Book Read Free

Every Promise You Made

Page 26

by J. E. Parker

  “Yeah?” I whispered next to her ear. “And what are you going to do?”

  With a growl, she ripped the burger out of my hand and spun around. “This,” she said, smiling, “Is what I’m going to do.”

  Before I could ask her what she was talking about, she smashed the cheeseburger loaded with ketchup, mustard, mayo, tomato, onion, and pickle into my face. I didn’t have a chance to grab her wrists and stop her before she smeared it all over my cheeks, forehead, and right side of my neck. I don’t think there was an inch of my face that wasn’t covered with one ingredient or another.

  Jumping off my lap, Hope took three steps and grabbed something off the table behind ours. “Oh, Evan,” she said in a sing-song voice. “Looks like you’ve got a little something on your face. Let me help you with that.”

  I didn’t have time to jump out of the way before she tossed a bucket full of ice water straight into my face. Shocked, I scrambled backward only to fall off the damn bench and land at the most awkward angle possible. Legs still stuck between the table and bench, my back was flat on the ground. I jerked my legs back in an attempt to free myself, but my right foot was hung.

  What it was hung on, I didn’t know.

  Raising my hands, I did my best to wipe the smashed burger off my face. In the background I could hear everyone laughing their asses off, Brantley and Shelby in particular.


  “Little bit,” I yelled before coughing up a pickle that had somehow found its way into my mouth. “As soon as I get my ass up, I swear to Christ I’m going to turn yours red.”

  Hope giggled. “Oh, would you look at that? It seems you’ve still got some ketchup on your nose. Just hang on, big guy, and I’ll clean it right off for you.”

  I tried to see what she was up to but I had ketchup in both eyes, and it was burning like a son of a bitch. Not to mention, it was also blinding me.

  “Hope”—I jerked my leg back, trying to free my foot—“what are you doing?”

  She came closer, and that’s when I glimpsed what she was holding in her hand.

  Oh, fuck no!

  “Get him, itty bitty,” Grandmama shouted from behind her, a huge grin on her face. “Make him pay!”

  An evil smile crossed Hope’s face. “I love you, Evan, but payback is a mother chicken.”

  Aiming the nozzle of the water hose she held in her hand right at me, she squeezed it as hard as she could. A hard stream of cold water hit me in the face. It went in my mouth, up my nose, and down my neck and over my chest.

  “Hope!” I screamed, raising my arms to block the spray. “Stop it!”

  She didn’t stop it. In fact, I could’ve sworn she moved closer.

  “Hope Elizabeth Peterson!” Charlotte shouted from somewhere behind me. Up to that point she’d been in the house with Keith. Apparently, he was showing her all of Maddie’s academic awards or some crap. I think he just wanted to get her alone. A blind man could see he was becoming infatuated with her. Not that I blamed him. A former Miss Tennessee, Charlotte was drop dead gorgeous. And Hope looked like just her. “What in the world are you doing, sugar pea?”

  “Ah, don’t worry, Charlotte,” Grandmama replied. “She’s just helping him get cleaned up. Somehow he got burger all over himself.”

  Holding my breath, so I didn’t inhale a lungful of water, I jerked my leg back one more time, freeing myself. In one swift move, I jumped up.

  When Hope’s wide eyes met mine, she released the nozzle and dropped the hose to the ground. “You”—I pointed at her—“better run. Fast.”

  My girl didn’t waste a second before turning around and running full bore towards the house where Charlotte and Keith stood on the back porch. For a minute I thought she was running to her Mama.

  I was wrong.

  Instead, she turned at the last second toward Pop, who’d just walked through the back gate. “Pop!” She screamed. “Help me! He’s going to kill me!”

  If Hope hadn’t been laughing when she said the second part I had no doubt Pop would’ve charged me, intent on ripping my head off. No way would he let me hurt Hope. He, along with every man standing in that backyard—including my brother—would kill me first.

  And rightfully so.

  Shaking his head, Pop looked from me to Hope. “Sorry, babydoll. It looks like you’re on your own.”

  I could’ve sworn I heard her mumble, “Crap,” under her breath.

  Going to plan B, she screamed, “Liam, Declan, Lucca, Isabella! Help!”

