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Voodoo Knights

Page 6

by Amanda Rose

  “Come on, your majesty. Now's not the time to act like some sort of delicate flower.” Irritation flows through me and I grit my teeth. My anger clears my vision and I manage to just barely fight off unconsciousness. That better be the reason for the delicate flower comment. I can make out a big grin on Krim's face. His cocky attitude is back. Though I'm not sure why seeing as we are about to be ripped apart by a thousand flesh eating zombies. Each corpse as it frees itself from the grip of the earth stands up and sprints towards us. This like a scene from dawn of the dead. I always joked about the zombie apocalypse, but I never thought I'd be in the middle of one for real. Then something unexpected happens. Krim begins to chuckle and the undead descend on the horde of shadows tearing into it with a vengeance. The noise of rending flesh and the wail screams of the dead and dying shadows mix with the sound of Krim's now maniacal laughter. It's him. I realize. He's controlling the zombies. The old man with the staff continues to chant seemingly unconcerned by the dozens of reanimated corpses heading his way. Just as they reach him he disappears into thin air. Krim scoops me up bride style. He stares down at me cradled in his arms at me those cold as concrete eyes of his. I see nothing but awe and respect in his gaze.

  “You are strong.” The velvety tones of his voice almost lost in the din of the battle raging around us. Effortlessly he carries me through the sea of rotting corpses. The legion of undead parting like the red sea. A wall of shoulder to shoulder zombies on form on either side of us. Creating a path of safe passage all the way to his motorcycle. As we pass the zombies raise their hands to their heads in a military style salute. He doesn't acknowledge them. Just walks slowly head held high like some sort of great king or general. When we get to his bike he gently sets me down helping me steady myself. Digging around in his pocket he pulls out a tiny glass bottle and hands it to me.

  “Drink it. It'll help you stay awake.” Krim says. I pull the cork shooting it back. I cough. The liquid burning a path down my throat.

  “What is that crap.” I rub at my sore cut mouth. He doesn't answer the question. Instead Krim watches the motion with hungry eyes taking a step forward so that he is standing so close our bodies are practically touching.

  “May I.” He asks softly.

  “Uh—” I stutter. I'm so caught off guard by the question and by gentleness of his tone that I stand there doing some major waffling. On one hand he is constantly rude. Which makes me mad just thinking about it. On the other hand, under that condescending, annoying, patronizing attitude he seems to have my best interest in mind. Ultimately what makes me say yes is the thought of how good the last kiss was. “Sure.”

  This kiss is nothing like the last one. Not better or worse just different. Krim gently slants his mouth over mine. No tongue. Just a soft brush of cool lips nothing more. After only a moment he pulls away. Leaving the lingering taste of chocolate on my lips. The sweetness of the kiss leaves me breathless and my stomach does somersaults. In his eyes I see lust. A standing invitation to do this again sometime. I tried to tell myself this was never gonna happen again. But in my heart of hearts I want it to.

  “Now let’s get you home, your majesty.” He says kicking his leg over the bike and patting the seat behind him. I quickly climb on slipping the helmet over my head. I want nothing more than to get as far away from this grave yard full of zombies and nightmare shadow monsters. I wrap my arms tight around Krim's waist afraid if I don't I'll fall off the motorcycle. It would really be a shame to survive zombies only to die from something as stupid as that.

  Whatever Krim gave me must have done something because I am able to stay awake for the whole hour-long drive back to Laveau Manor. Or maybe it's the feel of the cool air blowing in my face that keeps me awake. The first thing I notice is a car parked right in front of the house.

  My dad is already here. I resist the urge to groan. I am so fucking grounded. Coming home on the back of a motorcycle with a tattooed guy I don't really know in the middle of the night covered in mud with cuts all over my face. 'We were studding' isn't really gonna work. I have absolutely no idea what excuse will get me out of this. Krim pulls us to a stop. I climb off handing him his helmet back. I reach for my backpack and skateboard as fast as I can, hoping Kriminal can get out of here before my dad sees him. No such luck. Tonight has not been good to me.

