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Unbreakable 2

Page 10

by Tynessa

  Chapter 13


  I loved Cornell but I wasn’t so sure if I was still in love with him. I didn’t know where we went wrong but this whole relationship has gone to the left. I knew he was a good man and that’s why I was willing to rekindle what we had. I would be dumb to let another bitch get what’s mine. I guess you can say I want my cake and eat it too. He thought I didn’t know about that stripper hoe Flirtatious he was fucking with but that’s okay because Karma was a bitch and once I fuck Ronny, I was going to be THAT BITCH!

  I laid in bed cuddling with Cornell as he rubbed my belly. He was ecstatic about becoming a father. It really didn’t make a difference to me. In fact I went to the clinic to get an abortion but found out I was four months already. I didn’t even realize I had gained any weight and neither did Nell. Now all of a sudden it was like my ass blew up overnight.

  “What do you think we’re gonna have?” Nell asked me. I rolled my eyes upwards and shrug.

  “I don’t know,” I said nonchalantly “I just hope it comes out healthy.”

  “Yeah me too. I hope it’s a boy. I need a little Jr running around here, hell we can even have about 2 more after this one.”

  I looked over my shoulder “Boy you tripping…I’m going to sleep off that,” I said making myself comfy on my side of the bed.

  He kissed my shoulder as he always did before telling me goodnight.


  I laid on the couch with the phone glued to my ear, talking to Brunzie. He was such a sweetheart. I wasn't gonna let my guards down though, I did that with Dre and that shit almost caused me my life.

  "So when are you gonna let me take you out again?" he asked me.

  "Hopefully soon. It had been so long since I’ve been on a real date and I must say I enjoyed myself."

  "I'm glad you did ma," was all he said. There was silence then he spoke again. "You're a very beautiful and sexy young lady ma...Pregnant and all."

  I blushed as I rubbed my almost six month’s pregnant belly. "Thank you,” I said.

  "Mama, can I talk to my daddy?" Ray'Shun said as he and Niyah sat watching cartoons.

  "This not your daddy baby. I will call him for you when I get off the phone. Okay?"

  He nodded his little head. I looked at mines and Ronny’s creation and smiled. They were the best things he could have ever given me in the whole 6 years we were together. Then on top of that, we had another bundle of joy on the way. After this one, I was getting my tubes tied. Shoot, I wasn’t about to be having all these kids only for his ass to leave me high and dry. Fuck that!

  "Did you hear me ma?" Brunzie asked me. I never liked dudes from New York; they were too damn cocky for me. But it was something about him; I loved his accent and swag.

  "I'm sorry...What did you say?"

  "I asked can I take you out next time you're free."

  "Sure...We can go whenever my babydaddy gets the kids again."

  "That's cool ma, but you don't have to wait for that. They’re welcomed to come too...Brunzie love the kids," he laughed.

  I shook my head as if he could see me. I wasn't about to have another nigga around my kids again. I made a mistake once but never will I put my kids in danger again. Dre’s ass was crazy and who’s to say LaBrun wasn't. Plus Ronny ass would kill me.

  "Naw, I'll pass on that. Not trying to be mean but I can't let you be around my kids," I let him know.

  "It's cool ma, I understand. You have to protect your kids; I probably would be like that myself if I had any."

  "Yeah plus my babydaddy would kill me," I laughed, but I was serious.

  "Yeah, I know dudes flip out about other niggas being around their kids."

  "Hell yeah. I know I wouldn't want another female around mines."

  He laughed "Why not ma?"

  "I take that back...if it's his main girl, his one and only and I've met her then I wouldn't mind. But as far as his random hoes, that's a no-go. I wish he would!" I said.

  "I understand that," he laughed. "If I had a son then I would want my ex to introduce me to the nigga first but I don’t give a fuck if she introduced me to her nigga or not I don’t want no man around my daughter.”

  “Yeah, it’s a difference when you have a lil girl,” I said playing with one of Niyah’s long ponytail. It still amazed me how much she looked like Ronny’s ass.