  All four kids jumped up from the blanket they’d been eating on and charged me. Laughing, Liam dove for one leg while Declan dove for the other.

  To avoid running them both over, I twisted my body and fell to the ground. My shoulder made impact with the grass first, followed by my hip.

  Then, chaos ensued.

  All four, even sweet little Isabella, piled on top of me and then pretended to beat me up. None of them actually hit me but they sure as hell came close.

  “You little monsters,” I said, wrapping my arms around the older three, leaving Lucca free. “You’re supposed to be on my side, not hers.”

  “No way!” Liam yelled. “Mommy says I’m supposed to always protect girls.”

  “Yeah!” Declan shouted. “Boys are supposed to help girls, not hurt them.”

  “Silly, Uncle Evan!” Isabella shouted in return. “Girls are princesses!”

  I’d just made my way to my knees when Lucca looked at me, a malicious smile plastered across his face. “Oh, shit,” I whispered, knowing full well that trouble was brewing. The smile that Lucca was sporting was equivalent to the one his mother plastered on her face seconds before she attacked.

  An attack which usually resulted in my nuts needing an ice pack... or two. A second later, when his toddler sized foot connected with my nuts, I realized I’d been right.

  “Fuck!” I screamed, falling forward.

  My hands went to my groin as sharp pain splintered through my guts, down my thighs, and up my back. Saliva filled my mouth, and I lost the ability to breathe.

  The pain… un-fucking-bearable.

  Hope dropped to her knees beside me. “Oh my God,” she cried, placing her hands on my shoulders. “Evan, talk to me. Are you okay?”

  Too busy focusing on not trying to throw up, I didn’t answer her. I, did, however, lay my head on her lap and groan.

  “Lucca,” I heard Shelby fuss. “You know you aren’t supposed to hit people. No ice cream for you, little man.”

  “Grandmama!” Lucca screamed. “Mama no ice cream!”

  Grandmama chuckled. “I think he deserves an extra scoop.”

  Of course she does.

  Charlotte was suddenly at my side, her hand on my back. “Alright, big guy, breathe through it. You’ve had worse. Heck, I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”

  She was right.

  I’d lost track of how many times Ryker or Brantley had nailed me in the nuts over the years. Still didn’t make me feel better though. Balls in my gut, I still felt like I was dying.

  A few minutes past before the pain disappeared.

  Finally able to stand, I pushed to my feet, dragging Hope with me.

  Gripping her hips, I rested my forehead against hers. “You almost got my family jewels smashed, little bit.”

  Her eyes momentarily slid closed. “I didn’t know he was going to do that.” She nibbled her bottom lip, a look of guilt on her face. “I’m sorry, big guy.”

  I forced a shaky smile. “Not your fault, baby. Just don’t run to Lucca for help anymore. Kid packs one hell of a punch.”

  Or a kick in this case.

  “Anthony and Shelby are in trouble. That boy is going to be a handful in a few years.”

  Hope looked seconds away from crying. “You’re not mad at me, are you?”

  “No, baby,” I said, running the tips of my thumbs down the sides of her face. “Never at you.”

  She exhaled. “Love you, big guy. Sorry about your… your… your j

  I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. Lips hovering over her ear, I whispered, “I love you too, baby. Until my dying breath.”



  It was almost midnight, and I was standing near the back of The Watering Hole, the local bar slash restaurant that Shelby and Anthony were having their combined bachelor slash bachelorette party at.

  Oh, and I was drunk.

  Not just a little drunk either. I was a whole lotta drunk.

  “Evan,” I whined, bent over the side of the pool table. “I can’t do this.”

  Standing behind me, his hard chest pressed against my shoulder blades, he helped me line up the pool cue I held in my hands. “Yes, you can. Just tap the ball softly. You don’t have to slam the stick into it.”

  At that, my pervy mind when straight into the gutter.

  Giggling to myself, I whispered, “But stick slamming is fun.”

  Evan growled in my ear. “And you say I have a dirty mind.” After pressing a kiss to my neck, he whispered, “Now concentrate. You can do this.”

  Concentrate, Hope!

  Squinting my eyes, I forced myself to stand steady. “Okay, which one am I supposed to tap?”