  The front door opens and my dad comes rushing out, his cell phone clutched in his hand. Me and my dad don't look anything alike. He tall and super skinny with pale pasty skin and lots of freckles. His hair is a really light strawberry blond. In fact, the only feature I have in common with my dad are his eyes. We both have the same pale gray color and we both wear glasses.

  “Oh thank god. Sera?” Dad rushes down the front steps giving me a big hug before getting back on the phone to end the call with I presume the police. “I thought you'd been kidnapped or something. Why didn't you answer your phone?”

  “I … uh.” I stutter. Maybe it's easy for some kids to lie to their parents but not me. Sometimes I omit certain information, but I've never directly lied to my dad before. I've never had a reason to before today. “Dad this is Krim. I met him today at school. He's in my … calculus class.” I hope mentioning calculus will help make up for the motorcycle and tattoo's. By the look on my dad's face he doesn't buy it for even a second. “Some guys jumped me when I was out sightseeing. If Krim hadn't happened to drive by on his way home from work and seen them chasing me I don't know what would've happened.” My dad looks between us a little skeptically. He isn't buying it. It's Krim who speaks next. He puts on the full good kid act.

  “I don't mean to be rude sir but I've gotta get home. It's dark and my parents are gonna be really worried.” He says. My dad eats it up with a spoon.

  “Uh, of course. Nice to meet you.” Dad says somewhat hesitantly. Krim gives me a smoldering look and I just know I'm going to hate whatever is about to come out of his mouth.

  “See you in math tomorrow. And Sera promise you won’t go to that neighborhood by yourself again. It's dangerous.” he slides the helmet over his head, so I can't see his face, but I know he is smiling. I resist the urge to grit my teeth. That asshole threw me under the bus on purpose. With that he kicks the engine on and takes off down the long driveway. I watch him disappear into the night for several moments before meeting my father's eyes.

  My dad is full on glaring at me now.

  “What did that boy mean by 'that neighborhood'” Dad says and his voice serious. I'm gonna kill Krim when I see him later. I surprise myself when a somewhat believable lie effortlessly slides off my tongue.

  “I found the address for a skate hangout online. But I must've gotten the address wrong cause I ended up in a really sketchy part of town. My phone died on the way there, so I couldn't call another cab.” I really hate this lying but it's not like I can tell him the truth. He gives me the look. You know the disappointed parent one. “Dad, I know it was stupid I was just excited.”

  “I trusted you to act like grown-up, Sera.” My dad crinkles his brow. He must have really been worried about me because he only does that when he's really stressed.

  “I get it: I messed up. Don't you think I paid for it enough?” I yell, gesturing at my bloody lip. I know I'm overreacting taking the stress of the last few days out on my dad. But the reality is on top of everything I'm being punished for doing something dangerous and stupid that I haven't done. My dad sighs and I brace myself. Here it comes my dad is going to ground me until college. He surprises me instead by

  “Please don't ever do that to me again. You are my only family. I can't lose you too.” He says referencing my mother who died when I was three. He must've been freaking if he's bringing up my mom. Dad barely ever mentions her, even in passing.

  “I'm sorry Dad.” I apologize even though I haven't really done anything wrong. He gives me a hug and a tight smile.

  “I bought stuff for paella mixta. Why don't you go get ready for bed while I whip it up and you can tell me about what you've be
en doing the past few days without your old man. No boys in the house I hope.” he says trying to lighten the mood.

  “No, of course not.” I lie. Something in my voice must be off because my dad gives me a strange look. Before he can say anything though I run up the stairs and into my room.


  The heat of the water feels great but does a little to help my scuffed hands and bruised knees and nothing for the painful cut on my lower lip. Great, I get to go to my first day at a new school with a split lip. I might as well wear a sign around my neck that says troublemaker.

