Book Read Free

Green Mountain Collection 1

Page 22

by Marie Force

  “Never with you.” Even in the dark, his lips found hers with laserlike precision. He turned them so she was pressed against the door as he kissed her senseless. His muscular body molded to her, the hard column of his erection hot against her belly. “Tell me it’s not just me.”

  “What?” she asked, breathless as he grasped her legs and lifted her to align their most sensitive regions.

  “This crazy need. If it’s just me who feels out of control and off the rails—”

  Cameron kissed him. “It’s not just you.”

  “I was going nuts watching you dance with my brothers.”

  The confession shocked her. “Why? I’m not interested in them. You know that.”

  “I didn’t like it.” His hips pushed against her, making her lose her train of thought. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you. It scares the shit out of me, but I can’t seem to make it stop.”

  “So you’ve tried?” she asked, amused again. The roller-coaster ride of emotions was making her light-headed.

  “Not very hard.”

  “Will …” She wrapped her arms around him, bringing his head to rest on her shoulder. When he trembled in her arms, she acknowledged she was absolutely lost to him.

  “Can we please leave?” he asked.

  “Sure.” Cameron was every bit as anxious to be alone with him. When he let her slide down the aroused front of him, she reached for the door.

  “Wait. I need a minute.”

  Cameron laughed softly at the distress she heard in his voice.

  “It’s not funny.”

  “Yes, it is.” She smoothed a hand over his chest.

  His hand over hers stopped her progress. “Don’t touch. You’re not helping.”

  “I’m very sorry.”

  “No, you’re not. Go on out there and pretend like you were in the ladies’ room.”

  “I doubt I’ll be fooling anyone. I probably look thoroughly ravished.”

  “Not thoroughly. Not yet. But soon. Very soon.”

  Cameron’s legs were like spaghetti noodles as she rejoined the Abbotts. Other than a few speculative glances, no one questioned where she’d been. She had no doubt they all knew exactly where she’d been.

  The boisterous group fell silent when Nolan came over to their table. He was handsome in a dark V-neck sweater and faded jeans. “Hey, Cameron. I worked on your car all day today. Should be good to go by the time you need to leave.”

  Thinking about leaving filled her with anxiety. “Glad to hear that, Nolan. Thanks for the update.”

  “No problem.” He turned his attention to Hannah. “Nice to see you here, Hannah.”

  “Thanks. It’s nice to be here.”

  “Do you feel like dancing?”

  “Um …” Hannah glanced at Hunter, who nodded toward the dance floor, silently urging her to go.

  Cameron watched the twins’ silent interaction with utter fascination. What would it be like to be so connected to another human being that you could literally read their mind?

  “Sure,” Hannah said, accepting Nolan’s outstretched hand.

  The relief at the table was palpable when Hannah accompanied Nolan. Molly had tears in her eyes as Lincoln patted her shoulder.

  “Don’t stare at them,” Ella said. “She’ll hate that.”

  “Right,” Molly said, dabbing at her eyes. “Don’t anyone look at them.”

  The others seemed to make an obvious effort to look anywhere but at their sister, who was dancing with a man for the first time since being widowed.

  Even an outsider looking in could see that the moment was packing an emotional wallop for Hannah’s entire family.

  The tension was broken when two different young men approached Charlotte in quick succession to ask her to dance. She politely declined both offers.

  “Such a heartbreaker,” Ella said when the second one left dejected.

  “Shut up, Ella. Been there, done that and that. What’s the point?”

  To Cameron, Ella said, “She’s dated every single guy under age thirty-five in town, so there’s no one left.”

  “There is one guy left,” Lucas reminded his sisters. “Poor, misunderstood Tyler.”

  “He’s a nerd, Luc, and you know it.”

  “Just because he’s smart doesn’t make him a nerd, Charlotte,” Molly said sternly. “He’s a nice young man.”

  “He’s boring,” Charlotte said.

  “How do you know that?” Ella asked. “You’ve never even talked to him.”

  “I’ve talked to him, and I died of boredom both times. If you like him so much, why don’t you go out with him?”

  “He’s not my type,” Ella said.

  “Since when do you have a type?” her sister asked.

  “I expect I’ll know it when I see it.”

  Charlotte rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I’m getting another drink. Anyone want anything?”

  The others demurred, and Charlotte took off toward the bar as the music switched to “I Want to Hold Your Hand.”

  “There’s our song, baby doll,” Lincoln said, tugging on his wife’s hand.

  “Did you request that?” Molly asked.

  “Duh,” their children said in concert.

  “He always does,” Lucas said to Cameron, who found the whole thing adorable.

  Their parents took to the dance floor, keeping a respectable distance from Hannah and Nolan, who had remained on the floor for another song.

  Cameron was so caught up in the family and the various interactions that she startled when Will’s hands landed on her shoulders.

  “There you are,” she said, smiling up at him. “I was about to send out a search party.”

  He leaned down to speak directly to her. “It wasn’t an insignificant problem.” His lips brushed against her ear, setting every nerve ending in her body on fire. “Can we please get the hell out of here?”