  “Baby,” he replied, chuckling. “There’s only one ball left on the table.”

  I squinted my eyes even further. “Are you sure? ’Cause I see two”—I paused—“No wait… I see three.”

  “Christ Almighty,” Brantley mumbled from across the table. “Ev, man, get her some water, bro. If you don’t, she’s going to have one hell of a hangover come morning. Not a good idea since the wedding is tomorrow, and she’s a bridesmaid.”

  “She’s been drinking water all night,” Evan replied as his lips ghosted over the back of my neck sending chills racing down my spine. “Take the shot.”

  My insides flipped. “I can’t”—I swallowed, my mouth dry—“Not when you’re touching me like that.”

  His hand slid down my side and over my belly. “Touch you like what?” He asked, running his nose along the side of my neck. “Tell me, Hope. How do you not want me to touch you?”

  Oh screw it, I thought as my eyes slid closed.

  “Nevermind, I changed my mind. Stop touching me, and I may kill you.”

  A second hand skimmed my waist before coming to a stop on my hip. “Make the shot, and I’ll touch you all you want.”

  Exhaling, I opened my eyes and did my best to concentrate.

  Three blurry black balls… which one do I aim for?

  As if knowing what I was thinking, Brantley said, “Hit the one in the middle, shortcake. Nice and easy.”

  Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I tapped the ball as softly as I could. I watched in fascination as it rolled across the green felt before disappearing into a side pocket.

  Evan moved, pulling me back with him. I spun in his arms, ignoring the way the room around me shifted and raised my arms into the air. “I did it,” I yelled. “I finally made a shot!”

  Evan’s eyes beamed with happiness and pride. “You did, beautiful girl.” Running his calloused thumb over my bottom lip. “Now are you ready to get out of here—”

  “No, she’s not ready to get out of here,” Shelby snapped, cutting Evan off mid-sentence. “We’re planning on staying until closing.” Wrapping her fingers around my wrist, she pulled me to her side. I stumbled but regained my footing before tumbling face first to the hard floor. “You ready to dance with me now?” She asked me. “Everybody else is already on the floor. You’re missing out.”

  I nodded once and pointed to the other side of the bar where everyone was gathered. “Let’s do it.”

  “Shelby!” Evan yelled over the loud music, pulling Blondie’s attention from me to him.

  Free hand on her hip, she turned to face him. “What? We haven’t even made it five feet, and you’re already hollering the place down.”

  “Take care of her,” he replied, his tone stern. “I’m trusting you.”

  At that, Shelby rolled her eyes. “Like I’d let anything happen to my muffin.”

  Evan’s eyes met mine. “I’ll be right here, watching you. If you need me wave, yeah?”

  Raising my hand, I blew him a kiss. “Have fun with B, big guy. If you decide you want to dance you know where to find me.”

  “Yeah, right,” Brantley mumbled under his breath. “Like that'll ever happen.”

  Ignoring B, I winked at Evan. “Love you, big guy.”

  I don’t know if he said anything in reply or not because Shelby started to drag me across the bar. When we were about twenty feet from the dance floor, she stopped abruptly. “Well hells bells,” she said, her wide eyes locked on something—or someone—across the room. “Things just got a hell of a lot more interesting.”

  Brows furrowed, I looked around the room until my eyes landed on the person who I thought Shelby had been referring to. When I saw him, a smile spread across my face. “Oooh lookie, Kyle’s finally here!”

  Carissa will love this.

  Giggling, I moved my gaze to the left of Kyle. When I saw who was standing beside him, my smile disappeared. “Uh oh.”

  “Uh, yeah,” Shelby said, her jaw clenched tight. “If Evan or Hendrix sees him, they’ll both lose their shit.”

  By him, she was referring to none other than Ty Jacobs, the man I’d almost gone on a date with a year before. He was also the man that had bullied Maddie throughout her childhood; a fact I didn’t learn until after Evan threatened to kill him if he ever came near me again. If I’d known he’d been a dick to one of my best friends, I never would’ve accepted a date with him.

  In fact, I would’ve kicked him in the balls. Repeatedly.

  The bastard.