  I'm about to get out of the shower when I hear a knock on my bathroom door.

  “Just a sec. I'll be out in a minute.” I yell. I just assume it's my dad letting me know that dinner's ready. Getting out of the steamy shower I slip on my glasses wrap a towel around my body and open the bathroom door.

  “I'll be–” Holy crap! The giant beast of a man standing in front of me is so not my dad. The perfect expanse of Sebastian's muscular pecs are only inches from my eyes and he is shirtless and so freaking tall his chest is on eye level with my face. The steam from my shower escapes through the now open door trailing around his broad shoulders giving his tanned skin a sheen of moisture that makes him look all the more ravishing. All the more ravishing? OMG. Now I really sound like a romance novel heroine. As if on cue goosebumps breakout over my damp skin and lower belly tightens with appreciation at the view. Bastian's massive body practically looms over me and I am all too aware that I am wearing nothing but a towel.

  Normally, wearing next-to-nothing in front of a guy I don't know would make me just a tad uncomfortable, but I'm not. It’s the opposite really; Bastian exudes safety and protectiveness. Like a true gentleman, the bright green of his eyes never drops below my shoulders.

  I start to smile at that but the cut on my bottom lip screams in pain and I wince slightly at the unexpected sting. Without a word Sebastian reaches out and cups the side of my face concern etched into his perfect features trailing his thumb along my lower lip. The rough skin of his hand slides over the fresh wound the sharp sting starts to disappear altogether.

  Under normal circumstances I would have immediately slapped a guy’s hand away from my face. I can feel the cut on my mouth knitting itself back together. I'm so shocked I stand there in disbelief. The sensation is strange to say the least. It's one thing to get injured pass out and wake up healed as though you dreamed all the injuries in the first place and another altogether to be conscious as it happens. I reach up with my right hand and touch my mouth. The bite, it's gone. Sebastian healed it completely in less than a minute. Half of me is freaked the hell out and the other half of me is ecstatic that I don't have to go to a new school like I just came from a barroom brawl. Besides, what girl wouldn't want a sexy charming half naked voodoo earth god to gently caress all her injuries away. And he comes with an added bonus if I break my leg while skateboarding I won't be stuck with crutches for several months.

  He gives me a warm dimpled smile that is absolutely panty melting. My face heats and I swallow involuntarily. Sebastian's emerald eyes follow the movement and he licks his lips.

  “Um. Not to sound rude or anything seeing as you just healed me and all but why are you here?” I manage to say through my shock and … arousal?

  “To protect, care for, and teach you.” he says softly in the deep velvety tones of his masculine voice completely serious. The sincerity of his words gives me butterflies and make my heart race a thundering rhythm in my chest. This is stupid I don't even know this guy. What if he's an axe murder?

  “No, I mean why are you in my room right now.” I say ignoring my thundering pulse. Everyone has their own way of dealing with weird shit. Apparently, mine was to get defensive and act like a bitch.

  “To lay hands on you.” Bastian says this like I should have already figured this out by now. I guess Sebastian GranBois is not quite the gentleman I though he was.

  “Wait what?!” He crinkles his brow in confusion like he has no idea why I'd be so upset. “I don't know who the hell you think you are?” I shove him back as hard as I can but it's like trying to push a two-ton boulder. He doesn't move at all. His eyes get wide. “but you better keep your grubby paws to yourself.”

  “No, you misunderstand. I meant heal you with my touch.” He lifts his large hands up in a placating gesture. “Like your mouth.”

  “Oh.” I say all my anger disappearing in a rush of embarrassment. Lay the healing hands. Duh. A normal person would probably have apologized for the intensity of their outburst or something but not me. “Well, fine then. But I need to get dressed first cause if you haven't noticed I'm only wearing a towel.” For the first time Sebastian lets himself take me in from head to toe emerald eyes raking over my body and I can tell he likes what he sees. The look isn't leering though just flirtatious and approving. He looks me up and down several times before turning his head away sharply like he if doesn't stop looking at me now he might not be able too.

