Book Read Free

Every Promise You Made

Page 23

by J. E. Parker

  I loved it though because Ashley deserved all of it.

  “Which color do you think I should start with? The pink or the blue?” She asked, chewing on her bottom lip. “I kinda like the blue, but I’m not sure.”

  To most people, her indecision over organizing something like nail polish would have seemed trivial. But to a girl who had been abused, molested, and then forced into prostitution at the tender age of fifteen, small things meant the world to her.

  Therefore, they meant the world to me as well.

  “Hmm,” I said, looking from one color to the next. “Maybe you could start with the lighter colors and then work your way to the darkest.” Ashley nodded, looking from the blue to the pink again. “But, it’s your polish, your bedroom, your decision. You do what you want to do.”

  At my words, Ashley’s head snapped up, and her eyes crashed into mine. A bewildered expression crossed her face. “It’s my polish,” she repeated my words. “And it’s my bedroom.” Blinking, she pulled her eyes from mine and looked around the medium sized room filled with white furniture, painted lavender walls, and a small silver chandelier hanging over the bed, which I might add, was covered in various bags from Target, Kohl’s, and Marshall’s. As if in disbelief, she shook her head from side-to-side. “I still can’t believe this is… mine.”

  Tears filled her gorgeous eyes, and my heart both swelled and broke for her. I hated what she’d been through with a passion, but I was so dang happy that Shelby—along with the rest of us—had been able to give her things she’d never had before.

  Those things? A home. A family. Love. Support. Safety.

  “Well, sweet pea, you better believe it because—”

  I snapped my mouth shut when movement from behind Ashley caught my attention. Looking up, my eyes crashed into a pair of familiar honey brown ones. Heart rate skyrocketing, I sucked in a quick breath.


  Ashley turned her head, spotting my big guy over her shoulder.

  She giggled before climbing to her knees.

  I didn’t know what it was about Evan, but Ashley had felt comfortable with him from the moment she met him. Most women at the Shelter were wary of him, mainly because of his size and the ‘don’t fuck with me’ look he always wore plastered on his handsome face, but Ashley had never feared him.

  If anything, his presence made her more comfortable.

  Probably because she knows he’ll kill anyone that tries to hurt her.

  “Lucca,” she said, reaching for the giggling toddler still flopped over my lap. “Let’s go downstairs and find Felix. I bet he could use some company.”

  Standing, Lucca jumped into Ashley’s outstretched arms. “Fee Fee!” He shouted, making my ears ring.

  I glanced down at Melody to see if he’d woken her up. He hadn’t.

  Holding Lucca, Ashley stood. “Want me to take Melody too? I don’t—”

  I waved her off as I climbed to my feet. “I’ve got her. Besides, you should stay. It’s your room. I’ll take Lucca and go downstairs. That way you can unpack all your new stuff.”

  Biting her lip again, Ashley looked around the room. “I do have a lot of stuff to unpack.” Her eyes met mine. “Thanks to you and everybody else.” Shifting her weight from one foot to the next, she stared at me with glassy eyes. “I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you, Hope. You’ve done so much for me since the beginning.”

  And I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.

  “You want to thank me?”

  Ashley quickly nodded.

  “Then all you have to do is live your life.” Her chin trembled. Still, I continued speaking. “Finish school, go to college, achieve your dream of becoming a teacher and be happy.” I pulled a Kleenex out of my pocket and wiped away a tear that slipped free of her eye, careful not to touch her skin with my own. Like a lot of sexual abuse victims, Ashley couldn’t stand to be touched by people that weren’t children. The only adult she accepted physical contact from was Shelby. “And then one day, when you see someone who needs help, you help them.”

  Nodding, Ashley ran her hand up and down Lucca’s back. “I can do that.”

  “I know you can.” I reached for Lucca with my free arm. Refusing to be held, he climbed out of Ashley’s hold and stood on the floor. I slipped his hand into mine. “Let’s go, little man. Ashley’s got a room to decorate and clothes to hang.” I winked at her. “And we have people to find and harass. Mostly Uncle Hendrix and Anthony. What do you say?”

