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The Rock Star's Virginity (Romance Island Resort #3)

Page 15

by Demelza Carlton

  He didn't stop. Even as she blew apart around him, he continued to weave a melody with his tongue that threatened to detonate her again. It shouldn't be possible. Not after such an incredible release. And yet…and yet…

  Both a moment and an eternity passed.

  "Jay! Oh my God! Jay!" she cried out.

  If he hadn't held her upright, she'd have slid down the wall into a blissful puddle at his feet. Jay was a rock god and a sex god. No question.

  "Now it's a perfect night." Jay wrapped a towel around her and helped her out of the shower.

  Her blissful fog started to fade as she towelled herself dry. Yes, she was still tender from his touch, but she ached for more. How was that possible? Her eyes strayed to Jay, who stood in the middle of the bathroom in his wet clothes, grinning like that cat who got the canary. A very turned-on cat. Oh God, was he really that big? He'd fitted all that inside her yesterday?

  "I should…help you do something with that," she faltered, waving in the direction of his groin.

  Jay laughed, grabbing his dick through his shorts and leaving her with no illusions that every inch of that monster was his. "It's all right, baby. You're probably still sore from yesterday. I'll take care of it."

  No. That wasn't right. He'd satisfied her…more than satisfied her. Didn't he deserve the same treatment?

  Tucking her towel around her, Flavia helped him out of his soaked shorts, freeing the erection that was every bit as big as she'd feared. Not that it mattered for what she had in mind. This, she could handle. "No. Please, let me."

  Mystified honey eyes regarded her as Jay gave his permission. That was all she needed.

  She stroked his length with gentle fingers, each stroke firmer than the last, until it was Jay's turn to moan. Flavia smiled and licked her lips. Time to find out what rock star tasted like.

  She took him into her mouth slowly, letting her tongue explore his head, the ridge around it, then his rock-hard shaft as she slid him deeper into her throat.

  "Are you sure you're okay there? I'm big, and you're –"

  His words ended in a heartfelt groan as Flavia demonstrated that she knew exactly what she was doing. The tip of her tongue touched his balls, she'd taken him so deep, but she didn't stop there. She fastened her hands on his hips and found her rhythm. Slow, languorous strokes as she sucked him in, raking her teeth over him oh-so-carefully on the way out. Jay wasn't the only one who could deliver unimaginable pleasure and she wanted to show him…thank him…for all of it.

  She could feel him building to his climax, so it came as no surprise when he mumbled something incoherent about how he was going to blow. No, she was in control here, and she'd be the one to tip him over the edge. She timed it perfectly – she tasted raw rock star and revelled in the power she had over him at that moment. With his eyes closed and his mouth open, he looked like he'd seen heaven. Because of her.

  Flavia allowed herself a smug smile as she crossed to the basin to clean herself up. It only took her a moment, by which time Jay looked like he'd recovered a bit. But only a bit.

  "Fuck, Flavia. That has to be one of the best blowjobs I've ever had, and believe me when I say I know what I'm talking about. Don't tell me that was your first time."

  She shook her head. "How do you think I managed to stay a virgin for so long?" She tightened the towel across her breasts and beat a hasty retreat to her room.

  Once the door was firmly closed behind her, Flavia dropped to her knees. She'd broken another rule. They both had. And who was she kidding? She'd never given anyone but James a blowjob before, a man who'd always told her she needed more practice if she wanted to get really good at them, but Jay had said she was the best.

  One thing was certain. James was a rotten liar and he didn't deserve her. But the real question was…did she deserve Jay Felix? Because she knew she wanted him, and her heart was waging a war against her head that she knew she couldn't win.


  Jason had just sat down on the couch with his mid-morning coffee when the phone rang. Flavia was still fast asleep, so his first thought was to hope it didn't wake her, followed by a second, more alarming one: why the fuck was the phone ringing at all? Hadn't the helicopter crashed into the satellite dish and cut off all communications, phone and internet alike?

  Bemused, he picked up the receiver. "Hello?"

