wrapped his huge hands around her waist. He positioned himself, the heat from his hard cock already radiating through her, and she felt a strange combination of emotions. The biggest was the lust, the desire to have him fully sheathed inside her. She also felt confident; apparently, despite not having any memory of it, this wasn’t the first time that she’d done this. It was the first time she remembered doing it, though, and that made her nervous. Finally there was the faint echo of her male mind telling her that this was wrong, that she needed to stop. Instead of slowing her down, the tiny voice added a tinge of the forbidden to the coupling, making it even more exciting. She moaned and pushed back against him, her voice rising when the head of his cock pushed into her.

  Leo took over at that point, holding her steady without apparent effort while he sheathed himself. She groaned, reveling in the stretching, and the sound of her pleasure encouraged him to keep pushing deeper. Finally she felt another new sensation: the feeling of a man’s balls resting against her pussy. Part of her wanted to savor it but mostly she wanted to be fucked like a bad girl.

  “Yes! Come on, Leo, come on!” she whispered between clenched teeth. He came on, pulling out and then slamming back in. The strength of the motion pushed her forward, rocking her on her hands, and she cried out happily. “Yes! Yes!”

  Leo did it again, and then again, and then he settled into a strong rhythm. He was strong and hard, and he fucked her like a man confident in his own power. Molly couldn’t have been happier, rocking with him and encouraging him with her cries. Soon he was slamming into her with abandon, his grunting reaching a fever pitch. She was equally transported, pleasure washing through her with every movement even as she struggled to keep him from pushing her right through the mattress.

  He reared back and thrust hard, arching his back while he came. She wailed at the same time, her own orgasm rendering her helpless. She writhed on the bed, out of control, while he pumped her full of his cum.

  When the storm passed, he pulled his softening cock out of her and slapped her on the ass. “Get dressed. You’re not banned anymore, I guess.”

  Michael wasn’t sure, at first, who the bouncer was talking to. His body floated in a haze of combined pleasure and soreness, and for a few seconds he had no memory of what they’d just done. Then bits and pieces started to trickle back along with the panic from before. Had he really…and then he’d let the bouncer…and then he’d screamed while…

  Michael stared into the blankets, his flawless face turning hot as he tried to think. What the hell had happened to him? He sat up and felt Leo’s seed leaking out of his new pussy. It was hard not to throw up.

  Instead, not making any eye contact, he gathered up his clothes. Leo stayed by the door, showing no signs of wanting to leave a strange nymphomaniac alone in his apartment, so Michael was forced to dress in front of him. Leo, not realizing that something had changed, watched with an amused expression. Judging by the bulge in the front of his pants he enjoyed every second of it.

  Michael’s bare foot touched one of the fallen shamrocks and he stiffened in preparation for the shock. Nothing happened, though. They were just bits of plastic wrapped around some vegetation now, nothing that would set off a mental change that would end with him fucking a bouncer. Apparently it was something that he’d learned last night, forgotten until it was relevant again. He made a resolution to avoid all shamrocks for the rest of his life.

  Once dressed, Michael didn’t quite flee from the club, but he certainly moved quickly in spite of his again-alien flesh. It was obvious that he wasn’t going to get anywhere by following a trail of matchbooks. He had to find this Blarney person.

  The next step was to find a store and get a charger. He figured that he couldn’t run into many shamrocks in an electronics store. Quest thus decided, he headed out with as firm a step as he could manage. By the time he’d gone three blocks he wondered if he should find another shamrock; walking as a woman was more difficult than he’d imagined but he’d seemed pretty comfortable with it when he’d been under the influence. It was a sour joke, of course, and it made him remember his time with Leo again. Not that he’d forgotten it for a second. The soreness down below was his constant reminder.

  His awkwardness slowed him. At the same time his inept steps made his hips thrash and his tits jounce with more force than was necessary. Men and a few women watched as he passed. Michael wasn’t used to being stared at like a piece of meat, and the attention made him blush.

  Finally he found a suitable store and went inside. The money in his pocket would be enough, wherever the hell it had come from. He didn’t want to think about why Blarney had left him fifteen hundred dollars; it couldn’t have been from sheer altruism.

  He found the right charger and took it to the front
. The checker was a tall man who tried to hit on him, but Michael just went with saying nothing and ignoring him as best he could. The checker, in return, settled for staring down Michael’s cleavage. Michael couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

  He looked around and found a coffee shop. They always had outlets for laptops, so he knew he’d be able to charge the phone there. He went inside and bought an Irish Latte (Genuine whiskey flavoring!) since they were on sale, and then went and found a chair while he waited. In the bag, he found an extra card with the receipt. He turned it over and found a paper four-leaf clover printed on it, along with a message to have a nice March, and he felt the shock run through his fingers and up his arm again.