  “How could I not notice? You’re very beautiful.” He keeps his head turned. I think this is the first time anyone’s called me beautiful—not hot, sexy, or smokin’ but beautiful. I'll admit, it throws me for a loop.

  “So are you, but that doesn't change the fact that I need to get dressed,” I manage to stutter. Wow. I'm not usually so terrible at flirting. It must be the whole half-naked thing throwing me off my game.

  “Would you like me to close my eyes while you change. I wouldn't peek at you unless you wanted me to.” He says voice serious but there's a flirtatious little twinkle in his eyes. I think my mouth falls open in shock for a moment.

  “No!” I shout a little louder than I mean to. I drop my voice back to a reasonable level hoping my dad didn't hear me shouting. “I'm not getting naked while there is a strange dude in the same room as me.” He chuckles under his breath for a moment holding out his hand to me palm up. I narrow my eyes but reluctantly put my own injured hand in his. My hand looks so small and dainty cupped in his. With unbelievable grace Bastian leans his massive frame down as if in a gentleman’s bow lifting my hand towards his lips. He stops short letting his hot breath tease my skin. He glances up meeting my eyes through his mane of chestnut hair.

  “Maybe next time, then.” His lips press firmly to the top of my hand and a shiver travels over my whole body. The small scrapes and bruises and cuts I've acquired over the last few days are just gone and so is Sebastian.


  “If you didn't actually attend class today can you please explain to me how exactly you met this motorcycle boy?” Dad asks saying motorcycle boy like it's some sort of derogatory slur. We'd been having a pretty good time filling each other in on what we had been doing over the last few days. Of course, I left out the man-eating monsters, zombie armies, my almost dying and my dad’s greatest fear of all … boys.

  “Krim and this girl Hannah helped me get my jammed locker open. Actually, I'm meeting up with them after first period because the three of us and Hannah's boyfriend who's name I can't remember have pretty much all the same classes.” This is all a total fabrication. I have no idea whether Krim even attends school for real or not. I stuff another bite of my dad's delicious paella in my mouth so that I don't have to further elaborate. It's been less than twenty-four hours since I agreed to like be the new Laveau or whatever and I'm already tired of lying to my dad. But what choice do I really have. He wouldn't believe me even if I told him the truth and I don't want to end up locked in a loony bin.

  “Well, I'm glad you are already making friends.” he says begrudgingly, reaching up and adjusting his thin framed glasses. My dad might not look like much physically with his frail build draped in a burnt orange Mr. Roger's sweater, but he has this air of being the smartest person in the room. When he speaks people just shut up and listen, me included.

  “Yeah, I was pretty stoked.” I say before taking another bite. Out of the corner of my eye I see movement. The cat who has been weirdly absent since I arrive
d home several hours ago walks to the arch between the kitchen and the dining room sits down stone still and stares at me for about a minute. I try my best to ignore its supernatural stillness. It meows to get my attention. I look over at it somewhat hesitantly. After the cat is sure I'm watching he gives an exaggerated yawn and stretch. No further explanation is needed I receive the message loud and clear. It's time. Time to meet the last voodoo guardian.

  I stand up and stretch with a big yawn. Between the stress of the last few days and whatever Krim did to me in that graveyard I can barely keep my eyes open. I am exhausted and want nothing more than to climb in my bed and go to sleep. Instead I have to sneak out of the house without my dad hearing me, so I can traipse around in the dark putting up invisible magic barriers, so my dad doesn't get attacked by monsters while he sleeps. I can't believe I have to get up at six am tomorrow freaking morning, so I can have my first day at a new school. I've only been at this hero business a day and already it kinda blows.

  “I'm gonna head to bed dad. It’s been a long day.” I shuffle over to him and give him a quick hug before heading towards the stairs the golden eyed cat following close behind.


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