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The Death Filament: Some Places Should Be Avoided

Page 14

by Saxon Andrew

  Randy nodded, “I’ve heard Gloria’s analysis and she’s right. However, you will want to remove them once you implement your plan, right?” Sam nodded. “That means that the Tronan line of communications must broke quickly and kept down. We’ll need at least twenty Scouts to make that happen.”

  “Are you suggesting we send twenty scouts out to join Captain Hashem?”

  “Sir, I’ve promoted her to Commodore because of the outstanding job she’s done and do you see another way to remove that line of communication. You won’t be able to get any of our major warships past their main fleets without them being detected. The scouts can enter the reverse flow of the Death Filament and go by the oncoming Tronan Fleets without being seen. They can take enough provisions to keep them operating until the confrontation takes place.”

  “What about the scout in front of the Tronan Fleets?”

  “Getting a replacement out to him will be easy. We also need to set up a line of scouts in front of those fleets to send recordings of their conversations back to you and the Leadership Team so we can listen to them in real time.”

  “That many communications will be detected by the Tronan.”

  Randy smiled, “I intend to use scouts that have Guyton crews and they’ll send the messages telepathically. Those won’t be detected.”

  Sam stared at Randy and said, “Can you make this happen?”

  “Yes, Sir, I can.”

  Then get on it. I’ll approve your plan but you are going to have to make absolutely certain that your scouts are not detected! If they are, that Tronan Fleet Director might call off his invasion.”

  “I’ll have the scouts going to support Commodore Hashem leave the filament and hide in normal space until the five fleets move past them.”

  “How are you going to find Commodore Hashem if you can’t see her vessel.”

  “We know she’s located in the middle of the two Tronan Groups. They’ll enter the filament and start looking there. We’ll use a Guyton to let her know the scouts are present and looking for her. They’ll find her.”

  Sam nodded and said, “You’re dismissed. Keep up the good work.”

  Randy stood up, went to attention, did an about-face, and left Sam’s conference room. Sam thought about what was going to happen when the major Tronan Invasion happened after this one. Would thousands of their fleets break off from the major attack and go out to start their own empires? He saw no way to prevent it; he just didn’t have the forces to stop it. He sighed and decided to worry about one invasion at a time. He did know that if the Tronan line of communication was broken, the next invasion would be launched immediately and that it would be massive. He shook his head and focused on the five Tronan Fleets moving on the Death Filament. He wondered if he had enough ships to stop them as well.

  • • •

  The Major Fleet Director was bored and was starting to second guess himself about going on this mission. Death might be preferable to the long monotony of this voyage. However, the number of starships his fleets were encountering were becoming too numerous to attack. Most of them turned and fled as his fleets approached and he ordered the outlying scouts to ignore them. They outnumbered the ships in his fleets. This sector of the universe was obviously highly populated. This would be a bonanza of riches. He sent an order out to the communication ships that no transmissions would be sent back to the Empire without his direct approval. It just wouldn’t do for this information to be given to the Prime Director. He intended to claim this new space as his own to exploit once his mission was complete.

  He sat back in his chair and thought about the vast numbers of vessels he was seeing. If this sector was this highly populated…then there had to be civilizations that were highly advanced. Did the original Warship and Squadron sent to investigate encounter a civilization more technologically developed than his? None of the ships he had encountered so far were anything special. Attacking them would only lead to a waste of fuel and energy. But what should he do if he did encounter a more advanced civilization?

  Ummm…running wasn’t an option as long as he could communicate with the Prime Director. He continued to be amazed by the level of traffic on the filaments he was passing and began to hope the line of communication ships were attacked. This was a place he could settle into and build an Empire that could one day rival the current one.

  He looked at his Second-in-Command and didn’t question his loyalty but knew he would turn on him if he deliberately violated his orders without a justifiable reason. Maybe…just maybe…his communications would be broken. If they weren’t, then he probably had nothing to worry about. Any enemy of consequence would take out communications before they attacked. He had to make sure he was ready to run if that happened. Or…he might have to remove the Second. He immediately rejected the idea. The crew would turn on him if he did that. He looked at the main monitor and saw thousands of starships fleeing from his approach. He was torn between his duty and his greed.

  • • •

  Gloria listened to a conversation taking place between two of the communication warships and looked at Pat as they heard, “Why do you think the Fleet Director has forbidden us to communicate with the Leaders in the Empire without his approval?”

  “Are you that dense?”

  “What are you implying?”

  “You’ve seen all the starships on the filaments we’ve passed, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, what of it?”

  “What do you think the Fleet Director intends to do with this information?”

  There was a long pause and then they heard, “I guess you’re right. The long boring weeks has softened my brain. He’ll claim this space for his own after this mission is over. He’ll want to exploit this space.”

  “That means we get to do it with him.”

  “I didn’t consider that. We need to make sure our crews keep this quiet.”

  “Now you’re getting it.”

  Pat shook her head, “You are one smart woman, Gloria.”

  “So are you, Pat. I just have time to think about it while you’re preoccupied with the scanners. You’d have seen it, too.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short, Gloria, I’m thankful to be on this ship with you.”

