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The Ramsey Doms

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by Mardi Maxwell

  The Doms of Club Mystique 6

  The Ramsey Doms

  The Ramsey brothers have been told that Thor Larkin and Marisol Rios might have been killed by Carlos Mendez. Cade Ramsey refuses to believe that his business partner and best friend is dead. He leaves his pregnant wife, Addison, with his brothers while he goes to Colombia to search for them. His father, Nate MacLeod, and his fiancé Nymph go with him as well as Dirk and Sabre McCabe and their wife, Bridget.

  While they're away from the ranch the other Ramsey brothers and their fiancés keep an eye on Addison and make plans for their own futures. The holidays come and go and Addison grows closer to the birth of her child. Will Cade find Thor and make it home in time to see his child born? Will wedding bells be ringing on the Ramsey Ranch for Jackson and Jenna, Luc and Cassie and Logan, or Zane and Ravyn?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 26,536 words


  The Doms of Club Mystique 6

  Mardi Maxwell


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2015 by Mardi Maxwell

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-383-2

  First E-book Publication: May 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  For my Crazy Ladies and Muses. Great friends who I value more than you’ll ever know. Hugs, ladies.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four


  About the Author


  The Doms of Club Mystique 6


  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Cade lifted Addison and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Her belly pressed against his and he adjusted his hands beneath her bottom before he kissed her. The kiss ended with both of them smiling when their unborn child kicked. Cade laughed against her lips and held still, hoping to feel another movement. When it came, he laughed again, then slid his lips over the freckles on Addison’s nose. “I’ll be home the day after tomorrow. Be good, and no crazy shenanigans. Promise me.”

  Addison’s lips trembled even as she smiled. “I promise. Now, you promise that you’ll be careful and come back to us.” She tightened her arms around his neck.

  “I promise.” He kissed her again before setting her on her feet. Behind him, the jet waited on the tarmac, its engines running. He climbed the steps, but before he ducked through the door he turned and looked back at her. She stood, surrounded by his brothers and the security team he’d hired to protect her. Her long hair was loose and blowing in the cold wind. It formed a beautiful, reddish-gold cloud around her exquisite face. Eyes bluer than a periwinkle watched him, looking worried even though she tried to smile.

  A small frown appeared between Cade’s brows as his eyes fell to her belly. They’d just found out Addison had already been pregnant when Mendez had kidnapped her. Now, at almost six months pregnant, she was big, maybe too big. It worried him, even though she assured him she was “doing great and never better.“ He caught Jackson’s glance and nodded. Jackson nodded back, letting him know he’d keep Addison safe no matter what happened. At the thought of never seeing her again, Cade couldn’t stop himself from taking a step back in her direction. A hand on his shoulder stopped him. Frowning, he glared at the man behind him.

  “Let’s go, son.” Nate MacLeod patted Cade’s shoulder before he reached for the door and closed it. “The sooner we go, the sooner we return.”

  Cade brushed by Nate without acknowledging him. Just because his biological father had shown up out of the blue didn’t mean he and his brothers had to like him. As far as they were concerned, their real dad had been Nate’s cousin, Jake Ramsey. He was the man who’d adopted them after Nate’s death twenty-one years ago. Of course, as usual, Jackson had played the voice of reason even when it came to Nate. He’d pointed out that it had been the only way he could keep them safe from Rolando Mendez’s drug cartel. Cade knew he was being stubborn and perhaps a little unreasonable, but he wasn’t ready to forgive and forget. Neither were his brothers Luc, Logan, and Zane.

  He looked around the interior of the jet, then chose a seat across from Dirk and Sabre McCabe. The two older men owned Club Elysium, a Dallas BDSM club, as well as one of the most secretive and exclusive security agencies in the world. Their wife Bridget sat between them. He stared at her for a moment, then shook his head. He’d never understand them, or even Nate, as far as that went. The three older men brought their women along with them no matter how dangerous the mission. He met Dirk’s eyes, then Sabre’s. Dirk grinned and Sabre chuckled.

  “You’re wondering why we’d bring Bridget with us into danger,” Dirk said.

  “It doesn’t make sense to risk her,” Cade said.

  Sabre shrugged. “Would you want to live without Addison?”


  “Then why would you want her to live without you?” Bridget asked.