  “That’s true,” was all Brunzie said.

  We talked for another half hour before ending our call. I looked over at my kids. It had been so long since just the three of us went out together so I wanted to do something nice for them. I knew they were tired of being stuck in the house because I was tired of it. It was Friday and nice outside so there was no reason for us to be inside, plus it was still early.

  “Hey, y’all want to go to the park?”

  Ray’Shun jumped straight up. “Yay,” he screamed to the top of his lungs while jumping up and down. Niyah climbed off the couch and did as her big brother. I giggled and got off the couch slowly.

  “Come on so I can get y’all ready,” and with that, we headed upstairs so I could dress them and pack them a little bag.


  I decided to take the kids to the Virginia Beach instead of the park. Ray’Shun hadn’t been since he was about Niyah’s age and Niyah hadn’t been at all. I figured they would like this better than going to the park. I’d just take them to the park the next day. We had been out there for a good three hours and I was more than ready to go. Pregnant and being in this hot ass sun trying to keep up with two kids wasn’t a good mix.

  “Come on Ray’Shun, it’s time to go,” I said for the umpteen time in the last five minutes with Niyah glued to my hip.

  “But I want to play Mama.”

  “You been out here playing for three hours now it’s time to go.”

  “But I’m not ready,” he was still running around.

  “Ray’Shun, I’m not playing with you boy. NOW BRING YOUR ASS ON BEFORE I POP YOU!” I raised my voice and that got him out of the water.

  I hate raising my voice at him but lately I found myself doing that a lot because he was becoming hardheaded. Inside the car, I promised them that I‘d bring them back out the next day. Mainly I was talking to Ray’Shun because Niyah didn’t really understand. I decided to get a room on the beach courtesy of Ronny’s black card that I never gave back.

  I undressed the kids soon as we stepped inside the room. I loved going to the beach but hate all the sand that came with going. I bathed the kids then turned on cartoons for them so I could shower. It was only 7 o’clock so we headed out to get something to eat. We went to McDonald’s where I let them play. My phone was ringing off the hook, from Ronny to Brooke then back to Ronny. I just wanted to spend some time with my kids without drama so I decided not to answer. It rang again and I started not to answer but it was my mom this time. I hope everything is okay, I thought before answering.

  “Hello,” I answered nervously.

  “Are you and the kids okay?” my mom asked me.

  I was confused because they were blowing me up but asking me was I okay. “Yeah, I’m good ma. Is everything good with y’all? Ronny and Brooke has been blowing up my phone all day and sending texts talking about call them ASAP.”

  “Yeah, he had Brooke to call me trying to see have I heard from you. No one has talked to you all day so everyone was worried.”

  I smiled because I felt so loved at that very moment.

  “We’re good ma. I just wanted to spend some quality time with my babies.”

  “Well you need to tell the father of your kids that.”

  I laughed. “Okay ma, I’ll call and tell him as soon as we hang up.”

  “No, tell him now! This is the second time he has been over here looking for you,” she said and the next voice that I heard was Ronny’s.

  “Da fu… where you at?” he asked. I laughed at how he quickly changed that.

  “I brought the kids to Virginia Beach.”

  “Why you couldn’t tell anyone? And why you wasn’t answering the phone for us?”

  “Ronny, the kids and I are fine! We went to the beach and now we’re at McDonald’s eating.”

  He sighed, “Man, I don’t like you being way out there by yourself, while you’re pregnant with two kids. You should have told me so I could have went with y’all.”

  “We’re good Ronny. We might stay until Sunday.”

  “Stay where?” he asked

  “I got us a room on the beach, so we might stay until Sunday.”

  He smacked his lips “Man yo ass tripping now Shaniqua.”

  “I don’t feel like arguing Ronny so I’m about to hang up. I’ll see you when you get back,” I said disconnecting the call. Minutes later, he was sending a text that read, “If you not back by tomorrow I’m coming there.” I sent him one back telling him that I’d see him when he got here. See, that’s exactly why I wasn’t answering his calls. I honestly didn’t know why he was tripping like that.