  Cameron wanted to stay and talk to Hannah after her dance with Nolan, but her needs—and Will’s—took precedence. She nodded and stood. “I just need one second and then we can go.”

  “Make it a quick second.”

  Mindful of Will watching her every move, Cameron went over to Hunter. “You should ask her to dance,” she said, taking a huge gamble that her opinion would be welcome with the least welcoming of the Abbotts.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You should ask her to dance.”



  Hunter shook his head, acting as if he hadn’t heard her correctly.

  “Don’t act like you haven’t been staring at her all night. Ask her to dance.”

  “She doesn’t want to dance with me,” he said with a bitter laugh. “She’s madly in love with my brother who seems to be madly in something with you.”

  “And you’re madly in something with her. Ask her. You never know what might happen.”

  “I know exactly what’ll happen. She’ll look at me as if I’m high and say no. That’s actually the better of two possible scenarios.”

  “What’s the other?”

  “She’ll laugh her ass off.”

  “Hunter, that’s not true—”

  “I appreciate your thoughtful interference, but you might want to stick to web development and butt out of my business.”

  Cameron’s ears burned from embarrassment. “My apologies. I didn’t mean to overstep. I just thought you looked kind of miserable standing here all night looking at what you wanted, and I felt bad for you. I won’t make that mistake again.”

  “Wait. Cameron …” He ran his fingers through his hair in a gesture she now recognized as frustration. “I’m sorry. I was out of line.”

  “So was I. You’re right—it’s none of my business.”

  “You’re not wrong … What you said about me being ‘in something’ with her. You’re not wrong.”

  He seemed so defeated and miserable that Cameron’s heart went out to him. “My dad likes to say you can’t win the
game if you don’t play the game.”

  “Is that how he became a billionaire?” he asked with a small smile.

  “One of several ways.”

  “My brother is waiting for you, and he doesn’t look too happy that you’re over here talking to me.”

  “Then I’d better go. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at dinner.”

  “See you then.”

  “Ask her,” she said, giving him a little push and a smile as she left him.

  After she and Will said their good-byes to the others, they headed for the door, his hand on the small of her back. The proprietary gesture made her giddy with anticipation of the night ahead. She wondered if his entire family had watched them leave.

  “What was that about with Hunter?” Will asked as he helped her into the truck.

  “I was butting in where I don’t belong.”

  He gave her a quizzical look and closed the door. When he was settled in the driver’s seat, he turned on the engine and gave it a minute to warm up. “How do you mean?”

  “I suggested he might want to ask Megan to dance. He’s been staring at her all night.”

  “I just don’t see that combination at all.”

  “Maybe you don’t, but I think he does. Or he’d like to anyway. He admitted as much to me just now.”

  “Seriously? I see the guy every day of my life and I don’t know that? You’re here three days and you’ve got that figured out and you convinced Hannah to come to the dance?”

  “Not to mention the spell I’ve cast over you,” she said with a cheeky grin.

  He reached for her hand. “Not to mention.”

  Cameron curled her fingers around his. “I really like your family. I felt kind of like a stalker in the middle of them tonight.”

  “How so?”

  “I’m so fascinated by the sibling bickering, the interaction. And your mom was just awesome. I loved her.”

  “She liked you, too.”

  “How could you tell?”

  “She told me so.”

  Cameron felt like she’d passed a huge test by gaining Molly Abbott’s approval. “You’re really, really lucky, Will. So lucky.”

  “I’ve always known that, but you’ve helped me see it more clearly the last few days. Sometimes they drive me crazy, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything.”

  They rode the rest of the way to his house in silence, but Cameron was almost painfully aware of him and what was about to happen between them. Her skin felt tingly and warm, her nipples tightened, and between her legs, a steady thrum of desire let her know the time for thinking was done.

  Regardless of what might happen afterward, she wanted this night with him. She wanted him.

  “What’s going on over there?” he asked as he took the turn into his driveway.

  “Nothing much.” More like too much to articulate simply.

  “Want to know what’s on my mind?”

  “Um, sure,” she said on a nervous laugh. “I think …”

  “I can’t wait to be alone with you for an entire night. I can’t wait to hold you and kiss you and make love with you.”

  Cameron blew out an unsteady deep breath. “You don’t mince words.”

  “Is that okay?”

  “It’s the most amazing thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  He squeezed her hand before he released it to turn off the truck. “Wait for me.”

  While he walked around to the passenger side, Cameron fanned her face, thankful for the cool air. He opened the door and leaned in, his lips very close to hers. “Now about this ninety-day rule of yours. I’d like to apply for a waiver.”

  Cameron dissolved into laughter. “Granted under the special-exception subclause.”

  “I love the special-exception subclause. Ready?”

  Cameron looked at that hand for a long moment before she glanced at his face. “Are you scared of how fast this is happening?”

  “Absolutely terrified.”

  Reassured, she smiled and took his hand to get out of the truck. The snow crunched under their feet as they walked toward the cabin.


  I’m so far over my head, I have to look up to see bottom.

