Book Read Free

Every Promise You Made

Page 20

by J. E. Parker



  I was watching TV with Hope when my phone rang for the fifth time.

  We were supposed to go on a date but after my meltdown in the shower Hope had wanted to stay home. I hadn’t bothered to argue. Instead, I’d ordered us pizza and picked a few movies for us to watch. I wanted to do more for her but Hope was a simple girl and she was happy with staying in.

  Swear to God, I couldn’t ask for a better woman than her.

  Phone continuing to ring, I glanced down at the caller ID and saw Johnny’s name flashing across the screen.


  Since Hope was enthralled with the movie on TV, I answered the phone. “What?” I barked, my temper flaring. “I didn’t answer the first four times you called. Probably should’ve taken the hint, asshole.”

  “Got a fight for you, Crush—”

  “Not interested, ” I snapped, cutting him off. “In fact, I’m done.” And I was. “There’s no reason for you to call me anymore, Johnny.”

  “What?” He sounded panicked, most likely because his biggest cash cow just quit. Speaking of cash, whether I fought or not, I was still going to make monthly donations to the Shelter. Thanks to the trust fund my parents had given Brantley and me, money wasn’t an issue where I was concerned. “You can’t just quit!”

  Watch me.

  “I just did.” I smiled at Johnny’s swift intake of breath. “Have a good one, man.”

  With that, I hung up and looked at Hope, who was standing ten feet in front of me. One glance at her and I had to fight back a bout of laughter.

  Why would I need to fight when I’ve got her?

  If only I’d seen the truth earlier…

  Hope screamed, jumping back from the TV.

  The expression on her face was everything. Looking back, I should’ve taken a picture. I could’ve framed it and hung it on the wall above my bed. I had no doubt it would’ve made me laugh every time I saw it.

  I sat forward on the sofa, placing my head in my hands. I was trying so damn hard not to let Hope see me laughing at her but I was failing. Shoulders shaking, I couldn’t hide shit.

  Unable to fight it any longer, I dropped my hands and leaned back, letting the boisterous laughter I’d been trapping in the back of my throat free. Sides aching, I stared at Hope with amused eyes.

  Wide-eyed and mouth gaping, she in turn stared at the TV screen, a look of pure terror etched on her face. “Oh my God!” She screamed, jumping back three feet. “That did not just happen!”

  If she keeps this up, I’m going to puke.

  Seriously, I felt like I was on the verge of throwing up.

  Without pulling her eyes from the screen, she waved her arm in my direction. “Look at it!” She shrieked, her voice laced with horror. “Seriously, look at it!” Cringing, she placed her hands over her face and peeked through her spread fingers. “It has to be one of the scariest dang things I’ve ever seen. Now I’m never going to sleep again, and it’s all your fault!”

  Another rumble of laughter burst from my chest.

  How long has it been since I laughed like this?

  “Baby,” I said, straining to speak at all. “Calm down. It’s just a movie.”

  Closing her eyes and shaking her hands out, she jumped around in a circle. It was the same thing she did as a kid when she couldn’t handle whatever horror movie we were watching. “Turn it off,” she plead, still jumping. “I can’t watch anymore!”

  “Then why do you keep peeking? I see you opening your eyes.”

  She stopped moving, and all but growled at me. “Because I can’t look away!”

  It’s obviously time for me to step in.

  I grabbed the remote off the coffee table and pointed it at the TV. I was just about to turn it off when Hope jumped back and screamed. “Oh for Pete’s sake! Did you see that?” Her face paled. “That thing just swooped down from the sky and picked that person up using its claw-tipped feet.” Horrified, she took another step back. Swear to God, she acted like the monster on the screen was going to swoop out of the TV and into the room at any moment. “It picks people up using its feet and then flies away with them,” she hissed, her arms wrapped around your belly. “And then it eats them!” Spinning around, she threw her hands up in the air. “Turn it off. I can’t take anymore!”

  Still laughing, I turned it off. “Hope, baby,” I wheezed. “Come here.”