  “That only makes sense if you intend to die together.” Cade addressed his statement to Bridget. “What if you’re taken by the enemy? Then what do they do?”

  “I could be taken from my home while they’re away,” Bridget said. “Then, how would they feel that they left me behind?”

  Cade sent Dirk and Sabre his most sardonic look. “Is that the argument she used to get you to agree?”

  “Yes,” Dirk said. “It made sense at the time.”

  “Once we’d let her go with us the first time we were committed.” Sabre chuckled. “Women are tricky like that.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Cade nodded at two of Nate’s team members, Orin and Miles. They worked for Dirk and Sabre, as did Nate. Their other team members, Hugh and Doolin, had been left behind to help guard the ranch.

  As soon as the jet was in the air, Nate began briefing them. “What we know is that Thor and Marisol checked into a beach cottage when they arrived in Santa Marta, Colombia. They disappeared sometime later that same day.”

  “Where were Cin and Ace when they were taken?” Cade asked. Dirk and Sabre’s sons, Cin and Ace, had traveled to Colombia with Thor and Marisol as well as two other men, Ben Harrington and Mac Malone. Cin, Ace, and Ben had returned. Mac, Thor and Marisol had not.

  “Cin and Ace stayed behind in Cartagena to meet with one of our sources,” Sabre said. “Ben and Mac went to the Palomino area to check it out. We think Mendez had people watching for them. They were ambushed on the road. Ben reported that he thinks Thor and Marisol were being taken from the hotel in Santa Marta at the same time.”

  “A well-thought-out, synchronized abduction, then?” Cade asked.

  “Yes,” Nate answered. “Ben said he and Mac were taken to an unknown location in the jungle. When they arrived, they saw Thor and Marisol being loaded into the back of an old white van and driven away. Ben said he and Mac managed to escape after being held for four days.”

  “But not before they were tortured,” Dirk said. “Ben said he and Mac separated so it would be harder for Mendez’s men to track them. He managed to make it to the convent where Marisol's sister, Valentina Rios, was located, and Rios’s men snuck them into Texas and dropped them off near the ranch.”

  “We haven’t heard from Mac,” Sabre said.

  “He has dozens of sources he can reach out to,” Cade said. “We have no way of knowing where to begin looking for him. We’ll hear from him eventually. In the meantime, we need to figure out where Thor and Marisol are being held.”

  “If they’re still alive,” Bridget said.

  Nate nodded. “I believe they are. They’re valuable to Mendez. As long as he has them, he has leverage. Not only with us, but with Marisol’s father.”

  “He could have gone after Valentina and gotten leverage with Juan Rios,” Cade said.

  “Not really. Marisol is her father’s right-hand person. She knows everything about his business. What easier way to control or destroy Rios than to get his hands on her?” Nate picked up a stack of papers, glanced at them then put them back down. “Nymph, Orin, Miles, and I have been at Mendez’s beach house near Palomino. I’ve told the team you sent there the layout of the area around the estate. If anyone’s there, they’ll know it.”

  Cade nodded. “I’ve sent four teams out. Chandler and his team are watching the villa. Rodriquez’s team is covering Mendez’s stepmother Cristina Blanco’s home in Cartagena. Harris is checking out the convent where Valentina was staying and I’ve got the new guy, Vitale, checking out Mendez’s estate near Bogota. We’re going to the hotel in Santa Marta where Thor and Marisol were staying when they were abducted. Each team will follow up on any leads they get and report in to me. If something good comes up, then we’ll decide what action to take, otherwise we’ll meet back in the States.” He leaned toward Dirk. “You have someone watching his yacht, right?”

  Dirk nodded. “It’s still in the harbor at Cartagena. There’s been no unusual activity around it. Just the usual food deliveries for the guards and crew.”

  “We should have heard something by now,” Cade said. “Every one of us has reached out to our contacts. Someone, somewhere has to know something about Thor and Marisol.”

  “Mendez has a tight hold on everyone who knows him,” Dirk said. “Finding someone willing to talk won’t be easy.”

  “Hopefully, Rios has someone on the inside of Mendez’s cartel who can help us,” Sabre said. “In the meantime, everyone catch a nap. Once we land, we’ll be moving nonstop until we find them.”

  Cade pulled a book from his pack, settled back and began reading.