  —The gospel according to Elmer Stillman

  Will put his arm around her and kept her close until they reached the door. Inside, the dogs provided a welcome distraction of sloppy kisses and excited barking before Will let them out. While they were outside, Will refilled their food and water bowls. Then he came over to stoke up the fire.

  “Want a drink?”

  “Sure. What’re you having?”

  “How does red wine sound?”

  “Perfect.” She was relieved that they’d be taking things slowly rather than jumping each other the second they walked in the door—not that she would’ve objected to that, but this was better. Forcing herself to relax and stop overthinking everything, she kicked off her boots and curled her feet under her. The fire was hypnotic, and it chased the cold from her bones.

  Will let the dogs in and brought two glasses of wine to the sofa. He sat to remove his boots and propped his long legs on the coffee table. “Come on over here.”

  Cameron snuggled under his outstretched arm, enjoying being close to him while drinking her wine and watching the fire.

  “I like having you here,” he said, his lips skimming over her forehead.

  “I like being here.”

  “Do you really? It’s a lot less than you’re used to.”

  “That’s not necessarily true.”

  His free hand slid through her hair, making her scalp tingle. “What do you mean?”

  “It’s true that my life in the city is different, but different isn’t always better. I’ve never lived anywhere other than the city. After only a few days here, I can see the appeal of your simpler life.”

  “I liked seeing you with my family tonight. You fit right in like we’ve known you for years rather than days.”

  “I hope they don’t think I’m a weirdo because I’m so fascinated by them. Like Hunter and Hannah … When Nolan asked her to dance, the first thing she did was look to Hunter for guidance. He didn’t say a word, but he urged her to say yes. I can’t imagine having that kind of connection with someone.”

  “You don’t miss much do you, Cameron Murphy?”

  “I told you, I’m captivated by the Abbotts. I’m also an avid people watcher. That’s one of my favorite aspects of city life. No shortage of subjects.” She rested her head against his arm and looked up at him. “Do you think I’m a weirdo because I’m so obsessed with your family?”

  “Nah, I think it’s sweet. We’ve had totally opposite lives in many ways. You were an only child. I was one of ten. You grew up in the city. I grew up in the mountains. You’re tied to your cell phone. I don’t own one. I guess it stands to reason we’re each intrigued by the things that make us different.”

  “When you make a list like that, it makes me wonder what we’re doing here together.”

  He took her wineglass and put it next to his on the table. With his hand on her face, he compelled her to look at him. “Are you really still wondering what we’re doing?”

  She shook her head. “Even though you might turn out to be the biggest mistake I ever made—and I mean that as a compliment, strange as it may sound—that doesn’t seem to matter.”

  “I won’t be the biggest mistake you ever made. I promise. I’ll be the best mistake you ever made.”

  Smiling at his sweet words, Cameron decided to have faith. She decided to trust him when he told her she’d be safe with him. Reaching for him, she brought him with her when she reclined on the sofa.

  He stretched out on top of her, gazing down at her with those beautiful golden eyes that were full of affection and desire and admiration—all of it directed at her. It was almost too much to take in. “Is this okay?”

  “Mmm,” she said, loving the feel of his body pressed against hers. “So okay.”

  He be
nt his head to kiss her neck. “How about this?”

  “Also okay.”

  She felt his lips curve against her sensitive skin. “You smell so good. That was the first thing about you that turned me on, you know that?”


  “That first night, after I left you at the inn, I got back in my truck, and it smelled like you. I was all wound up about my dad bringing you here, but even so, I couldn’t get enough of that scent.” He took tiny nibbles of her neck, not hard enough to leave marks, but more than enough to set her on fire. “I still can’t get enough of it.”

  She ran her hands over his back to the hem of his shirt. “Can we take this off?”

  He propped himself up on one arm and had the dress shirt up and over his head in a split second.

  She tugged on the T-shirt he wore underneath. “And this?”

  That, too, disappeared in a matter of seconds, revealing the truly magnificent chest she’d thought about far too often since the night before.

  Cameron licked lips that had gone dry. She looked up to find him fixated on her mouth.

  And then he stood and held out a hand to her. “Let’s take this somewhere more comfortable.”

  She took his hand and let him help her up. “Just for the record, I was pretty comfortable there.”

  “I can do better,” he said with the smile that undid her. He led her into his bedroom, holding up a hand to stop the dogs, who had followed them. “Go to sleep, boys.”

  Resigned, they returned to their beds by the fire, and Will closed the bedroom door.

  She watched, rapt as he turned down the covers and lit three candles on the bedside table before extinguishing the light. That he had prepared for this thoroughly charmed her. And when he turned to her, the raw need she saw in his eyes completely disarmed her.

  Even knowing that she was giving him the power to break her heart, she couldn’t resist him when he looked at her that way.

  He undressed her slowly, reverently, taking his own sweet time.

  Cameron tried to quell the trembling that began in her legs. By the time she was down to the sexy black bra and thong she’d worn with him in mind, she could barely remain standing.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered, his arm around her waist and his other hand grasping her hair. “Sexy as all hell, funny, thoughtful, sweet, kind … all in one package. How did I get so lucky to find you?”


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