  I cleaned the table I was sitting at and called for my kids so we could go. Being at the beach for three hours and McDonalds for two, I was more than ready to go get in the bed. I was guessing Ray’Shun was tired as well because he didn’t whine when I told them we were leaving. As soon as we got in the car, they both were out.

  It was Sunday and time for us to hit the road. I looked in the rearview at my babies. “Did you guys have fun?”

  Ray’Shun nodded his head up and down “Yes mama. Next time can we bring daddy?” he asked. I wished it were that simple.

  “Maybe next time your daddy can bring you and Niyah by himself.”

  “No I want me, you, Niyah, and Daddy to come.”

  “Okay baby… we’ll see,” was all I said.

  I just wanted that conversation to end before it got started. Let him ask his daddy all those questions maybe he had the answers to them since he was always the reason we break up. We made small talk until he dozed off and two and a half hours later, we were pulling up at the house. I got the kids and took them in before going back out to get our things. I was just ready to soak my body and swollen feet. Since I couldn’t deal with all the sand, we never went back to the beach but we did enjoy ourselves in the pool. Plus the kids had a really dark tan from being in the sun too long.

  I wasn’t at the house a good hour when my door swung open and the alarm system told me that the front door had been opened. Shit, I forgot to lock it.

  “Why the fuck this door not locked?” Ronny asked walking in the living room with a deadly mug on his face.

  “I forgot to lock it.”

  “So you finally decided to bring your ass back?” he asked as the kids ran from the kitchen screaming. They were always happy to see his ass.

  “Did y’all finish eating Ray’Shun?” I asked and he just nodded his little head up and down. Ronny walked over to the sofa with both kids in his arms and flopped down.

  “Daddy missed y’all while y’all was gone,” he said hugging them tightly. I rolled my eyes; he acted as if they had been gone for months.

  “Daddy next time you coming with us? Mama said you can come,” Ray’Shun said playing with one of his dreads.

  “Ray’Shun stop that lying,” I said as my phone went off and it was a text from Brunzie.

  “We’ll see lil man,” Ronny said. “Y’all want to go home with daddy?”

  Ray’Shun screamed excitedly and once again, Niyah did as her big brother. I kissed my kids goodbye and the three of them were out the door.

  Chapter 14


  I was out having dinner with Shan and her sister. I wasn’t a big fan of Star and thought it was crazy how Shan thought the world of her little ass. If only she knew. We were sitting talking and enjoying each other company when the handsome guy from the mall walked over to our table.

  “Hey Brunzie boo,” Shan said getting up from her chair to hug him. Star and I looked at each other before turning to look back at them. It was like this nigga showed up everywhere we were.

  “What are you doing here?” Shan asked.

  “Are you gonna introduce us Shaniqua?” Star asked before he could answer Shan.

  “This is my nosey sister Star and you already know Brooke,” she said point to me. I smiled and waved.

  “How you ladies doing?” he asked

  “We’re good,” Star said rubbing her belly and I just sipped my drink.

  He then turned his attention back to Shan “Actually I’m meeting my dude Jroc here.”

  I could have sworn he glanced over at me when he said that as if I really cared.

  “Why don’t y’all come sit with us?” Shan’s big mouth said. Sometimes I could really choke the hell out of her. He said okay and walked over to get his homeboy. When they got back to our table, Jroc sat by me and because Star and Shan was sitting by each other Brunzie pulled up a chair.

  “So how you been doing sexy? You got my number and never called a nigga,” Jroc said to me. I looked over at Star that had an evil smirk on her face.

  “I was drunk that night...But I have a man so I really wasn’t planning on calling you.” I wasn’t trying to be mean but I wasn’t trying to get in trouble either. I didn’t know Star like that but I did know she was sneaky as hell and I didn’t need to give her anything to go back and tell Bino.

  “Oh okay… That’s cool ma,” he said.

  I wasn’t trying to be a party pooper but I was ready to go after 30 minutes of sitting with them. We said our goodbyes and left the restaurant, inside the car I asked Shan what was up with her and Brunzie. She blushed a little.