  "Finally. No, don't tell me what I interrupted. I don't want to know," Xan said.

  Jason took a loud slurp from his cup. "Drinking coffee. Happy?"

  "Surprised, maybe. That's all. I called to tell you the phones are fixed."

  Jason snorted. "Yeah, I figured something weird was going on, when my broken phone rang. How?"

  Xan laughed. "Call it a miracle, because I barely believe it myself. The guys at the pearl farm wanted a new satellite dish installed, so they called in some favours with the Abrolhos pearl farmers to find out who they use. Some communications technology wizard who can get them a better satellite uplink than most people in Perth. They lured the guy up here with his family for a holiday so he'd give them a quote. Turns out the guy's considering branching out into pearl farming, too, so he was in the dive boat, checking out the cages, when I radioed through yesterday. He turned up first thing this morning, skippering one of the dive boats like the King Sound whirlpools were just another day at the office. His wife's a fisher or something and makes him skipper their boat in all weather, so this was no worries."

  Jason wasn't sure if he'd heard right. "A fisherman fixed the phones?"

  "Sort of. He used to do mine site installations before he moved to the Abrolhos. Fishing's his wife's job. He just…fixes things. Like he fixed our satellite dish in less than an hour. Invoiced us on the spot, too – less than the usual guy, even with Sunday rates. He wouldn't stay for a coffee, though. He said he wanted to get back before his wife finished her morning swim."

  "So your miracle repair man just vanished?"

  "He was real, all right. He took Shou and the film crew with him when he left. Shou wanted to get back to arrange repairs for his helicopter, and the film crew had finished, so once we collected all their footage, I let them go." Xan sucked in a breath. "Hey, could you come up to IT to check it out? I want to be sure we identify anything that constitutes a privacy violation and delete it before we hand it all over to the advertising agency who'll manage the campaign. I'm talking about anything with you or your friend in it."

  "Right now?"

  "The sooner the better."

  Jason swore, before agreeing to head up there in a minute.

  He slammed the receiver down, wishing the phones weren't still working yet. He wanted to be here when Flavia woke up to ask her about last night. His dick wasn't going to forget it for a very long time, that was for sure. How had she known to….

  "Morning," Flavia said with a nervous smile. "Did I hear the phone ring?"

  Jason nodded. "Yeah. Xan got it fixed. Some fisherman or fisherman's husband or something. I dunno. But it works."

  She swallowed. "Because I was supposed to fly out yesterday morning to see a friend and she's probably worrying about me, so if I could call her…"

  "Sure." Jay pushed the phone toward her. "Go for it. I have to go out and watch some videos in the office. The film crew's gone home and the hotel manager wants me to make sure they haven't violated my privacy." He snorted. Like he'd let some bloke violate him.

  "Really? Can you…make sure there aren't any naked pictures of me?" Flavia asked.

  "Sure, baby." Especially if it meant looking at naked pictures of her to make sure. Whistling, Jason headed out to do a job that suddenly seemed a lot more fun than it had at first.


  "Hello?" Violet's voice sounded suspicious.

  "It's me. Flavia."

  A squeal issued from the receiver. "Oh my God! I was ready to file a missing persons report. You weren't answering your phone, you haven't been on social media in days…All the girls want to know why you're not here
yet. So, spill."

  Flavia smiled faintly. How much to tell? "I'm all right. Honestly. No need to call the police. I might not make it to Bali, though. I got kind of caught up here and by the time I make it to the airport, I'd only have a day or two in Bali anyway. It wouldn't be worth it."

  "So what kept you?" Violet demanded. "I worried that the auction guy went crazy after you cancelled the deal and kidnapped you, but you sound almost happy. Definitely not as down as you were when we left. Did you meet some hot man at the hotel and decide to have a dirty weekend?"

  Flavia laughed. "Um, maybe."


  Flavia swallowed. Violet had been against the auction from the start. How could she tell her she'd gone through with it? "You know the auction guy?"

  "You mean the dirty old man who wanted to chain you up in his basement?"