  “Oh, come on, seriously?” she said. Even paper ones gave the effect? At least it didn’t seem as strong; she wasn’t fucking the guy at the next table. Michael sighed impressively and unwrapped the charger, plugging in it and her phone.

  She gave it a few moments to charge. The waitress brought the drink over. She was a slender, striking brunette with big brown eyes, and any other time Michael would have been very attracted to her. As it was, she was nervous about letting herself be attracted to anyone; she wasn’t sure what the magic would do.

  The waitress, Linda, smiled and handed the cup over. Their fingers touched when Michael took the cup, and she shivered. Maybe the paper shamrock had done more to her than she’d thought; she felt warm all over. Then she noticed that Linda was looking down her shirt, and smiled to herself. Maybe there were more possibilities here than she’d thought. If Linda was a lesbian, and Michael was currently a woman, then she might have a shot after all.

  She took a drink and felt the deep shock run through her again. Michael had raised the cup, but Molly was the one who lowered it. She looked at the drink and found a giant shamrock printed on the lid, the stem seeming to grow out of the tiny slot that she’d just drunk from. Molly felt her nipples harden and she swayed just a little in her seat as the lust surged inside of her again. This time it was focused on Linda, who looked confused and nervous at the sudden intensity of Molly’s gaze.

  Molly smiled up at her, the confident smile of a predator, and Linda looked around as if for help. No one was looking at them. Molly said, “So tell me, Linda…would you like t’sit an’ talk?” Molly noticed that her accent became more pronounced when she was under the influence of the shamrocks. She couldn’t possibly have cared less, unless Linda was turned on by accents.

  “I, ah, I have to get back to work, and…”

  “Oh, and you’ve got a lovely voice. Come back to me when you get a chance?” Molly ran one finger down her own neck and then into her cleavage, slowly tracing the top bulges of her heavy breasts. Linda’s eyes were drawn there and she gawked openly for a moment before snapping out of it.

  She nodded. “Yeah. I’ll see if, um, if I can get a break, or something.”

  Molly smiled and wiggled the tips of her fingers in Linda’s direction as the waitress headed back to the counter. Surely she wouldn’t have a hard time getting a break; outside of Molly there were only two other people in the store and they had already been served. Molly sipped from her latte, impressed at how close the non-alcoholic flavoring was to whiskey. Every time her soft lips touched the lid and the picture thereon, she got another little shock. Her arousal grew with each sip, and soon her panties were soaking again.

  By the time that Linda came back, Molly was in a state. Before, Leo had represented everything that was sexy in the world thanks to the shamrock effect, but now Molly couldn’t imagine anyone being more perfect than Linda. Even the sight of her muffin-top, a little extra flesh bulging out over her beltline, aroused feelings of tenderness and desire in Molly’s spectacular body. Molly was practically drooling at the sight of her.

  She leaned over and smiled at Linda when the waitress sat down across from her. “So tell me, Linda…is there anywhere around here where you an’ I could talk in private?” She placed special emphasis on the word “talk,” and then in a fit of daring she reached out and stroked one foot up and down the inside of Linda’s calf.

  Linda gave a nervous laugh but didn’t pull away. She said, “That would, um, be nice. I don’t even know your name, though.”

  Molly grinned and kept up her foot-play. “M’name’s Molly. I came in here expectin’ to try a latte, but I didn’t expect t’find such a beautiful thing as you servin’ it.”

  Linda’s blush was absolutely charming. Molly wanted to fuck her. Linda said, “Oh, well, uh, th…thank you. Um. I think maybe we could, uh, talk in the back? Like in the store room? Maybe?”

  Molly grinned and curled her toes, pressing into the sensitive flesh in the back of Linda’s knee. Linda pulled in a deep, unsteady breath at that and Molly giggled. This girl was perfect.

  Linda stood and offered a hand to Molly, and Molly took it. She focused on Linda’s slim hips and the way that they swayed when she walked; Linda wasn’t all curves the way that Molly was but Molly had a hard time imagining that anyone else could possibly be sexier than the waitress.

  Linda led her to a door marked “Storage.” A quick look around told them that they were unobserved, so Linda opened the door and pulled Molly inside.

  Molly wrapped her arms around her and pulled the taller girl down for a kiss almost before the door was closed. The feel of Linda’s lips on hers was as satisfying as the touch of Leo’s cock had been, though there was really no comparison; Leo felt like something that had happened in the misty depths of ancient history. Linda was there, Linda was hot, and Molly wanted her so badly that she couldn’t stand it.