  “Good book?” Nate asked from across the aisle.

  Cade held up his book. The cover had a picture of a man and a pregnant woman.

  “A to Z Pregnancy and Delivery.” Nate smiled. “Interesting?”

  Cade nodded. “Yours?”

  Nate held up a zombie novel. Cade smiled. “You should talk to Zane and Marisol. Zane has a huge collection of zombie novels and Marisol can't seem to get enough of them.”

  “Marisol, huh?" That's surprising but Zane loaned me this book." Nate smiled then opened his book and went back to reading.

  * * * *

  Zane ran his hand over Ravyn’s hair as he checked the tracking device he’d installed in Addison’s necklace. It indicated she was in her room and he hoped she was sleeping. A soft sigh from Ravyn drew his attention to her. Her eyes were closed and a beautiful smile curved her lips. She rested against him, enjoying the feel of his hand sliding over the crown of her head. He threaded his fingers through the strands and tugged her head back. “Open your eyes, pet.”

  Her lashes fluttered and, a second later, her eyes opened . He placed a kiss on her lips before he stood and set her on her feet.

  “Follow me.” He walked out of the room without looking at her again. He knew she’d obey his demand. He led her through the hall and down the stairs to the basement level where he opened a hidden door that led into the playroom. Stepping aside he indicated that she should enter ahead of him. Ravyn stepped across the threshold and paused for a moment, letting her eyes adjust to the low light in the room. He grasped her waist and walked her forward a few steps. The door closed behind them.

  He’d spent time in the room earlier, setting up their scene. A table and two chairs sat in the middle of the room with a spotlight shining down on one of the chairs. He escorted Ravyn to it and sat down across from her.

  “Ms. Templeton, I’m Mr. Ramsey and I work for the District Attorney. Have you been read your rights?”

  Ravyn shifted and laid her hands, palms down on the table. “Yes, Sir.”

  Zane pulled a small recorder from his jacket and turned it on before he set it down. “This conversation is being recorded.” He opened a file on the table and shuffled the contents before he laid four pictures on the table in front of him, facedown. “We found these in the owners’ office.” He held one up and showed it to her. “Can you identify the blonde female in this picture?”

  Ravyn barely glanced at it, then shook her head. “No.”

  “Take a closer look.”

  She leaned forward, looked at the photo and said, “It’s me.”

  “Are you sure?”


  He pointed to it. “You have long, dark hair. The woman in the picture has blonde hair halfway down to her ass.” He sent her a disbelieving look. “The picture is date stamped two weeks ago. Are you telling me you’ve cut your hair and dyed it recently?”

  “No, of course not. It’s a wig. I wear them sometimes when I work.”

  “You wear disguises to work?”

  “I work in a club. It’s fun to get dressed up and have fun. You know how it is?” Ravyn held her arms over her head and did a little shimmy, then smiled.

  Zane fought to keep from smiling. Ravyn was always quick with a comeback when he surprised her during one
of their games. “Which club?”

  Ravyn blinked, then gave him a sultry look and lowered her arms. “Club Mystique.”

  “How long have you worked there?”

  “A few months.” She relaxed and let her legs fall apart. “I’m Candi with an ‘i.’ You might have heard of me?”

  “No, I can’t say I have.” Zane pointed to the pictures. “Can you tell me why these pictures were found in the owners’ office?”

  “I’m friends with them.” Ravyn shrugged. “Sometimes I use their office to relax and take a break.”

  Zane frowned. “You know, Ms. Templeton, I think you’re lying to me.” He pulled another picture of the blonde from the file and held it up. “Your clothes don’t leave much to the imagination. In this picture, there’s a tattoo on the woman’s left breast. Do you have a tattoo on your left breast, Ms. Templeton?”


  “Show it to me.”

  “What?” She shifted.

  “Show it to me.”


  “Yes, now.”

  She looked behind him at the large mirror. “There might be people watching.”

  Zane sat back and slung one arm over the back of his chair. “Probably, but that shouldn’t bother you. The people at Club Mystique are open-minded.” He looked at her, forcing her to meet his eyes. “Right?”

  “You said you hadn’t been there.”

  He shook his head. “I said I hadn’t heard of you, not that I hadn’t been there.”


  “Now that that’s settled show me your left breast.”


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