  She looked at me from over her shoulder. “Oh, no way.” Turning to face me, she cocked her hip to one side and glared in my direction. “Of all the movies that exist in this world you had to pick Jeepers Creepers?” Shaking her head back and forth, she placed her hands on her hips. “For that, I may never talk to you again!”

  I stood and crossed my arms over my chest. “You said you wanted to watch a horror movie. I chose the first one I found.”

  Exasperated, she threw a hand out toward the TV. “It’s about a monster that eats people, Evan. It. Eats. People.” Shivering, she bounced on the balls of her feet. “Uh, now I feel sick.”

  I fought back a smile. “You feel sick, huh?”

  Her brows furrowed. “Yeah, a little.”

  I shrugged. “That sucks then because I picked up half a dozen chocolate chip muffins from Delilah’s Bakery. Thought you’d want them for dessert since they’re your favorite and all.”

  Hope’s face lit up; all traces of terror disappeared. “You did?”

  I nodded, spellbound by the excitement dancing across her perfect features.

  She waved her hand in an expectant motion. “Where are they?”

  “Kitchen, baby.”

  Without saying another word, Hope turned around and ran into the kitchen. I followed behind her, smiling to myself when her excited shriek rang out. “Oh my God! You seriously bought them? How? Delilah sells out by noon.”

  I rounded the corner into the kitchen. “I called Delilah and asked her to bake a special batch just for you.”

  “And she did it?”


  I nodded even though I didn’t understand why Hope seemed surprised. I placed my finger under her chin and lifted her face to meet mine. “Yeah, baby, she did. The woman loves you. Hell, everybody loves you.”

  Holding a muffin in her hand, Hope stared into my eyes. “Yeah?” She asked, her voice whisper quiet. “Does that include you?”

  My entire body tensed at her question.

  Hope noticed and her scrutinizing gaze roamed over my entire face as she tried to read the thoughts running rampant in my head. Thoughts that, with one little question, had turned tumultuous in the blink of an eye.

  Hard as I tried to fight the negativity and push the darkness back, the demons that lived inside of me made their presence known, filling my head with my doubts and my heart with pain.

  She’s getting too close, they hissed.Push her away.

  The hope that flickered in my girl’s eyes died at my continued silence.

  It gutted me.

  I’m still hurting her; still treating her like shit. It never changes!

  I clenched my jaw and looked down at the girl I loved more than anything else in the world. Every ounce of my soul screamed at me to confess my feelings to her, but the chains holding my mind captive wouldn’t allow it. It was stupid because I wanted so badly to say the three little words she desperately needed to hear, but I couldn’t force myself to do it.

  Just say it, stupid!

  I opened my mouth, but the words wouldn’t come.

  Pulling her gaze from mine, she sat the once-bitten muffin down on the counter. I didn’t miss the way her hands shook or the way her chin trembled the slightest bit.

  At the sight, guilt and a truckload of remorse washed through me.

  “Hey,” I said, wrapping my fingers around her chin and turning her face to meet mine. “Baby, I’m sor—”

  She pressed a lone finger to my lips, silencing me. “Shh. It’s okay, Ev.” Her voice was sweet and filled with nothing but understa
nding. It made me feel ten times worse. “I understand.” Pulling her chin out of my hold, she grabbed a paper towel from the roll on the wall and wiped non-existent crumbs from her fingertips. She took a shaky breath and turned to look at me again. “I need you to know something.”

  I blinked.

  Afraid of what she was about to say, I slid my hands into my pockets and leaned my hip against the counter, remaining silent.

  Placing a hand on my chest, she rested her fingers on my beating heart. Then, she forced a small smile. “I know you’re not in a good place right now.” She was right. “But it’s okay because one day you will be. And until you get there, I’ll be right here, waiting by your side.”

  I blew out a breath. “Hope, you can’t—”

  She dug her nails into my skin and shot me a look that was similar to the one her mom used to give Ryker and me when we got in trouble. Then, she took a small step forward, closing the space between us. “I can and I will.”