  Linda’s answering kiss wasn’t as enthusiastic as Molly’s, but it was enough that Molly didn’t wonder if her advances were unwelcome. Molly said, “You’re the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Oh, I just want t’lick you all over.”

  Linda giggled, still sounding a little nervous, but she didn’t exactly push Molly away. Linda lifted one hand and squeezed Molly’s right boob, and Molly moaned quietly into Linda’s shoulder. Emboldened, she lifted Linda’s shirt an inch at a time, kissing her way up the center of Linda’s soft belly until she ran into the bra. Linda was breathing hard by that time, her small breasts bulging and receding, and Molly had never seen anything so enchanting. She wanted Linda’s tits.

  Molly pressed her face to Linda’s cleavage as she reached around with both hands to find the hook holding her bra closed. Linda jumped a little when it came undone but she didn’t protest. That was gone; Molly wasn’t sure if she could stop anyway.

  Linda’s breasts were small but perfectly formed. Molly just stared at them for a second, a long rest in the symphony of lust that consumed them, and then she darted forward to suckle gently at one beautiful nipple. Linda moaned as quietly as she could while Molly licked and rolled the nipple between her lips, ending with gentle suction as she pulled away. Then she repeated it with the other breast, and by the time she was done with that she could feel Linda’s hips making little bucking motions. It made her giggle. Linda tried half-heartedly to knead at Molly’s expansive chest, but Molly whispered, “Next time, girl. Right now we’ve only got time for one and I want it t’be you.”

  Linda didn’t protest, the waves of pleasure stifling any objections she might have had. Besides, Molly was right: time was limited. She left her hand where it was as long as she could, though; it was a treat to touch a breast like Molly’s, and who knew when she would get another chance.

  Molly didn’t object either; each touch and squeeze sent another thrill through her that grounded itself in what she assumed was her clit. She made a mental note to get more familiar with her own body now that she was a woman. She lowered herself to the floor. Linda made a disappointed noise when her hand slipped away from Molly’s breast but it turned to happy anticipation when Molly undid Linda’s belt.

  She was soaked by the time that Molly got her belt, pants, and panties out of the way. Molly’s touches and sheer appeal had made sure of that. Molly was glad; the slick heat was
confirmation that Linda really wanted this and making Linda happy was currently her entire goal in life.

  She pulled the panties down a bit and just admired the pussy that had been concealed up until then. The lips were puffy, engorged with arousal, and she could see the tiny bead of Linda’s clit peeking out of its hood.

  Molly…attacked. She launched a tongue-led assault on Linda’s lips, savoring the juices as she worked her way deeper into Linda with each lick. She used a finger as well, stroking and kneading. Bu the time that Molly had suppressed all other opposition and was ready to go to war on Linda’s clit, Linda was moaning and whimpering in ecstatic submission. Molly grinned; it wouldn’t take much to ensure Linda’s ultimate surrender to Molly’s forces.

  She started with a lick, soft and quick with her talented tongue. Linda’s knees buckled at the feeling, forcing her to grab onto the shelves with both hands. She bit down on a yelp; it wouldn’t do to have the customers or her boss aware of what was going on. Molly seemed to know just what to do, her lips and tongue stolen from a goddess of sex.

  Soon she sensed that Linda was right on the edge. Molly slid a finger into Linda and stood. She gazed into Linda’s eyes and kissed her as she pumped into Linda with her finger. Her palm rubbed hard against Linda’s clit, and her finger curled inward to press against the spongy flesh at the top of the inner cavity.

  Linda bucked hard as she came. Her cries were mostly muffled by Molly’s kiss, coming out as a series of very emphatic squeaks that probably weren’t audible outside the storage room. Molly felt something draining out of her as the climax carried Linda to new heights. By the time that Linda collapsed against the shelves, panting, Molly had become Michael again, at least mentally.

  Suddenly awkward, Michael looked at the door and then at the panting waitress in front of him. He whispered, “I’ll see you again!” and then slipped out the door. He wasn’t nearly as graceful now that his mind didn’t match his body, and he almost fell on the way out. Instead he stumbled up against the door, which whipped open as far as it could go and banged against the wall. The noise was loud and all the customers in the shop turned and stared at Michael and the half-naked Linda. Michael slammed the door shut and ran to his table, nearly at the point of toppling over with every step thanks to his strange flesh. He grabbed his phone and his charger and made his escape, walking quickly to get out of the shop.


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