  "He wasn't dirty or old. And he doesn't have a basement. No chains, either." Flavia surveyed the airy villa. She could even see the ocean sparkling through the window.

  "But you still called off the deal, right? He took one look at your conditions and refused to go through with it?" Violet pressed.

  Here it comes. Flavia took a deep breath. "No. He agreed to everything and signed without a murmur. He's gorgeous and rich and…a gentleman, too. Not a liar like James."

  Violet gasped. "You did it with him, didn't you? Oh my God, you auctioned your body to a stranger! Did he get it over with really quickly, or did he draw it out? Is that why you haven't been able to get to an airport?"

  Flavia felt her face grow hot. "He's not a stranger. Not any more. And I honestly don't know how long we took. It was…amazing. It's not like I was so bored that I was staring at my watch the whole time. The things he did to me, to my body…God, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven."

  "You like him! I mean, really like like him! I wonder why he had to pay for sex, though, if he's so gorgeous and good in bed. Does he have some crazy secret that he doesn't want anyone to know? Like, does he have an weird shaped…you know…or a Hello Kitty tattoo on it, or does he have trouble getting it up, or – "

  "NO! None of those things. I don't know, Vi. From the moment I met him, it was like none of this was about the money or the sex. It was like he wanted me, and the auction was just a way to get my attention. None of the rest of it mattered. He just said he wanted my first time to be special, and every moment was about making sure it was memorable for me. I…don't understand," Flavia admitted.

  "So you and your sex god had sex, he paid you…and why aren't you here?"

  Flavia sighed. She wasn't sure she could explain this. "We're kind of stuck on an island. Someone crashed the helicopter and we can't leave until it's fixed. I think there's a boat now, though, but it's left and I don't know when it'll be back. They said Tuesday."

  "You're stranded on a desert island? How'd you get a hold of a phone? Hang on, did you guys have sex on the beach?"

  Flavia played with her hair. Violet had to ask all the difficult questions. "I wanted to do it on the beach, but somehow we ended up doing it in the helicopter instead. And no, it's not a desert island. It has buildings and electricity and phones and everything, but they've been down since Friday so I couldn't call."

  "You had sex in a helicopter? How is that even possible?"

  Of course Violet would focus on that bit of information.

  "I don't know, but it was incredible." Flavia was surprised to hear her voice sound so dreamy. "And then last night…"

  "Wait. You had sex with him more than once? What about the agreement? The signed contract?"

  "I ripped it up. He still gave me the money, though, and I don't know what to do with it. He doesn't have to pay for sex, Vi. He could have anyone. But he wanted me. And I want…" Her voice died to a whisper. "I think I've fallen for the guy who bought my virginity, Vi. What do I do?" Even as she said the words, Flavia knew they were true.

  "He's gorgeous, and young, and incredible in bed. He wants you and he's made it clear. He's paid you the money, so he's not holding that over you. I can only imagine who this guy is. I mean, he sounds like Jay Felix, but there's no way a rock star like him would ever pay for sex. He has so many girls after him they'd pay him for sex, not the other way around." Violet laughed. She had no idea how right she was. "So, about your sex god. What do you want to do?"

  "I want to follow my heart. But my heart says it belongs to a man who bought the rest of my body. That makes him no better than James, Vi."

  A soft snort. "Girl, he's a million times better than James. I'll tell you what. Give him back the money, if that's the problem. Then enjoy the rest of your dirty weekend. I'll see you next week, when you can give me all the juicy details."

  In a flurry of goodbyes, Violet hung up.

  Flavia dropped the phone back in its cradle and stared at the handset as if it might hold more answers than she had right now.

  Follow her heart. Enjoy the weekend. She liked him. Really liked him. All she had to do was give back the money and she'd be free to…what? Enjoy herself? It still didn't change anything, or the fact that Jay had paid her for sex, no matter how much she'd enjoyed it. And what if Jay didn't want to do it again?