  “He’s just my friend… he’s cool,” she finally said. I could tell she really liked him.

  “I hope you’re not having sex with him while you pregnant with my niece,” Star said bluntly.

  “Really Star? Nobody is sleeping with him. Why can’t me and him just be friends without fucking” I could sense the attitude in Shan’s voice.

  “I was just saying.”

  “Well I was just saying too,” Shan said. I reached over and patted her leg letting her know to calm down.

  "Both of y'all needs to take a deep breath and calm down,” I said to them and they both said they were good at the same time.

  The car was silent the rest of the ride to Star’s house and me and Shan didn't say too much on the way to her house either. I thought Star was out of line saying that but I didn't think she meant to piss Shan off. I was assuming she said it because Shan was pregnant with Ronny’s baby and was fucking Dre. It wasn’t like she knew it was by Ronny though.

  When I pulled in my driveway, I saw Ronny’s truck and shook my head. I knew him and Bino was in there playing that damn PS3 while the kids were running around messing up my house. As soon as I opened the door I heard yelling, crying and the kids were running around. I swear men doesn’t know how to babysit for shit. I walked into the living room and there they sat in front of the 60-inch plasma TV that was mounted on the wall.

  “Y’all don’t hear her crying?” I said picking Niyah up.

  “She alright… She just wants me to pick her up,” Ronny said not taking his eyes off the TV.

  “Well you shouldn’t have spoiled her… Y’all sit y’all little asses down and stop running through my house,” I screamed at my two boys and Ray’Shun. “Better yet, go upstairs and play.” They all screamed once more as they ran past me.

  “Hey babies,” I said to Angel and Kelly as they sat in the floor playing dolls. They spoke back. I went over to the couch and took a seat.

  “Did you feed them Bino?”

  “Yeah, they straight… Fuck!” he yelled out.

  “Why y’all don’t just go to Ronny’s bachelor pad and play the game?” I asked.

  “We wanted to play here,” they said at the same time.

  “I was just with your girl Ronny.” I smiled because I still referred to Shan as his girl.

  “I’m single as a dollar bill,” was all he said.
r />   “Whatever…I thought I was gonna have to referee a fight.”

  That got his attention. He paused the game and he and Bino turned to look at me. “Who her ass was about fight? She better sit her pregnant ass down.”

  “Star,” I laughed.

  His eyes got big and he asked what happened.

  “She ran into a friend of hers and Star’s lil messy ass told her she hoped she wasn’t fucking him while she was pregnant with her niece and that pissed Shan off.”

  He just shook his head before slanging his dreads to the back that was in his face.

  “I don’t give a fuck what she do when she drops but she better not be fucking nobody while pregnant with my baby. I let her slide with fucking Dre because she didn’t know she was pregnant by me but I’m not gonna let that shit fly this time.” I could tell I had pissed him off but I didn’t give a fuck, they should get their shit together then he wouldn’t have to worry about her fucking nobody else.

  “And she better not have that nigga around my fucking kids,” he continued.

  I laughed and shook my head “I’m going to need for y’all to get y’all shit together bro, at least for the sake of these kids,” I said.

  “Tell your selfish ass home girl that.”

  “Both of y’all are selfish! Y’all to busy worrying about y’all damn selves and don’t see how all this break up and make up shit is affecting y’all kids. She was telling me that when she take the kids places Ray’Shun always ask why you not going with them. Y’all need to stop thinking about y’all selves and start thinking about them kids. Either y’all going to be together or both of y’all needs to move on. POINT BLANK!”

  He just stared at the paused game while shaking his head and Bino stared at me.

  “What Bino?” I knew he wanted to say something but he just shook his head. Hell somebody needed to let his ass know.

  “I hear ya sis and to be honest with you I’m tired of all this breaking up only for us to get back together. Shaniqua is a good ass woman that didn’t deserve the shit I put her through, she don't even deserve a nigga like me, and to tell you the truth I don’t think I can fix her broken heart.”


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