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Every Promise You Made

Page 16

by J. E. Parker

  Hope’s eyes twinkled, and my heart leaped.

  That smile… man, damn!

  Focusing back on Brantley, she said, “Shelby and Anthony are having this big party next weekend to celebrate their wedding. It’s called, The Last Fling Before the Ring or something like that. You should come.” My girl nodded. “Good. Their party is at night, but we’re having a big cookout beforehand. Shelby will bring Lucca, and Clara, who I don’t think you’ve met, will bring her two sons, Liam and Declan. There will be plenty of people for Bella to play with.”

  Hope fell silent, listening to whatever Brantley was saying.

  Then, she chuckled. “Clara? No, she’s single, but I don’t think she’s open to offers at the moment.”

  That’s putting it mildly.

  “Umm…” Hope looked at me at me again, a perplexed look on her face. “She’s tall, has auburn hair, big green eyes. She’s gorgeous, but she’s not the type of woman you go for.”

  As in, she isn’t a spray-tanned platinum blonde with long legs and fake tits.

  I jerked the phone out of Hope’s hand. “B, man,” I said, laughing. “If you’re trying to get laid, you stand a better chance of getting in Grandmama’s panties than Clara’s.”

  “I’m not trying to get laid. I was just curious.”


  “Whatever, I’m just telling you to stay away. Clara’s a sweet person—when she’s not threatening to kill me over Hope—but she’s been through hell, and she doesn’t need a man whore like you trying to get in her pants.”

  Brantley hummed. “Point taken.”

  Hope’s hands landed on my abs.

  Chills raced through my body at the small contact.

  “Make the appointment, B, and text me the details.” Moving her hands lower, Hope pressed her soft chest against my abs. “I’ll call you sometime later this week.”

  She smiled like a Cheshire cat as she wrapped her hand around my aching cock. I hissed in response. “Dammit, baby,” I said, not giving a damn that my brother was still on the phone.

  Brantley was silent for a moment.

  His silence didn’t last though. “Dude, what the fuck are y’all doing?” His tone was filled with suspicion.

  Hope licked her lower lips and pumped her hand down my length.

  I groaned in response.

  After that, there was no hiding what was going on.

  “Oh, shit,” he said, laughing.

  His laughter was the last thing I heard as I hung up the phone and tossed it toward the kitchen table. Where it landed, I didn’t know. It could’ve fallen to the tile floor, shattered into a million pieces, and I wouldn’t have given a shit.

  I looked down at Hope. “What are you doing?”

  Her mischievous eyes twinkled “You lied last night.”

  Wait, a damn minute.

  “What are you talking about? I didn’t lie to you.”

  One thing about me, I may be a dick, but I never lie.

  “You said you'd taste me.” She tightened her hold on me, and my head fell back. “But you never did. Therefore, you lied.”

  Did she really just say that?

  I was at a loss for words.

  When Hope’s hand left me, I righted my head and looked down at her in time to see her fall to her knees. “But that’s okay.” She smirked. “Because right now, the only thing I want is to taste you.”

  Before I could stop her—not that I would’ve—Hope wrapped her lips around the head of my cock and sucked. Hard. My eyes slid shut and every muscle in my body tensed.


  My response only encouraged her.

  Never pulling her eyes from mine, she took me deeper and sucked harder.

  “Hope,” I cautioned when she gagged around me. “Baby, you don’t have to do this.” She gave a quick nip to the vein that ran along the underside of my cock. “Mother fuc—”

  Speeding up, she wrapped her hand around my length and pumped.

  It wasn’t long before the base of my spine tingled.

  Nope, no way.

  Using every ounce of willpower I possessed, I yanked myself free of her mouth.

  Her stunned eyes met mine.

  I said nothing as I slid my hands under her arms and lifted her to her feet.

  Spinning her around, I shoved her forward. I needed inside of her so damn bad, but I would have to wait. I had something else I needed to do first.

  Give not take.

  “Put your hands on the counter, baby.”

  She obeyed without hesitation.