  Gloria looked at the two sacks of provisions at the back of the bridge, “We need to go on short-rations.”

  Pat glanced at the bags and shrugged, “It still won’t make a difference.”

  “I know, but we’ll be able to be miserable much longer.” Pat started laughing as another conversation erupted from the wall speaker.

  • • •

  Tommy looked at Roger and sighed, “It looks like we’re going to have to leave shortly. We’re going to be out of food within a few weeks.”

  “I’ve notified fleet about the situation,” Roger said while staring at his monitor.”

  “Did they respond?”

  “No, they would have had to send a message toward us and I’m sure they don’t want the Tronan to detect it.”

  Tommy shrugged and was silent for an hour. Then he said, “When the Tronan started attacking those commercial ships, I really wanted to stop them.”

  Roger looked up, “Get real, we had no chance of making any kind of dent in their forces.”

  “I know. But at least it would have been good to make the effort. I’m glad they’ve backed off on their attacks.”

  “There’s too many ships for them to chase down. They know it would be a horrendous waste of fuel and energy. You’ve heard their communications; they’re excited about coming here and setting up shop.” Tommy nodded. Roger smiled, “Besides, you’ve learned restraint in the process.”

  “I guess. I see that wasting our lives in a worthless enterprise is not good judgement. Sometimes you have to wait to make a difference.” Roger looked at Tommy and smiled.

  Suddenly they heard in their minds, “Commodore Cranton, I am here to relieve you.”

are you?”

  “I’m Lieutenant Ket and I’m here with several hundred scouts to set up a communication link with Fleet Headquarters. You’ve been ordered back to Romania where you are to report to Admiral Hummel.”

  Tommy’s eyes went wide and he said, “When was he promoted to Admiral.”

  “It happened after you left to join the sentry.”

  Roger thought, “Did I hear you correctly. Did you address Lt. Cranton as Commodore?”

  “He has been promoted as well by Admiral Hummel. You have also been promoted to the rank of Captain. You need to get moving. I understand that Admiral Hummel has another mission for you.”

  “Thank you, we’ll be moving out immediately. I would highly recommend that you only use your dark matter thrusters. I believe the Tronan would detect your boosters.”

  “We’ve been briefed on that, Sir.”

  Tommy activated the thrusters and the small scout shot away from the approaching Tronan Warships. A week later, he arrived at the first intersection and found the Bow String holding position just outside it, “Commodore, bring your ship on board. We need to resupply you and give you a communication from Admiral Hummel.”

  “Moving in now, Captain.” Tommy looked at Roger, “What do you think is going on?”

  “I don’t know.” They approached the huge landing bay and Roger said, “There’s around twenty-scouts on the Bow String. I have to believe that Randy has plans for us to use them.”

  “What sort of plans, Roger?”

  “Well, figure it out. There’s about twenty scouts and there’s twenty Tronan Communication Warships.”

  Tommy’s eyes went wide, “He intends for us to take them out!”

  “That is the most likely scenario. However, we will have to do it at the exact moment Randy chooses. We can’t attack before the Tronan Fleets commit at Heaven’s intersection.”

  “How are we going to know when that happens?”

  “That Guyton said he was there to setup a communication link. I suspect that’s how the order will be sent.”

  “I think you’re wrong about that.”


  The Guyton said he had several hundred scouts with him. That’s not enough to set up a communication line that extends from here to Heaven and all the way back to the start of the Tronan Communication Line. I think they’re going to send a super-powered squeal burst across the universe using the Death Filament to transmit it.”

  Roger stared at Tommy and then smiled, “You’re getting smarter in your old age.”

  “No, the long weeks of boredom have taught me how to focus on things that I would normally ignore.”

  “Even so; I have to believe you’re right.”

  Tommy thought about it, “Do you think that squeal burst would arrive ahead of a communication being sent by the Tronan Commander to the end of his communication line?”

  Roger’s eyes narrowed and he started pressing buttons on his console as Randy landed the ship in the Bow Strings landing bay. The ship came to a stop and Roger looked up, “It’s going to be close.”

  Tommy sighed, “I was thinking as much. Let’s go see what we’re being ordered to do.”

  • • •

  Tommy and Roger exited the scout and Felix met them, “Sir, Captain O’Connor requests your presence in his conference room.”

  Tommy nodded and asked, “How are things going?”

  “We’re pacing the Tronan Fleet and maintaining our distance outside their scanning range. We’re here to support the Scouts we’re using to set up a direct communication line to the Leadership Team.”

  “It’s going to take about another four months for them to arrive at Heaven,” Roger remarked.

  Felix nodded, “I know and we’re doing all we can to avoid spooking them and causing them to call off their mission. If they spread out into this sector, there’s no way we can stop them with our current number of warships.”

  “If we do manage to stop them this time, you know the follow up attack will be launched once they determine this one failed.”

  “We know. But that still gives us a year and six months to slow them down.” Tommy looked at Felix through his eyebrows and Felix sighed, “I know. But let’s take this one invasion at a time, shall we?”