  Ignoring me, Lucca looked at Evan and smiled. Big. “Un-ka Ev!”

  My heart dang near burst.

  Squatting down, Evan extended his arms. “Come here, little man.”

  Like a rocket, Lucca barreled toward him before leaping into his arms. “Show-show ride!”

  Knowing what he wanted, Evan put him on his shoulders.

  Then, he looked at Ashley. “Clara just pulled up. The backseat of her SUV is filled with shoe boxes.” He smiled. “Might want to go check that out.”

  With another excited shriek, Ashley bolted out of the room.

  Lucca giggled, watching her go.

  “She’s so happy,” I whispered, staring the door where’d she disappeared through. “It makes my heart happy to see.”

  Evan tucked a stay strand of hair behind my ear. “And part of it’s because of you.” My eyes slid closed as his fingertip skated down my cheek. “I heard what you said to her about how to pay you back.”

  I silently waited for him to continue.

  “You’re one hell of a social worker, Hope.” Eyes twinkling, he smiled. “I’m proud of you, little bit.” He paused, stepping closer. “So damn proud.”

  Contentment spread through me at his words. “Yeah?”

  He nodded once. “Yeah, baby, I am.”

  Smiling, I lifted my hand and ran my fingers through his curly hair. Lucca squealed before pushing my hand away. He was territorial when it came to Evan.

  I loved it.

  “I’m proud of you too, big guy.”

  “For what?” He asked, a look of confusion etched on his face.

  “For not giving up. For not leaving. For deciding to fight for us.”

  A throat cleared from behind Evan, interrupting him.

  Another moment shattered.

  Peeking around him, I saw Hendrix standing there, his arms crossed over his chest, and a small smile on his lips. “Can I have my baby back now?”

  Shaking my head, I took a step back. “I’m still holding her, behemoth.”

  Rolling his eyes, he muttered something under his breath about me being a baby thief before looking at Evan, who’d turned to face him. “I got the key.”

  What key?

  “We should head on over there before Maddie gets back. I don’t want her to suspect anything.”

  Growing more confused by the second, I furrowed my brows.

  Evan, though, didn’t seem as confused. “Yeah, man, we’ll meet you over there in a minute.”

  Hendrix turned and left without saying another word.

  “What’s he talking about?” I asked Evan as I shifted Melody in my arms. “Where are we going?”

  He pointed out Ashley’s windows. “You know the house across the street? The one to the left of Grandmama’s?”

  I nodded. “The big white one with the wraparound porch?” I loved that house. “The one that’s for sale?”

  “Yeah, that one. Hendrix is thinking about surprising Maddie by buying it.”

  I gasped.

  Oh. My. God!

  “But he wants your opinion before making an offer.”

  “Seriously?” Overwhelming happiness jolted my system. “The house is gorgeous, it’s right next to Grandmama, across from Shelby and within spitting distance of Pop. He’d be crazy not to buy it!”

  Evan smiled from ear-to-ear. “Let’s look at the inside of it first. Who knows, maybe it’s haunted.”

  I smacked his arm. “You’re such a doofus.”

  He smirked, takin
g my free hand in his. “Let’s go.”

  Together, we headed for the front door.



  I couldn’t stop staring at Hope holding Melody.

  I was completely transfixed; utterly obsessed.

  Even with Lucca wiggling around on my shoulders and yanking fistfuls of my hair out at a time, I still couldn’t pull my eyes away from my girl. Hell, I’m pretty sure someone could’ve set me on fire, and I wouldn’t have blinked.

  My chest burned as Hope held Melody to her chest, her nose buried in her soft black hair. Singing softly, she rocked her from side to side. As I stood there watching her, all I could think was that I couldn't wait to see her hold our baby in her arms.

  The thought made my gut twist in determination.

  I’m going to get better.

  I'm going to fix myself, making me worthy of her and our future child.

  Hendrix, who stood about ten feet in front of me, cleared his throat. My eyes bounced to his. Arching a brow, he mouthed, “You are so fucked, man.”

  I didn’t reply. Instead, I looked at him like he was nuts.