  Chest-to-abs, she stared at me with determined eyes. “You’re trying, Evan. That’s all that matters. As long as you try, I’m not going anywhere.” Lifting her hand from my chest, she ran her fingers through my curly hair. My eyes slid closed on automatic. “Besides, you promised me forever, big guy.” Standing on her tiptoes, she pressed a kiss to the side of my jaw. “And that’s a promise I’m going to make sure you keep.”

  Perfect… My girl is perfect.

  And she deserves better than a fucked up headcase like me.

  “Now,” she said, smiling, her voice an octave higher. “I’m going to make some popcorn, and then I’m going to find a different movie to watch.” She scrunched up her nose and looked at me through squinted eyes. “Ya know, one that doesn't include a monster who flies around snatching unsuspecting people up with his nasty feet.” She shivered. “I swear, Evan, when I crawl in bed with you tonight you better not complain.”

  I grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her forward.

  Her body crashed into mine; she yelped in surprise.

  “The only place you’ll be sleeping from now on is with me.”

  Her face lit up. “Good because I kinda like sleeping with you.”

  “Kinda?” I asked, my lips tipping up at one corner.

  She shrugged. “Yeah, kinda.”

  Teasing little shit.

  She leaned against me and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Now, can we watch a movie, please? I’m thinking something Disney. How about The Little Mermaid? Or oooooh how about Beauty and the Beast? You know that’s one of my—”

  Before she could finish her sentence, I stepped back and scooped her up into my arms. Tossing her over my shoulder, I clasped an arm around the back of her thighs, anchoring her in place.

  “Oh my God!” She smacked my lower back. “What are you doing?”

  Turning around, I headed for the apartment door. I picked up the black backpack that hung on the coat rack by the sofa and slung it over the shoulder opposite the one I held Hope on. “Come on, beautiful girl. We’ve got somewhere to be.”

  With that, I opened the door and carried Hope outside.



  Evan had taken me onto the roof.

  Why, I didn’t know.

  Pushing my messy hair out of my face, I looked up at Evan. “What are we doing up here?” I asked, my nerves were a bundled mess. The last time I was on a roof with Evan it had been a massive moment for us. I wondered if this was about to turn into something big as well.

  I hope so.

  He nodded toward a small picnic table near the far ledge.

  Wait. Why is there a picnic table up here?

  I opened my mouth to ask that exact question, but Evan answered before I say a single word. “Some of the guards come up on here on their breaks. It’s the only place they’re allowed to smoke.” I didn’t know that, which was stupid because I was supposed to have full knowledge of everything that went on around the Shelter. “Go sit down, little bit, I’ll be there in a minute.”

  I licked my lower lip and stared at him without moving. “What are you up to?”

  He lifted the backpack he’d brought with us into the air before smiling “I’ve got a couple of surprises for you. But you only get them if you listen to what I say.”

  I stuck my tongue at him. “I’m not a child, Evan, so don’t treat me like one.

  I was kidding, and he knew it.

  “Child or not, you stick your tongue out at me one more time, and I'll spank your ass red.

  My mouth fell open.

  Spank me? Wait. Does Evan have a kinky side?

  The thought intrigued me.

  Maybe I’m the one who has a kinky side.

  I froze in place and stared at him.

  Then, a bright idea sparked in my head.

  He’s had a hard day. Give him something to smile about.

  At the thought, a small smile tilted my lips heavenward. I slid my hands into my back pockets and leaned forward making the V-neck of my shirt fall open the smallest amount. Evan’s eyes dipped to my chest.

  When his gaze heated and my insides warmed.

  Score one for me!

  Lowering my voice, I tried my best to sound seductive when I spoke. Whether or not I achieved that goal, I wasn't sure. “Is that a threat or a promise because that sounds sorta fun. I mean, your hands are so big and—”

  Evan’s cheek twitched. Pointing toward the chair, he barked, “Get your little ass over there, Hope. Or else I’m going to say fuck it to your surprises and bend you over right here and now,” interrupting me mid-sentence.