  I, however, hesitated as flashes of the night before crept into my mind. I’d taken her so many times… “Are you sore?” My girl shook her head. “You sure?”

  She nodded. “I’m sure.”

  I hooked my right arm under her right leg and lifted it before placing her foot on the edge of the counter to her right. The moved forced her onto her tip toes. How long she’d be able to hold that position, I didn’t know.

  Hopefully long enough.

  “Don’t move.”

  She didn’t.

  I dropped to my knees behind her and took a second to take in the beauty before me. Soaked, Hope’s flesh glistened. “Damn, baby, I don’t know where to start.”

  She pushed her hips toward me, silently telling me what she wanted.

  I licked my lower lip. “Mmm,” I hummed. “Smart girl.”

  Spreading her with my thumbs, I dove in.

  When my tongue touched her wet flesh, Hope’s hips jerked, and her foot nearly came off the floor. “Evan!” Hearing her scream my name only made me more desperate, more ravenous for her. I applied more pressure with my tongue and slid a finger deep inside of her. “Oh my God!”

  Wrapping my arms around her thighs, I lifted her higher, giving me better access.

  Again, she screamed my name.

  I smiled against her as I licked faster, sucked harder, and dove deeper.

  It wasn’t long before she panted, her entire body shaking.

  Reaching an arm around her back, she grabbed a handful of my hair.

  Then, she pulled. Hard.

  The slight pain only made me more frenzied.

  I could stay here all day.

  I can’t tell you how long it took for her orgasm to hit because I’d lost all track of time. All I know is that the time I spent between her legs, my mouth working her needy flesh, was heaven. I didn’t want to pull away from her, but there was something I wanted more than her taste on my tongue.

  I stood up and removed her foot from the counter. Then, I spun her around.

  Her eyes were glassy, her mouth slack. “You good?” I asked.

  A moan was the only answer she gave. Carrying her into the living room, I pressed her back against the wall and wrapped her legs around my waist. “Put your arms around my neck.” When she didn’t move fast enough, I smacked her ass with one hand and snapped, “Now, Hope.”

  She gasped but did as I said.

  “You ready?”

  Her head dropped back against the wall. “For Pete's sake, Evan. Stop talking and fuck me already.”

  I froze. “Did you cuss?”

  Hope only glared in return.

  “You did.” A smile stretched across my face. “My, my, Hope. I wasn’t sure you had it in you.”

  Frustrated, she raked her nails across my shoulders. “Stop. Talking.” Her chest rose and fell in quick succession. “Start. Doing.”

  I didn’t need to be told twice.

  Lining my cock up with her entrance, I slammed home.

  Hope screamed loud enough to be heard in the offices downstairs.

  Thank Christ the residents are on the other side of the building.

  “Shh, baby,” I said, my heart nearly bursting out of my chest. “You keep screaming like that and Shelby will be up here, ready to shoot my ass.”

  “Evan,” she cried, “please move.”

  I wrapped one arm around her lower back and one around her shoulders to kee
p her in place, I drove into her. Her tits bounced against my chest, and I became unhinged. Resting her against the wall, I pulled out before repeatedly burying myself to the hilt.


  Her screaming my name was the final straw.

  Any sanity or control I had left snapped like a taut wire.

  I pressed her against the wall and powered my hips as hard as I could.

  Back and forth.

  In and out.

  Hope’s fingernails continued to dig into me. “Ev,” she moaned, long and loud, “I’m about to come.”

  I nodded once, feeling the tingling in my spine begin again. “Wait for me.”

  Biting her bottom lip, she slid her fingers into my hair and held on tight. “Don’t know… if I can.”

  “Wait, Hope.” My thrusts sped up, my power increased.

  I gave her everything I had.

  When her pussy fluttered over my cock, gripping me without remorse, I couldn’t hold off any longer. “Come, baby.”

  Like always, Hope obeyed. She yanked on my hair with every bit of strength she had, and let her orgasm take over. A slew of incoherent screams spilled from her mouth as I emptied myself inside of her.