  Everybody and their mama knew that Maddie had Hendrix wrapped around her pinky finger. He didn’t have room to talk about anybody else being fucked.

  Neither did Anthony. He was just as bad, if not worse, than Hendrix.

  We’re all whipped.

  “So,” Hendrix said, sliding his hands into his pockets. “What do you think, itty bitty?”

  Walking into the sunken living room, Hope spun around, taking in the house’s features. With aged hardwood floors, crisp white walls, ornate bronze fixtures, and a hand built, custom stone fireplace, the place was exquisite.

  At least, I thought it was.

  My opinion didn’t matter though.

  Hope ran her hand over the hand-carved wood mantle. “It’s beautiful.” Her gaze met Hendrix’s. “How many bedrooms does it have?”

  “Five bedrooms, three full baths.”

  Hope’s eyes widened. “Sheesh! Well, it’s perfect for a big family”—she paused—“which I know Maddie wants.”

  Hendrix smiled, and I just knew he was about to cause trouble. “How many kids do you want?”

  I froze, unsure of what her reply would be.

  Please, baby, don’t freeze up.

  She shrugged. “Two or three. Maybe four.”

  I exhaled as relief washed through me.

  Hendrix caught my eye. “Better buy her a big house, Morgan.”

  “Planning on it.”

  At that, Hope did a double take.

  “What?” I asked. “Did you think we were going to live above the Shelter forever?” I scoffed. “Cause that shit isn’t happening. My kids are going to have a yard to play in and enough room to create chaos like B and I did. I’ve already got it all planned out.”

  “You do, do you?” She replied, her eyes twinkling.

  I nodded. “Hell yes.”

  Turning to face me fully, she readjusted Melody on her chest. “And what about my plans?”

  Readjusting my hold on Lucca’s legs, I shifted my weight between my feet. “You know I’ll give you whatever you want, Hope. That’s a given, beautiful girl.”

  Beside me, Hendrix coughed before mumbling, “Pussy whipped mother fu—”

  “Oh, please,” Hope snapped, cutting Hendrix off mid-sentence. “Like you’re one to talk Hendrix Cole.”

  And boom! I thought, a gut-busting laugh bursting free of my chest.

  Hendrix’s face fell at Hope’s comment. “When did you get so sassy?” His narrowed eyes swung to meet mine. “You’ve been letting her hang out with my sister too damn much.”

  “Excuse frickin’ me?” A familiar southern drawl hollered from the doorway behind us. “And what’s wrong with Hope hanging out with me?”

  Shit. Why is Shelby here?

  Hendrix’s eyes widened as a momentary look of panic crossed his face. “Oh, hell,” he mumbled, rubbing his hands down his face. “Here we go.”

  Hands on her hips, Shelby moved into the room. “Answer me, Henny. What’s wrong with hanging out with me?”

  Hendrix steeled his features. “You’re a bad influence, that’s what wrong with you.”

  He was only joking, but if he didn’t watch his mouth, Shelby was liable to knock him out. He may have had a foot on her in height and a hundred pounds on her in weight, but there was no doubt in my mind that she could take him.

  Hell, she could probably take Hendrix and me both.

  Shelby stopped walking. Unspeaking for a moment, she merely blinked in reply. Then, “I'm the bad influence?” She smiled. “Seriously? Have you looked in the mirror lately, big brother?”

  “Mama!” Lucca shouted, scrambling to get off my shoulders. “Mama, down, Un-ka Ev!”

  Worried he’d fall, I quickly stood Lucca on the ground. He immediately ran to Shelby and wrapped his arms around her leg. “My Mama!” He shouted at Hendrix, a fierce expression on his little face. “No yell, Mama, Un-ka Henny!”

  It was one of the cutest damn things I’d ever seen.

  Smirking, Shelby started arguing with Hendrix again. What she said followed by what he said, I didn’t know. My attention was too focused on Hope, who was smiling down at a newly awake Melody as the room descended into chaos.

  Moving across the room, I quickly closed the gap between us. When only a foot separated her and Melody from me, I stopped. “She getting fussy?”