  I don’t know what the heck had gotten into me, but I merely blinked before replying, “Can’t we do both?” It was one thing to joke with him but being that forward was out of character for me. Still, I didn’t care. This was Evan. I felt comfortable with him.

  Besides, acting forward felt good.

  Really good.

  “I mean, I'm willing to do both. It’s not like I have a bedtime.” I smiled. “I’m a grown woman, remember?”

  Evan licked his lower lip. “Baby, all it takes is one look at you to see that you’re a grown woman.”

  My core clenched at his words. Biting my bottom lip, I took a step in his direction. Less than a foot separated his big body from my smaller one. “Hmm,” I hummed. “I’m not sure you’ve looked close enough.”

  Knowing there weren’t any cameras on the roof, I gripped the hem of my shirt between my fingertips and pulled it over my head in one swift move. Without stopping to think about what I was doing, I dropped it to the ground beside my feet, hooked my fingers into my shorts and slid them down my legs. Left standing in nothing but a matching bra and panties, I flicked my hair back over my shoulders and placed my hands on my hips.

  My eyes met Evan’s.

  Jaw clenched tight, he fisted his hands at his sides. “Fucking, Christ,” he said, his gaze roaming over every inch of my exposed and heated flesh. “What are you doing?”

  Chill bumps erupted along my skin as the summer night air kissed my damp, sweat-slicked skin. “Taking what I want.”

  Evan’s nostrils flared. “Yeah?” He asked. “And what do you want?”

  My reply was swift. “You.” I stepped forward and pressed my body against his. “I want you.”

  Forever, I mentally added.

  There was no hesitation in my movements as I stood on my tiptoes and took his mouth with mine. Anchoring my fingers in his thick hair, I grasped the silky curls and held on for dear life.

  I’m not giving him a chance to pull back.

  But I didn’t need to worry. Evan didn’t even try to pull away.

  Not once.

  Placing his hands on my lower back, he held me tight as he took control of our kiss. Tasting me, consuming me, he stole my breath and caused my heart to slam against my ribcage so hard I feared it might burst. His hands move south, sliding his hands over the swell of my butt where he kneaded my flesh in his hands.

gasped, and he used the opportunity to delve deeper into my mouth, controlling my tongue with his own. Heat roared through me at the move. Panties growing damp, I released his hair and wrapped my trembling fingers around his rock hard biceps.

  Evan’s skin twitched beneath mine.

  Unable to bear it any longer, I pulled my mouth from his. He growled before chasing my lips with his own. Turning my face to the side, I denied him the kiss he so desperately sought. “Evan,” I whined, rubbing my body against his. “I can’t take this.” Panting, I fought to take a breath. “I need you.”

  I didn’t need to say anything else.

  Evan gripped the back of my thighs and lifted me off the ground. “Hold on, baby.”

  Nodding, I wrapped my legs around his waist and twined my arms around his neck as we started to move. Where we were going, I didn’t know. I didn’t care either.

  A few seconds later my back hit the top of the picnic table.

  After releasing his hold on me, he stood straight.

  Pulling a pocket knife out of his jeans, he flicked out the blade and slipped it under the front of my bra. The move was barbaric, yet it only made me burn hotter. “You’re not attached to this are you?”

  I shook my head.

  Evan smiled. “Good.” With one flick of his wrist, he sliced my bra in half. The ruined material fluttered in the summer breeze before settling at my sides. Breasts exposed to his hungry gaze, my nipples pebbled.

  I inhaled as Evan slipped the knife under the sides of my panties.

  Again, he flicked his wrist, destroying the fabric and baring my body.

  Lightly smacking the outside of my thigh, he whispered, “spread your legs for me.” I did so without hesitation. “You’re fucking soaked,” he said, moving his hand between my legs. Slipping a finger down my center, he teased me for a moment before sliding the long digit deep inside of me. My hips jerked off the table at the sensation. “You want more?” He asked, his voice teasing.

  I jerked my head down once in quick affirmation. “Yes.”

  Using his thumb to press down on my clit, he slid another finger inside.


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