  Blinded by the pleasure of it all, I didn’t see the moment her body relaxed, but I felt it.

  Knees weak, my legs turned to Jell-O. “Baby,” I said around pants for breath, “I need to put you down.” I stumbled backward, almost bumping into the coffee table. “It’s a miracle I haven’t dropped you yet.”

  Hope leaned her head on my shoulder. “You’d never drop me.” She was right. If we fell, I’d contort my body to keep her from hitting the ground. I’d break my neck before I let a hair on her head be harmed.

  Unwinding her legs from my waist, Hope slid down my body. She gasped as her nipples scraped over my chest and abs. She held onto my wrists as she swayed in place as she found her footing. Then, her beautiful hazel eyes met mine. “That was…” She smiled. “That was amazing. I can’t wait—”

  Her words were cut off when someone banged on the apartment door.

  “Open this frickin’ door right now!” A familiar country drawl shouted. “Or else I’m gonna boot it the hell down!”

  Fucking Shelby.

  Hope looked from my nude body to hers. Eyes dancing with a mixture of embarrassment and laughter, she covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh my god,” she whispered. “We’ve gotta get rid of her.”

  More banging. “I said right now! Not in a few minutes. Now!”

  I nodded toward the bedrooms. “Go get some clothes on. I’ll handle her.”

  Hopes eyes widened. “Not naked you won’t.”

  Pointing toward a pair of basketball shorts draped over the arm of the sofa, I said, “Go. I’ve got this.”

  Hope pushed to her tiptoes and kissed the side of my jaw. “Whatever you do, don’t kill her.”

  “Not making any promises.”

  With a megawatt smile, Hope turned and ran down the hall.

  I stared after her, watching her small, round ass bounce with each step she took.

  That ass will be the death of me.

  With a shake of my head, I tore my gaze from her. I walked to the door, stopping to grab and pull on my shorts beforehand. Hand on the knob, I gave it a quick twist before pulling it open.

  “What the hell do you—”

  The words on the edge of my tongue died when I came face-to-face with not only an angry looking Shelby but also a pissed off looking Maddie and an enraged Clara. Even Carissa, who stood at the back of the group, looked like she was ready to take a softball bat to my head.

  Oh. Shit.

  “You have two seconds,” Shelby said, stepping forward and closing the gap between us. “Two damn seconds to explain why Hope was crying so loudly we could hear her from the storage room down the hall.”


  That’s what they thought Hope was doing?


  Smirking, I crossed my arms over my chest. “Crying?” I looked from one woman to the next. “Nobody in this apartment has been crying.” It was the truth. “Nor will they be.” Grabbing the doorknob, I was prepared to slam it in their faces when Shelby barreled her way into the room.

  “Yeah?” Angry sarcasm lined her voice. “Then what the hell is going on?”

  Not giving me a second to answer, she screamed, “Hope!”

  “I’m coming,” Hope answered, her soft footsteps echoing throughout the apartment seconds before she came into view. Wearing one of my shirts—again—she sauntered into the living room, her hair tied into a loose knot on top of her head. Cheeks flushed, she thinned her lips into a pinched line and narrowed her eyes. One look at her, along with my sweaty chest and claw marked shoulders, and there was no denying what we’d been doing. “What are you girls doing up here?”

  Shelby’s mouth fell open, and Maddie’s eyes almost bulged out of her head.

  But Clara? She smiled. Big. “It’s about damn time!”

  Hope flushed with embarrassment. “Hush it, red.”

  Shelby stepped forward and crossed her arms over her chest. She still looked like she was about to pass out from shock. “Well,” she said looking at Hope. “It looks like you owe me a thank you sooner rather than later.”

  Hope looked back at me with pleading eyes. It was obvious that she wasn’t comfortable with everyone knowing what we’d been doing so I stepped in, halting the interrogation I knew was about to start at any moment.

  I held my hands up and walked towards all four women. “Time for you ladies to head back to work.”