  But all the trouble he'd gone to last night, with the romantic dinner on the beach, and the moonlight, and the wine, and then last night saving her from the frogs and afterwards…no, Jay was nothing like James. But the money…that really was the sticking point. What would Jay say when she tried to give it back to him? She couldn't keep it. Just the thought of that money made her feel cheap.

  She could never be with a man who paid women for sex. Never.


  An idea sparked in her mind. Maybe there was a way to give back the money, and get what she wanted. What did she have to lose?

  Just her heart.


  The automatic door hissed open and Flavia glanced up from her book. She was sure she couldn't remember a single word she'd read, but she'd needed some sort of distraction while she was waiting for Jay to return. And now…here he was. She swallowed. It was now or never.

  "It's a beautiful day out here, and the tide's just coming in. How about another walk on the beach?" Jay asked.

  Flavia was tempted, but she had to be sure. "Are those men with cameras gone?"

  Jay laughed. "Yeah, they left on a boat this morning. So no paparazzi taking pictures. Just us. What do you say?"

  Mutely, Flavia nodded. She set her book on the coffee table and padded barefoot after Jay. The ladder was warm under her hands as she descended to the same beach where they'd shared dinner last night. There was no sign of the table, candles or anything else now, though – the spot where Jay had kindled a fire in her heart over dinner and a flaming dessert was now under water, the sand barely visible through the milky blue sea.

  Would Jay wipe away the memories of last night just as easily? Flavia's hand flew to her pocket and the envelope nestled there. Yes, she was doing the right thing, she reassured herself.

  "Penny for your thoughts?" Jay said.

  She swallowed. "I was thinking about all the things we've done together. On Friday and…last night. And how much I enjoyed it."

  Jay grinned. "Me, too. Hey, you never did get doggy-style on the beach like you wanted. We could do it here."

  "No!" It came out more harshly than she'd intended. "No. I don't think I'll ever be able to get on my hands and knees again without remembering that. Not one of the memories I want to rehash in a hurry."

  Jay shrugged. "Fair enough. Wasn't my finest moment, either."

  Flavia took a deep breath. "I was thinking…after last night, I have something to ask you."

  "Will I marry you? But I barely know you, baby. This is very sudden." Though he looked serious, Jay's wink gave him away.

  Flavia laughed. "Um, not really. I'm not sure I'm the marrying kind. Not any more. No, what I have in mind is more of a business proposition." She pulled the envelope out of her pocket and smoothed it. Jay's eyes lit with rec

  "That's not enough to buy my hotel, and I'm not interested in selling," he said.

  Flavia licked her lips. He sure wasn't making this easy for her. But she had to do it. "I'm not interested in your hotel. I'm interested in you. I'd like to make you an offer. This for…one more time with you. For you to make me feel like a million dollars again." She held out the envelope, praying he'd take it.

  Jay extended his hand and plucked the envelope from her fingers. He whipped out the letter with the numbered account and its balance, then squinted at it. "That's a lot of money for one time, even with a rock star. I'd have some conditions on a deal like that."

  Flavia sighed in relief. At least he'd accepted the money from her, for the moment. "And your conditions are?"

  "Well, I think this would buy you more than just one round of sex. After all, you're hardly my first."

  Flavia nodded. She wouldn't complain about more time with Jay.

  "Not to mention a lot of kissing and foreplay. No sex without both of those."

  She smiled. "All right."

  "I'm not finished yet. The time you spend with me, it's not over until you're completely satisfied. And I get to show you how sex on the beach should really be done." He peered over the page. "Do you agree?"

  "Yes. Then we'll be even," Flavia said.

  Jay shook his head. "No, this doesn't make us even. To be even, I'd have to give you more than one night. Maybe a week, at least. Or even longer. I'd want to give you your money's worth, baby. So what do you think?"

  She breathed out all her tension and beamed. "It sounds wonderful, Jay. When do we start?"

  He pulled her into his arms. All other thoughts vanished as he claimed her mouth for a kiss that promised happily ever after. "Right now, baby. After the first time, it only gets better and better."

  The story continues in

  The Rock Star and the Billionaire

  which you can get HERE

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