  Hope shook her head. “No, but I’m sure she’s about to. I don’t know when she last ate but she still nurses pretty frequently. I need to see if Maddie is back yet.”

  “She’ll be alright for a few minutes.” I nodded toward the back of the house where the kitchen was. “Come on, you still haven’t seen the rest of the house.”

  I placed my hand on her elbow and guided her toward the kitchen.

  When we stepped into the oversized, open space, Hope gasped.

  “Oh, my God.” Wide-eyed, she looked around the room, taking in the antique white custom cabinets, marble countertops, and farmhouse kitchen sink. Her gaze lingered on the huge kitchen island, double wall oven and stainless steel appliances. “This looks like something out of a magazine.”

  I couldn’t hold back my smile. “Would you want a house like this someday?”

  Expression bewildered, she nodded once. “Yes.” Her eyes met mine. “I’d be crazy not to.”

  I stood tall, sliding my hands into my pockets. “Wait until you see the backyard.” When she didn’t move, I chuckled. “Go ahead”—I pointed to the French doors to her left—“have a look.”

  Without any more prodding from me, she pushed open the door and stepped outside. Then, she froze. Stunned speechless, she didn’t say anything.

  She only stared.

  Standing behind her, I wrapped my arms around her belly, careful not to jostle Melody. “Pretty isn’t it?”

  “It’s perfect.”

  And it was.

  Complete with a privacy fence, in-ground swimming pool, treehouse, custom built swing set, and a couple of huge shade trees, the backyard was paradise.

  “Is Hendrix going to buy this place for Maddie?”

  “I don’t know what Hendrix is doing, baby.”

  Swoop and deflect, I thought.

  “You ready to head back to Shelby’s? Peanut looks like she’s getting hungry,” I said, changing the subject. “Hopefully Maddie’s back by now.”

  Hope nodded. “If she’s not, I’m sure she left a bottle.”

  Looking at the yard one last time, Hope spun in my arms, making sure not to squish Melody between us. “You need to let me go, Ev. I can’t walk if you don’t.”

  Her smile was warm enough to melt butter.

  I reluctantly dropped my arms and took a step back. “Go ahead and head back across the street. I’ll be over there in a minute. I need to talk to Hendrix about something first.”

  Hope stood on the tips of her toes before pressing a kiss to
my jaw. “Hurry. I’m ready to go home and spend some time with you.”

  My hands twitched with the need to pull her back into my arms. “I’ll hurry. Promise.”

  Tossing a wink in my direction, she walked back into the house and through the kitchen before disappearing out of sight. My heart dropped when I couldn’t see her anymore.

  I hated not having her close.

  Cracking my jaw, I stepped into the kitchen just as Hendrix walked in from the living room. “She like it?” He asked, a goofy smile on his face. “I hated lying to her, man, even if it was for a good cause. Made me feel guilty as hell.”

  “Yeah. You got the realtor’s number?” Hendrix nodded. “Call her, tell her I want it.”

  Hendrix’s eyes widened. “How much are you offering?”

  I didn’t hesitate. “Cash, full asking price. Hope loves this house, and I’m buying it for her. It’s as simple as that.”

  Hendrix chuckled. “Shouldn’t you ask her to marry you first?”

  “No.” My reply was swift. “Doesn’t matter what happens between us in the future, I’m always going to make sure she’s taken care of.”

  Hendrix looked at me like I was crazy.

  Too bad I didn’t give a damn.

  “Wait a damn minute,” he said, placing his hands on the counter and leaning toward me. “You’re telling me that you’re prepared to drop a shit ton of money—cash no less—on a house that you may never live in?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m telling you.”

  Hendrix looked confused. “Why?”

  The answer to his question was simple. “Two reasons. One, because I promised her brother that I’d take care of her.” It was a promise I intended to keep. “Two, because I love that girl more than anything else in this fucked up world and I’m going to give her everything her heart desires.”

  Stunned, Hendrix didn’t reply.

  “Call the realtor, tell her to write up the offer and send it to me to sign.”

  Without waiting for a reply, I turned around and walked away.



  It was almost eight when the blaring of my alarm clock woke me up.


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