  Tommy raised his eyes, “You’re right. We can only do what we can do. Do you know what we’re going to be ordered to do?”

  “I do but I think Captain O’Conner prefers to brief you on that.” Tommy nodded and continued to follow Felix through the huge warship.

  Tommy and Roger walked into the conference room and heard Captain O’Conner announce, “Attention! Senior Officer on deck!”

  Tommy came to attention with them and Roger leaned in and whispered, “He’s referring to you.”

  Tommy jerked his head toward Roger and shook it before saying, “At ease. As you were.” Captain O’Conner tried not to smile but failed and Tommy said, “Some changes take time to get used to, Captain.”

  “Yes, Sir. They do.” Tommy saw forty officers in the room and O’Connor said, “I’ve invited the other scout crews to attend this meeting and you will issue your orders once you see Admiral Hummel’s video message. Are you ready to view it, Sir?”

  Tommy went to the front row and sat down with Roger next to him, “I am, Captain.” O’Connor pressed a remote and the giant wall monitor illuminated. Randy’s face appeared and Tommy saw he was smiling.

  “I was hoping I’d have enough time to bring you to Romania but that’s not possible. I have an important mission for you and Gloria to command and it is vitally important that you carry it out. You and Gloria are tasked with taking out the Tronan Communication line at a very precise moment. Commodore Hashem will be tasked to take out the ten Tronan Communication Warships starting at the one closest to the front of their line and you will be tasked with removing the ten that extend from the edge of their territory toward our space.” Randy paused and his face turned serious, “I am charging you to personally take out the first warship in the line and you have to do it quickly. We’ve determined that we cannot stop them from sending a warning out before we can stop it. We must start our attack before those communication ships are destroyed and that warning will arrive close to the same moment you receive your attack order. I’ve sent the most up-to-date intelligence we have on how to attack their ships and you’ll need to pass this information on to Gloria as you pass her. Ten of the scouts will join Gloria at the front of the Tronan Line and ten will go with you to the rear of their line. Each ship will be tasked to take out a Tronan Warship and if any of you fail, the Tronan Leaders will learn about our technology and make it next to impossible to defeat them in the following invasion. The scouts going with you have been practicing against our fleets and you need to look at the newest intelligence on the Tronan Warship models to get up to speed on the tactics.” Randy paused, “Tommy, you will be the senior officer on this mission and I know you can do this; we’re depending on you to make this happen. Good-luck and I’ll see you when you get back.”

  Tommy felt his heart swell and knew that Randy believing in him was all he ever really wanted. He took a deep breath and said, “Start the intelligence report.” The monitor activated again and he stared at the giant Tronan Derelict.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Gloria looked at the small handful of synthetic food and smiled. She held it up and said, “Bon Appetite,” as she threw the small pellets into her mouth and chased them with the last remaining water.

  Pat followed her example and smiled, “I’m forced to say that was the tastiest mouth full of food that I’ve had lately.”

  Gloria nodded and leaned back in her chair. “I’m starting to really suffer from fatigue.” Pat nodded and closed her eyes.

  Suddenly, they heard mentally, “Commodore Hashem.”

  Gloria’s eyes flew open and she thought, “Yes! Who is this?”

  “I’m with a group of scouts that have bee
n sent to resupply you and deliver new orders.”

  “Where are you!?”

  “We’re close to your ship but have not been able to find you.”

  “What can I do to assist you?”

  “I need you to start counting mentally and keep at it until I can home in on your thoughts.”

  Gloria immediately started counting. She reached a thousand and Pat thought, “Gloria is too fatigued to keep it up. I’m going to start counting.”

  “That would be good.”

  Pat saw Gloria close her eyes and pass out from the effort. Pat counted to five-hundred and sixty-three when she felt a bump. She heard, “We’ve arrived at your vessel. Please come and open your entry port.”

  “Both of us are too weak to stand up.”

  “You’re going to have to make the effort. We can’t open the port from outside your scout.”

  Pat tried to stand up and fell to the floor. She began slowly crawling and struggled for fifteen minutes to traverse the thirty feet to the port. She tried to reach the lever to open the door and failed. She would later say she didn’t know how she managed to go to her knees and pull the leaver, but the door opened and the crew from the scout ship connected to their port rushed in and carried her back to her chair. They immediately attached two IVs to both of them and waited for them to wake.

  • • •

  Gloria opened her eyes, saw the two scouts, and smiled, “It’s a good thing you showed up when you did.”

  The Guyton looked at Gloria and shook his head, “I’m so sorry it took so long to find you. How are you feeling now?”

  Gloria inhaled deeply and blew the breath out slowly, “Better.” She looked at Pat and smiled, “Sorry I wasn’t around to help you open the port.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I noticed you’ve been giving me a larger portion of food. I’m the one that should have done it.”

  “I’m smaller than you are.”

  “Are you saying I’m fat?!”

  “Not any more. I think both of us are down on weight.” Gloria looked at the Guyton, “What’s your name.”

  “Tej. I’m glad we were able to arrive in time to save you.”


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