  Shelby scowled. “I’m not ready yet. I still—”

  I wrapped my hand around her upper arm and guided—more like dragged—her out of the door. “Time for you to go Mouth of the South. You’ve embarrassed her enough for one day.”

  A huge smile spread across Maddie’s face. “Aww, look at you being all protective and stuff.” Raising her hands in the air, she bounced up and down on her feet like a half-crazed cheerleader. “I friggin love it!”

  Nut jobs. Her and Shelby both.

  “Get downstairs before I call security to come get all of you.” I grabbed hold of the door and gave them all one last parting glance before pushing it shut. I had it almost closed when Clara stuck her arm in the opening, stopping me.

  Frustrated, I dropped my head back and looked at the ceiling. “And what does my favorite Irish spitfire want?” When she didn’t answer me, I lifted my head and looked down at her.

  Fiery eyes met mine. “You better be serious about this, Evan,” she whispered low enough for only me to hear. “Because if you aren’t, and you hurt her more than you already have, I promise I’ll make you pay.”

  Usually I would’ve laughed at a woman threatening me, but there was something about the look on Clara’s face that let me know she wasn’t kidding around.

  She was dead serious.

  “Clara, I’m not going to—”

  Holding up her hand, she cut me off. “I don’t want to hear it. I want to see it.” She looked from me to Hope. “When I showed up here a year ago, bloody and broken from what Colin had done all the women that work here stepped up. They went above and beyond to rescue me from that fucking monster that had abused me for far too many years.” Glassy-eyed with sudden tears, she pointed at my girl. “But it was Hope that truly saved me.” She paused and took a breath. “She was the one who held me through the nightmares and panic attacks. It was her that never left my side because she knew how much the quiet scared me.” Clara closed her eyes as the first tear slipped free. “And it was her that taught me what it feels like to be loved by someone other than my sons.” Taking a second, shaky breath, she opened her eyes. “So heed my words, Evan Morgan. If you hurt her again, I’ll kill you myself.”

  My entire body stilled, and my muscles drew tight.

  “You think Shelby is crazy?” She chuckled. “Honey, you haven’t met crazy until you mess with someone I love. And Hope? I love her
like I would a sister because that’s exactly what she is.” She took a step back. “I’m not joking.” She paused. “Hurt her, and you’ll be dealing with me.”

  I’m surrounded by crazy women.

  First Grandmama, then Shelby, and now Clara?

  Jesus Christ!

  She shot me one last icy glare before leaning to the side and waving at Hope. “Love you, shorty. Call me later.”

  Hope waved right back. “Love you too, red.”

  Without saying another word, Clara turned around and walked away.

  I shut the door, engaged the lock, and turned to face Hope. “Clara’s fucking crazy.”

  She smiled. “You have no idea.” Glancing at my bare chest, her smile grew. “I’m hungry.”

  Too stunned by Clara’s shift in demeanor and the threats she’d thrown my way, I missed the innuendo Hop had just tossed at me. “Go sit down, I’ll cook you something.”

  She sunk her teeth into her bottom lip and dropped her gaze to my chest. “Not really in the mood for food.”

  “Then what are—” Realization set in and I smiled. “Yeah? Then what exactly did you have in mind?”

  “I’ll tell you what,” she said, her voice teasing. “If you can catch me before I make it to your bedroom I’ll show you instead of tell you.”

  “Yeah?” I took a step forward. “You better run fast, little bit.”

  Turning on her heel, she took off down the hall.

  Within five steps, my arms were sliding around her waist. I lifted her feet off the ground, I pulled her tight against me. Pressing my lips to the shell of her ear, I whispered. “Got you, beautiful girl.” She shivered. “Time to pay up, baby.”

  It was the start of a beautiful day.



  A couple of days later I was standing in the shelter’s laundry room.

  Breathing through my mouth to keep from smelling the stench of bleach that lingered in the air, I’d just finished folding the last clean towel when a familiar voice rang out. “There’s my itty bitty,” Grandmama said, startling me so badly I almost jumped out of my skin. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  I spun around. When my eyes landed on Grandmama, I couldn’t help but laugh.


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