  “What do we do?” I asked Shelby, my voice full of concern. “I don’t want us to—”

  My words died on my tongue when I saw a familiar looking blonde step up to Ty and wrap her arms around his waist. “Oh hell no,” Shelby all but growled. “Not this bitch.”

  “Who is she?” I could’ve sworn I’d seen the girl before. Yet I couldn’t place her.

  “Sadie fucking Leigh,” Shelby spat. “She’s the same little whore who tried to start drama between Hendrix and Maddie after Maddie got out of the hospital last year.”

  Shelby squeezed my wrist tighter before taking a step forward. “Come on, we’re about to handle this crap.”

  Uh oh, I thought. This isn’t good.

  “There’s my beautiful baby sister,” Hendrix said, smiling as we passed the table where he and Anthony sat. One look at Shelby’s hard face and his smile dropped. “Oh shit.” He jumped up from the table so fast, his chair went skittering backward into the wall. “Who are you about to kill?” When Shelby didn’t answer him, he kept talking. “Goddammit, Shelby. You’re supposed to get married tomorrow. Last time I checked they didn’t perform ceremonies in county lockup. Besides, we all know orange isn’t your color.” Right or wrong, I laughed.

  Only Hendrix would say something like that.

  Anthony stood next. “Sunshine, what are you doing?”

  Ignoring them both, Shelby continued to move toward Kyle, Ty, and Sadie.

  A second later, we came to a stop less than five feet in front of all three.

  I remained silent as Shelby’s gaze bounced from Kyle to Ty and then to Sadie before settling back on Kyle. “I thought you had better taste than to hang out with these two, Kyle,” she said pointing at Ty and Sadie. “Carissa will surely be disappointed in you.”

  Kyle looked like he’d been punched in the gut.

  Guess the thought of disappointing C doesn’t sit well with him.

  “Fuck you, bitch,” Sadie spat as she tugged Ty tighter.

  Shelby’s anger-filled gaze swung to Sadie. “Oh lookie here, Hope,” she said, smacking my arm. “It’s the town slut.”

  Face twisting in anger, Sadie stood straight, no doubt readying herself to throw a handful of venom in Shelby’s direction.

; But before she could, Shelby continued speaking. “Hey, Sadie, it looks like your nose healed back straight. That’s a damn shame. Maybe I should break it again. Bet it won’t heal straight a second time.”

  Wait. Had Shelby broken her nose? Holy crap!

  Ty stepped forward, pulling out of Sadie’s hold. “Wait a minute,” he said, holding his hands up in the air. “What’s going on?”

  “What’s going on,” Shelby snapped, “is that you need to leave. Like, right the hell now. If Maddie sees you or that skank standing behind you, it’ll upset her. Likewise, if my brother or Evan sees you, they may kill you.” Her disgust filled gaze raked over his face. “Not that I blame either of them. After what you did to my best friend you deserve whatever beating they hand you.”

  Ty dropped his hands before sliding them into his pockets. “You’re right,” he said, his voice low. “I deserve everything I’m handed for what I did to Maddie when we were kids.”

  His words shocked me, and from the look on Shelby’s face, I wasn’t the only one. Mouth gaping, she looked just a tad bit shocked. “Might want to close your mouth, Blondie. Else something might fly in there.”

  Eyes never leaving Ty, she snapped it shut at my words.

  “I know I was a little prick,” Ty continued. “Trust me, I regret it every single day.” He did? “And I know it doesn't matter now but if I could go back and change the past, I would.”

  “Ty, baby,” Sadie said, saddling up next to his side again. “You don’t need to explain anything to these bitches. Let’s get out—”

  Ty wore a confused look on his face as he looked down at her. “Lady, I don’t even know your name; much less why you’re hanging all over me.” He jerked his arm from her hold. “How about you go the hell away?”

  Kyle chuckled and Sadie’s interested gaze swung to meet his. His face darkened. “Don’t even think about it. I’m taken.” His eyes moved across the room before landing on a laughing Carissa. “Very fucking taken.”

  Well alrighty then.

  Shelby smiled. “Good choice, Kyle. Bitch has had more nuts in her mouth than a squirrel, anyway.”

  Behind us, Hendrix chuckled. “She’s right, man. Stay away. Far, far away.”


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